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Welcome to the casual side of adventuring. Where nobody yells at your for being a scrub, nor wants to wreck you for being so scrubbish. I digress.
This is a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Recruitment thread. If you're not knowledgeable on the subject, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is where you play a Pokemon, not a Trainer, and chillax with your friends in the town, city, beach house string, whatever and help other Pokemon with odd jobs. These jobs include going into ever-changing dungeons and can involve bringing Pokemon certain items, escorting them to their lost friends, and what have you.
Jobs are rated from E to A in difficulty and are up to the characters (you guys) to select which you want to attempt.
Now onto the more important stuff, character creation.
Available Pokemon choices are:
Anything Generation 6 and below.
Non-Legendary Pokemon.
That's it.
Character Stats:
Each PC has 20 hp.
You pick a Pokemon, I tell you its stat bonuses.
Don't expect high numbers, as we're playing a casual game.
Unevolved Pokemon start at level 5.
Evolved Pokemon start at the level they would be for that evolution.
Do note that higher level characters level up mmmmmuch slower than others.
The Stats are:
HP: Hitpoints.
Attack: Physical Attack bonus.
Defense: Physical Defense bonus.
Special Attack: Element attack bonus.
Special Defense: Element defense bonus.
Speed: Dodge bonus and Initiative bonus.
Every 5 levels, a PC can choose to gain a +1 in one of the above stats.
Pokemon can know 6 moves at once and are restricted by PP that refreshes once you relax outside of doing missions. HP also refreshes in this way.
If you have any questions that I haven't covered, you let me know and I'll answer them.

Anon A Mouse |

What do you want to see in an application?
Thus far, I think I want to play a ditto named N1 (pronounced "know-won" or "nun" for short), not to be confused with the siblings NI, Nl, or N|. Possibly abandoned by a previous trainer (if that makes sense in the world), N1 now seeks to prove the trainer's choice was a mistake and answer the question of "Who am I if not my trainer's pokemon?"
If you want, I can flesh that into a more complete narrative/backstory instead of just an overall summary. I can also try to come up with crunch, but I'm guessing a ditto doesn't have a lot of that since I'd just copy other pokemon's moves (that's what I remember from the video game anyway), and it sounds like the stats are already set.

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Egg moves? If you were just hatched, then yes. Hope you're prepared to be an adorable babu and have your parents ask you to run errands for them. Also, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is like no trainers, ever. But there are the strange things that are people turned into Pokemon, as the main heroes of all the PMD games are. But a ditto from another land is perfectly fine.
Moves are way toned down from all the crazy dice pools they were throwing around before, yes.
Also, instead of capturing Pokemon, you can use your turn to convince other Pokemon in dungeons to come to their senses and join your mission. Though you have to complete the mission with them still intact to have them appear as viable choices to swap your Pokemon for. Like asking your friend to pick up the laundry and you switch perspectives.
One Ditto's stat bonuses, coming right up!

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I'm not looking for crunch, aside from where you want to put your level up bonus in. An overall summary backstory is completely fine. Applications go so far as to which Pokemon you wanna be, so I can hand out bonuses for the crunch, and an overall summary backstory, to help with roleplaying the Pokemon. The latter is for you guys, because if you say you're a Charmander and then nothing else, you'll have no idea and I'll have no idea and we'll both be lost as to what your charmander wants to do, how they do it, or what their extra-curricular activities outside of missions even looks like.
But I digress, again. This Ditto has skills listed, but you only need to hang onto these. I'll have the mechanics we're using up in the Campaign info tab shortly.
+1 HP
+1 Attack
+1 Defense
+1 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
+1 Speed.
Yeah, Ditto is the easiest Pokemon in terms of bonuses.
Moves: Transform. 10 PP.
Athletics: +2
Acrobatics: +2
Combat: +2
Stealth: +4
Perception: +3
Focus: +3
Roll d100. 1-50 = Imposter Ability. 51-100 = Limber Ability.

BastianQuinn |

I would like to play a litwick named Shula.
Shula had spent a long time haunting finely deccorated halls before being captured by a grubby-nosed child getting terribly, terribly lost. Now the snooty little litwick doesn't know the way back to the pampered life of empty, cobweb-filed halls.
I'm picturing an Addams Family twist on a pampered shut in.

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That sounds excellent. I was actually looking at Litwick for a few minutes, scrolling through the list of Pokemon, today.
+1 HP
+1 Defense
+1 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
Astonish: 30 PP. 30% chance to cause flinching.
Ember: 25 PP. 10% chance to cause burning.
Minimize: 10 PP. Roll stat increase die twice, take better result.
Smog:20 PP. 40% of poisoning foe.
Roll d100. 1-50 Flash Fire ability. 51-100 Flame Body ability.
+1 Athletics
+2 Acrobatics
+1 Combat
+3 Stealth
+3 Perception
+2 Focus

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Information on the mechanics of the game can be found on the Campaign info tab now.
And my babu joke about Egg Moves is actually going to be a no on those. Your parents are not going to be breed until they have all these sons and daughters so you can have egg moves, son. That's a human thing to do and you are above that! Because humans don't exist in the land (just in others), and you do.

