prototype00 |
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So encouraged by others I have tried my hand at a guide!
Well half a guide so far, so no need to put it up anywhere, yet. I discuss the class itself, the two rough builds, races and the entry classes to the CoI. Will finish the rest with strategy, tactics and secrets, feats and items.
But in the meantime, would be nice to hear what you think, so here it is, first draft:
Fist of the Heavens! A guide for the Champion of Irori

deuxhero |
Mindless creatures are true neutral, there's plenty of reason to fight golems, wild animals and a few other enemy types as a Paladin (plus I think Ramza is a good example of how a LG character can come into violent conflict with other LG characters, but it greatly depends on the GM).
Having low wisdom (A minimum of 10, 7 if there was a minimum of 1 ki point, but there isn't) is actually worth considering. You lose the AC bonus (but can wear armor thanks to your entry and a Master of Many Styles Monk doesn't have flurry to lose) and Ki (A pain, but as long as you have SOME Ki, there are methods to replenish it). Notice that a lot of abilities CoI gets operate off standard action attacks, which synergies well with Dragon Style and losing flurry. You can convert your channel energy uses (which improve with Charisma) from Hospitaler into ki via a 100 GP Meditation Crystal or Bronze Gong (first is slower but silent, second is faster but nosier) and turn them into extra smites at 1/1 trade via Ring of Ki Mastery. It may not be the best, but worth examining.
As for items, Ring of Ki Mastery and a Meditation Crystal/Bronze Gong is good for any build. One very sneaky (but given how bad, even post cost reduction, AoMF is for a monk, fine) option is a +X Allying Gauntlet, which you will be diverting its enhancement bonus to your unarmed strike, and an Amulet of Mighty Fists with no raw enchantment bonus (the special properties will stack with the raw bonus Allying transfers). This combo will actually pull ahead of real weapons in cost/effective bonus eventually. A Wyroot whip to use on an armored ally (possibly yourself!) endlessly for infinite Ki is still as cheesy as it was when first noticed (while whips could have wood handles and some had piece of wood weaved into the whip for more pain, the GM is free to veto it as valid for Wyroot)
Also: Paladin isn't strictly the only source of Smite Evil. Chevalier 3 can get it for you. This is a pure novelty though, as the Chevalier's requirements stop you from entering CoI via that method till double digit levels. Celestial creature is also an option if you can somehow get that allowed

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Random thought I had: Dipping a level into Oracle of Lore might be well worth it for this character type if you set up for it. Ditch Dex completely, grab Sidestep Secret and you're suddenly a bit less MAD. It's not a bad call at all, and very nice thematically as well, given Irori's knowledge based stuff. Hell, burn a Feat on Focused Trance and maybe leave Int decent (doable with Dex dumping) and the whole Bardic Knowledge thing becomes quite handy.
Just a thought.

prototype00 |

Good point about the neutral enemies, unfortunately the Champion of Irori isn't going to have all his toys all the time. (Though you will still be an almost full BaB defensive type fighter, so really no loss, I hope).
The low wisdom build does seem to be good for a "Body" type CoI, I figure lots of hobgoblin ironskin monks might go down that route.
About the various item shenanigans, fear not, I was going to put them in the secrets/items section, no worries.

prototype00 |

Basically, you lose 2 ki points and the monk ki pool abilities if you get the CoI ki pool before the monk one (you still get wis to ki points and 1 ki point from the CoI).
Considering at the early levels you already have all your channel energe uses=ki and the ki points from the CoI, it is, I feel okay to put the 4th level of monk off (a little bit, do pick it up as its quite good) if you want to start smiting stuff earlier.

