'Fantastic Four' Cast Revealed


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After a final rewrite to the script and a long casting process, Fox looks to have assembled the team for its “Fantastic Four” reboot.

Why is Johnny Storm suddenly African American?

More confusingly, why is Johnny Storm African American while Sue Storm is about as white as you can get?

One of two reasons (or both), most likely:

1.) To "diversify the cast".

2.) To make room for a cheesy, melodramatic "I was adopted! You're not my real sister! Waaaaah!" scene.

I'm more worried about why Ben Grimm is suddenly a scrawny British kid.

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On the bright side, the movie could tank, Fox could lose millions, and then perhaps they'll decide to sell the movie rights back to Marvel so we can finally get a decent FF film that at least somewhat resembles the comics we know and love.

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Shadowborn wrote:
On the bright side, the movie could tank, Fox could lose millions, and then perhaps they'll decide to sell the movie rights back to Marvel so we can finally get a decent FF film that at least somewhat resembles the comics we know and love.

Keep dreaming.



seriously what?

I don't mind adding diversity to these films, Sam Jackson as Nick Fury I think works awesome. The Ultimate version of Nick Fury was pretty much designed to be played by Jackson and it works

but WTF are they thinking here, do they want to just throw money down the drain?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Peter Stewart wrote:

Why is Johnny Storm suddenly African American?

More confusingly, why is Johnny Storm African American while Sue Storm is about as white as you can get?

Wait, what?

I don't know any of the actors, so I assumed that he was playing the Thing.

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You gotta be kidding me.

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Peter Stewart wrote:
More confusingly, why is Johnny Storm African American while Sue Storm is about as white as you can get?

Really, it's the combo I find bothersome. They could both be black and I wouldn't have an issue, as most established comic characters came about in the days when being white was pretty much a requirement for main characters.

looking at it the only one who even comes close to their character is Sue Storm.

Look at Bell....Is that the face of a man who yells "It's Clobbering Time!!"

what the hell are they doing here?

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I really hope this bombs and the rights go back to Disney/Marvel.

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I care more about the X-Men, I mean the Wolverine series reverting, in the hopes of actually getting an X-Men series next time.

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Dragon78 wrote:
I really hope this bombs and the rights go back to Disney/Marvel.

Amen. This is going to suck.

Liberty's Edge

FAIL! Didn't they learn from that previous disaster! At least They're not trying to turn Jessica Alba into Sue Storm again.

"Make Mine Marvel"..and in this case I really mean that..Sony screw the pooch with FF again.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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J-Bone wrote:
FAIL! Didn't they learn from that previous disaster! At least They're not trying to turn Jessica Alba into Sue Storm again.

She did look good in the costume. :-) At least those movies had Michael Chiklas and Julian McMahon well cast.

Dark Archive

They are referring to Ultimate Fantastic Four, so Reed and Sue are schoolmates at this school for hyperintelligent kids. Daddy Storm is the headmaster, and Johnny is the annoying brother of Sue. Ben is the best friend of Reed, and Doom is another student who screws up one of Reeds experiments with the negative zone, giving them all superpowers in the process.

I'm probably gonna enjoy this terrible movie.

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Matthew Morris wrote:
J-Bone wrote:
FAIL! Didn't they learn from that previous disaster! At least They're not trying to turn Jessica Alba into Sue Storm again.
She did look good in the costume. :-) At least those movies had Michael Chiklas and Julian McMahon well cast.

had no problem with alba as sue. Don't see why so many did, she was fine. Mr. Fantastic was more than a bit wooden, I thought.

Wow, I don't normally believe you can judge a movie just by the cast but ....
Fail #1: Basing the movie on the Ultimates line. Why don't they just throw away what little cultural saturation the FF have by basing it on a comic no adult has read.

Fail #2: African American Johnny. Don't know what that is about but it will not gain the movie anything and it will likely alienate all hardcore fans. There is plenty of diversity in the marvel universe. No need to ridiculously force it in here. I mean if you really felt there was a need, make Reed Black. At least that would make more sense than siblings of different races.

Fail #3: Ben Grim, the tough guy from Yonkers is now ...what???

