100 Books Found in the Strange Library

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224: Zizzo's First tome
Credited to Zircadeusio the Whimsical and lovingly dedicated to the author's grandson Zizzo, this appears to be a children's book written for the sole purpose of presenting to a younger relative as a gift. The book is 100 pages long, but is written in very large script and contains several crude illustrations. The story itself is a childish, rambling tale about Zizzo's future accomplishments as a wizard, and describes in great detail how proud the author is of him and how much he loves him. Anyone reading the book will see that Zircadeusio clearly had more grandfatherly love that artistic talent.

The final page in an arcane script. A Read Magic spell reveals it as the Secret Page spell. In fact, the entire book is under the effects of a Secret Page spell, and is actually a wizard's spellbook containing all wizard cantrips plus the following spells: Blink, Cat's Grace, Chill Touch, Comprehend Languages, Dispel Magic, Enlarge Person, Fox's Cunning, Grease, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Scorching Ray, Secret Page, Shocking Grasp, Shrink Item, Spider Climb, and Web.

GMs are encouraged to allow the PCs a Knowledge[Local] check to determine what became of Zizzo.

Shadow Lodge

225: Your Best Friend's Diary

A plain looking book with an easily opened lock that is enchanted with detect thoughts and fills in the pages with your own memories about "your friend".

Known to cause trouble by confirming the readers worst fears.

226. An in depth guide to kobold husbandry

For the discerning task master trying to create a better servant


227. The first science.
A fascinating read about how a caveman figured out how to kill a woolly mammoth. It mentions the cave paintings and fossles that led the author to his theories. The caveman probably watched the beasts gathering research, then formed theories, then made spear throwing wooden levers, then tried them out in hunts. If this book is in your library, you get an extra point of research a day.

228. The Final Science.

This tome contains a long complex scientific formula, the final pages are charred black and illegible. Any attempts at following the formula results in a 100d6 500 foot radius explosion (no save) when the last legible portions of the formula are reached.

A Crystal Quest
The story of a hero that sought to restore his or her homeland by finding a jewel thats glow could push back the encroaching darkness. In the spine of the book is a embedded shard of a similar jewel, and on the last page an odd map that shows where such crystals can be found.(Not found on the plane the book is.) The crystals dispel magical darkness and provide light for 30ft in a amulet sized gem.

230. The Sayings of Sarethaniux is a book written entirely in Draconic with a recognizable kobold dialect (DC15 Linguistics). The cover seems to be a highly dressed Bullette hide, covered with highly refined and pure rubies. The text within begins with a prayer to the Red Dragon Sarethaniux, asking for her blessings and strength. What follows switches from a complete transcription of all Sarethaniux utters (from her dealings with a hobgoblin war chief to her thought-to-be private musings) and a detailed dissection and interpretation of the lessons to be learned from the dragon's words. While most of the book is over zealous and obsessive nonsense, it is a near-perfect record of all dealings the dragon has had with others and would be be useful to certain parties of adventurers.

Vod Canockers wrote:

228. The Final Science.

This tome contains a long complex scientific formula, the final pages are charred black and illegible. Any attempts at following the formula results in a 100d6 500 foot radius explosion (no save) when the last legible portions of the formula are reached.

Using mending on each charred page, or just one make whole, gives you a bomb that can destroy a planet or demiplane. Make sure you leave behind a clone or a resurrect-able lock of hair. :)

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231. A Rhyming Dictionary for Impossible to Rhyme Words. This book is exactly what it says on the cover, a collection of lists of apparently non-sense 'words' which are supposed to rhyme with impossible to rhyme words. No explanations or definitions of the 'words' is given, just lists of them. This rhyming dictionary will always deal with words from the reader's native language, and changes language depending on the reader. In English impossible to rhyme words include but are not limited to orange, silver, purple, olive, month, almond & scalp and the English version is noteworthy for having 17 pages of rhymes for 'iron'.

cnetarian wrote:
231. A Rhyming Dictionary for Impossible to Rhyme Words. This book is exactly what it says on the cover, a collection of lists of apparently non-sense 'words' which are supposed to rhyme with impossible to rhyme words. No explanations or definitions of the 'words' is given, just lists of them. This rhyming dictionary will always deal with words from the reader's native language, and changes language depending on the reader. In English impossible to rhyme words include but are not limited to orange, silver, purple, olive, month, almond & scalp and the English version is noteworthy for having 17 pages of rhymes for 'iron'.

