Resource Lookup / Locater

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

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Is there a place, tool, or thread that is keeping track of where resources can be found by geographic regions?

If not, can generally known resources be added here to start off?

Goblin Squad Member

Anybody knows a map area where Potent Greenweed drops?

Goblin Squad Member

Coal can be found in the Western Echo Woods and Bullwark Hills.

Goblin Squad Member

I seem to recall green in the swamps.

Goblin Squad Member

I really oppose such a tool and would recommend everyone who want to add to one, to think twice before doing it (unless it is your enemys resource and you want to frakk them ... and probably end up with a possible future ban from their settlement).

Goblin Squad Member

Bulk Resources Types: Wood, Stone, Iron, Food, Trade Goods

Bulk Resources Stats: Stone, Fish, Crops, Wood, Game, Herds, Ore

Hex Location:
Lowlands: Croplands, Swamplands, Water
Midlands: Woodlands, Highlands
Toplands: Mountains


Water: [H] Fish
Crafting: Pearls, Herbs, Essences
Bulk: Food, Trade Goods
Outposts: Docks

Croplands: [H] Crops, [M] Herds, [L] Wood
Crafting: Herbs, Cloth
Bulk: Food, Trade Goods
Outposts: Farm, Ranch

Swamplands: [M] Fish, [M] Wood, [M] Game, [M] Ore
Crafting: Leather
Bulk: All
Outposts: Lumber Mill, Hunting Lodge, Mine

Woodlands: [H] Woods, [M] Game, [L] Ore
Crafting: Wood, Herbs
Bulk: Wood, Food, Trade Goods
Outposts: Lumber Mill, Hunting Lodge

Highlands: [H] Stone, [M] Ore, [L] Herds
Crafting: Coal, Copper, Gold
Bulk: Stone, Ore
Outposts: Quarry, Mine

Mountains: [H] Ore, [M] Stone, [L] Game
Crafting: Iron, Silver
Bulk: Iron, Stone
Outposts: Mine, Quarry

Crafting: Adamantine, Meteoric Iron
Bulk: N/A
Outposts: N/A

Goblin Squad Member

Schedim wrote:
I really oppose such a tool and would recommend everyone who want to add to one, to think twice before doing it (unless it is your enemys resource and you want to frakk them ... and probably end up with a possible future ban from their settlement).

I oppose your opposition to the OP. (Grin)

A lot of this information is in the Public Domain (blogs, articles, threads..) and new players should not be punished for not keeping up with the deluge of information from the last 2 years.

Note that this is a voluntary sharing of info, and is by regions not by settlement; big difference. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Ah ... Region ... Mmm .. Perhaps .... But I still thinks it is a bit beyond newbie stuff, when you reach this point in need know you should already have made the connections ingame, making this a bit obsolete.

The other parts of the tutorial is waaaay more important to work on IMO.

Telling newbies that they find copper around Gol' is just a very advanced for of ganking ...

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
I seem to recall green in the swamps.

You are colour blind my friend. It is yellow that you find in the swamps. Where do you expect yellow fever to come from ?

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Joking aside - there truly is no green in the swamps. I did get this wrong myself. Green is the one ingredient that I don't have a good hex found yet that supplies it.

At the moment you have the following info that is public:
General areas where to find the basic resources:
Iron in mountains, coal in highlands - yew and pine in the woods - albeit at different ends of the map.

As Schedim put it today - coal is the true currency right now. There are several reasons for that:
a) There is one large region where you find it in abundance - but that region is one of the least active in regard to settlements - not taking Rathglen into account
b) coal is heavy and you need a lot. 50 +2 steel wire cost you 44 coal. We are talking here half an hour gathering - in the right region - plus half an hour (one way) travel
c) coal is needed for the most important items right now - medium and heavy armour, weapons

This leaves a few other raw materials for special needs. Green is on top of these - due to rarity. But a hex with lots of green would be strip harvested quickly if it is announced here. It doesn't take much weight - but I expect it to be on the fringes of the map as otherwise everyone would know.
Gems are similar in demand. I was just offered a good reward to give out a good location for a specific gem. So at the moment information like that can be traded for recipes or other hard goods.