Next thing you know Dr. Doom will be an Asian guy and the Mandarin won't be! ...Oh wait ...

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Mike Franke wrote:

Wow, I don't normally believe you can judge a movie just by the cast but ....

Fail #1: Basing the movie on the Ultimates line. Why don't they just throw away what little cultural saturation the FF have by basing it on a comic no adult has read.

Fail #2: African American Johnny. Don't know what that is about but it will not gain the movie anything and it will likely alienate all hardcore fans. There is plenty of diversity in the marvel universe. No need to ridiculously force it in here. I mean if you really felt there was a need, make Reed Black. At least that would make more sense than siblings of different races.

Fail #3: Ben Grim, the tough guy from Yonkers is now ...what???

Next thing you know Dr. Doom will be an Asian guy and the Mandarin won't be! ...Oh wait ...

1. Tons of people have read ultimates. It's quite successful to the point that people have forgotten nick fury was originally white.

2. quick, name 5 black Marvel super heroes. And five Latino ones. No crossing ultimate/313 lines.
3. Agreed.

black marvel heroes is easy Luke Cage, Patriot, Falcon, Black Panther, Storm. Black Panther has even been a member of the Fantastic Four

but the only latino I can come up with off the top of my head is Arachne

Greylurker wrote:

black marvel heroes is easy Luke Cage, Patriot, Falcon, Black Panther, Storm. Black Panther has even been a member of the Fantastic Four

but the only latino I can come up with off the top of my head is Arachne

What, no love for Rhodey? ;) Seriously, though, Marvel has had a number of Black heroes over the years. Captain Marvel/Photon was one of my favorite '80s Avengers, and Brother Voodoo was recently promoted to "Dr. Voodoo" and replaced Dr. Strange as Sorcerer Supreme.

Luke Cage was briefly a member of the FF as well. They hired him (back in his "Hero for Hire" days) to replace Ben Grimm during a brief spell when Ben was human.

As for Latino heroes, that's a bit tougher. I can think of El Aguila, Sunspot (New Mutants), White Tiger (both Hector Ayala and his niece), and, um, yeah. Freehold DM has a point there.

As for Latin heroes, they're a bit slim in Marvel. When they do appear, they tend to be on the margins and not big players. Back in the day there was White Tiger. I liked him because I was big into kung-fu movies as a kid. My first Villains & Vigilantes character was a recreation of White Tiger.

Captain Universe, on a technicality, because one of his host bodies was Latino.

That's all I've got. DC is actually better representing Latin-Americans in their hero lineup.

Edit: Oh, yeah. Sunspot. I forgot him.

Mike Franke wrote:

Wow, I don't normally believe you can judge a movie just by the cast but ....

Fail #1: Basing the movie on the Ultimates line. Why don't they just throw away what little cultural saturation the FF have by basing it on a comic no adult has read.

Fail #2: African American Johnny. Don't know what that is about but it will not gain the movie anything and it will likely alienate all hardcore fans. There is plenty of diversity in the marvel universe. No need to ridiculously force it in here. I mean if you really felt there was a need, make Reed Black. At least that would make more sense than siblings of different races.

Fail #3: Ben Grim, the tough guy from Yonkers is now ...what???

Basing the movie on the Ultimates line isn't a bad idea at all. Keeps us from having the middle aged professor/young lab assistant dynamic that inspired the relationship between Reed and Sue anyway. It works well if they're all a bit more contemporary.

I would partially agree that making the Storm siblings the same general ethnicity is better than making them different because now, to establish their credibility as a family, we have to divert time to doing so. Unless that ties directly into the story they decide to tell...

And I'm really not seeing Jamie Bell as the Thing either. Michael Chiklis was an inspired choice and hard to see past.

Bill Dunn wrote:

And I'm really not seeing Jamie Bell as the Thing either. Michael Chiklis was an inspired choice and hard to see past.

True. I really didn't care for either of the first two FF films. (I saw the second one once, and except for a drawn out chase with the Surfer leading Torch all over the place, I don't even remember what happened in that movie.) However, the casting of Ben Grimm was inspired.

