Dazylar |
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I've searched and couldn't find a thread about this movie, so seeing as I've seen it last night, I thought I'd start one! Mainly spoiler free, as you guys haven't got it yet :-)
First things first, I'm an old fan of Captain America, but haven't really kept up with the comics, so if there's stuff in the film which is based on these comics I won't really recognize them (I haven't read the Winter Soldier comics yet, for example).
Ok, here are my thoughts:
The movie is very well done - well acted, plotted, scripted - all of that. At over 2 hours I thought it might drag, but it does not. The pacing and mix of action to dialogue is just great.
Chris Evans is better here than in Avengers - with more scope to develop the character, he really brings it to life and I totally believed him as the Sentinel of Liberty. He was suitably emotive during scenes of stress, and he definitely kept up with the pace of the action (I'll get to that a bit more later). He is also witty and charismatic, which was something I didn't get that much of in Avengers Assemble. Brief mention his suit choices (yes, there's more than one) being really well done, totally in keeping. You'll know what I mean when you see the film.
The support cast here is equally skilled. I love Scarlet - she makes Black Widow a much more rounded character here, and has some of the best lines in the script. Sam Jackson is still the definitive Nick Fury for me, even though here he does show his age. One scene in particular had me cheering for him to succeed!
New addition to the MCU - Falcon, is well-done also. His introduction ("On your left") feels natural and authentic, and when the gear change happens for him, it does so credibly. The actor is good too - not heard of him, and can't remember his name, but why should that matter?
The plot, whilst fairly complex and convoluted to begin with (but not quite Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!), is nevertheless easy to follow and has some twists and turns which I found fresh and exciting. There are also some Easter Eggs for comic historians as well, so look out for those.
Now, I have to mention the action. It is superb. Captain America has somehow amplified all that super-soldier serum and now acts as if turbo-charged. It was exactly how I imagined him to be. The shield is awesome, and he uses it with fantastic skill and grace. I'm getting goosebumps just remembering the various manoeuvres he pulls off using this.
Cap is also a lot more athletic and seeing as he has to keep pace with the Winter Soldier that's absolutely essential.
The Winter Soldier himself is enigmatic, foreboding, seriously good at what he does, and manages to scare with his sheer implacability. He has a development arc in this film too, and without putting spoilers in, what happens is very affecting. Cannot omit mentioning one confrontation he has with Black Widow which really excited and scared me at the same time! Talk about an unfair CR encounter where you're hoping for 20s!
The only thing about it that I thought was a little implausible is the scale of the action - it's an order of magnitude greater than we've seen Captain America handle solo before, and sometimes his actions and achievements against such epic danger jar as being beyond the laws of physics. But hey, it's Marvel, it's superheroes, it works.
Final thought - can't believe they mananged to up the game so much from The First Avenger. I liked it, but it didn't exactly thrill me as I thought it should. This is brilliant, and almost knocks Avengers Assembled off my favourite film pedestal. The only reason it doesn't (and it's very close) is because that film had the Hulk, Thor and Iron Man in it as well as Cap.
Even greater expectations for Age of Ultron now! Gah!
PS: Two stingers, the first one halfway through the credits and plot-driven, the second right at the end and character-driven.

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Ultron? No Thanos in the 2nd Avengers movie? What about that cameo at the end of the first one?
And Ultron with no Hank Pym introduced yet?
Hmmm if he is introed in a 2nd Avengers movie, I can't wait to see what special effects can do with "Giant-Man." (Guessing they won't go the Ant-Man route)
There's already an Ant Man movie in the works, scheduled to be release a couple of months after the next Avengers.

Blue_Hill |
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I went to see this last Wednesday and ou boy what show it was. Like Dazylar said, this movie is well written, acting is good and balance between action-dialogue-humor is working well. Evans did great job as Cap, solid performance that made Cap feel more like Cap than in previous movies. Also writing makes that happen, Cap is fighting for freedom against oppression and behind the scenes manipulation. When we add Black Widow and her working ethics to that, we have some conflict which makes sense (SHIELD's "secrets has secrets"). Scarlet is really at the top of her acting in this one, she is much more than before.
I'm loving the Falcon. Good actor and great writing and scenes for him in this movie. He is funny but not just comic relief and he gets some really cool moments in movie. Hopefully we get to see more of him in the future.
Action scenes work well and they feel "superheroy". Sometimes I noticed to be on the edge of my seat when action went forward. That is saying much about how good action was, I'm more than often sitting perfectly still when in movie theater. Maybe it was because Winter Soldier was really great villain or that action scenes were also well written. High stakes and people got killed, which for me works as added realism.
It was great to see how this movie links itself to some previous movies and Agents of SHIELD but not Avengers. Ironman 3 and Thor the Dark World had many nods and links to Avengers movie but it was nice to see that it isn't really necessary.
Hopefully I have chance to see this movie for second time to realize all plot points and twists. I highly recommend this movie.