Long term there will be a more functional trade, valuable hexes will be contested and you can defend them. But right now I stopped to disclose all the information I have on resources.
I always help beginners. But this is what a settlement should offer you - information of all resources - at least the ones in a 2 hex radius of your home settlement.

Goblin Squad Member


I respect your point of view, but I look at it from a different perspective. Information that is in the public domain should not be made deliberately hard for new players to find; it just reinforces the "your too late to the party" barrier that month 2 and OE players already have. Tools will be made by people to share this info, as it is important to gathers, refiners, adventures, merchants, patrols, mercenaries and bandits. I am just recompiling what is already available.

Every player is free to add (or not) to this database of common knowledge. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Lee Hammock wrote:

Mountains Ranges and what they should have:

Splinter Peaks (Near Callambea and Freevale): Iron, Silver, Lodestone

Northern Thorncrags (Near Golgotha): Copper in the northern end, Gold at the
southern end, Iron

Southern Thorncrags (Phaeros and Brighthaven): Iron, Gold, Lodestone

Southern Echo Peaks (Forgeholm): Iron, Sliver, Lodestone

Goblin Squad Member

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Lee Hammock wrote:

Source Link:

So the system as it's intended:

There are a 130 resources in the game. Each hex has a rating, generally 0-5000, for each of these resources. Usually hexes have 0 in most resources. Each hex has a total "value" of resources, which is the value of all the resources in the hex at server start in terms of of the crafting system. In figuring out how much of a given resource is required for making an item we assigned values to each resource, but these are not prices as the price of a piece of iron ore is ultimately going to be determined by the player. We just needed some rough relative values to determine the ratios of adamantine to iron in the world and such.

Each terrain has certain types of resources it favors. For example, you tend find more iron in mountains and wood in woodlands. These rules are not hard and fast though; you can scavenge iron in croplands hexes. Woodlands, croplands, coastlands, and wetlands hexes have dowsing, scavenging, and forestry nodes while highlands, mountains, and brokenlands (meteor craters) have dowsing, mining, and forestry nodes. In a given hex you can only get a resource out of one node type, but you can get brimstone out of a scavenging node and a mining node in different hexes.

Woodlands hexes produce wood and a variety of herbs from forestry nodes, gems, metals, leather, cloth, and chemicals from scavenging nodes, and essence from dowsing nodes.

Croplands hexes produce a wide variety of herbs from forestry nodes, cloth, leather, gems, metals, and chemicals from scavenging nodes, and essence from dowsing nodes.

Wetlands produce a wide variety of herbs from forestry nodes (with a higher rate of color herbs), cloth, leather, gems, metals, and lots of chemicals from scavenging nodes, and essence from dowsing nodes.

Highlands produce a few herbs from forestry nodes, chemicals, gems, and coal from mining nodes, and essence from dowsing nodes.

Mountains produce a few herbs from forestry nodes, chemicals, gems, and metals from mining nodes, and essence from dowsing nodes.

The map is broken up into a number of regions, each of which have their own resource themes. For example, the Northern Cragthorns are the mountains to the southwest of Thornkeep and they are the only mountains in the game rich in copper, meanhwhile the Southern Thorncrags down near Brighthaven and Phaeros are the only mountains in the game rich in gold and the Southern Echo Peaks just north of Thornkeep are rich in silver.

Hex Types:
Starter/NPC hexes generally have non-zero ratings in 10-15 resources, all of which are tier 1. With the next update you will see that they provide a wide variety of resources so tier 1 characters can find what they need without going to far, but are still limited to terrain and region appropriate resources. The total value of resources in a NPC/starter hex is approximately 1/3 a wilderness hex and 1/64 that of a monster hex. Any hex neighboring a starter settlement, within 2 hexes of Thornkeep, or along the major roads is a starter/NPC hex. These cannot become infected with escalations and will not be claimable by PCs in any portion of territorial conflicts.

Wilderness hexes, which are most hexes, have non-zero ratings in 8-15 resources with a mix of tier 1 and tier 2. These resources are limited by terrain and region, some some woodland hexes have lots of pine while others have lots of maple These differences are usually along geographic lines, like mainly pine in the north and maple in the south. The total value of the resources in a wilderness hex are approximately x3 as much as an NPC starter hex, and 1/20th that of a monster hex.

