AbsolutGrndZer0 |

Hmmm I can see the argument that they do not as valid, but to me... What really is the difference thematically? If a hunter is hanging out with druids, has an animal companion, and so on... even more so if they are a feral hunter... I could see someone saying "Yeah, I'll teach you druid, cause you're a druid."
Kind of like are you a fighter or a rogue? Well, they have different abilities sure... but is a fighter's guild going to be like "Nope, sorry you might be able to stand back to back with us in a fight... but we are a fighter's guild and you sir are not a fighter, you are a rogue."
Is a rogue's guild going to deny the bard entry? He's NOT a rogue, he's a bard.
Is the assassin's guild going to deny entry to the slayer class unless they have the prestige class? Of course not.
So, in that sense, depending on the character and their backstory, I might allow it. As for the "ex-druids" part that they taught druidic to a non-druid, that's a thing for the gods, and I think as long as the druid in good faith saw this hunter (or even ranger) as a druid brother, there's no reason why they'd lose their abilities.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

I always felt like the big difference between Hunters and Druids was the culture. Hunters don't have to revere nature or else lose their powers. Hunter's are more about controlling nature than respecting it.
Well, true. So maybe in that respect they'd know but then in that case an evil druid wouldn't be a druid. They don't respect nature, they control it.

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Can a character with only levels in the Hunter class from Advanced Class Guide select Druidic as a bonus language?
No. Nothing in the Hunter class gives them an exception to the rule that Druidic is a Druids only language.
When Druids decide to eradicate a village because it doesn't "fit in with nature". I see Erastitian Hunters as one of the main forces opposing them.

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

No. Nothing in the Hunter class gives them an exception to the rule that Druidic is a Druids only language.When Druids decide to eradicate a village because it doesn't "fit in with nature". I see Erastitian Hunters as one of the main forces opposing them.
Maybe, but again... as I said before... if they both revere nature and both follow Erastil... how does the druid know that this hunter (or ranger) isn't a druid? I guess that's the main problem that lies with a CLASS restricted language... you gotta say "Class... not druid..." so again with my above example, the equivalent would be not allowing rogues into the fighter's guild.
On the other hand there is always this...
You have a natural understanding of the Druidic language.
Prerequisites: Linguistics 1 rank, cannot be a druid.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on Linguistics checks made to decipher writings in the Druidic language. If you have 10 or more ranks in Linguistics, add Druidic to the list of bonus languages available to you.