This "book" brought the purple nurple into the world. I toss an orange door hinge at you. :)

Dark Archive

232. Decrees and Proclamations. This ancient leather-bound tome is cracked and worn, and it's brittle parchment pages are mostly bare, with a few still containing written decrees in a dead language, mostly barely legible, and those that can be read and translated being mostly boring local laws and postings. The book has a lingering enchantment, as it was designed so that whenever an office posting went up in the capitol of a long dead nation-state, a page in this book would be filled with the text of that posting, so that residents of nearby towns and cities would immediately become aware of them, and could copy those documents and post them in their own town squares. With most of the postings in the long-ruined capitol dust, most of the pages are blank now, but a few of the original decrees must still remain, barely legible, somewhere in that ancient ruin, as you can still make out a few of them in this surviving book.

One of the decrees will turn out to be a useful adventure hook, or provide interesting information (all gold trade bars are to be moved to the imperial treasury at blah-de-blah, which, one wonders if might still have a stockpile of such, all these centuries later...) or relate in some way to the current adventure (such as a sentence of death upon some legendary traitor and his entire family for crimes of surrendering their entire bloodline to infernal powers in perpetuity, in exchange for sorcerous power, which, it turns out, fits the description of a sorcerer you may have met recently...).

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233. Tales of War and the Loot from said Wars: A plain book, nothing out of the ordinary. It chronicles the battles of a well-known war from several centuries ago. Scribbled in the margins are a few strange lines and the occasional letters. If the book is disassembled and the pages lined up with the margins adjacent, this reveals a map to a treasure detailed in the tome.


Goth Guru wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:

228. The Final Science.

This tome contains a long complex scientific formula, the final pages are charred black and illegible. Any attempts at following the formula results in a 100d6 500 foot radius explosion (no save) when the last legible portions of the formula are reached.

Using mending on each charred page, or just one make whole, gives you a bomb that can destroy a planet or demiplane. Make sure you leave behind a clone or a resurrect-able lock of hair. :)

Nope, because all the charred pages are blank, the author blew up at that point.

234. The Cost of a Mithral Dagger by Pathfinder Design Team Text

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Set wrote:

232. Decrees and Proclamations. This ancient leather-bound tome is cracked and worn, and it's brittle parchment pages are mostly bare, with a few still containing written decrees in a dead language, mostly barely legible, and those that can be read and translated being mostly boring local laws and postings. The book has a lingering enchantment, as it was designed so that whenever an office posting went up in the capitol of a long dead nation-state, a page in this book would be filled with the text of that posting, so that residents of nearby towns and cities would immediately become aware of them, and could copy those documents and post them in their own town squares. With most of the postings in the long-ruined capitol dust, most of the pages are blank now, but a few of the original decrees must still remain, barely legible, somewhere in that ancient ruin, as you can still make out a few of them in this surviving book.

One of the decrees will turn out to be a useful adventure hook, or provide interesting information (all gold trade bars are to be moved to the imperial treasury at blah-de-blah, which, one wonders if might still have a stockpile of such, all these centuries later...) or relate in some way to the current adventure (such as a sentence of death upon some legendary traitor and his entire family for crimes of surrendering their entire bloodline to infernal powers in perpetuity, in exchange for sorcerous power, which, it turns out, fits the description of a sorcerer you may have met recently...).

