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You know if you're gonna pretend to be a real account instead of posting spam for your likely malware-ridden fan website, you could at least have spelt "Adrian" right.

As for the upcoming episode, though (link is to the CW's official site), I am really psyched to be dealing with Winn's family.

I also kind of really want Winn to become evil and the next Toyman but that's just me. I realize that's unlikely.


I'd rather they just get a new Toyman unrelated to Winn mostly because Winn is too good for a villain role. At least right now.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Well, he's had some stalkish and self-pitying tendencies that could bloom into villainy given the right storyline, and I think he'd be more interesting evil, personally. :)

You got your wish though. :)

The actual episode turned out well for the most part, though I thought the reveal of the badguy was a little anticlimactic. Seemed like it should have been someone else with more history with Win or the rest of the team. I liked his mom (plus Laurie Metcalf is a good actor). She weirdly reminded me in some respects of Janet McTeer's character on the recent season of Jessica Jones, but obviously with a very, very different fate.

Poor Kara. Even SHE has trouble breaking those plastic toy casings.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I really liked the scenes with the karaoke, not because I especially like karaoke, but liked that there were scenes of the gang just hanging out, after what's been a somewhat darker season always in a rush to react to the latest threat (or Kara deciding to not be part of humanity).

I wasn't a fan of how lax security was at the base though. Bring Winn's mom in and let her have run of the place, and not even keep the armory locked on a normal basis, so any random guest can just take a gun. They could have had the same effect with her using her own gun she had in her purse.

I'm with Joel, why didn't anyone in the DEO security NOT have the armory on lock down?!

Otherwise good episode and yes DQ, I did get a wish granted. More Winn singing! :)

Yeah the whole Armory thing was "WTH?! why is nobody fired from this place?"

other than that was a fun episode. Looking forward to Kara learning "Cape tricks"

All the security was way to bust trying to figure out where they had seen her before like me. Rosanne right?

Vidmaster7 wrote:
All the security was way to bust trying to figure out where they had seen her before like me. Rosanne right?

Roseanne and Big Bang Theory. Plus a bunch of lesser known shows, one-off appearances and voice roles.

Hell, Laurie Metcalf was just nominated for an Oscar...

Which I think she should have won but then again I still don't get some of the choices by the Academy Awards stuff. I mean I, Tonya?! Really?!!

Anyways I guess we'll see who the next Horsewoman of the Apocalypse/Worldkiller is.

MMCJawa wrote:
Hell, Laurie Metcalf was just nominated for an Oscar...

Eh I don't pay attention to oscars and grammys and all that.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Anyone see Monday night's episode? I missed the beginning, but what I saw I thought was good.

I loved Alex's new upgrade.

Lena is increasingly becoming fun to watch. Love her genius. Love her little bit of grayness.

It was weird though that they had all heroes fighting but the one victory was really when one of the baddies finally turned and killed the other.

Personally I think this is better than the Worldkiller story the comics did. It's a lot more personal to the characters

The Worldkillers in the comics were blah. Especially since they were more alien than Kryptonian. (I mean they were products OF Krypton engineering sure but they weren't born native Kryptonians.)

This episode was weird but good. And yes Alex's upgrade and Lena's development have to be the high points of this episode if not this season.

Dark Archive

Why is Reign fighting an eclipse-weakened Supergirl on an even footing? She rather dominated a fully-powered Supergirl in their first fight.

Having Lena know how to fly the Legion cruiser because...reasons, seemed a bit too far for me. Especially with the condescending look and snarky attitude she threw at Brainiac-5.

Alex is now budget Polaris with a flare gun.

Budget?!! Please. More like Black Widow with a Repulsor gun. :)

As for the evening footing, well they WERE trying to move the moon into parallel orbit...and that required three of them.

I dunno about TOO far. It was just snarky more than far. Mostly because as a true Luthor, she's pretty much proven to be on equal footing with Lex, intellect wise.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Loved that Lex's mansion had the exact same defenses approaching the vault as Lex did in the original Superman movie, and the Reign walked through them exactly the same way that Superman did, even down to the spin to drill down to that level.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Oh wow, I did not realize that. That's awesome.

The episode was a little heavy on plot-convenient hero stupidity (psst, Kara, you have super speed, you can jump in front of someone to protect them before they get hurt). But I enjoyed most of it.

Even as she's getting greyer and greyer and becoming more and more Team Lena. My only problem is her not knowing Supergirl and Kara are the same person... I can totally buy that she can figure out how to control the Legion ship, but not that she hasn't figured out that Alex's cute blonde work friend and Alex's cute blonde sister are the same person.

anyone notice the name drops for Eradicator from Papa Martian Hunter? Guess we know the the villain for Season 4...


