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Adult Kara speaks of going to visit other worlds with her father as "recently" as a few months before Krypton exploded. She reminisces with Mon-El about other worlds that they had both (as Daxamites and Kryptonians) been to.

Not once are the effects of other suns on their physiology brought up. Not once have either of them asked what the heck was going on that there weren't more survivors of Krypton or Daxam out there.

The Daxamites clearly had a fleet capable of interstellar travel. There's literally no reason why Krypton couldn't have had one, as well, given what we know of the Kryptonian sciences and culture in the show.

I really think that this is a case of them not thinking it that far ahead. Someone, somewhere, missed the brief.

In any case, I guess we'll get more info once the new year rolls around.

That and hopefully some more Legionnaires.

Sovereign Court

Set wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
The folks behind Reign seemed to pretty clearly be an extremist cult...I don't think you can assume there activities are going to be indicative of the Krypton of Kara's upbringing. If Krypton was more warlike in the past, that could very well be hundreds (hell thousands) of years before Kara was born.

That's very much the impression I got from the talk about Reign on the show. (I know nothing about the comic book version of Reign, so that's probably helpful to me.)

Long before Kara's time, according to what the show said, Kryptonians were polytheistic and 'savage,' and Reign comes from that group, that follow something that came about long before Rao became the singular deity (and Kryptonians apparently became a bit more tolerant of both each other and other species).

In the movie/Man of Steel continuity, Krypton used to have a presence all over different star systems (explaining why they had outposts and scout ships scattered as far as Earth), but had retreated inwards and become more insular stay-at-homes as their civilization began to retract (perhaps the low birth rates that tend to accompany greater wealth and education, taking it's toll?), to the degree that there didn't seem to be any functioning spacecraft left (since there was no point to have them, so that they had to whip one up on the spot for baby Kal) when Krypton blew up.

Why Jor-El and Lara couldn't whip one up with room for themselves as well, who knows. "No, no, we'll just stay here and die, for like, no reason at all, and hope the benighted savages we are shooting you at don't blow you out of the sky, or eat you when you land. It's in the script. Nothing for it, really."

Ditto Kara's parents. "No, you go on dear, we'll catch the next train..."

Not like they could actually harm him.

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Ok so new episode lots of goodies (STREAKY!)

and of course the internet being what it is people are complaining that Brainy isn't Green

Personally, I think he was a pretty good Brainy.

sure green would have been ideal, but when you interact with virtual scenery green is not exactly the best color choice.


Honestly I would think people would be more upset about Imra being a Telekinetic instead of a Telepath.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Loved Streaky, though felt Kara's dream sequence went a little long.

It seemed like Reign post injury was out for awhile and then went right back to Reifn-ing. It was hard to follow the passage of time, but I assume this all means Sam never came home for dinner, and has possibly even been gone a day or two. So wtf is Ruby, the world's most stupid child, doing? I can dig her initially presuming Sam's working late as usual, but wouldn't she eventually get worried and call someone, like Lena, Kara, or Alex? I was expecting this to happen, but unless it did while I was in the bathroom or something, it seems a rather dangling plotline.

I guess it's a sign of how old my TV is that I thought Brainy was green. Oh well. Otherwise, it was a fun episode where nearly every character got to have a moment.

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Finally settling in to watch it on the CW App, and I gotta say, I love this Brainiac 5. He's done really well. Especially his unabashed nerd-out over meeting Supergirl.

I'd have liked the LOSH costumes to not be Generic Bad@$$ black, but they work.

aside from the blue and the Einstein hair. Kind of weird. Also I'm pretty sure at some point his crotch was glowing with the 3 red orbs

Mon-El, at least will be getting a more comic-like costume.

I don't know what the writers/casting director were thinking with Imra. She doesn't have the right look or the right powers. At least it was obvious who Brainiac 5 was supposed to be; Imra is -- well, I started to say Saturn Girl in name only, but so far they haven't even used her codename.

Hmm I guess they haven't I saw it in the episode description but can't remember hearing it.

So...there go Livewire. Sad. I liked her.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Damon Griffin wrote:

Mon-El, at least will be getting a more comic-like costume.

I don't know what the writers/casting director were thinking with Imra. She doesn't have the right look or the right powers. At least it was obvious who Brainiac 5 was supposed to be; Imra is -- well, I started to say Saturn Girl in name only, but so far they haven't even used her codename.

