[Marvel] Guardians of the Galaxy trailer for the trailer.


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Liberty's Edge

Full trailer on Jimmy Kimmel tonight.

That looks cool.

Liberty's Edge

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Full trailer up

I never read the comic, but this looks great.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A raccoon with an assault rifle... I don't think I need any other reason to see this movie. :D

Hmmm. They're not selling me on it.

I haven't read the current comic either, though I'm at least vaguely familiar with the characters - and have an old fondness for Rocket Raccoon.

But this trailer didn't work for me. Why should I care about any of these people: an egotistical petty con-man and thief, a psycho, an assassin, a car thief and his muscle? Right now, I'm on the side of the cops. Keep these guys locked up.

Plus, it doesn't quite hang together: Quill is arrested on his own and it feels like and origin story: They all meet in prison and bust out to ... do whatever the actual plot is about (Nebula and the Collector, apparently), but the cops already know their the Guardians of the Galaxy, so it isn't an origin?
Maybe there's more to it and it will make sense in context.

Right now it feels more like a bad gritty SF dystopia movie than a super-hero SF team. Except we don't even have any reason to think the cops are the bad guys and the Guardians aren't just a bunch of criminals.

Heh. Looks like so much fun.

And not really taking it self too seriously either.. Which, after Thor and Iron Man 3 (which I really enjoyed) I'm totally up for. Groot rocks. Or something.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

thejeff wrote:

Hmmm. They're not selling me on it.

Plus, it doesn't quite hang together: Quill is arrested on his own and it feels like and origin story: They all meet in prison and bust out to ... do whatever the actual plot is about (Nebula and the Collector, apparently), but the cops already know their the Guardians of the Galaxy, so it isn't an origin?
Maybe there's more to it and it will make sense in context.

I'm wondering if it's book ends.

i.e. Quill gets arrested they break out fight Nebula, etc etc. They win, get arrested again with no one knowing they saved the galaxy and then we get the "They call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy" bit. Kind of "We get no respect." thing.

I do wonder if the prison is SWORD or if it is intergalactic.

Agree with Lazaro. I don't know anything about the comic, I'll shell out the cash to see a racoon shoot up a joint.

Dark Archive

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'What a bunch of A - holes.'

Best Marvel trailer EVAR!

Ok since Iron Man I.

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:

I'm wondering if it's book ends.

i.e. Quill gets arrested they break out fight Nebula, etc etc. They win, get arrested again with no one knowing they saved the galaxy and then we get the "They call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy" bit. Kind of "We get no respect." thing.

I do wonder if the prison is SWORD or if it is intergalactic.

I presumed it was book ends as well.

Also, I'm pretty sure from all the Nova Corps uniforms that it's the Nova prison (so intergalactic).

Dark Archive

rooboy wrote:
I'm pretty sure from all the Nova Corps uniforms that it's the Nova prison (so intergalactic).

That was definitely a Nova Corps uniform they were wearing.

You also catch a glimpse of Del Toro as the Collector in the trailer.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Ah, I missed those were Nova Corps outfits.

I really need to get some ranks in perception. :-(

This looks like fun. It doesn't look like any Guardians of the Galaxy I have ever heard of, but it looks like fun. I don't know if Guardians got a ultimate book. My only true concern at this point is the potential Fireflyication of the film. Not just because I hate Firefly or whedon, but because the last thing we need is Marvel presents Firefly. I say this without hostility, believe it or not.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I say this without hostility, believe it or not.

Will save to disbelieve

Will 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (2) - 3 = -1


2 people marked this as a favorite.
thejeff wrote:
Hmmm. They're not selling me on it. (...) Why should I care about any of these people: an egotistical petty con-man and thief, a psycho, an assassin, a car thief and his muscle? Right now, I'm on the side of the cops. Keep these guys locked up.

Interesting, the trailer works for me because I can't see why I should care for these guys, and I certainly hope (even though I know I shouldn't) that further previews will not spoil more of the currently delectably obscure purpose of this movie.

But I know it's marvel. I know it's produced by Disney. I know it's an American film. I can thrust the good guys to be the good guys, and I'm certainly happy not to know why for once.

[edit] ...and because raccoon with an assault riffle...


Dark Archive

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Unlike the Captain America: Winter Soldier trailers, which have me bursting with anticipation to see a movie about a character I'm not that into, the Guardians of the Galaxy run of a few years ago (before the latest relaunch) was one of my favorite books of the last decade (along with other oddballs like Agents of Atlas and Avengers Academy), and yet, this trailer, she sucks the enthusiasm right out of me...

