The Witcher 3

Video Games

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Liberty's Edge

So who is picking this up? Out today getting great reviews.

Not yet for a long time... And by long time I mean computer upgrade. Which isn't due for at least a year and probably more (miraculous downfalls of money aside).

Sovereign Court

I do.

I want it, but I need to catch up on so many other games...

I figure in the meantime I'll finish up a few other of my Steam games, and I'll pick up Witcher when it goes on sale in 3-6 months. (also they'll have a patch or two to work out bugs by then).

The game looks simply incredible. Skyrim was incredible and this game looks to be a step up in myriad ways.

Scarab Sages

I did preorder it as soon as it was available, but I haven't played more than the tutorial, yet ;-(

Sovereign Court

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I'm playing it. Played it all night and didn't even notice that it was morning until mom came to tell me I should go to work.

The game is amazing. It looks just gorgeous on low settings (although I've been able to raise texture quality to ultra without FPS loss)

The engine is also surprisingly well optimized. It works perfectly on my 3yr old machine.

My configuration btw

Intel i5 3200
Geforce GT 570 1GB VRAM
8 GB DDR 3

Also, I LOVE the small facial expressions that make the characters so lifelike.

Also the first moment you see Yennefer...damn she's beautiful.

Zadth. Play it now. Forget other games. This is better and more important.

And to top it off, this awesomeness from Miracle of Sound

I suspect that I end getting in on a sale and trying to install it on this laptop anyway. At least I have 8 GB DDR 3 L (whatever the L means) . Integrated GFX might be more of a problem.

Also, miracle of sound is awesome.

Sovereign Court

Integrated graphics might be a large problem. They are usually very weak and draw upon the computer's RAM to function. (And regular RAM is far far weaker and of a different architecture than VRAM).

Although W3 draws from 3 to 4 GB of regular ram to work. So you Might get to play it on low.

There is also a non-metal, this worse version of wake the white wolf

Where can I get it? Or buy it?

I don't WANT the DRM Steam version, but would be happy with a non-DRM version.

Ah, it's on GoG, just checked.

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Where can I get it? Or buy it?

I don't WANT the DRM Steam version, but would be happy with a non-DRM version.

Well, CD Project RED is big on no-DRM so getting non-DRM shouldn't be a problem... You could try...

Ah, it's on GoG, just checked.

Yeah, it would be strange if Witcher 3 wasn't on GOG CD Project's game-selling side venture.

I'll definitely be getting it eventually (PS4), but not for a little while.

Sovereign Court

PC version is getting some major cookies as well as graphics boosts and streamlines :D

I've been playing it for the Playstation 4, and enjoy it quite a bit. I'd started the first Witcher on PC, but had a hard time playing, so I'd kinda given up. Played a bit of Witcher 2 on Xbox, but it felt really linear ( I probably didn't give it enough time, when I finish 3 I'll revisit it). So far, for me, this is the best iteration. It feels like this is the most open one yet.

I definitely recommend it.

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This game is so good that the occasional hard crash is the only thing reminding me that I need to eat and sleep.

Scott Betts wrote:
This game is so good that the occasional hard crash is the only thing reminding me that I need to eat and sleep.

It's a feature, not a bug... :P

Sovereign Court

Only thing that bugs me is an occasional freeze mid conversation.

I like Witcher, but after going through the Grimdark worlds of Bloodborne and Dragon Age, I need a fuzzy flower break.

Liberty's Edge

So only 40+ hours in and still on chapter 1. I get caught up doing the side quests which are better than a lot of game's MAIN campaign.

I know it's a little early but I don't see how this doesn't become my favorite gaming experience of all time.

You had a good run BG2 ... but DAMN. You know what happens to Bhaalspawns? A Witcher gets sent after them.

The ONLY downside to the game I've seen so far is the lower level armor is laughably terrible looking and hard to take seriously so I have to dress for fashion over stats at the start. Luckily griphon rank 1 is at level 8.

Been playing this. Game is really good. My only complaint is lack of a storage chest (and I could use a better inventory management system in general), but I'm definitely impressed with the vastness of the world, the difficulty of the big choices you need to make, and the smoothness of the gameplay. (Compared to the previous games, which I enjoyed, but figuring out the combat/levelling system was something of a chore.)

Sovereign Court

I've been playing it for 15 days, devoting large chunks of my time to the game. Just finished the main story yesterday. Still have a lot of side quests to mop up.