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Nice guide so far. Glad you are enjoying the PrC. One note, though: You can't enter the PrC at 5th level. You have to have 5 ranks in the required skills BEFORE you take the class, which means you can't enter until 6th level. So you've got an extra level to go (for instance) Pal2/Monk3 or Pal1/Monk4.

prototype00 |

Nice guide so far. Glad you are enjoying the PrC. One note, though: You can't enter the PrC at 5th level. You have to have 5 ranks in the required skills BEFORE you take the class, which means you can't enter until 6th level. So you've got an extra level to go (for instance) Pal2/Monk3 or Pal1/Monk4.
Did you write the PrC Jason? Good show if you did! Its brilliant! Anyway, I have taken on your corrections.
The guide updated with feats, traits and secret techniques has been produced here. Only items and builds (possibly) yet to come.

Finlanderboy |

Mindless creatures are true neutral, there's plenty of reason to fight golems, wild animals and a few other enemy types as a Paladin (plus I think Ramza is a good example of how a LG character can come into violent conflict with other LG characters, but it greatly depends on the GM).
Zombie is mindless and is NE.

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Jason Nelson wrote:Nice guide so far. Glad you are enjoying the PrC. One note, though: You can't enter the PrC at 5th level. You have to have 5 ranks in the required skills BEFORE you take the class, which means you can't enter until 6th level. So you've got an extra level to go (for instance) Pal2/Monk3 or Pal1/Monk4.Did you write the PrC Jason? Good show if you did! Its brilliant! Anyway, I have taken on your corrections.
The guide updated with feats, traits and secret techniques has been produced here. Only items and builds (possibly) yet to come.
I did. I'll be checking out the updated guide. Sounds like the PrC has a lot of fans.

deuxhero |
deuxhero wrote:Zombie is mindless and is NE.Mindless creatures are true neutral, there's plenty of reason to fight golems, wild animals and a few other enemy types as a Paladin (plus I think Ramza is a good example of how a LG character can come into violent conflict with other LG characters, but it greatly depends on the GM).
Which is something people have asked why, and never gotten an answer, for forever.

Ashram |

Finlanderboy wrote:Which is something people have asked why, and never gotten an answer, for forever.deuxhero wrote:Zombie is mindless and is NE.Mindless creatures are true neutral, there's plenty of reason to fight golems, wild animals and a few other enemy types as a Paladin (plus I think Ramza is a good example of how a LG character can come into violent conflict with other LG characters, but it greatly depends on the GM).
Because even though it's mindless, it's undead and core rules state that undead are all evil, regardless of their mental state or not.

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Here's my take, built for PFS:
Human Monk 3 (Master of Many Styles, Monk of the Sacred Mountain)/Paladin 2/CoI 7
Starting stats:
STR 16 DEX 13 CON 10 INT 12 WIS 10 CHA 16
(might swap con and int)
Traits: Dangerously Curious, Armor Expert or Quain Martial Artist
Lvl 1: Mnk 1. IUS, Dodge, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Unarmed Damage 1d6
Lvl 2: Mnk 2. Natural armor +1, Toughness, Dragon Style
Lvl 3: Pal 1. Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day, Power Attack
Lvl 4: Pal 2. Lay on Hands 4/day, Divine Grace
Lvl 5: Mnk 3. Maneuver training, Still Mind, Dragon Ferocity
Lvl 6: CoI 1. Smite Evil/Chaos 2/day, Unarmed Damage 1d8, Detect Chaos
Lvl 7: CoI 2. Ki pool 2/day, Lay on hands 5/day, Pursuit of Knowledge, Two Weapon Fighting (grab dex belt before this).
Lvl 8: CoI 3. Sweeping Smite
Lvl 9: CoI 4. Ki pool 3/day, Lay on hands 6/day, Valiant Stand, Crane Riposte
Lvl 10: CoI 5. Unarmed Damage 1d10, Shield the Weak
Lvl 11: CoI 6. Ki pool 4/day, Lay on hands 7/day, Skill Mastery, Osyluth Guile
Lvl 12: CoI 7. Perfect Opening
I had a hard time with the MAD nature of this class. It's probably the MADest PrC out there. I chose not to put anything into wisdom or constitution, dabble in dexterity just enough for prereq's, and focus on strength and charisma. The 12 int is just to help out with skills - it could just as easily be in con or wis as you prefer. You could dump int to 7 and free up points to boost wisdom, but I don't feel right dumping int on a follower of the god of knowledge. Dumping int also neuters the knowledge skill ability this class gives.
This guy is full BAB (close enough, hush) and does decent damage full time that spikes to great damage against smite targets. This isn't a DPR-chart winning build but it's respectable. Dragon Style and Power Attack combo up to make your strikes really really hurt, and make charging easy. Iterative attacks from full BAB and off hand strikes from TWF make up for the lost flurry ability.
This guy is also a seriously tough customer to land a hit on. I have low wisdom and traded away flurry, so I have no reason not to wear the heavy armor that my paladin levels give me proficiency in. AC is great: 10 base +9 armor (plate)+ 1 dex +1 natural +4 fighting defensively +1 dodge +4 shield = 30 AC without any magic armor, rings of protection, amulets of natural armor, etc - just a UMD'd wand of shield. If something does get through, crane wing negates it. Between the great monk-style save progression and Divine Grace, plus situational bonuses from Dragon Style and Still Mind, saves will be extremely good for this guy. The low CON and d8 HD is scary, but the tanky AC and regen from Lay on Hands helps mitigate the risk.
Out of combat, this guy is pretty useful. Untrained knowledge checks + progressive knowledge bonus means no matter what he'll have a shot at knowing relevant information. I like having the int 12 here to keep all knowledge skills decent. With a high charisma he can be the party face as well, and use UMD as needed.
All in all I think it's a pretty decent prestige class but it takes some system mastery to use well. Thoughts on my build?