Maybe but I'm not convinced we'll get it until after the Sun-Eater shows up. ;)


Yeah that does stretch, especially after "I can make Kryptonite!" and "I can pilot a ship from the future!" But then again we are good at blinding ourselves to things.

I don't know this season is depressing me too much.


Not sure it's depressing so much as weird...

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Well between jonzz dad, the drama going on with lena and kara, the whole mom daugther thing and jimmy spending most of his time pineing. Then I see where this is all going. Its doing that smallville thing except with lena and kara instead of lex and clark.

Slightly but I have higher hopes for Lena being a) smarter than Lex and b) Kara isn't Smallville clark trying to stay not Superman.

we will see in time I suspose. I did like the superman throw back at least.

It's always nice to reference older stuff while still doing new stuff.

So last night episode was intriguing. Not only for the current climate of racial politics and such, but for the fact we got introduced to ANOTHER relatively unknown Kryptonian God. Weird but interesting.

Also Mon-El actually HELPED!

Dark Archive

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
So last night episode was intriguing. Not only for the current climate of racial politics and such, but for the fact we got introduced to ANOTHER relatively unknown Kryptonian God. Weird but interesting.

The whole "they will hate me because I'm black" thing really just killed the momentum of the episode (much like the similar moment where J'onn talks about being a black man a few episodes back). The writers seem to think that there's no need to ever use a scalpel when nuclear bomb is available. I'm not opposed to them having a political agenda, but they could at least make some effort to not make it stick out like a sore thumb.

Has anyone told Oliver Queen that he automatically is a beloved hero instead of a hated vigilante since he's white? Maybe he should have just shown them his skin color during that whole trial thing. (This is based on what I've read, I don't actually watch Arrow.)

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For what it's worth, apparently the story Jimmy Olson told Kara about getting put in cuffs when he was 7 years old is a true story from that actor's childhood

Shadow Kosh wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
So last night episode was intriguing. Not only for the current climate of racial politics and such, but for the fact we got introduced to ANOTHER relatively unknown Kryptonian God. Weird but interesting.

The whole "they will hate me because I'm black" thing really just killed the momentum of the episode (much like the similar moment where J'onn talks about being a black man a few episodes back). The writers seem to think that there's no need to ever use a scalpel when nuclear bomb is available. I'm not opposed to them having a political agenda, but they could at least make some effort to not make it stick out like a sore thumb.

Has anyone told Oliver Queen that he automatically is a beloved hero instead of a hated vigilante since he's white? Maybe he should have just shown them his skin color during that whole trial thing. (This is based on what I've read, I don't actually watch Arrow.)

I don't know I say counter the racism with as much fervor as it is being given. So we are not even their yet.

All I know is while the racism angle was...interesting, the other stuff in the show were a tad...meh.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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I would have liked Jimmy's plot for the episode more if he had ended the episode with a press conference revealing he was Guardian. Don't go for the powerful racism plot line and just hang it back up in the closet. It would also make for a potentially good plot arc to lead to a tie in with Black Lightning, especially if both shows are on the same Earth.


No I'm pretty sure BOTH Black Lightning and Earth-38 are different earths.

As for the back in the closet...I think it's fair since Jimmy has a lot of people depending on him to keep their job (and the company) going.

So last night, we got to see Argo city return. Which was kind of neat.

We also saw a conflicted Lena who clearly doesn't want to follow her brother's steps...but at the same time doesn't want the world to end on her watch.

I WAS surprised to see James Olson side with the whole "Kill her because Sam would want you too."

Dark Archive

Does Lena and the entire DEO really think that reverse engineering a "cure" for Sam is really going to be so easy? Creating a Worldkiller was done with both Kryptonian science AND magic. Lena merely using science seems unlikely to work.

Why did the guy trying to kill Alex use such horribly slow bombs?

I'm curious to see how the Mon-El hate brigade spins his curing the kid as some sort of horrible misogynistic controlling a!&**~& move.

"Wait for backup, Agent Danvers" You can fly faster than she can run, dumbass. YOU are her backup.

WTF was with Alex randomly being able to fly for a half-second there, from handing off the ledge to standing on it? Don't even try to claim the magnet suit, that was ridiculous.

I'm glad Alex finally seems to be realizing that she might not be the perfect fit for a parent/guardian at the moment. She's acknowledging that someone that seems to have a bit of a death wish isn't appropriate for that role. She's still ignoring the fact that she is 100% an alcoholic, but baby steps are better than none.


