DM Papa.DRB |
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I have read Jason's posts that give the Druid Shaman archetypes Wild Shape at Druid level 6, and agree with what he is saying (RAI).
So a Saurian Shaman gets Wildshape @ Druid 6, but it acts like Druid 8 for Saurian, and it acts like Druid 4 for everything else.
Druid 4 - Beast Shape I, 1 per day. 4 hours.
Druid 8 - Beast Shape III. 3 per day. 8 hours each.
So as a Saurian Shaman 6, how many times can I wild shape and for how long?
It seems to me that I would get 3 wildshapes per day, of which 2 must Saurian and each of those is for 8 hours. The 3rd wildshape could be either Saurian (8 hours) or something else (cat? 4 hours).
Is this a correct, or even feasible interpretation of the rules?
-- david

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For duration and times per day, you are treated as Druid level -2. The bonus is to what kind of beast shape spell you get to emulate when you use a totemic form. A reasonable interpretation might be that you get the increased duration as well.

Cayzle |

The rules are short and sweet: "Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, a bear shaman's wild shape ability functions at her druid level – 2. If she takes on the form of a bear, she instead uses her druid level + 2."
The key word here is "functions." IMNSHO, the word refers to all the functions of the power, primarily because the alternative is that one must pick and choose arbitrarily among functions (duration, times per day, etc). Therefore ...
So a Saurian Shaman gets Wildshape @ Druid 6, but it acts like Druid 8 for Saurian, and it acts like Druid 4 for everything else.
Druid 4 - Beast Shape I, 1 per day. 4 hours.
Druid 8 - Beast Shape III. 3 per day. 8 hours each.So as a Saurian Shaman 6, how many times can I wild shape and for how long?
It seems to me that I would get 3 wildshapes per day, of which 2 must Saurian and each of those is for 8 hours. The 3rd wildshape could be either Saurian (8 hours) or something else (cat? 4 hours).
Yes, that is exactly how I would interpret it as well.

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Thanks to the new clarification that you don't get Wild Shape at all until Level 6, we only have 3 table variance options:
- 1/day for 4 hours using BS-I or BS-III for Saurian.
- 2/day for 6 hours using BS=I or BS-III for Saurian
- 3/day of which 2 must be 8 hours BS-III for Saurian and 1 can be that or 4 hours for BS-I.

Cayzle |

Well, since we are on the topic of Druid Shaman archetype clarifications, I have a few more questions. Per the Eagle Shaman FAQ, the eagle shaman can use a magical beast (a roc) as an animal, and the giant creature template (to make a medium bird) and young creature template (to make a huge bird). But that still leaves some size gaps! So I ask ...
Can an Eagle Shaman use the hawk stats to become a tiny bird?
Can an Eagle Shaman apply the young creature template to become a diminutive bird (like a kestrel)?
Can an Eagle Shaman use the Giant Eagle stats to become a large bird? If not, how does an Eagle Shaman get to be a large bird?
Speaking more generally, can other shamans or druids generally use the young creature or giant creature templates to make other sizes of creatures? The only bears in the beastiary I can find are large! How do you make a small or medium bear? The beastiary entry for bears says "To generate stats for a smaller bear (like a black bear), you can apply the young simple template to the grizzly bear's stat block. To generate stats for a larger grizzly or a polar bear, apply the advanced simple template to the grizzly's stats." So can any druid use the young simple template to make a medium bear?

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Speaking more generally, can other shamans or druids generally use the young creature or giant creature templates to make other sizes of creatures?
They made it clear in the FAQ that Druids can't do this. But that the Eagle shaman got some specific exemptions for some specific forms. Don't expand those to other unnamed forms or other archetypes.

Cayzle |

So a Bear Shaman can wildshape into a large bear and that is all, ever? Even if he has a small bear companion? If that's the rule, that's the rule, but it seems harsh.
Can an Eagle Shaman change into a stock hawk?
I gotta note that the Lion Shaman and the Wolf Shaman seems much more flexible, since they can turn into any "feline" or "canine." The Lion Shaman can be a tiny cat, maybe a small lynx, a medium cheetah, a medium leopard, a large (dire) lion, or a large (dire) tiger. A Wolf Shaman can be a tiny fox, a small dog, a medium wolf or riding dog, or a large dire wolf.

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If that's the rule, that's the rule, but it seems harsh.
Can an Eagle Shaman change into a stock hawk?
I doubt I can explain it as well as they did in the threads but "not all options/archetypes need to be flexible or even attractive", so the fact that it may seem harsh or limiting is irrelevant. Don't take the option if you don't like the result.
So Yes, that is the rule. No templates except for the eagle shaman case where without a template you couldn't shape into any of the creatures they ultimately templated.
At 8th level an Eagle Shaman can take the form of a Tiny Hawk at effective level 6th. Unless the FAQ says something different, this is the only way. Because a hawk isn't an eagle.