I suppose if he's going to spend most of the movie as a CGI orange rock man, it doesn't really matter what he looks like. Still, not much of a match to the man he was. (Good lord, those ears!)

Dark Archive

TarSpartan wrote:
Greylurker wrote:

black marvel heroes is easy Luke Cage, Patriot, Falcon, Black Panther, Storm. Black Panther has even been a member of the Fantastic Four

but the only latino I can come up with off the top of my head is Arachne

What, no love for Rhodey? ;) Seriously, though, Marvel has had a number of Black heroes over the years. Captain Marvel/Photon was one of my favorite '80s Avengers, and Brother Voodoo was recently promoted to "Dr. Voodoo" and replaced Dr. Strange as Sorcerer Supreme.

Luke Cage was briefly a member of the FF as well. They hired him (back in his "Hero for Hire" days) to replace Ben Grimm during a brief spell when Ben was human.

As for Latino heroes, that's a bit tougher. I can think of El Aguila, Sunspot (New Mutants), White Tiger (both Hector Ayala and his niece), and, um, yeah. Freehold DM has a point there.

Firebird also, she was a member of the Avengers. And Reptil (from Avenger Academy) is also hispanic.

The casting for The Thing bothers me more than anything else really. Just make Sue Storm and Johnny Adopted...bam, problem solved.

Incidentally, I have also heard rumors they may be looking to make Dr Doom female....which could be problematic.

Sovereign Court

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Freehold DM wrote:
2. quick, name 5 black Marvel super heroes. And five Latino ones. No crossing ultimate/313 lines.

Here's some ones that I always liked (well, maybe not Triathlon).

Prowler, Rocket Racer, Battlestar, Monica Rambeau and 3D-Man(Triathlon)

Sunspot, Firebird, Feral, Thorn, Rictor, Living Lightning

There was a mutant latina doctor that came out around the same times as Maggot in X-Men. (Reyes?) I think she had a forcefield.

Seems like this was missed by a few:

Variety article wrote:
Based on the comic “The Ultimate Fantastic Four,” the contemporary update will focus on the characters as young men and women.

Yes, but the Ultimate group did not have a Black Johnny for sure, and I'm pretty sure Ben Grimm was still military and a football star.

It's still a change, the Ultimate universe doesn't explain it. Whethe i t's good, bad, or just weird (my view) is debatable.

Dark Archive

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Grey Lensman wrote:
I care more about the X-Men, I mean the Wolverine series reverting, in the hopes of actually getting an X-Men series next time.

I kinda hope the opposite. The longer Marvel doesn't have movie rights to the X-Men, the more Avengers movies I get to see that aren't dominated by Wolverine.

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Callous Jack wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
2. quick, name 5 black Marvel super heroes. And five Latino ones. No crossing ultimate/313 lines.

Here's some ones that I always liked (well, maybe not Triathlon).

Prowler, Rocket Racer, Battlestar, Monica Rambeau and 3D-Man(Triathlon)

Sunspot, Firebird, Feral, Thorn, Rictor, Living Lightning

There was a mutant latina doctor that came out around the same times as Maggot in X-Men. (Reyes?) I think she had a forcefield.

Well, I am tickled pink. Which is a VERY hard thing to do to me, but still, I'm not surprised that it was Callous Jack to answer that particular call.

A few minor quibbles- Prowler's dead and has been for some time. He's not coming back, even in Marvel terms- that shows you how little he mattered. Rocket Racer was always meh...but damn, if I didn't look up to him as a kid. I never learned how to ride rollerskates/blade/skateboard, but I ride a bike. Battestar has always been a bit of a semi-sore point for me- he's the "black" Captain America, or at least he was sold like that back in the day, but he never really WAS Cap. Still, at least they understood why he shouldn't be called "Bucky"....

The latino/hispanic heroes- VERY well done. Minor quibble- they f+$$ing killed off Feral..I loved her so much, if that makes me a furry, then I don't want to not be one. Her death was particularly stupid. Sunspot has been my hero since I was a little kid, I thought all black people should have had Sunspot's powers, lol. Rictor was AWESOME all around, but when was the last time you saw Living Lightning?