Rocket and Groot are fun, Star-Lord has been an okay POV character in the comic (a necessary evil, if not terribly interesting), and Gamora and Drax are just deadly dull. (Drax *used* to be an interesting character, but then he died and came back without his old super-powers, +100 lbs of muscle and a radically different attitude, making him, in essence, a *completely* different character. Gamora was never interesting, IMO.)

I'd much rather see Moondragon, Phyla-Vell or Cosmo (or even Mantis or Bug), as characters from the current run. (Or Yondu, Vance Astro or Nikki, from the original Guardians of the Galaxy, for that matter.) Probably not Adam Warlock, 'though. He's just all over the place crazy with his backstory and whatever-the-hell-powers-he-has-this-second.

Typical of Marvel to pick a team (the Guardians) that have three of the most butt-kickingly powerful and dynamic and awesome female characters ever (Moondragon, Phyla-Vell and Mantis), and instead use the broody chick with no powers that never talks 'cause she's too badass or whatever. Yawn.

I'll probably watch it, just to see Rocket being a smartass and Groot saying his one line, 'cause I'm still not jaded enough to not be thrilled that they are making movies out of comic book superheroes, and I lived long enough to see it. :)

As for the plot hints I'm seeing here;
Looks like the team has deliberately gotten themselves arrested to all be in position to steal something from the authorities.

Laurefindel wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Hmmm. They're not selling me on it. (...) Why should I care about any of these people: an egotistical petty con-man and thief, a psycho, an assassin, a car thief and his muscle? Right now, I'm on the side of the cops. Keep these guys locked up.

Interesting, the trailer works for me because I can't see why I should care for these guys, and I certainly hope (even though I know I shouldn't) that further previews will not spoil more of the currently delectably obscure purpose of this movie.

But I know it's marvel. I know it's produced by Disney. I know it's an American film. I can thrust the good guys to be the good guys, and I'm certainly happy not to know why for once.

[edit] ...and because raccoon with an assault riffle...


Fair enough. I suspect you're right and it will all make more sense and be more of a heroic thing once we've seen more of it.

Knowing that it's Disney and Marvel, I suspect this trailer is kind of a fake out, but just going by what I see in it, I'm not interested in what they're selling.

Set wrote:

As for the plot hints I'm seeing here;
Looks like the team has deliberately gotten themselves arrested to all be in position to steal something from the authorities.

Yeah I thought of a set up. Seems strange that they all wound up getting taken prisoner separately, or at least the only capture we see was solo. I'd also expect some kind of origin story and they really seem to be setting up for the meet in prison, bust out and save the world storyline.

Could be wrong.

thejeff wrote:
Fair enough. I suspect you're right and it will all make more sense and be more of a heroic thing once we've seen more of it.

I hope I didn't come as a "must-be-right" commenter. I only found it interesting that the reasons this trailer worked for me was a turn-off for others (you in occurrence).

Marketing's a tough world...

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Personally not getting a Firefly vibe from this...I am getting a Farscape vibe. Which I am definitely okay with.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This might really be a break-out role for Vin Diesel. It has a lot of range.

"I am Groot."

"I am Groot."

"I am Groot."

"I am Groot."


I'm also getting a Farscape vibe but expecting lots of crazy super heroe type battles based on the villian lineup.

I know very little about the Guardians but based on the limited research i'm pumped for this movie. I think the studio is as well based on contracts for the stars of the movie.

Could the human in guardians be this generations Han Solo?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What you have missed

Nova Corp - Check
Ronan the Accuser - Check
The Kree - Be cool if it was
Sakaarans - Again would be cool. Planet Hulk (?) movie in the future would be BADASS

I didn't read comic books, so while moving in geek culture, seeing tv shows growing up, etc let me know lots about mainstream heroes, I'd never heard of Guardians. When I first saw promo material I was kinda turned off by the character looks. I mean, a talking raccoon?

This preview sold me.

Now I'm really looking forward to this. Just a different perspective.

After all... A f&$king Racoon with a motherf&@king assault rifle. /Sam Jackson voice.

Freehold DM wrote:
My only true concern at this point is the potential Fireflyication of the film. Not just because I hate Firefly or whedon, but because the last thing we need is Marvel presents Firefly. I say this without hostility, believe it or not.

As others have said, I think this is much closer to Farscape than Firefly.