10 FREAKING DAYS. THAT's 240 hours. And still not done.

Btw to check how much time you've played go to inventory and look up player stats. It's written in the bottom left conrner.

Sovereign Court

This thing is a lifesaver

It's a mod that raises the carried weight to 9999

Liberty's Edge

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Drink your Fiend Decoction and sell stuff to the guy at the crematorium like a real man.

Sovereign Court

Krensky wrote:


Drink your Fiend Decoction and sell stuff to the guy at the crematorium like a real man.

I finished the main story, Now I'm mopping up all those question marks I left (Mostly Skellige and mostly smuggler's caches).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just finished it, too, one or two hours ago (sense of time is still a bit dilated).

Great game, great ending, overall definitely joins the best RPG's I've ever played, now a trio with Baldurs Gate 2 and Mass Effect 2.

5 days, thirteen hours, so overall 133 hours of play.

Not sure how you can possibly get in another 5 days, though, I finished at level 35 and, although there were still quite a few question marks on the map left in Skellige, those give almost no XP and I only left those out because diving underwater and wasting sirens with my crossbow gets dull and takes a long time. And I really am pretty bad with backtracking a lot, so I can't imagine what you did with the other 120 hours. ^^

Sovereign Court

I finished all the side quests except the ones pertaining to gwent or racing before I did the endgame. Maybe that?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nope, same here. Only things I did not finish were also the Gwent complete collection (didn't find whoever still had cards, I did not get any more white cards from inkeepers and merchants), one which bugged out as I already had finished it and gotten the first step again and one side quest with Triss about some shrunken Nilfgardian soldier. Everything else has been done.

Also, 10 days played is really a long time in 16 days real time. How much did you sleep each night? ^^

Sovereign Court

Not much.

Maybe I just take my time. Let's just say that I did a lot of stopping and looking around, especially on Skellige islands. The visuals are so beautiful.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Heh, Skellinge was actually the location I liked the least, because it is so difficult to get around, with all the ocean and mountains. ^^ But it has some beautiful vistas, I agree.

Hm. Did you use fast travel, aside from switching between Skellinge and the mainland? Because if you didn't, it would explain a lot.

Sovereign Court

Usually not. Once I discovered signposts, I would use fast travel. But at the beginning of the game I didn't use the horse much unless distances were too vast.

I'm slowly getting tired of gwent. I have a pretty crappy deck and can't beat anyone to get better cards. Especially with Temeria. Also, Monster decks aren't fair.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hm, I only ever played the North deck (Foltest II has just the best ability) and I win 99% of all games. I'll post my deck:

Commander: Foltest II
3x Decoy
2x Commander's Horn
2x Scorch (key card against monster decks)
1x Geralt
1x Ciri
1x Yennefer
1x Villentretenmerth (key card against monster decks)
1x Dandelion
1x Mysterious Elf
1x Vernon Roche
1x John Natalis
1x Esterad Thyssen
1x Philippa Eilhart
2x Catapult
1x Prince Stennis
3x Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter
1x Dun Banner Medic
1x Sigismund Dijkstra
3x Blue Stripes Commando
1x Thaler

BTW, which level did you finish at? I got to level 35.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And a tip for playing Gwent: Spies. If you got all the possible ones in your deck and draw into a few of them, you can easily win round one. The computer tends to pass when it feels it has a big enough margin, which is why you encourage him into doing just that by playing your spies, then when he is up, like 16 - 25 to your 0 (or near zero), you play some combination cards like the Crinfrid Reavers, Blue Stripes Commandos or even only a few of the hero cards and then you crush him with all your might in round two. If the computer played too many cards in round one, you can even let him win that one and then crush him with your card advantage in rounds two and three.

Liberty's Edge

I also find that monster decks tend to be VERY susceptible to a Bitter Frost.

Sovereign Court

34 I think.

Problem is that I have only one 10 Hero character. That's it. I have some nice siege stuff. But I don't have the siege Foltest.

Sovereign Court

Also this guy made gwent decks which are print ready, I'm gonna print those on cardstock and play with my friends

Sovereign Court

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Well I finished the game recently after 108 hours, and I did not play all the quests and possible events. it was just GREAT throughout.

I am now waiting for the extension to be available before I start another go.