Agreed. She's plenty gorgeous, but besides being said to come from Saturn she doesn't seem to have much of anything else of the comic character (appearance, costume, powers, relationship to Garth). I can see why they might have balked at either the pink bikini and the old-school red-and-white cheerleader skirt set, and maybe they felt painted in a corner by already having a blue-eyed, blonde female telepath on the show (who of course showed up in this week's episode), even if she was mostly a villain. Presumably no Garth for much the same reason of already having a lightning character (again, a villain, but still), plus of course more wangsty drama with Kara/Mon-El if he's married to future girl. Still, while it's an odd choice overall I am pretty okay with TV-version-Imra as her own thing.

Brainiac 5, though, is great.

All I know is Reign killed my favorite B-list villain. *shakes his fist* You're not even in the same league as Terra-Man!!

Jason Nelson wrote:

Agreed. She's plenty gorgeous, but besides being said to come from Saturn she doesn't seem to have much of anything else of the comic character (appearance, costume, powers, relationship to Garth). I can see why they might have balked at either the pink bikini and the old-school red-and-white cheerleader skirt set, and maybe they felt painted in a corner by already having a blue-eyed, blonde female telepath on the show. Presumably no Garth for much the same reason of already having a lightning character. Still, while it's an odd choice overall I am pretty okay with TV-version-Imra as her own thing.

Being plenty gorgeous makes her quite tolerable in the role, but as a rule I prefer that comic-based TV and movies make a reasonable effort to accommodate a comic character's iconic look, even if that means "less gorgeous."

You're right about the costumes, neither would have worked as is, but dressing her in red and white rather than the overused "black leather jacket look" should not have been difficult.

And the problem of similarity between Psi / Saturn Girl and Livewire / Lightning Lad did occur to me...but that's planning, isn't it? The showrunners knew they were going to be bringing the Legion in. Perhaps not as far back as Livewire's first appearance, but certainly by the time Psi showed up. Even using the same actress, Psi could always have had a completely different look and a slightly different set of mental abilities, to make her distinct from a blond, telepathic Saturn Girl.

Perhaps if Garth had been around, he could have jump started Leslie, and she wouldn't have had to die. But he couldn't make the trip to Fort Rozz due to the deadly grrlpower radiation, so...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
All I know is Reign killed my favorite B-list villain. *shakes his fist* You're not even in the same league as Terra-Man!!

an energy based character "died" near an exotic radiation type star

I'm not gonna count her out just yet, that whole situation just screams comicbook power up to me


Maybe but I doubt it. I mean unless they make her more lightning based/energy based form instead of just struck by lightning...

Still not happy with Reign as a villain though.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I'm with Greylurker--IIRC Livewire started by "dying" and being resurrected with the lightning, after all (it's why she was so pale). I'm guessing eventual power-up/return.

Saw the last episode. My question is how did Alex draw blood from Sam. The needle should not have been able to penetrate her skin. Otherwise the bullet should have wounded her in an earlier episode. All of the test coming back normal is a little suspicious also. Sam is a Krytonian hybrid so something should have been off with the blood panel. Hope they explain it in a future episode.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Sam's powers seem to come and go--they were initially being triggered by being in danger and she was shocked by not being hurt the first time she saved Ruby, so she has probably been hurt before. She and the other "worldkillers" seem to have some kind of human masking thing going on that has enabled them to go unnoticed (which is why her powers only manifested recently). That is in part probably why if there was anything in the medical tests it wasn't going to immediately point to alien physiology. Also, however she was engineered--it's been established her powers aren't solar-based like Kara's, they're based on something else, which could be a key to when they do or don't activiate.

The other point of the tests coming back normal was that she was in ridiculously peak condition--which in a way IS a flag but the gang aren't thinking about it in that way.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Damon Griffin wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Agreed. She's plenty gorgeous, but besides being said to come from Saturn she doesn't seem to have much of anything else of the comic character (appearance, costume, powers, relationship to Garth). I can see why they might have balked at either the pink bikini and the old-school red-and-white cheerleader skirt set, and maybe they felt painted in a corner by already having a blue-eyed, blonde female telepath on the show. Presumably no Garth for much the same reason of already having a lightning character. Still, while it's an odd choice overall I am pretty okay with TV-version-Imra as her own thing.

Being plenty gorgeous makes her quite tolerable in the role, but as a rule I prefer that comic-based TV and movies make a reasonable effort to accommodate a comic character's iconic look, even if that means "less gorgeous."

You're right about the costumes, neither would have worked as is, but dressing her in red and white rather than the overused "black leather jacket look" should not have been difficult.