If you say mean things about Farscape, you and I will have pistols at dawn.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
My only true concern at this point is the potential Fireflyication of the film. Not just because I hate Firefly or whedon, but because the last thing we need is Marvel presents Firefly. I say this without hostility, believe it or not.

As others have said, I think this is much closer to Farscape than Firefly.

If you say mean things about Farscape, you and I will have pistols at dawn.

worry not. I care deeply for farscape, my wife is a fan.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Farscape - Gone before its time.
And to be replaced by one of the most god-awful series I have the displeasure of watching.

I started reading Guardians when the current comic came out, which would have been after they started making the movie. Did the current line up get together before this, or were they put together because that was who was going to be in the movie?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
I'd much rather see Moondragon, Phyla-Vell or Cosmo (or even Mantis or Bug), as characters from the current run.
Set wrote:
Typical of Marvel to pick a team (the Guardians) that have three of the most butt-kickingly powerful and dynamic and awesome female characters ever (Moondragon, Phyla-Vell and Mantis), and instead use the broody chick with no powers that never talks 'cause she's too badass or whatever. Yawn.

I have to admit, the lack of Moondragon, Phyla-Vell, and Cosmo is the biggest downer for me about this movie. And absolutely agreed on how those awesome female characters should have been in.

Hopefully if there's a sequel...

Dark Archive

Charles Scholz wrote:

Farscape - Gone before its time.

And to be replaced by one of the most god-awful series I have the displeasure of watching.

I started reading Guardians when the current comic came out, which would have been after they started making the movie. Did the current line up get together before this, or were they put together because that was who was going to be in the movie?

What replaced Farscape?

I believe this lineup is more or less similar to the lineup that has been around since they've been brought back in Annihilation. Some members (like Nova and Moondragon) are missing, in the same way that some iconic Avengers (like the Wasp and Black Panther) are missing, but they are certainly a version of the lineup that has been around the entirety of the modern era.

There is, however, an older version of the team that had been unused for a long time. Wiki Page on original team.

Dark Archive

Mikaze wrote:

I have to admit, the lack of Moondragon, Phyla-Vell, and Cosmo is the biggest downer for me about this movie. And absolutely agreed on how those awesome female characters should have been in.

Hopefully if there's a sequel...

I would expect more characters to be added in a sequel. I also wish they had added Moondragon in this one to balance the team out, but come on, they gave us Groot and Rocket. I _never_ imagined that day would come. As recently as last year I would still laugh when someone would mention this project, convinced it would never get off the ground.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
thejeff wrote:
Set wrote:

As for the plot hints I'm seeing here;
Looks like the team has deliberately gotten themselves arrested to all be in position to steal something from the authorities.

Yeah I thought of a set up. Seems strange that they all wound up getting taken prisoner separately, or at least the only capture we see was solo. I'd also expect some kind of origin story and they really seem to be setting up for the meet in prison, bust out and save the world storyline.

Could be wrong.

Given that Guardians isn't nearly as well known, or have as iconic a set of characters, as the Avengers did before their movies, I kinda wonder if some of this footage was shot solely for use the trailer, which can serve as an introduction to the characters before the movie comes out. It wouldn't be the first time footage appeared in the trailer and not in the movie.

I was ambivalent toward this movie before, but after watching this trailer, I'm completely on-board. It certainly doesn't look like it takes itself too seriously.


I liked the trailer...though I was sold on this movie when I heard Rocket Raccoon was going to be in it.

Dark Archive

Skeld wrote:
I kinda wonder if some of this footage was shot solely for use the trailer, which can serve as an introduction to the characters before the movie comes out. It wouldn't be the first time footage appeared in the trailer and not in the movie.

True, but that is very rarely and sparingly used, have they done that technique for Marvel movie previously?

Dark Archive

According to the filmmakers, Rocket Raccoon in this film is a unique product of experimentation.

"He's a little animal that was taken and experimented on and pulled apart and put back together again and implanted with cybernetics and he's half-machine and half-raccoon. And he's a gnarled, miserable, angry creature because there's nothing else like him. And that's something not easy to be."

Dark Archive

Djimon Hounsou took the role of Korath for the sake of his son.

"I have a son who loves superheroes from Spider-Man to Iron Man to Batman. One day he looks at me and says 'Dad, I want to be light-skinned so I could be Spider-Man. Spider-Man has light skin.' That was sort of a shock."