Monster hexes have non-zero ratings in 6-20 resources from all tiers, but most of their value comes from tier 3 resources following region and terrain restrictions. Despite having so much more value than other hex types, monster hexes can be tapped out about as quickly as a wilderness hex, if not more so.

Each time you remove a resource from a node, the associated rating for that hex decreases by one. If that rating reaches 0, that resource stops appearing in nodes in that hex. If all the resources for a node type reach 0, those nodes stop spawning in the hex. Every fifteen minutes the system runs a check to see if the resource rating should increase by 1; the chance of increase is (the current rating of the node)/(original rating of the node). So if the hex originally has iron of 1000 and you harvest 10 units of ore, it has an iron rating of 990 and there is a 990/1000=99% chance it will get one point of iron back when the next 15 minute resource rating check comes around. This means if you really take a lot of resources out of a hex the harder it will be for it to replenish, the higher the value the more you can take out before you begin to notice the slow down in replenishment, and the more resources in a hex the more checks the system runs to see if resources are to be replenished. So a hex with a few high rating resources will be more likely to replenish those ratings, while a hex with a large number of low resource ratings will be easier to tap out on any single resource, but will have the chance to restore more value to the hex overall by running more checks.

Currently the system is refilling all the resources every server day, so a lot of the paragraph above is effectively invisible. Sure if a resource rating is 200 or below you may get it to 0 in 24 hours, but if it's 3000 that's not so likely.

The lower the resource rating is compared to the original rating, the more likely you are to get impure (i.e. heavier) resources.

The likelihood to get more than two resources per node is based on your skill level.

Goblin Squad Member

Lee Hammock wrote:

Source Link

An important distinction to keep in mind: I said that gold could only be mined in the Southern Thorncrags. I did not say it could not be scavenged elsewhere. Same with silver and copper.

And it is supposed to be Thorncrags...because I think it sounds better.

Forgehelm is in the Southern Echo Peaks.

The hills in the NW of the map have approximately 55% of the coal in the game. So in 60 hexes out of 900, you have half of all of a major resource in the game. Plus 50% of the bloodstone, 70% of the brimstone and juniper berries, 66% of the cinnabar, 90% of the saltpeter, and all of the parafin wax, quicklime, aqua mortis, and aqua fortis in the game.

All of the resources in the game show up where they do not just because of terrain and region, but also projected demand. We have a bunch of spreadsheets to try and figure out how much of each resource players will want, and gold for example never gets a lot of demand so it's never going to be present in a wide swath of hexes. Coal on the other hand is needed in such vast quantities we can't restrict it to only the hill hexes we have present on the map unless those hexes only produced coal...and maybe not even then. It's easier to restrict off higher tier stuff, thus the hills are the place to go for tier 2 and 3 chemicals. These demand numbers will be updated as we see actual demand in game (on the next build you'll get a refined resource chart that does just that, putting more copper into the world and less silver).

Goblin Squad Member

Lee Hammock wrote:

Source Link

Eventually you will be able to get resource information from the world map, at least about the hex you are in or neighboring hexes.

Currently your rank does not affect resource depletion except that higher ranking gatherers will deplete hexes faster and you need them to get higher tier items. You need level 7 skills to harvest tier 2 resources and level 14 to harvest tier 3.

Once you open a node the depletion check is run. If you choose not to take it, the numbers have already been decreased. I'd like to change this at some point, but it's a minor thing overall.

Goblin Squad Member

Stephen Cheney wrote:

Source Link

Whenever my recent tweaks go in, the general rule is:
* Ores and Logs are 1/2 to 2 encumbrance
* Cloths and Leathers are 1/4 to 1 encumbrance
* Chemicals, Essences, and Gems are 1/25 to 4/25 encumbrance

So you can carry twice as many cloths/leathers of the same concentration as ores/logs, and whole bunches of the smaller things.

Goblin Squad Member

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I am with Giorgo on this one. That is why I made this public Googledoc:

Resources per Hex

Everyone can add to this.

This is what I wrote in another thread about it:


I made the lay-out for this google-doc quit some time ago(Nihimon was owner of the doc, not sure how that works, he created it for me since I was new to googledocs).

Resources per Hex

The reason why I stopped working on adding entries to it and did not advertize it, is because we do not know if Goblinworks will be shuffling around some of the resources on a regular basis. Probably not the regular stuff like Coal and Iron, but the more exotic stuff. If they do, then a player-created database like this is not very useful, since it would get outdated every time GW decides to change it around.

