Tom S 820 |

Not sure how you got from point A to point B on that one, chief. Haste gives you an extra attack on a full attack, which both Flurry and Spell Combat count as. Haste is not its own action, nor does it have a special action associated with it.
But flurry is own special full attack thing as well beacuse you can not furry and two weapon fight or rapid shot in pathfinder( you could in 3.5 or 3.0).... so there for you should not be able to flurry and use haste if the magus can not use haste and spell combat.

Claxon |

No, flurry and spell combat cannot be used in the same round. Each is it's own full round action.
Flurry will stack with Haste. Haste will also stack with Spell Combat by FAQ.
Magus, Spell Combat: Does spell combat count as making a full attack action for the purpose of haste and other effects?
Edit 9/9/13: This is a revised ruling about how haste interacts with effects that are essentially a full attack, even though the creature isn't specifically using the full attack action (as required by haste). The earlier ruling did not allow the extra attack from haste when using spell combat.
But flurry is own special full attack thing as well beacuse you can not furry and two weapon fight or rapid shot in pathfinder( you could in 3.5 or 3.0).... so there for you should not be able to flurry and use haste if the magus can not use haste and spell combat.
Flurry of Blows is a full attack action. Everyone knew flurry worked with haste fine when it came out, however a lot of people went back and forth about Spell Combat and Haste. For a short time, the Devs said Spell Combat didn't work with haste. They then changed their ruling (partly because it was inconsistent with how Flurry functioned).
At this time, both work with Haste just fine. But they can never be used together because both require their own full round action to perform.

Kazaan |
At this time, both work with Haste just fine. But they can never be used together because both require their own full round action to perform.
That would be a valid point, except for the fact that the FAQ states spell combat counts as making a full-attack action for haste and other effects. Back during the whole debate as to whether the FAQ should be changed, after the Devs reversed their ruling, I specifically asked them if the change was targeted at Spell Combat, making the sequence of attacks essentially a subordinated full-attack within the larger full-round Use Special Ability action for Spell Combat, or if the change was targeted at Haste instead to change it from "full-attack" to "any instance in which you make iterative attacks". The reply I got from the Devs amounted to, "We're not sure at the moment, we'll get back to you." I never saw any further address of the situation. So the topic is still, technically, in Limbo; if Spell Combat "contains" a full-attack, then any ability that modifies the full-attack action would, arguably, work with Spell Combat. On the other hand, if the change was aimed at Haste and Haste-like effects instead, then Spell Combat would not mesh with any ability that modifies full-attack.
However, regarding Flurry of Blows in particular, the whole argument may be moot because, even if Spell Combat has a subordinated full-attack, the spell being cast "counts as" your off-hand attack and, since FoB can only be made using Unarmed Strikes and/or Monk quality weapons, a spell qualifying as neither, you couldn't combine the two anyway. But the question still stands as to whether more open alterations such as Mobile Fighter's Rapid Attack or Fight Defensively would still work with Spell Combat.

Calth |
Claxon wrote:At this time, both work with Haste just fine. But they can never be used together because both require their own full round action to perform.That would be a valid point, except for the fact that the FAQ states spell combat counts as making a full-attack action for haste and other effects. Back during the whole debate as to whether the FAQ should be changed, after the Devs reversed their ruling, I specifically asked them if the change was targeted at Spell Combat, making the sequence of attacks essentially a subordinated full-attack within the larger full-round Use Special Ability action for Spell Combat, or if the change was targeted at Haste instead to change it from "full-attack" to "any instance in which you make iterative attacks". The reply I got from the Devs amounted to, "We're not sure at the moment, we'll get back to you." I never saw any further address of the situation. So the topic is still, technically, in Limbo; if Spell Combat "contains" a full-attack, then any ability that modifies the full-attack action would, arguably, work with Spell Combat. On the other hand, if the change was aimed at Haste and Haste-like effects instead, then Spell Combat would not mesh with any ability that modifies full-attack.
However, regarding Flurry of Blows in particular, the whole argument may be moot because, even if Spell Combat has a subordinated full-attack, the spell being cast "counts as" your off-hand attack and, since FoB can only be made using Unarmed Strikes and/or Monk quality weapons, a spell qualifying as neither, you couldn't combine the two anyway. But the question still stands as to whether more open alterations such as Mobile Fighter's Rapid Attack or Fight Defensively would still work with Spell Combat.
No completely on topic, but I think Spell Combat does now work with all things that modify full attacks, as I remember there used to be a note about only counting for haste, other effects being considered in the FAQ that is now gone. I could be completely misremembering, but I swear in that note where they made the edit they did say something like as you said, "we are considering other effects that modify full attacks, but have not yet decided."
On topic, piling on. Spell Combat cannot be combined with Flurry of Blows as they are both different actions. Spell Combat is a Full-Round Action that counts as a Full-Attack for effects that modify full-attacks. Flurry of Blows is a separate type of Full-Attack that is its own distinct action. Even if Spell Combat was a Full-Attack, they still would not be combinable, as they each would be independent substitutes for a Full-Attack Action, not modifications of a Full-Attack action.