Sunspot will feature in X-Men: Days of Future Past (played by Adan Canto).

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Sunspot has been my hero since I was a little kid, I thought all black people should have had Sunspot's powers, lol.

Sam and 'Berto, bros for life.

god I love that old New Mutants run, even if my entire experience with it was through back issues

edit-Hell with Days of Future Past, I want a Demon Bear Saga movie followed by an X-Men/New Mutants:Asgardian Wars trilogy. Now to find an actress for Storm willing to do the mohawk...

Dark Archive

Callous Jack wrote:
There was a mutant latina doctor that came out around the same times as Maggot in X-Men. (Reyes?) I think she had a forcefield.

Cecelia Reyes was a cool character, with a cool power. But, by design (being kind of uncool with the whole mutant superhero gig, since she wanted to be a doctor), she's not really ever going to be a hero.

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Mikaze wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Sunspot has been my hero since I was a little kid, I thought all black people should have had Sunspot's powers, lol.

Sam and 'Berto, bros for life.

god I love that old New Mutants run, even if my entire experience with it was through back issues

edit-Hell with Days of Future Past, I want a Demon Bear Saga movie followed by an X-Men/New Mutants:Asgardian Wars trilogy. Now to find an actress for Storm willing to do the mohawk...

New Mutants...changed my life. It truly did.

Sovereign Court

The Prowler is dead? Aw, that bums me out, I loved the Prowler when I was kid. Hell, I bought his limited series. I think a good writer(and artist) could do a lot with him and Rocket Racer. Luke Cage was a B-grade hero before Bendis came along. I'd love to see them at least take some sort of Stark/Pym/Richards tech role for one of the big teams.

I like Battlestar, I have some Avengers Spotlight comics from the '80s where he fought Dr. Karl Malus, the Power Tools and the Powerbroker. I dug that storyline. So what do you think of Patriot?

I thought of some other heroes:

Brother Voodoo, Black Goliath, Rage, Debrii and Aegis from New Warriors, Bridge from Six Pack and I'm surprised no one including me thought of Night Thrasher or Blade.

Silverclaw, Skin, Echo

That's it for me, I stopped collecting comics by the early 00's. I'm not in the loop anymore with who has died or not. I imagine there's some more in the Avengers Initiative or the Xavier Institute books.

EDIT: What about Deathlok or Cardiac? I can't remember...

Michael B. Jordan is an awesome actor and I'm sure he'll capture Human Torch's personality, Johnny and Sue will probably be half siblings, not a big deal.

I'm much more concerned with the casting of Thing and Reed.

Heavy, tell them what I think.


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

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Truth be told, I don't like any of them for their roles.

Well...we are getting a Luke Cage Netflix series...

I was looking up stuff the other day on how likely it would be for Marvel to get their remaining properties back, specifically Spiderman and X men. And a pretty good point was brought up. Marvel does only like two movies a year, so if they got all there properties back we would probably would see less super hero movies than we do now a days. and to be fair...Sony hasn't done that bad a job with the Spiderman license.

(Fox...well that is another story entirely...)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

True. I thought Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man were both very good, and Spider-Man 2 I think is one of the best supers movies ever. SM3? Bland. Not terrible. Just kinda... blah. It tried to do too much and ended up hitting each note in a desultory fashion that never really resonated.

Likewise, I enjoyed the first X-Men and think X2 is one of the best supers movies. First Class I thought was excellent. The second Wolverine movie was decent.

First Wolverine, X3, and the FF movies? Weak.

FWIW, I also am a fan of the Daredevil movie, which I think is way underrated, but I don't remember which studio did it anymore.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My big problem with the combination of a Black Johnny Storm & the idea that the re-boot is going with the Ultimate Fantastic Four premise of them all being teens is pretty simple. Johnny Storm in Ultimate Fantastic Four is written as well below the curve, intelligence-wise of the the students at the institute & comes across pretty much as only there because his dad runs it.

Anyone see where I'm going with this?..