Dark Archive

Good thing we'll have Groot, then, so that somebody on the team *isn't* a miserable angry creature lashing out at the universe. :)

Still, one of my favorite scenes in the GotG comic was Rocket flipping out on Cosmo (a talking dog in a cosmonaut suit, having gained powers after the Soviets shot him into space in their first launches, only for him to develop powers instead of dying) and calling him an 'anthropomorphized freak.'

Dark Archive

Set wrote:
I'd much rather see Moondragon, Phyla-Vell or Cosmo (or even Mantis or Bug), as characters from the current run.
Set wrote:
Typical of Marvel to pick a team (the Guardians) that have three of the most butt-kickingly powerful and dynamic and awesome female characters ever (Moondragon, Phyla-Vell and Mantis), and instead use the broody chick with no powers that never talks 'cause she's too badass or whatever.

I have to admit, losing out on Moondragon, Phyla-Vell, and Cosmo is a big bummer and I agree on how those awesome female characters could have been.

This iteration of Guardians of the Galaxy is primarily based on the 2008 comic team (Star-Lord, Gamora, Nova, Drax, Rocket Raccoon and Groot), but also features Yondu, a member of the original 1969 comic team.

Dark Archive

Yondu might add some color diversity to the group. Between Drax, Gamorra and occasionally Mantis and Bug, they are awfully green...

Ah, Bug. I wonder if Marvel could even put a Micronaut on the team, or if the licensing / rights are too much of a rat's nest?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
rooboy wrote:

What replaced Farscape?

Tremors: The Series

Set wrote:
Good thing we'll have Groot, then, so that somebody on the team *isn't* a miserable angry creature lashing out at the universe. :)

You mean the character played by Vin Diesel? The irony...


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Laurefindel wrote:
Set wrote:
Good thing we'll have Groot, then, so that somebody on the team *isn't* a miserable angry creature lashing out at the universe. :)

You mean the character played by Vin Diesel? The irony...


It does bring back some real pleasant memories for Iron Giant fans. ;)

The irony really gets thick when one considers he's not playing Drax, who was revamped and modeled after Riddick. Wonder if that ever came up during casting...

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
This looks like fun. It doesn't look like any Guardians of the Galaxy I have ever heard of, but it looks like fun. I don't know if Guardians got a ultimate book. My only true concern at this point is the potential Fireflyication of the film. Not just because I hate Firefly or whedon, but because the last thing we need is Marvel presents Firefly. I say this without hostility, believe it or not.

Why the heck would you hate Firefly?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hama wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
This looks like fun. It doesn't look like any Guardians of the Galaxy I have ever heard of, but it looks like fun. I don't know if Guardians got a ultimate book. My only true concern at this point is the potential Fireflyication of the film. Not just because I hate Firefly or whedon, but because the last thing we need is Marvel presents Firefly. I say this without hostility, believe it or not.
Why the heck would you hate Firefly?

Because nasty, tricksey Whedon. He hates him so. Also, uncredited Whedon's "inspiration" from at least one precursor manga series, I believe.

Silver Crusade

Mikaze wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:
Set wrote:
Good thing we'll have Groot, then, so that somebody on the team *isn't* a miserable angry creature lashing out at the universe. :)

You mean the character played by Vin Diesel? The irony...


It does bring back some real pleasant memories for Iron Giant fans. ;)

Holy #%^*! I didn't know he voiced him, that's awesome :3

In regards to the movie, I know nothing about the series other than what I've seen in the trailer. Going off that all I can say is: Badass Gun Toting Raccoon Goodness. I approve.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Yup, which means it was Vin Diesel who

Major spoiler for The Iron Giant:
brought audiences to tears by saying "SU-PER-MAN :)"


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:

Yup, which means it was Vin Diesel who

** spoiler omitted **


The feels :'(

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I never read any old Guardians of the Galaxy comics. I started on Brian Michael Bendis' run and this trailer has the same flavour so I'm all for it.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:

Yup, which means it was Vin Diesel who

** spoiler omitted **


Right in the childhood... *sniff*

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In this film, Ronan the Accuser is an Admiral serving under Thanos.

This combines his classic Marvel comics portrayal (a top-ranking Military Governor) with his Marvel Ultimate comics portrayal (an ally of Thanos).

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:

Yup, which means it was Vin Diesel who

** spoiler omitted **


The Scene in question.

Bring tissues.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Yup, which means it was Vin Diesel who

** spoiler omitted **


Right in the childhood... *sniff*

Iron Giant came out well after I was out of college and that scene still gets me misty-eyed.

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