And the problem of similarity between Psi / Saturn Girl and Livewire / Lightning Lad did occur to me...but that's planning, isn't it? The showrunners knew they were going to be bringing the Legion in. Perhaps not as far back as Livewire's first appearance, but certainly by the time Psi showed up. Even using the same actress, Psi could always have had a completely different look and a slightly different set of mental abilities, to make her distinct from a blond, telepathic Saturn Girl.

Perhaps if Garth had been around, he could have jump started Leslie, and she wouldn't have had to die. But he couldn't make the trip to Fort Rozz due to the deadly grrlpower radiation, so...

Agreed on all counts. If they had the Legion in mind for a while (and all signs say they did), they should have gone a different direction with Psi, and it wouldn't have been a stretch to have them go red and white with her costume. Every hero does not need to dress like Batman!

Yeah my impression is she is basically becoming possessed so no powers when not possessed and full on reign otherwise. Instead of masking they are in fact humans except while possessed.

All I know is these World killers are clearly NOT true Kryptonians. No matter their power scale.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

There dark ages Kryptonians

Not sure what's that supposed to mean but okay Mark.

Maybe kryptonian god like beings that have to possess certain individuals to function kind of like dead man.

I gather that in the comics, most of the World Killers were genetically modified alien species, not Kryptonian at all. Just biological weapons created on Krypton.

Even if we assume that in the TV show they're native Kryptonians, they remain GMOs, which could account for things like not being vulnerable to Kryptonite. And for that matter, it wasn't necessary to genetically modify Mon-El to remove his vulnerability to lead.

I have no explanation for the Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation that lets Sam register as normal human when she's not operating as Reign. Unless the World Killers were always intended to be sleeper agents on distant worlds, and part of their genetic alteration was to give them chimeraic DNA, so they can mimic the DNA of the dominant species of whatever world they're on and hide in plain sight.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Damon Griffin wrote:

I have no explanation for the Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation that lets Sam register as normal human when she's not operating as Reign. Unless the World Killers were always intended to be sleeper agents on distant worlds, and part of their genetic alteration was to give them chimeraic DNA, so they can mimic the DNA of the dominant species of whatever world they're on and hide in plain sight.

For having no explanation, that's a pretty good explanation. :) In fact I think that's probably what they are going for, now that you mention it.

If you are trying to rationalize things in comic books or TV shows, well, writers are not scientists <grin>. Often the Dean Drives of this world just seem plausible on the surface and that's enough for the application. Believeability keeps the readers/watchers engagement and doesn't break the flow of the story.

There's believability and then there's outright suspension of disbelief that kind of boggles the min, Life.

Right now I'm with DQ; Damon's theory makes the most sense.

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After watching tonight's episode, my wife has decided that

Lena Luthor is Pestilence. Her reasoning:
1. Lena was adopted.
2. We've never seen the face of Pestilence, even in a vision.
3. Kara just decided that maybe instead of beating the World Killers, her team has to "save" them.


ONE problem, Lena has already proven she's a Luthor...

If I remember from the comics at least one of the Worldkillers was a piece of parasydical Tech that would take over anyone who beat it's current host. Esentially upgrading itself if it ever got beaten.

Greylurker wrote:
If I remember from the comics at least one of the Worldkillers was a piece of parasydical Tech that would take over anyone who beat it's current host. Esentially upgrading itself if it ever got beaten.

Sounds like they operate like the four horsemen. one dies so it chooses someone else to take its place.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


ONE problem, Lena has already proven she's a Luthor...

I'd forgotten that. I'll remind the wife.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I like Mrs Damon Griffin's idea, but I think it's unlikely. The target of her theory has been in sufficient extreme danger before that the entity's nature would have likely manifested prior to this were it true.

Last night's episode was interesting. I was surprised actually by Alex's heelface turn--I thought she was going to keep insisting on the evil of the Worldkillers and then would have to face her theory of their "pure evilness" when she eventually learns the truth about Sam.

I am deeply intrigued by Lena's proposition that she suddenly now knows how to save Sam. I wonder what she suspects about Sam's condition and what she thinks she can do to change it. Especially since as much as Lena is driven to help she is--yes, indeed, a Luthor and thus always a bit of a wildcard.

I was confused about whether the Worldkiller-Oracle-lady was referring to Purity as the newly awakened "sister" or someone else (Pestilence).

