Pimp my bear



Though some magical mishaps my sorcerer just got himself a full blown
animal companion. It is a bear (the one that starts small and grow medium from the CRB)

My GM has granted me permission to level him as I see fit up to my level
lvl 12. And using retraining I can switch out some spells
to get a better compliment as to buffing my acon. (I got the share spell feature that allow me to cast personal spell on the acon).

So I was wondering what good items, feats and spells to help this fellow contribute. Note it don't have to be able to put up jaw dropping large numbers just 'nuff to not be complete irrelevant.

Obvious items: AoMF, CoR
I was also thinking of going for a mithril chain-mail as to not blow a
feat on light armor prof.

Spells: Animal Growth, Shield, Enlarge Person, False Life, Heroism

I am very unsure about feats tbh and also if it is worth putting a point
in int as to make it a int 3 acon. Is imp. nat attack worth it?
It also should have somewhat decent defense as I would pref it not to die as its not for sure that I get another if it dies.
However, it is not intended to be the main line of defense.

Lots of rambling, anyway builds or ideas (even weird yet cool ideas) are very welcome :)

Pimp your bear? What is its CHA? Does it have ranks in relevant perform or profession skills?

Ok, seriously- Improved natural attack is probably not worth it. You either goes on the claws, where you get a grand total of +2 damage per round, or it goes on the bite, where you might get +3 damage if you are pulling all the stops.

Basically, improved natural attack is not worth it unless you can regularly break into 2d6 on multiple attacks, typically. Just save the feat and use it elsewhere.

By level 12 your animal companion is a 10 HD creature with BAB +7, probably less equipment than a PC, and no spells or class abilities of its won. Obviously, staying relevant in melee will be tricky.

If you want defence for it then you need Int 3+ for better feats, dodge won't cut it by level 12. Lunge can help keep away from enemies, or grapple feats can bring them close enough that they may have difficulty hurting your bear. Combat Reflexes + Bodyguard could give your bear a use in combat when the enemy's AC gets too high for it to have much chance of hitting..

avr wrote:

By level 12 your animal companion is a 10 HD creature with BAB +7, probably less equipment than a PC, and no spells or class abilities of its won. Obviously, staying relevant in melee will be tricky.

If you want defence for it then you need Int 3+ for better feats, dodge won't cut it by level 12. Lunge can help keep away from enemies, or grapple feats can bring them close enough that they may have difficulty hurting your bear. Combat Reflexes + Bodyguard could give your bear a use in combat when the enemy's AC gets too high for it to have much chance of hitting..

It will also get a +4 bonus to strength for its str which slightly helps the BAB problem...but yeah, as a melee machine it is 'meh'.

Unfortunately, one of the better routes for animal companions- the use of maneuvers is strangely denied to bears.

As enemies, bears get the grab ability on their claws- that is enough that they can combine their 'meh' BAB, the strength bonus mentioned above, a nice buff like animal growth, and the +4 to grappling from the grab property to be at least somewhat decent at grappling. Enough to justify having it jump the enemy casters at least.

But unfortunately, bears do not get grab as animal companions.

Are you sure you can't trade for a tiger or something (which has grab and a decent strength score+natural size, as well as the usual fare that makes them appealing). Or how about a wolf, which can do tripping and their natural attack actually justifies improved natural weapon (when large, their bite would go up to 2d6, and they can use it a second time as an iterative due to the fine print of the multiattack ability)

lemeres: For story reasons it has to be a bear (unfortunately).
However, I can transform it into a Wolf with Beast Shape II during combat if that opens up options? *beast shape III could also be possible at next level when I get to select some new spells*

Silver Crusade

I find the bear to be a good animal companion.

Lets look at what you can do with a bear. Character level 12.
Size Medium
Speed 40 ft.
AC: 30
10 natural armor 7 Armor 3 Dex
Attack: bite +14/9 (1d6+13), 2 claws +14 (1d4+13) Over Run +18
Ability Scores Str 26, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack.
Hit Dice: 10 Hit Points: 75 (3.5 + Con per hit dice)
Fort 11 Ref 10 Will 4
Skill Ranks: Survival 5 ranks 9, Perception 5 ranks 9
Feet's: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Power Attack, Improved Over Run, Greater Over Run.
Tricks: 11 Total
Magic Items:
Belt of Physical Might Str/Con +2
Amulet of Mighty Fist +1
Mithral Breast Plate +1

Cast a permenant enlarge person on it and ride it. It moves, threatens and attacks for you, you cast spells. Boom.

I am small sized so I can already ride it :) Never used overrun, is it worth it, and what am I looking for in terms of tactical play with it.

avr wrote:
By level 12 your animal companion is a 10 HD creature with BAB +7, probably less equipment than a PC, and no spells or class abilities of its won. Obviously, staying relevant in melee will be tricky.

To reiterate a great point somebody made in another thread, sending a naked animal companion into battle is exactly like sending a naked PC into battle. Don't do it.

When I read that I started thinking of my AnC in a new (and expensive) way.

Here is a table listing the slots for various shapes of AnCs in case you need it, ooki. (And GM willing.)

Meanwhile, I'm still early days with my druid and looking for tips on what to equip my own AnC with. I'll watch this thread with interest.

Overrun can be a fine combat maneuver. With a +18 bonus it'll kind of suck at level 12 though, equal CR enemies generally have at least 33 CMD, some have 39. I don't think the AoMF would apply either which would make it +17 on calagnar's numbers. A low CMB will also be a problem with grapple, I kind of assumed a bear would have grab.

Which means that to debuff your enemies before they de-bear you you need other means. A spell storing AoMF or armor could help if your sorcerer knows or can learn any amusing touch attack spells.

Longarm bracers, like Lunge, would help your bear stay out of reach.

Do you get the share spells ability?
If so, mage armor and shield are things, and good ones.
Beast shaping into another animal is hilarious and awesome, you should do it.
The amulet is all but necessary, if only for the accuracy boosts.
Stat items are worth looking into because stat items.

Silver Crusade

avr wrote:
Overrun can be a fine combat maneuver. With a +18 bonus it'll kind of suck at level 12 though, equal CR enemies generally have at least 33 CMD, some have 39. I don't think the AoMF would apply either which would make it +17 on calagnar's numbers. A low CMB will also be a problem with grapple, I kind of assumed a bear would have grab.

I spent the mini gold to make him effective. I did not spend a lot of gold to push him over the top in Damage. You can get a extra +2 to 6 to hit and damage depending on how much gold you spend. You could also bump his AC up by 3 to 14 by spending more gold.

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