Are You A Selfish, Lazy Product of an Entitlement Society?

Off-Topic Discussions

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Well, I am selfish, lazy and entitled; I have a title, after all, which is why you peasants are obligated to toil on my behalf while I lie in bed catching diseases. I am a Comte, the son of an hundred Comtes, and some would say the biggest Comte in le toute poubelle de la France; my blood is blue, as is my [redacted] (thanks for nothing, Mme Grossfesses) and it would be contrary to my noble code of honour to do anything so degrading as *screws up face in disgust* work. The very thought of it makes me feel ill. Longears! LONGEARS! Fetch me a bottle of port and a fresh housemaid this instant, or I'll flay you alive!

Pfft! Washing clothes, what idiots! :D

Look, when I get out of the shower (and I shower everyday), I'm as clean as clean can be. So, how would my clothes ever get dirty to begin with?

Srsly, some of the comments on this thread... <sigh>

Quark Blast wrote:

Pfft! Washing clothes, what idiots! :D

Look, when I get out of the shower (and I shower everyday), I'm as clean as clean can be. So, how would my clothes ever get dirty to begin with?

Srsly, some of the comments on this thread... <sigh>

Yes. Lots of people really are lazy and still feel entitled to lots of stuff, for some inscrutable reason. Life is a series of competitions, and as they say, there is no prize for second place!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If only humans had evolved with cooperation and group support as our standard method for survival, instead of competition, oh wait, we did. But then what if had created society along those lines, oh, we did that too.

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Sissyl wrote:
Yes. Lots of people really are lazy and still feel entitled to lots of stuff, for some inscrutable reason. Life is a series of competitions, and as they say, there is no prize for second place!

Yeah, that's exactly how life is. There can be only one winner. Every other one of the 7 billion gets nothing.

Oh wait. That's not it at all. I've got whole bunches of good things, both material goods and less tangible things. Some of which I worked hard for. Some of which dropped into my lap unexpectedly. Some I was given by friends and those are more precious than anything I worked for and bought.
I'll also say that I see very little correlation between laziness/hard work and material reward. I know the hardest jobs I've ever done paid damn little and came with plenty of abuse besides. And I've never really dug into the bottom of the jobs barrel. I also know people who work much harder than I do at jobs that require at least as much education that make less than me. Teachers would be the most obvious example. We just don't value their work as much because it doesn't translate directly into someone's profit.

Sorry for the rant. Sometimes the entitlement in the "I make a lot of money, so everyone who doesn't must be a lazy bum" attitude gets to me.

And here I thought I was being clear enough that I wasn't serious. I thought "I gave away all my money at 12 so I could start fresh" would be enough of a hint. Perhaps I should have added something about chewing broken glass to prove myself.

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Sorry. Combine Poe's Law with a head cold and my ability to detect parody goes away.

Liberty's Edge

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Grand Magus wrote:


I drive to Starbucks every morning, then to McDonalds for breakfast (I never
drink McD coffee, it is nasty.) Then, I get my daily groceries from
Trader Joe's (because they are higher class), and return home to watch
movies on the internet all day. At night, I lay in bed and play games on my iPhone.



So you're my cat?

Crisischild wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:


I drive to Starbucks every morning, then to McDonalds for breakfast (I never
drink McD coffee, it is nasty.) Then, I get my daily groceries from
Trader Joe's (because they are higher class), and return home to watch
movies on the internet all day. At night, I lay in bed and play games on my iPhone.



So you're my cat?

Letting your cat drink coffee is just asking for trouble. {sips mimosa}

thejeff wrote:
...Sorry for the rant. Sometimes the entitlement in the "I make a lot of money, so everyone who doesn't must be a lazy bum" attitude gets to me.

If the shoe fits...

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Sissyl wrote:
Indeed. That is why I prefer to work alone. Others merely get in the way. I set down my own priorities at twelve. I gave away all my money to start from scratch. Since then I have fought tooth and nail for everything I have. I do not exaggerate when I say I have succeeded. Nothing makes you appreciate a ridiculously expensive bottle of wine like buying it for your own money, earned from your own sweat and blood. But it is not just money. Money will not help you when the solar flare shuts society down. You need to know how to protect yourself with guns, a variety of other weapons, and without weapons. You need to have a strong body. Know how to find food. Hunt. Negotiate. Judge whether others are lying. And so on. In every area, I excel because I chose to. My will is as sharp as a razor and as firm as granite. Entitlement? Oh yes. I am entitled to quite a lot of things.

All of that, and speaking five languages fluently, how do you find the time? :P

Nice Ozzymandius reference.

Thank you. :-)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Got me, my sarcasm detection routines must be off.

Sissyl wrote:
Quark Blast wrote:

Pfft! Washing clothes, what idiots! :D

Look, when I get out of the shower (and I shower everyday), I'm as clean as clean can be. So, how would my clothes ever get dirty to begin with?

Srsly, some of the comments on this thread... <sigh>

*<snip>*Life is a series of competitions, and as they say, there is no prize for second place!

Oh but there is!

And for third place too!

It's fourth place that has no accolades. Unless you're involved in - this.

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I am definitely lazy and a bit selfish, but entitled? Nope. Unless you find desire for privacy, personal freedom, and being left in peace a sense of entitlement.

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