Everett, WA Area - Looking for a Group to Join

Gamer Connection

I'm a 32 year old guy who unfortunately had to leave his old gaming group behind for work. I've been playing tabletop RPGs since I was 12 or so and have played lots of different systems. I prefer Pathfinder but would be willing to play pretty much anything if the group is good.

I currently GM a group for some of the homeless youth I work with so I'm looking for a more mature group to kind of balance things out. I am willing to travel as far as Seattle but I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights so it would have to be a weekday/weeknight game. I have every other evening open, though, so lots of options.

I'm a pretty easy going guy and like to joke around a little around the table so I probably wouldn't fit in in a super-serious group. Special bonus, I am willing to bring snacks.

If this sounds like someone you'd want in your group shoot me a line!

Scarab Sages

I, too, am looking for a group.

My roommate and I moved to Everett just a few months ago and haven't yet been able to find a group in the area. My experience is mostly with Pathfinder, but I'd also be open to a group playing Cold Steel Wardens, a White Wolf game, BESM, or even learning a new system.

Right now I work on call, but I mostly work weekends, so a set weekday would work best.

If you're looking for couple of people to fill out your table, let me know.

Sure, I'd be down to put together a group. One or two more people and we'd be all set.


I've recently got into Tabletop games but have been looking for a group in the area as well. I'm 24 and live in Snohomish and am easy-going and also am not a fan of the overly serious groups (or the overly immature).

Let me know if your planning a weeknight game and need another player. I got hooked when 5e came out but there are so many other games that look great and I'm willing to learn the systems.


I'm working on coordinating with everyone who has responded so far. If there are any other interested parties drop us a line!

hey, sorry for the late heads-up I just remember to check my PMs. We're going to be meeting tomorrow evening at 6pm at the AFK tavern here in Everett if you're still interested in weeknight gaming.

Got a table, look for the bearded guy wearing and orange tshirt with a picture of a tiger. My name is Bob

South Everett "Silver Lake area" Local Gaming group looking to add new players to a Family friendly environment "Children welcome" to come play we have lots pf small children activates.

We are also looking for backup Game-Masters "GM's" Our interest range from board games, RPG's and computer gaming Typically we game Saturdays 1-9 with great grub "We BBQ year round and fire up the smoker on occasion"

No sure about gaming or curious come join us all we ask is you have a great personality and creative imagination

Games we play
Catan,, DnD, D&D, Shadowrun, Starwars, anything else that sounds run

Going to head to the AFK this evening for another meet-up. Please let me know if anyone can make it.

Hey guys! Looking to start a game as a GM in Edmonds. Probably would play during the daytime, before 3pm. Email me if interested! naterwheeler@gmail.com

Dark Archive

Excuse the necro, but I saw this after googling "Everett Pathfinder RPG" and thought I'd give it a shot. Anyone still LFG? I'm interested!

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