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People don't exist on the mainland, where the setting is located at. But they do exist outside the mainland, far, far away. But once humans near the Poke-only zone, ZAP! Pokemon. That's totally cannon. There's just this strange force that changes all people into Pokemon once they touch the mainland. They can be in the waters of the mainland, like in Explorers of Time, but once they touch the beach, ZAP! Pokemon.

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Cyrogonal? I mean, I had to look it up, but it looks fine to play. You can play any Pokemon you'd like, just know that if you're a Charizard, don't go complaining to me that you don't level up as fast as the Ditto. Because you would be level 36 and he is level 5.
Either Pokemon is fine. The only non-acceptable Pokemon you could pick, would be a legendary. You pick one of those and I'll give you the run down on all the stuff you'll need to know.
For others, if your Pokemon isn't evolved, you're starting level is 5. Which means you get +1 to a stat...or a +1 to two different skills, if you're into that.

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Farfetch'd! Of all the Pokemon.
+1 HP
+1 Attack
+1 Defense
+1 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
Leer: Lowers target's defense. 30 PP
Peck: Flying attack. 35 PP.
Sand Attack: Lowers target's accuracy. 15PP
+4 Athletics
+4 Acrobatics
+4 Combat
+4 Stealth
+4 Perception
+3 Focus
Ability, 1d100. 1-50 = Keen Eye. 51-100 = Inner Focus.
Beldum you say? Final answer? Alright then.
+1 Attack
+1 Defense
+1 Special Defense
Take Down: User takes 1/4 damage, rounded down. 20 PP.
Athletics: +3
Acrobatics: +3
Combat: +1
Stealth: +3
Perception: +3
Focus: +3
Ability 1d100. 1-50 = Clear Body, 51-100 = Light Metal

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For those that have been given stats and whatnot, you can meet up in the discussion thread, and we'll have a gameplay thread going up pretty short like.
For others, recruitment is still open. If there's lots of you, you probably won't be grouped into one giant adventuring party, but rather, have different teams named different things.

servant6 |

Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 83
Light Metal
So we start with a 0 in a stat unless otherwise noted, correct?
20 HP
+1 Attack
±0 Sp Attack
+1 Defense
+1 Sp Defense
±0 Speed
Light Metal
Take Down: User takes 1/4 damage, rounded down. 20 PP.
Athletics: +3
Acrobatics: +3
Combat: +1
Stealth: +3
Perception: +3
Focus: +3

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No, thank you Beldum. God's speed. Also, everything else can be in the discussion board, since you now have everything you need from this thread.
@Thunderbeard, I don't envy your idea of balancing this team out. You could play so many things, but with so little in number exploration teams, I don't think you could cover all the bases and I would suggest playing your favorites more than what the team needs. Because the team's needs are long at the beginning and long at the end if no one recruits others.

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A Fennekin! Very well.
+1 Attack
+1 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
+1 Speed.
Scratch: An attack. 35 PP
Tail Whip: Lowers target's defense. 30 PP.
Ember: A fire attack with 10% burn chance. 25 PP.
+2 Athletics
+2 Acrobatics
+2 Combat
+3 Stealth
+3 Perception
+3 Focus
Ability, 1d100. 1-50 = Forewarn. 51-100 = Omen.

Madcaster |

1d100 ⇒ 77 - Omen.
Here's charsheet.
Level 5
20 HP
+1 Attack
+1 Sp Attack
+1 Defense
+1 Sp Defense
+1 Speed
Scratch: An attack. 35 PP
Tail Whip: Lowers target's defense. 30 PP.
Ember: A fire attack with 10% burn chance. 25 PP.
+2 Athletics
+2 Acrobatics
+2 Combat
+3 Stealth
+3 Perception
+3 Focus
5 - +1 Defense

Pennate |
If I am not too late, I would like to try a Cyndaquil.
A jolly, outgoing Cyndaquil who explores dungeons because he is enamored with the thought of being tough. He's usually quite kindhearted, but he often becomes carried away blustering at other Pokemon in unsuccessful attempts to demonstrate his power and grit.

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You're not too late, unless its closed. (Insert long pause here)
Haha, no, it's not closed. A Cyndaquil? Perfect.
+1 Attack
+1 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
+1 Speed
Tackle: An attack. 35 PP.
Leer: Lowers target's defense. 30 PP.
Athletics: +2
Acrobatics: +2
Combat: +2
Stealth: +3
Perception: +3
Focus: +2
Ability, 1d100. 1-50 = Run Away, 51-100 = Flame Body.
Once you got all that, you can join the discussion board. I have a live game tonight, but I'll have the first adventure up and going tomorrow.

