Alchemist build: Help me make a monster PC.


I have been playing a Vivisectionist/Beastmorph for a few levels now and the theme of this char is that she is becoming more and more unhinged every level, basically turning into some kind of Lovecraftian monster as the game progresses (I'm seriously considering adding in a few levels of Souldrinker/eater as well, partly to help finance her simulacrum factory and partly for the joy of having a souleating tumour).
It is worth mentioning that I'm not going for the most optimal build here
, I'm just trying to have fun and keep the other players on their toes as they know very little of how the Alchemist class works. My combat role is basically that of a skirmisher and support.

The problem is that when I reach level 12 I have more or less run out of all the cool monstrous discoveries like vestigial arms and such but I still want to pile on the Lovecraftian, preferably without having to bring another base class into the mix.

What I wonder is if there is any way my char could alter her body in ways like the grafts from DnD 3.5 or the Symbionts from the Eberron campaign setting without resorting to 3rd party material? My GM is a-ok with all of paizos stuff but no material from earlier DnD editions.

Any ideas people?

Master Chymist might have some options for you but without knowing your full build it's hard to say. With the PrC even gives you a Jekyl/Hyde type fluff that might help out your concept.

Ah sorry I completely forgot about the build. :P

I'm currently at level 5, about to enter 6 at the next meeting.
Str 10
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 10

Not great rolls but not too bad either.
Feats: Weapon finesse, Extra discovery x3, Alertness (from familiar).
Discoveries: Vestigal arms x2, tumour familiar and feral mutagen. I'm planning to get the other body changing discoveries as well as I progress, starting with Wings and then preserve organs followed by mummification and so forth.

Since I'm a vivisectionist I mainly do damage through sneak attacks and since I got lucky and got my hands on an Agile Amulet of mighty fists
I add my dex to damage, to hit and to my AC which makes the build quite SAD. I'm getting pounce in a few levels too. :)

I had dismissed the idea of that Prc btw, but looking at it now makes it look interesting. I might take a few levels of it. :)

Any further ideas would be appreciated though.

EDIT: Just a thought: Would getting Rag doll mutagen, which turns falling damage into non-lethal and then taking mummification which makes me immune to non-lethal damage make me immune to falling damage altogether?

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