Dazylar |

Ultron? No Thanos in the 2nd Avengers movie? What about that cameo at the end of the first one?
And Ultron with no Hank Pym introduced yet?
Hmmm if he is introed in a 2nd Avengers movie, I can't wait to see what special effects can do with "Giant-Man." (Guessing they won't go the Ant-Man route)
Thanos is being slowly built up to for Avengers 3 I think - Infinity Gems are being introduced at 1 per movie. The teaser in Avengers 1 is a ICBFS.
Don't think Ultron will be a Pym invention in the MCU (at least that's what the rumours suggest).

Dazylar |

Does it strike anyone else as a bit wrong that THIS movie is opening in so many other countries before it opens in the USA ?
That A on his head isn't for France, you know!
I thought it was a bit odd initially, but they're obviously doing it on purpose. Maybe it's to see how it tracks oversees first and then judge if they need extra marketing to make sure it hits hard on home turf. Or, they're using word of mouth overseas to help it in the domestic market (which I suppose I've helped them with here :=-)). Or they've realised that the major market these days is foreign, not domestic and the schedule reflects that. Or it's something else - have you guys got a 'bank holiday' weekend coming up soon?
I imagine you will get Captain Britain before us if that's any consolation?

Dazylar |

Thanos will be one of the big bads in guardians of the galaxy.uw
I think he's more behind the scenes in GotG. Ronan the Accuser is the main foe, along with Nebula. The Collector is unlikely to be a good guy either :-)
Can't wait for this film either ("I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm..." *dum* *dum* *dum* *dum* ... "...hooked on a feeling!")

Damon Griffin |

The shield is awesome, and he uses it with fantastic skill and grace. I'm getting goosebumps just remembering the various manoeuvres he pulls off using this.
Wouldn't be Cap without some cool shield stunts. Even in the comics, there's a throwaway scene I still remember years later: Cap is running down the street on his way to a meeting of the Avengers. Some minor crime is taking place off to one side. He unslings the shield, lets it fly to knock the petty criminal out, and catches it on the rebound without breaking stride or turning his head.
Obviously much cooler things are possible in a live action movie, and I look forward to it next weekend.

Damon Griffin |

sunbeam wrote:There's already an Ant Man movie in the works, scheduled to be release a couple of months after the next Avengers.
And Ultron with no Hank Pym introduced yet?Hmmm if he is introed in a 2nd Avengers movie, I can't wait to see what special effects can do with "Giant-Man." (Guessing they won't go the Ant-Man route)
That Ant Man will be Scott Lang. But with the casting of Michael Douglas as Hank Pym in the same movie, I don't think it's likely we'll ever see Giant Man. Too bad.

Blue_Hill |

Blue_Hill wrote:I went to see this last Wednesday and ou boy what show it was.Intrigued. At the France premiere? Or where?
Here in Finland Winter Soldier premiered March 26th.
Hope it wasn't dubbed.
Luckily only movies they dubb here are animations (which is still annoying because in Finland there are like about 10 good voice-over actors and they are in every animation movie).

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Sissyl wrote:Do you want Freedom Fries with that?Kthulhu wrote:No, it's for "Freedom".Does it strike anyone else as a bit wrong that THIS movie is opening in so many other countries before it opens in the USA ?
That A on his head isn't for France, you know!
I would like some Fronch dressing. Fronch fries. Fronch bread. And to drink....Peru!