Pennate |
Ability: 1d100 ⇒ 52 = Flame Body
HP: 20/20
Attack: +1
Defense: +0
Special Attack: +1
Special Defense: +1
Speed: +2
Flame Body:
Tackle: An attack. 35 PP
Leer: Lowers target's defense. 30 PP
Athletics +2
Acrobatics +2
Combat +2
Stealth +3
Perception +3
Focus +2
5: +1 Speed

The Chess |

1d100 ⇒ 63 Inner Focus
How do I know the level? What are the PP things? Duck powers!
+1 HP
+1 Attack
+1 Defense
+1 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
Leer: Lowers target's defense. 30 PP
Peck: Flying attack. 35 PP.
Sand Attack: Lowers target's accuracy. 15PP
+4 Athletics
+4 Acrobatics
+4 Combat
+4 Stealth
+4 Perception
+3 Focus
Inner Focus

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Every unevolved Pokemon starts at level 5. Farfetch'd never evolves and is thus an unevolved Pokemon. Forever. So Dr. Duck Powers starts at level 5 like the others.
PP is Power-Points. Basically how many times you can use a move until you're too tired and have to use something else. Say you ran around the dungeon and threw sand in 15 other Pokemons' eyes. You wouldn't be able to use it anymore until you finished the dungeon or restored its uses with an item.
And with your character sheet done, you can join the discussion tab.

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A Blaziken! You better believe that's okay. We can make some tragic story up about how you lost the rest of your party to the Pokevirus or maybe you're a team trainer, or maybe you're that one Pokemon that trains at their house all day but hasn't had any aspirations past flexing your muscles in the pools of water until now.
Or anything else that you might think of. I just like to spew out ideas like rainbow vomit. Also, fire is the way to go. Gotta burn with righteous fury!
Oh. Did you know, Blaziken actually comes around at level 35...in the book. Weird, as it should be 36. Looking further, lots of these Pokemon actually get evolutions earlier than in the game. Well look at that! We'll go with the book then, as no one needs 6 other levels to become a Charizard when 30 will do just fine. Thanks book.
Blaziken. Lvl 35.
+1 HP
+2 Attack
+1 Defense
+2 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
+1 Speed
Bulk Up. Roll stat increase for defense and attack. 20 PP
Quick Attack: An attack. Can attack even if lost initiative. 30 PP.
Flame Charge: A fire attack. Roll stat increase for speed. 20 PP
Double Kick: A fighting attack. +1 Damage against one target or attack two targets. 30 PP
Peck: A flying attack. 35 PP
Ember or Sand Attack (Your choice)
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics: +5
Combat: +5
Stealth: +3
Perception: +3
Focus: +4
Basic Ability. 1d100, 1-50 = Klutz, 51-100 Flash Fire.
Advanced Ability. 1d100, 1-50 = Speed Boost, 51-100 = Moxie (Or the basic ability you didn't get)

DM Forgedawn |

Ability 2 1d100 ⇒ 26 Speed Boost
My Character:
Blaziken, LV. 35
HP: +2
Attack: +4
Defense: +1
Special Attack: +4
Special Defense: +1
Speed: +3
Bulk Up 20 PP
Quick Attack 30 PP.
Flame Charge 20 PP
Double Kick 30 PP
Peck 35 PP
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics: +5
Combat: +5
Stealth: +3
Perception: +3
Focus: +4
Advanced: Speed Boost

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Yes, more fire and berry smoothie bars!
+1 Attack
+1 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
+1 Speed
Scratch: An attack. 35 PP
Growl: Lowers target's attack. 40PP
+2 Athletics
+3 Acrobatics
+2 Combat
+3 Stealth
+2 Perception
+2 Focus
Ability, 1d100. 1-50 = Flame Body, 51-100 = Rattled
Once you got an ability rolled and decided where you want that 1st level up bonus at, you can join the Discussion thread.

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Sure, Hydreigon. Hydreigon gets a level break and is at level 50.
+1 HP
+2 Attack
+1 Defense
+2 Special Attack
+1 Special Defense
+2 Speed
Moves (Pick 6)
Body Slam
Dragon Rush
Work Up
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Breath
Focus Energy
Athletics: +4
Acrobatics: +3
Combat: +5
Stealth: +2
Perception: +5
Focus: +4
Basic Ability: Levitate.
Advanced Ability, 1d100. 1-33 = Pride, 34-66 = Polycephaly, 66-100 = Instinct.
High Ability: Twisted Power, or any of the Advanced Abilities.