prototype00 |

The final guide with Items added (I didn't put in builds as I have another thread for CoI builds, but if people want to add them in I can).
It is of course not set in stone, if people want me to add things or change things, please post to this thread. After a week or so I'll put it up for inclusion in the Guide to the Guides page.
Edit: So question, do you think that Fight for Liberty can be used by a CoI on themselves? With Skill Mastery, you only need one point (or less, depends on your Cha) in perform (Oratory) to activate it every battle. +2 to hit for basically free is really good.

I Hate Nickelback |
deuxhero wrote:Because even though it's mindless, it's undead and core rules state that undead are all evil, regardless of their mental state or not.Finlanderboy wrote:Which is something people have asked why, and never gotten an answer, for forever.deuxhero wrote:Zombie is mindless and is NE.Mindless creatures are true neutral, there's plenty of reason to fight golems, wild animals and a few other enemy types as a Paladin (plus I think Ramza is a good example of how a LG character can come into violent conflict with other LG characters, but it greatly depends on the GM).
It may state that, but there's no good reason.

prototype00 |

Have updated with Skills (Still need to put in the allying weapons and wyroot cheese, totally forgot). Here it is!
Do people really have nothing to add to it?

prototype00 |

Looks good! One question so far: what are your thoughts on using an 'agile' Amulet of Mighty Fists and Weapon Finesse so you don't have to worry about Strength at all?
That is not a bad tactic for the "Body" CoI, the only thing you are losing is the good synergy Str has with Dragon Style. You could also dump Wis altogether with that build and just focus on Dex and Cha.
What do people think of a two level ninja dip to get a Cha-based ki-pool and make it easier to reduce Wis?
Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. It is a shame to give up all the monk bennies for high wisdom, but having a whole lot of ki points and invisibility at will as a swift action is pretty hefty.
The question is whether you can stomach two levels of something else before heading into the CoI (having already taken 1 level of Paladin and 3 of Monk).
But, I might add the Ninja idea into the class section.