Now if they had Reed Richards as Black, that would be seven different kinds of awesome. Enough so that I could actually overlook my knee-jerk reaction to 'yet-another' Black-guy-with-a-hot-Blonde interracial pairing. Bonus points if they could play him as a kind of young Neal Degrassi Tyson/'Science is Awesome! vibe...

Dark Archive

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Jason Nelson wrote:
True. I thought Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man were both very good, and Spider-Man 2 I think is one of the best supers movies ever. SM3? Bland. Not terrible. Just kinda... blah. It tried to do too much and ended up hitting each note in a desultory fashion that never really resonated.

My problem with Spider-Man 3 was that, whether or not they are the sort of people I envision as Harry Osbourne or Eddie Brock, both James Franco and Topher Grace chewed up the screen (in a good way) with their characterizations.

And then the Sandman, sucking the energy out of every single scene he appeared in, lifeless, boring, kind of depressing with the whole 'wah, my daughter' crap. Bad enough that he was *in* the movie, and utterly irrelevant for most of it, but the two *really interesting* characters, both actually tied to Peter/Spider-Man, in multiple different ways, are bumped off, leaving behind sir mopes a lot, who doesn't really have any connection to anything in the story and just sort of shows up for the big fight at the end because Venom somehow knows who he is and what his drama is and invites him to come beat up Spider-Man with him and he's all like 'uh, okay, I guess there's nothing good on TV anyway.'

Just, inexplicably bad.

Still. At least I remember it. Amazing Spider-Man? I honestly couldn't remember who the villain was, until I looked it up and saw a picture of that terrible CGI Lizard stomping after him. Gah. I thought I'd forgotten. I didn't realize that I'd deliberately suppressed the memory...

FF1 at least tried. Some great casting (Ben and Johnny), some good casting (Reed) and some not so great (Sue and Victor). They even tried to have a cool 'teamwork' scene at the end, combining their powers to defeat Doom. FF2, not so much, with the 'teamwork' being 'let's give the most popular actor's character the powers of all 4 and have him beat Doom!' and then 'let's have the FF stand around while an NPC saves the planet from Galactus!' Bad.

FF1 at least played with some FF themes, like 'family' and teamwork and the various interpersonal dynamics. Johnny or Sue, either one, being adopted, shouldn't really change that, since the relationship between Johnny and Sue has never been as important (IMO) to the group dynamic as the relationships between Sue and Reed, Reed and Ben (as 'best friends'), and Ben and Johnny (as gadfly & favorite victim). If this new FF movie wants to address the same themes, there's no reason why one of a pair of siblings being a half-sibling, or adopted, should change that relationship. If they were raised and grew up together as brother and sister, then the relationship can be the same as it would be if they were genetic siblings.

I'd be far more concerned with a younger Reed. Reed's characterization seems far more tied to his age and sense of being 'the adult in the room,' than Johnny's is to his skin tone.

Hey, Amazing Spider Man was pretty good. Better than the other Spider-man 1, actually (it...hasn't aged very well).

Also, how could you not like Doctor Victor von Cole?

Set, I would switch Sue and Reed myself. Great casting (Ben and Johnny), good casting (Sue), and not so good casting (Reed and Victor). Reed was wooden and Victor was too dramatic in a bad way.

Sovereign Court

Oh god why. Yeah, so not going to ever see this.

Only because of Kate Mara I might.

Silver Crusade

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I won't watch this. I'm tired of companies being PC and changing long standing characters. I hope it tanks completely!

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Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

My big problem with the combination of a Black Johnny Storm & the idea that the re-boot is going with the Ultimate Fantastic Four premise of them all being teens is pretty simple. Johnny Storm in Ultimate Fantastic Four is written as well below the curve, intelligence-wise of the the students at the institute & comes across pretty much as only there because his dad runs it.

Anyone see where I'm going with this?..

Now if they had Reed Richards as Black, that would be seven different kinds of awesome. Enough so that I could actually overlook my knee-jerk reaction to 'yet-another' Black-guy-with-a-hot-Blonde interracial pairing. Bonus points if they could play him as a kind of young Neal Degrassi Tyson/'Science is Awesome! vibe...

Yes, I see where you are going with this. It could be quite offensive.

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