If they do *not* change it on a regular basis, I think it is inevitable that this information will become known and be put into a database or tool or calculator somewhere. No matter the political implications. :)

Settlements will undoubtedly stake a claim to their resources: and they will be the ones that know best in what state of depletion their hexes are. So that information will not be found on the doc. Settlements will only be able to create mystery around the resources they have, if they get changed around by GW. Maybe GW will be able to mix it up with Gushers, so there could still be some stuff that is not persistant and can be kept a "secret" for a while. I hope so, it would only add to the game.

A tip: it is not necessary to add the quality identifier to a resource, i.e. just write Juniperberries instead of Potent Juniperberries, since the depletion will be an everchanging and temp thing. We do not need all quality-tiers to clog up the entry, since they are all 4 the same resource, just different in weight.

Since this doc can be publicly edited and added to, people can mess with it, if they would want it. Put in false entries and so forth. If that were to happen I guess it will have to become a more private thing.

In any case, seeing what tools are already available, I think it is inevitable that at some point, every Hex will be charted for something simple as which resources can be found there.

So if Goblinworks will leave the location of resources as they are, then there is just no way to keep this a secret, other then the depletion-state and/or any information about gushers.

Actually, there is a way when they can still be a mystery and that is when this game flops hard. But if this game ever reachers 50k+ players, be assured all hexes will be charted, and the info can be found somewhere on the web.

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah, I noticed my non-linking. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I will be actively updating this over the course of the week as I go threw the various Paizo (yay for search feature!) and the GW Forums (boo for no search feature!) resource related threads as time allows. I will try to credit original sources when I can. This thread will be disorganized while I collect raw information, then reformulated to make more sense. I welcome participation from those who support this kind of community created effort. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Tyncale wrote:

I am with Giorgo on this one. That is why I made this public Googledoc:

Resources per Hex

Everyone can add to this.


Some recommendations:

1- Can you* include in cell "1B" a field for the revision date like: 'Date Revised: 12/1/2015'?

2- Can you insert a new column between "C" and "D" , label it "Geographic Region" as per Harad's New Map and add it the the color shaded cells?

3- Can you add to cell "2C" the following additional references:Harad's New Map and Harad's Old Map?

4- Update cells "11D-11G" to use the names for the resource nodes as they appear in the game client?

5- More recommendations to follow if you are agreeable to them. :)

* = By "you" I mean the files originator or anyone interested in updating the doc; I am unable to do some myself at this time.

Goblin Squad Member

I am agreeable to each of your suggestions so I would be happy if anyone would update it. :D I do not have much time myself right now. Ah, the beauty of a public doc. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Research Home/Gathering/Dowser:

No useful info.

Note: PFO Wiki Races: Dwarf (Dowser -5), Elf (Dowser +0), Human (Dowser +5)

Goblin Squad Member

Research Home/Gathering/Forester:

-Pine in the north (Western Echo Wood, Traveler's Wood?)
-Yew in the south (Thornwood, Southern Echo Wood?)
-Hemp in middens in Croplands (Riverfields, Highwater, Crusader Lowlands, Emerald Spire, Western Echo Plains, Southern Echo Plains?)

Note: PFO Wiki Races: Dwarf (Forester +10), Elf (Forester +0), Human (Forester +5)

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Research Home/Gathering/Miner:

-Idea for hand cart for miners (I recommended it be posted on Ideascale).

-Coal in highlands (Bullwark Hills and Western Echo Woods confirmed)

-Moonstone in Thornwood?

-Freshwater Pearl in Southern Echo Peaks?

-Copper in Northern Gragthorn?

