Final Fantasy 7 remake and Shenmue 3

Video Games

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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

FFIV and VI are also my favorites. I prefer systems without hectic real-time battles, where you can carefully plan each move. The SNES era games had ATB, but at least you could reasonably pay attention to the entire party and choose moves, unlike some of the more modern games where you effectively control just one character.

I'm enjoying FFXV so far, but it does have the problem of my not being able to tell what's going on in fights half the time. I'm sad to hear that the remake of VII is going to a more action based combat system.

On my personal scale of RPG "purity" a true cRPG doesn't rely on player reflexes at all, being an exercise purely of tactical choices against the simulated foe. But I enjoy real old-school games like Wizardry, Might and Magic, and Bard's Tale.

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