Cainus |

I've been reading the guide and finding it very useful but I think I've noticed a couple of things.
The Bronze Gong Channel Focus combo won't work with this prestige class because the user has to worship a good god, and Irori is neutral.
Bronze Gong
Source Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Balance
When activated, this small masterwork metal gong remains charged with power for 8 hours. When the gong is struck softly, it emits a clear and pleasing tone that instantly focuses the striker’s thoughts and mental energy. If the creature striking the gong has a ki pool and worships a good god, she regains 1 ki point. This use expends the power within the gong.
Also, most GM's will probably read it and figure it can only be used once a day anyway.
Also, the difference between Bracers of the Avenging Knight and Silver Smite Bracers (Bracelet) is the Silver Smite Bracelet gives an extra smite per day as well as adding to the damage.
"The wearer of this bracelet treats her paladin level as 4 higher than normal for the purpose of her smite evil class feature."
The only two level dependent aspects of Smite Evil are damage and uses per day.
Now, you already have a ton of Smites per day, but one more might be worth the extra coin.

prototype00 |

I've been reading the guide and finding it very useful but I think I've noticed a couple of things.
The Bronze Gong Channel Focus combo won't work with this prestige class because the user has to worship a good god, and Irori is neutral.
Bronze Gong
Source Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Balance
When activated, this small masterwork metal gong remains charged with power for 8 hours. When the gong is struck softly, it emits a clear and pleasing tone that instantly focuses the striker’s thoughts and mental energy. If the creature striking the gong has a ki pool and worships a good god, she regains 1 ki point. This use expends the power within the gong.
Also, most GM's will probably read it and figure it can only be used once a day anyway.
Yeah... that's the text from the pathfindersrd site isn't it? They stopped using official PF god names because of legal reasons. The bronze gong is specifically Irori's channel focus item from Faiths of Balance.
And what indication is there at all that any of these Channel focus items can be used 1/day? I mean, where would a DM get that idea? Its like saying Power Attack can only be used 1/day because reasons (its too good, yo!).

Cainus |

Cainus wrote:I've been reading the guide and finding it very useful but I think I've noticed a couple of things.
The Bronze Gong Channel Focus combo won't work with this prestige class because the user has to worship a good god, and Irori is neutral.
Bronze Gong
Source Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Balance
When activated, this small masterwork metal gong remains charged with power for 8 hours. When the gong is struck softly, it emits a clear and pleasing tone that instantly focuses the striker’s thoughts and mental energy. If the creature striking the gong has a ki pool and worships a good god, she regains 1 ki point. This use expends the power within the gong.
Also, most GM's will probably read it and figure it can only be used once a day anyway.
Yeah... that's the text from the pathfindersrd site isn't it? They stopped using official PF god names because of legal reasons. The bronze gong is specifically Irori's channel focus item from Faiths of Balance.
And what indication is there at all that any of these Channel focus items can be used 1/day? I mean, where would a DM get that idea? Its like saying Power Attack can only be used 1/day because reasons (its too good, yo!).
I'll have to wait until I look at the description in the book when I get home to reply, to see both versions.

Cainus |

Cainus wrote:I've been reading the guide and finding it very useful but I think I've noticed a couple of things.
The Bronze Gong Channel Focus combo won't work with this prestige class because the user has to worship a good god, and Irori is neutral.
Bronze Gong
Source Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Balance
When activated, this small masterwork metal gong remains charged with power for 8 hours. When the gong is struck softly, it emits a clear and pleasing tone that instantly focuses the striker’s thoughts and mental energy. If the creature striking the gong has a ki pool and worships a good god, she regains 1 ki point. This use expends the power within the gong.
Also, most GM's will probably read it and figure it can only be used once a day anyway.
Yeah... that's the text from the pathfindersrd site isn't it? They stopped using official PF god names because of legal reasons. The bronze gong is specifically Irori's channel focus item from Faiths of Balance.
And what indication is there at all that any of these Channel focus items can be used 1/day? I mean, where would a DM get that idea? Its like saying Power Attack can only be used 1/day because reasons (its too good, yo!).
Yeah, I just kind'a threw that out there without any explanation.
What I find interesting/confusing is the language at the start and end.
"When activated, this small masterwork metal gong remains charged with power for 8 hours."
"This use expends the power within the gong."
But now that read the entire entry (from the book not just the d20 site) I can see how it works better. And it does in fact work.
That's what you get for operating with only part of the information.
Also, the D20 quys should changed workships Irori, to a neutral god. That way someone reading just the D20 could use the item with their Irori worshipper.
I like the guide, it's got a lot of interesting ideas.