-Decius Alpha Report:
Coal hex (2 hexes north of western pass hex, 2 NW of Sotterhill):
True coal 2, Perfect bloodstone; Potent Sal ammoniac; Solid Copper ore; Perfect bloodstone; True coal, solid copper ore; True coal, potent sal ammoniac; True coal, Rich Lodestone!; perfect bloodstone; Rich Lodestone!; Solid copper ore 2; True coal; solid copper ore; True coal; true coal; potent sal ammoniac; true coal; solid copper ore; true coal, solid copper ore; true coal;

Western pass hex
pefect onyx; true iron ore, perfect onyx; true iron ore; rich lodestone! true iron ore 2; perfect onyx; perfect onyx; true iron ore; true iron ore; potent cinnabar; true iron ore; true iron ore; true iron ore; potent cinnabar; potent cinnabar; true iron ore; potent cinnabar; true iron ore 2, potent cinnabar 2; potent cinnabar; potent cinnabar; potent cinnabar; rich lodestone!; true iron ore; potent cinnabar 2

Note: PFO Wiki Races: Dwarf (Miner +20), Elf (Miner -5), Human (Miner +5)

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:

Research Home/Gathering/Forester:

-Pine in the north (Western Echo Wood, Traveler's Wood?)
-Yew in the south (Thornwood, Southern Echo Wood?)
-Hemp in middens in Croplands (Riverfields, Highwater, Crusader Lowlands, Emerald Spire, Western Echo Plains, Southern Echo Plains?)

Note: PFO Wiki Races: Dwarf (Forester +10), Elf (Forester +0), Human (Forester +5)

There is no hemp around the Emerald Spire - you get wool instead. This applies to all 6 hexes around the Spire. At the spire itself you get neither wool nor hemp but iron as tier 1 in middens.

There are some (very rare) hexes in the south that have pine - but pine tends to be in these hexes with a very low frequency.

Goblin Squad Member

Thod wrote:

There is no hemp around the Emerald Spire - you get wool instead. This applies to all 6 hexes around the Spire. At the spire itself you get neither wool nor hemp but iron as tier 1 in middens.

There are some (very rare) hexes in the south that have pine - but pine tends to be in these hexes with a very low frequency.

Much appreciated! I am focusing more on geographic regions than specific hexes for reasons mentioned above (TL;DR = I don't want to single out settlements and "their" resources).

I am also trying to not use to much Alpha info, but I have to work with what is already available... Did I mention I hate the GW forums lack of search function? :)

Goblin Squad Member

Research Home/ Gathering/Scavenger:

Lee Hammock wrote:
Generally speaking, outside of starter areas I've tried to trim down the number of resources in a given hex so players can more easily say "I need to go to X,Y hex or region to find what I need," rather than going to a larger number of hexes but having to wade through a lot of drops you're not looking for. The hexes around Alderwag [edit:aka The Gauntlet] generally have 10 resources present (Esoteric Essence, Anagogic Essence, Belladonna Berries, Ground Ivy, Coriander Fruit, Yarrow Flowers, Tigereye, Deep Blue Spinel, Pine Logds and Oak Logs). Most wilderness hexes have between 7-15 different resources in them, but the total "value" of the resources in a hex is always the same.

Lee Hammock wrote:
Cropland hexes produces lots of cloth (cotton, wool, hemp), while swamps and croplands (and some forests) are good for leather. There will be more of all these in EE.

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Scavenging nodes will have very strange economic values. They can produce materials that might be very valuable in the immediate area and not very valuable anywhere else. So you might randomly get something that is really worthwhile to the crafting and logistics network nearby but if you hiked halfway across the map it would have a minimal value.

So it's kind of a lottery ticket.

Some blog back in August 2014 wrote:
"Changed the categories of nodes that spawn in different terrain types so mineral nodes never spawn in coastland, woodland, or cropland hexes, while junk hexes never spawn in highland and mountain hexes. Also reapportioned the chances of different node categories spawning to better reflect the amount of resources in different terrain types."

Middens: Primary source of leather and cloth; primarily draws from plant and rock nodes not found in that area?

Beast Pelts: Swamp, Croplands and Wilderness?


PFO Wiki Races: Dwarf (Scavenger +10), Elf (Scavenger +0), Human (Scavenger +5)

Found useful link thanks to Nihimon: Easy Mode harvesting.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
It is exceedingly unlikely that the Settlements who control the areas in which valuable resources can be found in quantity will appreciate your efforts. If nothing else, be sure to include a warning to the players who utilize this resource that, unless they seek and receive explicit permission to harvest in another group's controlled territory, they are likely to be killed and have the fruits of their labor taken from them.