Also... I don't like to be excessively negative on fandom stuff... but can I please just say to get off my chest, I am sooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored by Mon-El. I love the idea of the Legion helping out this season (and I liked the twist at the end) but I would not miss him or his subplot at all. In fact, seeing him removed in exchange for more development with the A plot and more of the DEO staff (Win--I'm still making for a "my dad was the Toymaker and this affects me" story; always happy for more Martian Manhunter) would be ideal.


The problem with Damon's wife's assertion is that she (Lena) already has Luthor blood. It's the only way she could open up Lex's vault. While she's not related to her adoptive mother, she is the daughter of Lionel Luthor and thus Lex's half sister.

Mon-el just needs to go back to the future; as you said.

As for the Oracle Lady, I'm not sure what's she on...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

We both agree it's unlikely, so why pick an argument with me? But okay, here's your argument:

We know Lena is "Lionel's daughter" by an unknown mother. What if Lionel found something connected to the Worldkillers and made a deal with it to have them make a worldkiller with Luthor DNA because of reasons and power and genral Luthorness? Maybe that's indeed why Lillian is obsessed with earning Lena's approval so she will be spared during the Armageddon.

Dark Archive

The writers seem to have all but forgotten Winn. Could we please just dump James and give his time to Winn? Nothing they have tried with James works. I have nothing against the actor, and indeed I liked him on True Blood, but his character doesn't bring ANYTHING to this show. Winn, on the other hand, is a great character that COULD be used to great affect. If the writers actually bothered to remember he existed.


I'm not trying to pick an argument. Merely make the case to Damon that it's unlikely.


Eh. At first season/second season I'd agree, but after this season? Yeah we don't need Jimmy Olsen gumming up the works anymore. Winn is a WAY better character.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Shadow Kosh wrote:
The writers seem to have all but forgotten Winn. Could we please just dump James and give his time to Winn? Nothing they have tried with James works. I have nothing against the actor, and indeed I liked him on True Blood, but his character doesn't bring ANYTHING to this show. Winn, on the other hand, is a great character that COULD be used to great affect. If the writers actually bothered to remember he existed.

I thought that last couple episodes did Winn okay, especially since he really got to let his tech abilities shine. He also had a nice if brief moment of friendship with Alex this past episodes.

That said, I agree Winn deserves screentime and needs more development. I hated Winn first season--he was very much a "but I'm a nice guy" creep who stalked on Kara a bit too much, and he rubbed me the wrong way. But what little development they've given him has been in a good direction.

I could also use more screentime and opportunities for the Martian Manhunter.

James was a loss from the get go. If we had any character vaguely, personality-wise, resembling Jimmy Olsen, Ace Photographer, there would be no issue. (I pause to be clear I have no issue with James's appearance, race, or the specific actor chosen for him, which I sadly feel the need to make clear because I know there were some bozos who had an issue with those things early on.)

Jimmy Olsen in MOST iterations of the character is a plucky, brave, a little bit dorky enthusiastic cheerleader sort of fellow who is really good at his job, which is that of a field photographer. He is an ordinary guy who is willing to take extraordinary risks to do his job, and that's what makes him fun to watch, because he is relatable and heroic simultaneously. He makes a good sidekick/friend/associate to superheroes because he is often out on the ground, noticing issues for the superhero to fix, sometimes getting in trouble to be rescued, and serving as a good pal/listener to the hero. He has his moments of heroism, and they are out of his being a plucky, brave guy who works in the field, ordinary but extraordinary in that.

By comparison, James Olsen is, and has been from the get-go, a paper-pusher who looks nice in a button-down shirt with the personality of a stale piece of toast. He seems to show little to no enthusiasm for his work, which is of course bog standard office work. He is too chill and too laid back to be interesting; any enthusiasm he shows seems to show up as He tried to get in the field by being Guardian, but becoming a generic, cookiecutter costumed vigilante is the opposite of being the plucky everyman who takes risks as himself that audiences can relate to. It just gave him secrets to keep from the hero, putting him in an almost antagonistic role, which wasn't a good look for him. Of all the roles Jimmy Olsen plays, the only one James has is "being a good pal/listener" and even there he's sort of a good listener in the way a wall is that has platitude-bearing posters tacked to it. They built the character as a cardboard cutout of "handsome love interest" and there is nothing they have done or been able to do to fix it--making him the Guardian just highlights how uninteresting and superfluous he is (the irony being he became that character to escape that); making him the head manager of CatCo just makes it clear how very not Cat Grant he is--he is nowhere near at good at challenging or advising Kara; making him Lena's love interest just makes Lena look more boring (or out of character, like his weird Arrow-like threatening of Edge from the other episode).