prototype00 |

Love the guide. One thing for body builds, I believe a Sohei could flurry in armor, so a Sohei with brawling armor and a big +x (or if GM allows, CoI to advance unarmed strike damage even though Sohei can't) and still flurry.
Not saying that it isn't possible, but that are quite a few ifs there (the Sohei thing I know is hotly debated and the unarmed strike damage is pure DM fiat, something I would rather avoid). Still, flurrying with weapons is neat, and you could tiger style and smite something fierce.
Does anyone know if you take an Archetype that removes FOB, do you start progressing in it once you become a COI?
Essentially, does COI give you flurry of blows (that stacks with existing FOB) or does it just stack with existing?
My guess is no... (or at least the RAW seems to point that way, and that is the assumption I have had throughout the guide).

prototype00 |

*scratches head* Oookay? Where did you get the impression that Channel Foci are one use items? I mean, for reference I now provide the general description:
A channel focus is a garment or other object that incorporates a holy or unholy symbol, and has a special power when a member of that symbol’s religion channels energy through it.
Activating a focus is identical to channeling energy, but instead of directing the power outward, the cleric (or other appropriate character) directs it into the focus, expending one use of channel energy. This triggers the item’s ability; the channel does not have any of its normal effects (for example, a cleric channeling positive energy through her focus would not heal living creatures or harm undead in the area). The cleric must wear or hold the focus, as appropriate. She can still use channel energy in the normal way, even while wearing or holding a channel focus. An activated channel focus radiates faint conjuration (positive energy) or necromancy magic (negative energy). An unactivated focus is completely nonmagical — it is a channel for the magical positive or negative energy, but has no magic of its own.
Because a focus includes the holy symbol of a specific religion, in most cases a cleric cannot activate the focus of another faith (though your GM may rule that a member of an allied church can activate another religion’s focus). A cleric whose deity allows positive or negative channeling may use either type to activate a focus, though some foci may have different effects depending on what kind of energy activates them. The cleric can use the focus as a holy symbol (whether activated or not), though if it is a worn item rather than a held item she must touch the item with a free hand.
So a cleric's holy symbol spontaneously combusts when you use it to channel positive energy? Golly, we'd better put warning labels on those.
TL:DR Where the heck did you come up with that? Its neither RAW or RAI.

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outside of smiting, the spirit build seems to be extremely low on the damage side. And while that 1 level of cleric is crucial for guided hand, it just seems to set you back pretty harshly. Divine favor for damage a few times a day will be nice, pick up ability focus(stunning fist) and mantis Style and boom, you have a really nasty stunning fist.
Overall I love the guide, but I would like to see a build for each style just as kind of a guideline and a preview of what each can do.

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Also, could a level of Wildblooded (Empyreal) Sorcerer be worth it? You can take magical knack and get either a 3 minute shield (monk-ish characters usually don't get shield bonuses from what I can find) or a 3 hour Mage Armor (saves a slot for bracers of the avenging knight or silver smite bracers). Might be good for spirit builds with really high wisdom (bunch of 1st level spells).

