Just some thoughts and a bit of advice to whomever wants it. I think it applies to several of the discussions running on these forums. It's directed at no one in particular. Take it or leave it.
What we, the forum community, have to base our speculation on are mostly preliminary outlines of parts of the game mechanics. Stating in a definitive manner that this or that can't be avoided because a blog said one thing or another doesn't cut it.
It's a little bit like reading an abridged summary of parts of a law book and saying that no one should care about which side of the street to drive their cars on because you haven't read anything that explicitly details that situation.
The statement "This society will fail because people will crash their cars into each other all the time. The laws about littering are pointless because there will be burning car wrecks all over the place anyway." is based on unfounded assumptions.
The statement "It seems the document provided to me doesn't describe traffic regulations at much detail. It would be good if there is a law set for which side of the street to drive on because otherwise cars risk crashing into each other." is much more reasonable and may lead to a better discussion.