I'm not convinced Lena knows as much as she'd like or believes, especially when it comes to this cure thing.

As for the bomb guy, maybe he just bought them on sale?!

And yeah I thought the same thing when J'nn was saying that. "You're the freaking Martian Manhunter! Just use your mind powers on the bad guy!"

Eh, the flying is less worrisome for me than J'nn just SITTING there.

Waaaiiitttt... an alcoholic?!! WTF are you smoking Kosh?!

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Did anyone catch that the kid's name was Val?

As in... maybe, dare we hope... Val-Or?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Okay so:

I am a firm, firm, firm believer that the protagonist needs to be the hero of their own show and when anyone with equivalent or higher power exists in the same world, they need to be handled in such a way that they don't upstage the protagonist. They need to show up when appropriate and have good reason to not be around when they aren't. I believe, particularly, that a show called "Supergirl" should be mainly about Supergirl.

So all of this said: WHERE THE F#@& IS SUPERMAN?

Not only should he have shown up when the Worldkillers were attacking, we now have three Kryptonians plus a Worldkiller plus general gloom and doom that is affecting the entire world. What's up? Too busy rescuing kittens in trees? Oh, and also, here comes his thought-dead Aunt. She doesn't say, "Hey, let's check in with Kal-El since we need all hands on deck"?

All we need is a single line like, "Oh, well, Superman's busy throwing a nuclear terrorist into the sun" or "he's looking for a lost space satellite" or "He's accidentally sealed himself inside the Fortress of Solitude and we haven't figured out how to get him out." At this point the absence is glaring and I think, impossible though it may seem, the score of monkeys with typewriters that have been penning this season have actually forgotten that Superman exists.

(A sensible thing they could have done was have him show up when all three Worldkillers were active and have him be knocked into a coma fighting them, of course while performing an impossibly heroic act that would have allowed Kara and the others to defeat them.)

And the sudden and random terraforming plot makes as little sense as it did in "Man of Steel" (a movie that, in spite of popular opinion, I actually liked many parts of, to be honest, but thought the plot made no sense). Kryptonians not only clearly can survive on Earth, they have superpowers on Earth so.... why would they change it around again? "Oh s&&%, we got laser beam eyes, we better fix this!"
Also, how have they mastered their powers so fast, didn't it take Kal and Kara years to master what they were capable of?

Not to mention that have completely abandoned/forgotten the seeming original purpose of Reign, which was ostensibly to kill lawbreakers and corrupt individuals in the name of justice. Where did that fit into the Witches Three Kryptonian's plan again?

Yes, I know, it's just a show and I should really just relax. And usually I have been able to let go and just enjoy the nonsense for what it is, but they're so clearly phoning it in at this point. Maybe the should try hiring writers and directors that enjoy Supergirl because the current staff and crew clearly don't.

Okay, rant over.

- Erica Durance--I had not been enjoying her acting as much as I have in other shows, to put it politely--but she was on her game this episode and her impression of Kara was spot-on.
- Alex's eye-makeup game is strong, and she as ever kicks butt.
- Still enjoying slowly-unraveling Lena
- Sam was better this episode and Ruby achieved being actually tolerable this episode
- Mon-El is actually starting to be enjoyable to watch
- The Martians and the actors playing them have been doing an AMAZING job with their story

Other stuff:
- Sorry Winn's console partner, we hardly knew ye
- Winn -- so very do not care about your manpain. You invented an item that allowed someone to resist a triple heat vision assault for two seconds. That's actually a really f!&#ing powerful item.
- Hope we might see the Legion again before we're out
- Kara's white dress was pretty
- Hope we might see Psi again. And Leslie, because I'm still convinced she's not dead and just transcended to a new life form.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I wasn't concerned without Superman around or mentioned. He's got his own stuff going on, whether that's other super villains, to some off earth adventure.

I do think the whole terraform the Earth makes no sense whatsoever though. I'm glad they're back to stuff happening though, last week's episode was painfully boring with no a lot actually happening.

The terraform-ing of Earth I guess is the fact they wanted Earth more like Krypton, just you know, yellow sun.

As for where is Superman, I've asked that since the Worldkillers showed up. Now I just think he's stuck in the Phantom Zone or something...

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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I do miss the Clark/Kara texts from season 1 though, it was a way to have Superman present even if not on camera now and then. With the expanded team/cast though, there's not as much room for that, with all of the various sub-plots.