That is a good suggestion and I will incorporate it into the next draft/organized data. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Research Home/Gathering: ; Part 1

Stephen Cheney wrote:
Nope, just from salvage. They're essentially "I know a lot about [creature], and usually the best loot is right… about… here!" Only the gathering professions improve nodes.

They are also designed to contribute to some building management functions and data-gathering from the map. Long term, when we have more scripted PvE content, they will likely also have scripted bonuses (e.g., "Click this glowy thing in the encounter, and if your Arcana is high enough, something awesome happens"

Stephen Cheney wrote:
To the best of my knowledge, Knowledges should be contributing to better loot. Survival (animals - wolves), Local (humanoids - goblins, bandits, raiders, knights, cultists), Geography (giants - ogres), Planes (outsiders - hellhounds), and History (undead - skeletons and ghouls) are currently the only ones that have any creatures associated with them, with Local the big winner given our current wealth of humanoids. The other ones will start being useful once we get more creature types.

[Edit: and a few post down:]
I was not aware that Planes was not currently trainable. I have asked Lee to make it trainable.

History is for undead because we shelved Religion once Iconographer ate a lot of its conceptual space. Meanwhile History had a designed map interaction but no good loot interaction.

Stephen Cheney wrote:
Right now, all creature types have the same chance to drop recipes and expendables for the same level, and roll on the same charts. For example, a level 1 goblin, level 1 bandit, and level 1 cultist are pretty much identical for the purpose of acquiring recipes and expendables (and that's the same if you change that level to 2, 4, etc.). They do have different salvage and token chances by type.

Long term, we'll likely tweak recipes and expendable drops to make more sense for the type of creature, but we don't yet have enough types of creature to create a really logical but balanced mix, so total global parity is preferred to one role's important things being on something super common while another's is on something rare.

Lee Hammock wrote:
The woods each have their own regions that partially overlap. For example, tier 1 is divided north/south, while tier 2 is divided east/west, both by region. I'm trying to find a good way to get the region maps more visible to the players so they can hopefully better understand where things are.

Nihimon wrote:
Ordered Essence - Croplands
Esoteric Essence - Forests and Swamps
Antithesis Essence - Hills and Mountains

Foxglove wrote:
Note: this is a plains hex on the map but the local terrain icon is forest and there are trees.

Dowser1: 8 essence nodes consistently dropped 2 ordered essence each

Forester1: 12 plant nodes consistently dropped 2 items.
Total 10 hyssop oil, 9 smoke peppers, 6 cabble weed. All combos seen.

Scavenger8: of 19 nodes, 15 dropped two items, 2 dropped four, 1 eight (7wl+1ir) and 1 dropped ten (5wl+2qs+2ir+1ls)
Total 32 wool, 10 quicksilver, 9 iron, 2 lodestone, 1 silver, 1 monsterpelt, 1 coal.
always at least one T1 drop.

Lee Hammock wrote about resource distribution here:
Thanks for the info guys! I am working on a resources tweak currently that will increase the adhesive, beast pelt, and copper in the game while decreasing the silver.

Also I found what the moonstone issue is. Before the in progress tweak only a selection of woodlands hexes had a non-zero moonstone rating, so you could go scavenging for them but would never find them mining. I've tweaked this so there will be some mining hexes that drop them, but this is going to be a continuing problem on some level until we vastly expand the map. Currently the preponderance of woodland hexes means we need to drop resources in woodlands hexes you would not expect there in order to get enough items into the game to function (hence why you can find a lot of iron in some scavenging nodes). Basically we don't have enough mountains and hills to have all the metals, gems, and chemicals be gathered in them, but once the map gets bigger that situation improves.

Lee Hammock wrote some interesting things about gathering:
So some insight into how gathering works.

The number of items you get from a single node is based on your skill level. You always get at least two, but can get up to 10 in multiples of 2.

Hexes have ratings for each resource in the game, with most hexes having 0 in everything but 9-12 resources. These ratings generally do not go below 100 and not over 5000.

Each time you harvest a node a check is run to determine what you get. First the number of items you get is determined based on skill level. Then, for each item the ratings of the different resources are run as relative weights. So if you have 1000 coal and 1000 iron, you have a 50/50 chance of getting either. Each time you get an item, that associated resources goes down by 1 per item. So if you have a hex with 1000 coal and 1000 iron and get two iron from a node, it now has 1000 coal and 998 iron, so you have slightly less than a 50% chance of getting more iron. The ratings recover over time, though due to some bugs they are being reset more often than expected so you are unlikely to see any hex get completely drained currently. It's on the list to get fixed.