Sovereign Court

Stereofm wrote:

Well I finished the game recently after 108 hours, and I did not play all the quests and possible events. it was just GREAT throughout.

I am now waiting for the extension to be available before I start another go.

I have about 11 days of play time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So curiosity question. I received the Witcher 2 series as a free bundle. But I also just picked up the a discounted bundle for the Witcher 3 (including the 2 DLCs).

So, while I have some time to spare (but not too much), I was wondering: is it beneficial/interesting to play Witcher 2 in order to enjoy Witcher 3? Or does #3 generally stand alone enough to be played by itself - it certainly sounds like there's quite a lot of hours you can invest in one game. Not to mention that I guess Gwent is such a time-sink on its own that they are making it a stand-alone product.

Any opinions?

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I can't speak for anyone else but I hated Witcher 2 after only an hour or two, while I was hooked on 3 by Hour 1 and have put over 150 hours into it and loved damn near all of it. The games a masterpiece.

Drejk wrote:
I suspect that I end getting in on a sale and trying to install it on this laptop anyway. At least I have 8 GB DDR 3 L (whatever the L means) . Integrated GFX might be more of a problem.

The Witcher 3, which I bought knowing well that I won't have a big chance of playing without changing computer actually installed and started on my laptop. I even managed to play through tutorial, though the lags and abysmal framerate made me stop at the start of actual game - immediately after dealing with the ghoul pack with Vesemir. While the gameplay was visibly stunted, the greatest horror were the cut scenes where the voice and image was so much out of sync it was painful...


I don't have money for a new computer in foreseeable future so it will have to wait.

Sovereign Court

Alex Martin wrote:

So curiosity question. I received the Witcher 2 series as a free bundle. But I also just picked up the a discounted bundle for the Witcher 3 (including the 2 DLCs).

So, while I have some time to spare (but not too much), I was wondering: is it beneficial/interesting to play Witcher 2 in order to enjoy Witcher 3? Or does #3 generally stand alone enough to be played by itself - it certainly sounds like there's quite a lot of hours you can invest in one game. Not to mention that I guess Gwent is such a time-sink on its own that they are making it a stand-alone product.

Any opinions?

Some of the choices you make in 2 do reflect on 3 if you import the save. It is a good game, well worth the some 30 hours needed to finish it. As for 3, I sank 11 days of gameplay in it and 1 more day for Heart of Stone and am probably gonna sink at least 3 days for Blood and Wine.

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Make sure you don't go to bed when Yennifer tells you to. Stay up and chat with your bros.

Sovereign Court

MannyGoblin wrote:
Make sure you don't go to bed when Yennifer tells you to. Stay up and chat with your bros.

That is one of the more beautiful things ever.

The Exchange

Hmm. Wonder if I did the right thing freeing the ghost in the tree in Velen.

Just a Mort wrote:
Hmm. Wonder if I did the right thing freeing the ghost in the tree in Velen.

Both choices suck there.

Blood and Wine was okay. The sidequests were great but the main storyline was kinda lame.

Heart of Stone was a freakin masterpiece though.

Sovereign Court

Just a Mort wrote:
Hmm. Wonder if I did the right thing freeing the ghost in the tree in Velen.

If you free the spirit she burns down the village and kills everyone in it, Baron's wife dies and Baron hangs himself.

If you kill the spirit, the village is spared, the Crones eat the children and Baron goes away with his wife to cure her insanity, but they live.

I loved pretty much every moment of this game. It was quite depressing to realize that I had come to the end of it. Great dialogue and voice acting, beautiful visuals, fun combat, excellent story - easily one of the best games I have ever played.

Sovereign Court

And the amazing microexpressions that give characters so much life.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sounds like I'll probably go ahead and play #3 first then. Then if I can get through all that game in time, I'll go back and play #2.

Feedback and details have been appreciated.

The Exchange


I personally thought that both the Baron(more blame on him) and his wife had fault in the situation they were in, and so they both deserved what they had coming (to a degree). The village was also at fault for helping the crones sacrifice the children.

And his wife, since she looked after the children like her own, would have rather died then have them taken away from her. The children are innocent and have many years of life ahead of them. The family farewell was touching. I believe that dying as yourself, for what you believe in is better then living insane, anyway.

Besides pissing off the crones after they were trying to eat Ciri was very satisfying. Was looking for any possible way to subvert their instructions. (Though I'm usually not that petty).

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