Shadow Kosh wrote:
Does Lena and the entire DEO really think that reverse engineering a "cure" for Sam is really going to be so easy? Creating a Worldkiller was done with both Kryptonian science AND magic. Lena merely using science seems unlikely to work.

It's never "science" when you're a Luthor. It's SCIENCE!!!

And since any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic, it's a viable substitute.


If Demos had destroyed the blood samples as ordered, while he had that handy distraction of a fight going on in the lab, instead of first standing there like a dumbass, then running as if could outrace Kryptonians with superspeed, then handing off the job to Supergirl...he'd probably be alive and Serena wouldn't have been able to complete her ritual.

And why did he take so long getting to the lab in the fist place? He knew exactly where to go, while the Dark Krypto's were having to sniff out the location by wandering the halls at normal human speed.

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I just wanted to say I've been imagining the scenario where superman has accidentally locked himself into the fortress of solitude (aptly named in this circumstance) and the more I think about it the funnier it gets.

Dark Archive

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I just wanted to say I've been imagining the scenario where superman has accidentally locked himself into the fortress of solitude (aptly named in this circumstance) and the more I think about it the funnier it gets.

"Huh, what's this button do?"

WOOP! WOOP! WOOP! "The fortress is now on lockdown. Please enter the sixteen Kryto-ID that you were assigned after completing your rite of adulthood to unlock it."

"Uh, I left Krypton like, 20 years before that would have happened... Crap.."

And yeah, terraforming. I'll keep the super-powers, thanks. And if I *can* terraform a planet to be just like Krypton, and don't want all this human trash on my new world, it's not like Earth is the only planet under a yellow sun out there. Nobody's using Venus, right?

(I would have said Mars, but those White Martians are kind of buff. I'm not sure I'd want to pick a fight with them...)

You ever wonder if there is a planet out there whose atmosphere and sun color would make you superman?

I feel like i'm a decent person but I can't say I would be the most responsible person in the world with god like powers.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

JoelF847 wrote:
I wasn't concerned without Superman around or mentioned. He's got his own stuff going on, whether that's other super villains, to some off earth adventure.

Were it ANY other plot, I'd be right there with you. Sometimes I've seen other fans demand Superman show up just when Kara has a mildly bad day at work, and I think that's stupid; for the most part I am indeed content to write him off as "busy with his own stuff." But it's weird to not have, you know, the "Last Son of Krypton" show up when there's a bevy of Kryptonians all over the place doing major damage.

Vidmaster wrote:

You ever wonder if there is a planet out there whose atmosphere and sun color would make you superman?

I feel like i'm a decent person but I can't say I would be the most responsible person in the world with god like powers.

If I had super-strength, I'd probably start small... rearranging everyone's terrible parallel parking jobs so more cars fit on the street. But then I'd get around to throwing the cars that are intentionally double parked into the sun.

If I had the whole flying brick with laser beams package, I think I'd try to do the right thing but eventually lose it and just Hulk-rampage all over. Probably over something stupid (but annoying) too, like someone using their cell phone in a movie theater.

Set wrote:
And yeah, terraforming. I'll keep the super-powers, thanks. And if I *can* terraform a planet to be just like Krypton, and don't want all this human trash on my new world, it's not like Earth is the only planet under a yellow sun out there. Nobody's using Venus, right?

I'm not sure Venus would even really be terraformable (isn't it all seas of acid and stuff?) although Krypton tech seems to be capable of wild things. But yes... what is it about Krypton's topography that they need to change it? Again, they seem to be able to breath earth's air, eat its food... what's the problem?

Now if they want to just wipe out the humans and repopulate it, that's different, but then IIRC we're repeating the plot from season 1.

I totally agree with you that there should be a mention of what Superman is up to. It does not make any sense. The terraforming effort is a bit lame also.

Venus can be terraformed but would take a long time with real world tech. Of course since Reign can terraform a world in hours then it would be an option for her.

I keep hoping the show goes back to quality of writing in season 1.

Dark Archive

Vidmaster7 wrote:

You ever wonder if there is a planet out there whose atmosphere and sun color would make you superman?

I feel like i'm a decent person but I can't say I would be the most responsible person in the world with god like powers.

One of the amusing lines in Deadpool 2 is after he meets an alien who says that his 'power' is that he's better at everything than a human, and Deadpool snarks, 'Someday I want to visit a planet where everyone is worse at me than everything, and I can be their Superman!'

It is odd that there aren't more aliens from low-gravity worlds (like, say, *Mars!*) that are weaker than humans, physically...

Yeah freakin DC martians are almost superman strong like wtf. I guess if you can change your bodys structure at will you can be pretty strong i guess.

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