You can only get the resources that you meet the requirements to gathering. So if the above hex with 1000 iron and 1000 coal also had 1000 meteorite iron, you would still have a 50/50 shot at coal or iron if you are a tier 1 gatherer. If you are a tier 2 gatherer, you now have a 33/33/33 split between iron, coal, and meteorite iron. Note that in hexes that are closer to starter settlements the tier 1 stuff is likely to already be drained somewhat while whatever tier 2 stuff is less drained, so once you get tier 2 gathering skills you are likely to see a lot of tier 2 stuff in those hexes.

Right now we don't have the tech to do inherited trains on items so you can't use higher tier stuff for lower tier stuff.

Stephen Cheney wrote:
Once the full economic pipeline starts to develop, we think it's not particularly likely that you'll want to use higher-tier components in place of lower-tier ones. Their relative rarity should mean you could trade one of them for multiples of the lesser equivalent once there are a lot of gatherers using the market and a lot of players wanting higher-tier gear.

-Recipe drops are being closely monitored by devs; they are not convinced yet that things are off with the loot tables; a few players are collecting data on the Paizo forums.

-Requested Bonny add a new subform for "mobs" or "monsters" on GW Gathering fourm.

-North: Pine Logs and Belladonna Berries ?
-West: Oak?
-Swamps: Green wood?
-Sotterhill = Callambea's current hex

Goblin Squad Member

The problem with this post that it contains several points of outdated information.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Giorgo wrote:
1- Can you* include in cell "1B" a field for the revision date like: 'Date Revised: 12/1/2015'?

Note that anyone can select [file] [view revision history] to see a list of edit dates which doesn't rely on anyone remembering to update it. It also make it easy to undo any spam if it gets hit.

Goblin Squad Member

I think repeated posts by the same postee of several pages of regurgitated info that is already posted on more than a half dozen threads is not helpful in anyway. It's spamming the boards with information that would FAR better be presented elsewhere.

Consolation of information is worth while. Doing it via forum posts is the wrong format.

Goblin Squad Member

Jakaal wrote:

I think repeated posts by the same postee of several pages of regurgitated info that is already posted on more than a half dozen threads is not helpful in anyway. It's spamming the boards with information that would FAR better be presented elsewhere.

Consolation of information is worth while. Doing it via forum posts is the wrong format.

The fact that is its posted on dozens of threads is the reason its being place into one thread for ease of reference; and it is NOT being presented elsewhere in way that is easy to understand or available to new people.

This information needs to be gathered, publicly reviewed for accuracy then compiled and formatted. I am open to suggestions.

Goblin Squad Member

I think the Wiki and the discussion pages on there are a better forum to post this sort of data in iterations as accuracy is dialed in. Also it will allow one constant source of update-able information that can be linked to with less disruption to the flow of forums.

Goblin Squad Member


The Wiki is a good place to host the data when finalized but it is not user friendly (to me) for a work in progress; not everyone A)can access the wiki due to cache problems,(B)bother visiting even if they could, and (C)will register just to comment on this topic. I prefer this format till I find something better, and the comments that people make here help create a better end product.

Using these Paizo forums is a messy but useable tool, and no one is required to read the thread in full; you can always hide it so it wont show up repeatedly on your page list if it bothers you. :)

Goblin Squad Member

@Giorgo, I encourage you to continue posting in this thread; those who don't want to be bothered with it have options to hide the thread. However, I would encourage you to avoid using other threads, even if they previously had related information.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
@Giorgo, I encourage you to continue posting in this thread; those who don't want to be bothered with it have options to hide the thread. However, I would encourage you to avoid using other threads, even if they previously had related information.

I am not sure I understand. Do you mean stay here on this thread, and don't post on any other threads relating to this topic (like the GW forums or blog discussions thread); or do you mean something else?


Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Giorgo wrote:
Nihimon wrote:
@Giorgo, I encourage you to continue posting in this thread; those who don't want to be bothered with it have options to hide the thread. However, I would encourage you to avoid using other threads, even if they previously had related information.

