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I am very happy to announce that we have another 5 star GM in the UK - the (in)famous Crispy has been awarded his 5th star for services rendered to the Pathfinder Society UK Grand Lodge.
an iconic figure in the UK Pathfinder community. He is (in)famous as a lethal GM who is considered tough but fair - playing opponents with all of the tactical expertise they are given and just enough malicious glee to let you know they are the villains (and that Crispy is just channeling them!) so that every player knows they have won a victory or been fairly defeated by the scenario.
I first met him at our second PaizoCon UK where he was willing to step into the breach and GM a table of the special event at incredibly short notice. He did a wonderful job and had players asking for more. Along with his wife, Tonya, he has regularly invited many Pathfinders to his home and was the inspiration behind the very successful Crispycon in the UK.
At conventions, he is an absolute star - always willing to run games for everybody, even running additional games in out of hours slots. He has encouraged many new players to join the Pathfinder Society and I would hold him up as an excellent example of a Pathfinder Society GM. We are very lucky to have him here in the UK at the moment!
And a few other comments:
Crispy is quite unnaturally talented and I am convinced he and his family come from Krypton (because they are all brilliant, too)! He is fantastic raconteur, he role-plays his NPCs with complete immersion and often brings a palpable sense of menace to the game. He eats rules for breakfast and knows how to use them to entertain or to threaten. He involves all his players and treats them with great respect and fairness. On top of that, this prince among men is highly cultured and charming. He is the best ambassador for the game that I know. I just love playing on his tables and his 5-star rating is very well earned.
Rob Silk
He is without a doubt a fantastic GM and one of the best ambassadors for Pathfinder you could hope to find. His knowledge about the world of Golarion is incredible, no matter where a module takes you he can describe the location in depth, knows any notable NPCs, and has a wealth of background that enriches the game.
He plays the bad guys so well that you get some great RP encounters, and you come away from the tougher fights knowing you did well to survive. Importantly, though he does play the bad guys as tough as they are written he isn't a bully and I have never known him pick on a player - he's scrupulously fair.
He's always willing to take the time to explain what's going on properly and help people navigate the rules if they're not as familiar with them as he is and does everything possible to make sure that all players get their chance to shine.
Crispy deserves this. He's a five star GM if ever there was one.
Carol T
Paizocon UK 2011 was my first con and Crispy was one of the first GM’s I had. I still remember the game as being one of the most fun and immersive I ever had in the 20 years of roleplaying. Crispy has a way of bringing the world around you alive and making you fully part of that world. He made me realise that I wanted to come to conventions and was my inspiration to become a GM.
Crispy is one of the best
Chris BB
Chris is a tireless refereeing machine who relentlessly pushes the game along with humour and wry comments. His firm but fair approach leaves no-one in any doubt of his knowledge of the rules or feeling for the game. You come away from his table certain you've earned every xp, gp and pp on your sheet.
Phil B
I have always enjoyed playing in Crispy's games, and strive to get at least one game on his table at conventions. He has an expansive knowledge of the rules and the setting and is great at keeping the excitement levels up. I had the opportunity to play "Day of the Demon" at CrispyCon last year on his table, and all i can say is WOW, what a ride.
Chris M

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Thank you for your service! I'll have to suss out your real name for the 5-Star roster, 'Crispy' just won't do... Welcome to our Island, you'll find it is much warmer than Britain.
Hey, it isn't cold here all of the time. We get at least 3 or 4 days of mild weather in July.
Also congratulations! How many of our 4/5 star GM's will be at Expo?

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Though I am not so sure about the lethal comments. I think the reports may be exaggerated! Have gamed with Crispy for years and years and he has only killed 2 characters permanently - one in PFS and one in Shadowrun.
Ahem, they had to sweep me up with a dustpan and get me resurrected. I still loved the scenario.
Definitely well deserved. The comments above already say it all.

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Though I am not so sure about the lethal comments. I think the reports may be exaggerated! Have gamed with Crispy for years and years and he has only killed 2 characters permanently - one in PFS and one in Shadowrun.
Too clarify - he has only killed two of MY characters. I am not speaking for the other players. But thinking on it, my first Kingmaker character died too.
So maybe the reputation is deserved... *grin*