Honestly whether Winn gets more screentime or no, they need to write James off. The character is a waste of time and money for the show, and while it sucks to lose a job, I think they'd actually do the actor a favor by letting him go so he can find a memorable role he can actually show his chops off in. Supergirl isn't exactly giving him a good sizzle reel to share.

So: let's get rid of Mon-El and James. Let's get Jonn, Winn, and... oh, let's say Lena some more airtime instead.

And while she is not suffering for stuff to do, I can always watch more Alex. Mmmmmmm, Alex.....

Thomas Seitz wrote:


I'm not trying to pick an argument. Merely make the case to Damon that it's unlikely.

But... Damon already got what you were saying, and you were replying to me by name? You confuse me, Mr. Seitz. :)

DeathQuaker wrote:
Also... I don't like to be excessively negative on fandom stuff... but can I please just say to get off my chest, I am sooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored by Mon-El. I love the idea of the Legion helping out this season (and I liked the twist at the end) but I would not miss him or his subplot at all. In fact, seeing him removed in exchange for more development with the A plot and more of the DEO staff (Win--I'm still making for a "my dad was the Toymaker and this affects me" story; always happy for more Martian Manhunter) would be ideal.

I'm kind of the opposite. I absolutely HATED Mon-el last season and just about everything about him. This season though? The 7 years off did him good and he's almost a decent and competent character.

The perpetual CW/Twilight-esque love drama between... EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER on this show I would LOVE to see jettisoned, but Mon-el himself? I'm actually STARTING to like him. Be nice if they could at least verify what powers he has and such... I'm PRETTY sure Daxamites have most of the kryptonian powers... but we've never really seen him fly or use vision powers or anything else... just some strength and this week some superspeed... But at least annoying frat-boy is long dead.

Jimmy... yeah, I hate everything about this incarnation. He's just... soo... useless... Every scene with him just feels like they're forced to get him in there.... SOMEwhere...

I'm personally getting bored of this season. I think what it is is they've been drawing this dr. jekyl mr. hyde thing out too long.

Dark Archive

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My predictions for the remainder of the series:

Imra's secret is that they came to this time because "the Blight" that they were fighting in the future is known to be on Earth now. And it's the Worldkillers.

Lena thinks she knows what's wrong with Sam...but she's got it wrong. But whatever shes does will appear to work, at least for a time, because Sam won't go full-Reign during times that end up being as inconvenient.

Reign WILL manage to find and convert the other Worldkiller before Kara can save her.

At a certain point, near the end of the season, while Kara, the DEO, and the Legion are battling the three Worldkillers, Ruby will be put into danger, and this will cause Sam to regain control of herself. She will team with the good guys against the other two Worldkillers, but will be killed saving them and/or Ruby. Probably her sacrifice turns the tide in the last fight against the other two, leading to the season finale victory.

[possible coda for the season, although I hope not]
Alex adopts the newly orphaned Ruby. Because the best thing for a recently traumatized child who just saw her single parent killed is to be put with a guardian who frequently risks her life against supervillains. :P

Dark Archive

Anyone else think that the tape that Lena made of her coercing a confession out of Edge while he's in mortal danger is actually a lot more damning for her than it is for him?

The DEO went into Purity's house pretty goddamn hot and trigger-happy considering the justification for the raid was a DREAM.

Dark Archive

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yeah my impression is she is basically becoming possessed so no powers when not possessed and full on reign otherwise. Instead of masking they are in fact humans except while possessed.

Lifting the fallen debris, not getting hurt by the bullet, and her hand not begin harmed by the boiling water disagree. Seems more like her subconscious "turns off" her powers when necessary to avoid being discovered. Although that still leaves the mystery of why Alex can't tell the difference between Worldkiller blood and human blood. I put that one down to sloppy writing.

It's all lazy writing when it comes Arrowverse World Killers apparently.

As for your predictions, I agree with some (Reign might turn good because Sam will overtake Reign personality to save her daughter, Imra and the other Legionnaires are here to save Supergirl...or else get Superman. Reign might get more World Killers on her side), I don't see Alex becoming a Mom JUST by having an orphan kid. I could be wrong though.

Some nice new photos of Mon-el floating around.

Red suit, blue cape

looking good

Supergirl gets packaged by Toyman. I am concerned that she will lose value once she's removed.

I'm sure she'll keep.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
I'm sure she'll keep.

But...NRFB, man. NRFB!

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