Blosodriette |
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I don't think Fisk was portrayed as autistic in the Daredevil show. I think Fisk was portrayed as a criminal mastermind genius. Those guys usually have big egos and thus create fantasies in which they are the 'victim', or the 'hero', and not the monster/bullies they truly are. In short, their ego is so big that they come to believe their own lies.

Ambrosia Slaad |

I thought Fisk was on the autism spectrum because actor Vincent D'Onofrio (who plays Fisk) has said in interviews that he also thought Fisk was on the autism spectrum. D'Onofrio himself is dyslexic, believes himself to be mildly autistic, and he believes autism runs in his family.
I'm sure Fisk's abusive father and childhood trauma are the foundational reasons for his decent into evil. I don't think that whether Fisk is or isn't on the autism spectrum has anything to with his committing evil acts. I do think that the writers don't always write precisely enough to make that point clear in the audiences' minds, especially for those viewers who do not have personal exposure to people with autism.

phantom1592 |

I think that is just D'Onofrio bringing his own baggage to the role then. Nothing about Young Fisk ever really showed any kind of spectrum... and the source material of the Comics never went that route either. Young Fisk was poor, and bullied and fat and pushed too far and killed his dad.
… Then you started to see a shift in mentality.
Prior to that snap, he was just a normal kid in a crappy situation. Pretty much the same as Murdock... which I think is what we were supposed to connect. They have that 'two sides of the same coin'... / 'If things ahd been different that could have been me' thing going on.

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‘ Daredevil’ Disney+ Series in the Works
I’m not really surprised, given his brief appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Considering my opinion of Phase Four MCU, I’ll say I’m cautiously pessimistic.

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Honestly I do think it will be less Netflix and more Disney+. But that's fine.
I'm thinking that since D+ has all of the Netflix shows on D+ now as long as you say your account is okay with age 16+ material, there's no reason to think they won't make Daredevil v2 similarly dark and at that rating.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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I may be in the minority opinion on this, but if Daredevil becoming a D+ show means it will be less gorey and might consist slightly less of people alternately whispering and fighting in dark hallways, that's a good thing. I trust they can attend to mature subject matter without being gratuitous. I know some folks felt the grit and gore of the series made it seem more "realistic" but to me it felt like the director was a teen kid trying to see what he could get away with since he was on Netflix.
And I'm super excited about this coming back and hopefully, seeing more street level MCU, including more of the characters we've already gotten to know. Come oooon Daughters of the Dragon and Heroes for Hire...

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YES!! Daughters of the Dragon!!! And Heroes for Hire. (Though whether we can get Colter back is an open question...)
While I adore Evil, it's been moved from broadcast to Streaming, and I'm guessing that with S3 coming out soon, S4 could easily be it's last. That would free him up. And even if it keeps going, it's not too hard to juggle a 13-episode show and do another show (especially since D+ ones tend to be in the 6-8 episode range).

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I may be in the minority opinion on this, but if Daredevil becoming a D+ show means it will be less gorey and might consist slightly less of people alternately whispering and fighting in dark hallways, that's a good thing. I trust they can attend to mature subject matter without being gratuitous.
That would be my hope as well. This way, I could maybe allow my kidlets to watch it.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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Also, while pretty much in the rumor at best department, there was this a few days ago, which is just the kind of anticipation stealth marketing Disney is great at.
And related to that, that Krysten Ritter has recently had her hair redyed and styled in the "Jessica Jones" fashion is alone provoking speculation.
DeathQuaker wrote:I may be in the minority opinion on this, but if Daredevil becoming a D+ show means it will be less gorey and might consist slightly less of people alternately whispering and fighting in dark hallways, that's a good thing. I trust they can attend to mature subject matter without being gratuitous.That would be my hope as well. This way, I could maybe allow my kidlets to watch it.
Which I believe is largely a key goal for Disney. Both for the nice reason of wanting to give kids more heroes and the cynical reason that kids demanding merch makes money.

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I'd rather Disney make enough merch money on things to make more content. If it were subscription revenue alone, we'd have less shows to watch. Especially the more on the bubble stuff which wouldn't necessarily do enough ticket sales/subscription revenue alone to justify, but when you add merch money to the mix, gets above the line.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Yeah I understand that, Joel. I just hope we get good/better shows than Inhumans is all. (Lockjaw rules)
Inhumans was pushed by someone who is no longer on Marvel productions (I am blanking on his name) and generally I think serves as the exception proving the rule of Marvel's decent-to-good quality. It's a shame because I think at a different time and with different leadership it would have been great to include.

Mark Hoover 330 |
The funny thing is though that Disney and Marvel have pushed so hard for the "super hero" stuff; spandex suits, sky beams, even Spider Man is shattering universes and such. Taking the grit and gore out of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones still leaves us with 2 very broken characters that specifically state they're not heroes, let alone SUPER heroes.
I know other folks on this forum don't share my opinion, but I feel like D'Onofrio's Kingpin was a disconnect on the Hawkeye series. The actor stated the character was exactly the same, no multiverse variant between series', so I went into the show thinking I was getting the guy that DD broke on Netflix and I got, I don't know... a more comic book version of him?
Again, I know folks don't share my opinion so I'm not looking to rehash that. I'm just saying that one of the core reasons why I really enjoyed JJ or Luke Cage, even DD a bit, was b/c these felt like REAL human beings, just trying to muddle through real world problems like rent, substance abuse, injustice and systemic oppression, while ALSO having super powers and existing in a world with Judas bullets.
If DD, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, or even Iron Fist and Daughters of the Dragon are translated to D+, they'll need costumes for the merch, and they'll need subdued, reluctant acceptance of their own heroism to fit the tone of the MCU. That kind of character shift was part (a small part, but still part) of the reason why I disliked the Defenders series on Netflix.
I don't know; maybe I'm being needlessly pessimistic and judgmental. Also probably a lot of this is Netflix-Rose colored lenses that I'm viewing those series under. I'm willing to go into this as a fan of the comics and the characters therein. Just throwing out some food for thought I guess.