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Hama wrote:I despise dubs. I would outlaw them if I could.On behalf of a dyslexic friend I'm going to say it's good you don't have that power, He can't stand subtitles, as they force him to watch the movie twice. Once for the dialogue and once for the show.
Well, I mean, someone has to both be unable to read in their own language AND unable to understand spoken English... For people over the age of 11, that's such an exceedingly small group that I can't imagine it makes sense to fit movies for them all that much.

thejeff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Grey Lensman wrote:Well, I mean, someone has to both be unable to read in their own language AND unable to understand spoken English... For people over the age of 11, that's such an exceedingly small group that I can't imagine it makes sense to fit movies for them all that much.Hama wrote:I despise dubs. I would outlaw them if I could.On behalf of a dyslexic friend I'm going to say it's good you don't have that power, He can't stand subtitles, as they force him to watch the movie twice. Once for the dialogue and once for the show.
Or unable to read English and unable to understand whatever language the film is in.
And it's not "unable to read", but unable to read it quickly enough to get the dialogue and also focus on the visual.
Personally, I generally prefer subtitles, but I have friends who hate them. It's a matter of personal taste.

Gendo |

Does it strike anyone else as a bit wrong that THIS movie is opening in so many other countries before it opens in the USA ?
That A on his head isn't for France, you know!
Where once the US box office blew out foreign markets, not so any longer. Foreign markets have been driving money making for movies for a few years now, as their ticket sales are really starting to outdistance the US.
It is also starting to happen with TV shows as well, as we are 6 months behind some shows that get televised elsewhere first. Sucks, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Bjørn Røyrvik |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Just got back from seeing it.
It had a misleading title, since the WS didn't really do much. sure he was a fight, but that's it. They could have done so much more with him than they did. Not that I'm familiar with the source material other than the existence and identity of the guy, so I can't really comment on how true it is to character, but I feel disappointed that he wasn't more impressive and had a bigger role. I know it was to help distract from the real plot of HYDRA, but still.
I liked the HYDRA infiltration of SHIELD. It was a gutsy move of the producers taking down the organization they've spent so much time building up through movies and a tv series.

Blue_Hill |

** spoiler omitted **
Here in Finland movie is called "Captain America: Return of the First Avenger" that title may fit better to the themes of the movie. Your mileage may vary. I personally like the Winter Soldier name better but that has nothing to do with the movie itself, I just think Winter Soldier is cool and creepy name for villain.

Slaunyeh |

Here in Finland movie is called "Captain America: Return of the First Avenger" that title may fit better to the themes of the movie. Your mileage may vary. I personally like the Winter Soldier name better but that has nothing to do with the movie itself, I just think Winter Soldier is cool and creepy name for villain.
Here in Denmark the movie was called "Captain America: Winter Soldier". Then, like, a week before release all the advertisement changed to "Captain America: Return of the First Avenger". I even saw one ad on the side of a bus calling it "Return of the First Avenger: Captain America: Winter Soldier", which kinda makes it sound like Captain Armenia America is the Winter Soldier.
It felt like someone in marketing pulled a microsoft and decided it should be called something else halfway through the marketing campaign. :p
The movie posters at the movie theatre still calls it "Captain America: Winter Soldier".

Dazylar |

Dazylar wrote:Here in Finland Winter Soldier premiered March 26th.Blue_Hill wrote:I went to see this last Wednesday and ou boy what show it was.Intrigued. At the France premiere? Or where?
Ah, you and I have different definitions of "last Wednesday"! You meant "The same Wednesday as you, which was yesterday". I thought you meant the 19th. :-)

Rynjin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Rynjin wrote:I've heard it both ways.Hama wrote:Actually it's a rather stupid one, stemming from common belief in the U.S. that it's always snowing in Russia.Sure they don't call him that because they keep him in cryo-sleep between missions?
Couldn't help myself.

Blue_Hill |

Ah, you and I have different definitions of "last Wednesday"! You meant "The same Wednesday as you, which was yesterday". I thought you meant the 19th. :-)
Yeah, sorry about that. ^^" It always confusing to write on forums that have people from different time zones as my "day before yesterday" could be different day to someone else.
Someone mentioned 3D in this movie. When I try to think if there was any great 3D effects, none come to mind. BUT it could be that 3D was used in small details and not like "trying to jump scare everyone in theater with this effect".
But I think special effects in this movie were great, especially Falcon flying on dodging stuff.

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I thought the Winter Soldier name referenced This, actually.