I am not sure I understand. Do you mean stay here on this thread, and don't post on any other threads relating to this topic (like the GW forums or blog discussions thread); or do you mean something else?


I was suggesting that you continue to use this thread for the purpose you have always used it for.

I was also suggesting that you try to avoid necroing large numbers of old threads, or copy-pasting into many other threads, for what feels like a very similar purpose.

These are only friendly suggestions, meant to help find a common ground where you can accomplish your goals without being accused of "spamming" or "disrupting" the forums.

Goblin Squad Member


Understood! Thanks for the guidelines! :)

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Giorgo wrote:


Understood! Thanks for the guidelines! :)

You're a friendly person, and I genuinely admire your dedication and your efforts :)

Goblin Squad Member

In two different mountains, I have found moonstone along side iron at about a 10% level (gathered 10x the iron as moonstone). I know of one place with greenweed and have previously share with Thod. I was told that there is also a site south of Phaeros

Goblin Squad Member

I would very much appreciate it if you would not publicly post information about valuable resources near Phaeros.

Goblin Squad Member

Stephen Cheney wrote about knowledge skills*:
Essentially, each rank of a knowledge should give you approximately +1.667% of the base loot chance for everything a creature within that knowledge drops. This is because each rank gives you +10 skill total, and the formula is Skill Total/300 x 50%.

So if you have a skill total of 60 you should expect to get +10% loot drops from those creatures. If a creature has a 40% chance to drop something normally, it should have a 44% chance for you.

The quote in Giorgio's post outlines the matchups. Local is overrepresented right now, but we hope to bring parity to the skills eventually as we get more creature types in game.

* = I consider monsters/mobs as "adventuring resources" as they are "nodes that fight back"; that is why I include these references in this thread.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

<Tavernhold> Locke wrote:
In two different mountains, I have found moonstone along side iron at about a 10% level (gathered 10x the iron as moonstone). I know of one place with greenweed and have previously share with Thod. I was told that there is also a site south of Phaeros

There is an interesting aspect about greenweed. It is easier to find now that alpha ended and I'm no longer a level 7 forrester. It makes sense as it is a rare find in areas rich in tier 2.

But it has interesting consequences to gathering.

By far the best source of green in the game atm is the millions of goblins waiting for their deaths near the starter settlements. Their "bags of itchy(?) stuff" count as green, and while somewhat heavier than greenweed, they are also waaay more common. Since green is only used in Tier 1 spellbooks, the supply of goblin bags should actually be sufficient to fulfill the server's need for quite some time. By the time it runs out, most of the current population will be well into Tier 2, and the resource tables will be well mapped out.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
I would very much appreciate it if you would not publicly post information about valuable resources near Phaeros.

I hope you are aware that an Everbloom aligned group has enlisted me to coordinate to gather just such information for the whole map.

Too lazy to check if Harvad is Kepper or T7V.

Goblin Squad Member

Thod wrote:
Nihimon wrote:
I would very much appreciate it if you would not publicly post information about valuable resources near Phaeros.

I hope you are aware that an Everbloom aligned group has enlisted me to coordinate to gather just such information for the whole map.

Too lazy to check if Harvad is Kepper or T7V.

Also, Nihimon, you can not expect this sort of information to not become public at some point. *Unless* GW decides to mix it up regularly with the resource locations. You were the one that opened a new googledoc for me just so that I could make such a public Resource database.

Anyway, I think there are still ways for GW to mix it up without having to reshuffle everything. Gushers could actually be somewhat inconsistent as to their location and also appearance: for instance, all of sudden there is a chance on finding a Moonstone gusher in a Hex where there usually isn't any, but after a few weeks (or maybe even just a few days), they will stop appearing.

This information would be something that a Settlement could try to keep exclusive for a while.

However, in the end, the whole point of resources is to create strife. And intrigue.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon also has to be careful not to invoke the Streisand effect.

From Wikipedia:
The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

Guess too late. Now it got intrigued me if the Phaeros hex really has some unusual high rate of green or just is one of the many other hexes that have green.
Yes - there are many. I'm aware of at least three of them. And I start to see patterns - so I can predict where to find them and where not - based on content of midden notes.
Still need to confirm this - but it's possible that I would map the whole wood area EL is in with a yes/no greenweed by end of the week.

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