prototype00 |

outside of smiting, the spirit build seems to be extremely low on the damage side. And while that 1 level of cleric is crucial for guided hand, it just seems to set you back pretty harshly. Divine favor for damage a few times a day will be nice, pick up ability focus(stunning fist) and mantis Style and boom, you have a really nasty stunning fist.
I wouldn't say dump strength, I mean, you can start with a 12 and work up from there (+6 enhancement from items, +6 inherent from orc bloodline, +6 size bonus from power of giants, you end up with 30 str).
The level of cleric is useful for guided hand but essential for the channel energy from which the CoI will derive all his/her smite evil attempts and lay on hands.
As to stunning fist, yes if its something you wanted to concentrate on, it can have a very good DC (but mantis style and crane style will not stack, and I'd rather have crane style active, personally).
Overall I love the guide, but I would like to see a build for each style just as kind of a guideline and a preview of what each can do.
I said I'd do that didn't I? I'll get around to it now that herolab has been updated with the CoI bugfixes.
I have one question, it stated that a COI cannot have followers cohorts etc.
But can one become a cohort?
Well they are supposed to avoid entanglements that interfere with their personal growth. But nothing RAW against it (unlike taking cohorts), and service can be part of training after all.
Also, could a level of Wildblooded (Empyreal) Sorcerer be worth it? You can take magical knack and get either a 3 minute shield (monk-ish characters usually don't get shield bonuses from what I can find) or a 3 hour Mage Armor (saves a slot for bracers of the avenging knight or silver smite bracers). Might be good for spirit builds with really high wisdom (bunch of 1st level spells).
Eurgh, with the number of levels you have to take in other classes (3 in monk, 4 for the nice stuff *ki pool*, 1 in paladin, 2 for the nice stuff *divine grace, lay on hands*, 1 in cleric) I can't see where I would fit it in early level wise.
Its in the same place the oracle and ninja levels are, nice but not essential, so what levels do you want to give up to put them in?

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As to the shield bonus to AC, why not equip your monk with a heavy steel shield for +2 Shield AC (+X for modifiers). The levels in Paladin give you proficiency with shields and, by using unarmed strikes as weapons, you leave your other hand open for attacking and crane style, so there should be no drawback to using a shield.
I was wondering if you could critique my Bewildering Koan build for PFS.
Aasimar - Crusader Cleric 1/Monk of the Sacred Mtn 3/Paladin 2/CoI 5
Str: 14 - For damage and hit
Dex: 10
Con: 10 - Wish for a 12, but could only pull from Int
Int: 10 - Skill points, can only go to Int 8 at the minimum in order to meet reqs for CoI at level 6
Wis: 18 - AC/Ki/Stun DC/Will/etc.
Cha: 16 - Channel(Ki)/Smite/Bluff/Osyluth
1st: Racial Heritage(Gnome)
1st-C: Weapon Focus(Unarmed Strike)
1st-M: Improved Unarmed Strike
1st-M: Stunning Fist
1st-M: Dodge: +1 Dodge bonus to AC
3rd: Crane Style: Fighting defensively is now -2 to hit/+4 to Dodge AC (with three ranks in Acrobatics)
4th-M: Toughness: +1 hit point per level
4th-M: Deflect Arrows: Can deflect one ranged attack per round
5th: Bewildering Koan: Bluff check to make enemy not perform any actions or +2 damage against enemy; 1 ki point, swift
7th: Crane Wing: Able to deflect one melee attack per round
9th: Osyluth Guile: Cha to Dodge AC against one opponent, declared when fighting def.
11th: Crane Riposte: Additional +1 to Dodge AC when fighting def.; can AoO when deflecting a melee attack
Skills @ Level 6 (18):
Acrobatics - 3
Bluff - 4
Perception - 1
Kn.(Religion) - 5
Other Knowledge - 5
Wanted Items:
Monk's Robes
Ring of Ki Mastery
Belt of Strength
Headband of Wisdom/Charisma
Amulet of Mighty Fists
Heavy Steel Shield
Meditative Crystal
Potions of Lead Blades/Enlarge Person
Wand of Mage Armor

Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Your trick with the Crane Wing/Critical rebuttal doesn't work.
The reason is it's still one attack, you're taking AoO's at multiple parts of it. Just like you can't take an AoO multiple times on one opponent moving out of squares around you, you can't take an AoO for being attacked by one blow multiple times without real exceptions.
Since all parts of that crit/crane wing combo depend on you being attacked and hit, it's all one 'opportunity', and you'd only get the one AoO.
Which is hardly a problem, but it's not death on wings.