I can't change myself!

Website Feedback

RPG Superstar 2012

I've always heard that change comes from within, but it seems that external forces are preventing my metamorphosis to a beautiful badgerfly. When I try to change my avatar image, I get this message.

Pop Up wrote:


That avatar name is already in use by another account.

Please help!

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

At what point are you getting that error? What's the label on the button say?

RPG Superstar 2012

I get the error when I press the "Change" button just below my avatar image. I also checked pressing "Submit Changes," and I get the same error from that.

I've seen that before. I was fiddling around with one of my PFS characters and had to change the username to "blah blah blah2" to change my icon, then set it back to "blah blah blah" once I was done. I didn't think to report it at the time because ... I actually don't remember; I'm guessing because it was late at night and I wasn't thinking. ;p

RPG Superstar 2012

It might be this alias, Täîg, that's gumming things up.

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

OK, I see what the problem is. We'll try to get it fixed today or tomorrow.

RPG Superstar 2012

Thanks, Gary!

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

taig—We didn't quite fix that exact issue but there's a workaround now. There's a new "Change Your Avatar" button on the your My Account page. Clicking that should work.

RPG Superstar 2012

It gives me the same error. :(

All the same, I like what you've done with the "My Account" page.

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