Another adventure hook might be that the PCs find it, inspect it and figure out what it is and where it's from. "Just an old book from a city that's dead as dreams..." the researcher PC says. JUST as they're realizing that a fresh, new decree goes up in the back of the book. The decree can be whatever ominous stuff fits your game but it means that someone/something now sits on the Doomfallen Throne in the lost city and governs there.

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235. The Leopard, the Warlock and the Armoire.

This delightful children's book should be familiar to most literate folk of Golarion. The story is of a family of children who discover a magical armoire that speaks to the youngest sibling and tells her that it contains a portal to a wondrous other world of adventure. The amoire urges her to gather her brothers and sister in order that they make the journey together and meet the fantastic residents of the world beyond its door.

The children gather about the amoire and are told that they will meet a a heroic talking leopard who needs their help to defeat an evil warlock. The siblings then rush headlong through the open doorway and into the gullet of the clever mimic.

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236. The Jaguar, the Librarian, and the Cupboard.

This horror tale of children that pass through a magical cupboard into a world of "horseless carriages," giant stone and glass buildings, and great flying machines. The children are captured by the evil government and sent to school where they are forced to become Accountants, Bankers, and Coders.

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237. Belts through the ages. An in depth treatise into the development of belt-making across the centuries. Potentially could give some small bonus should the pcs ever seek to identify or craft a magical melt.
238. Poets and their muses (what Divination has revealed). An overly analytical academic attempts to wring the last few gp out of a literary legacy.
239. Mornmiester's Guide to Monster Dung, 2nd edition. A treatise on the dung of many major monsters and how to identify them in advance from said droppings. A special appendices has been added about how to tell what some of the beasts have been eating, as well as a tribute to the late author by Calvextris, the young red dragon who slew and ate Mornmeister. She goes on to describe what the droppings of a red dragon that has eaten a ranger look like I some detail. The effect is possibly intended as a warning.
240. Interior Design for Dungeons. Jujyn the Gnome presents a catalogue of 'this seasons best dungeon design ideas for the discerning dungeon dweller'.

241. How to Cheat at Board Games. Vuks the Troll shows children how a massive club can be used to ensure you win every single game you play! Fun for the largest, most brutish member of your family! Club not included.
242. Chanting Techniques and Intonation - Make your Rituals much more Entertaining! Alun, High-Priest of Asmodeus, gives us his handy guide to making your rituals of summoning and sacrifice much more musically stimulating. Special chapters include 'To Scourge or Not to Scourge?', 'How any do you castrate to ensure they hit the high notes?' and 'Why Pit Fiends have squeaky voices'.
243. Adventuring Groups - Cheliax 3900-4000. Detailed biographies of all the major adventuring groups operating within Cheliax during this time. Illustrates their tactics and equipment. How the author came by this information is unknown however the value to adventurers operating currently is such that people have committed murder to acquire a copy.

244. The Giant Book of Giants This oversized tome (3'x21/2'x8") is bound in a very durable leather of a slightly bluish hue covering 1400 pages crammed with very small print and 100 full-color glossy 8'x10' fold out illustrations of giants with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one. This work contains extensive details about the habits, societies, species, subspecies, naming conventions, history, sicknesses, diet and so on and so on and so on of giants than anyone could ever possibly use. The illustrations are detailed to such a degree that anyone spending 4 hours examining them will acquire a permanent +2 damage on attacks against giants due to knowing about weak points of giant anatomy. Anyone reading the text however becomes engrossed in the fascinating detail and must make a will save (DC 12) at the beginning of each day to avoid spending 14 hours reading the book to learn more about giants, until they have spent a total of 200 hours reading the book, after which they are filled with such anguish at the thought of harming such magnificent creatures that they suffer a -4 penalty to hit offset by a +4 bonus to social interactions with giants.

Grand Lodge

245. The Holy Way By Sir Vara
A small brown book no more than 40 pages long written by well respected Paladin Sir Vara. Written as guide on proper paladin conduct the book focuses on moral quandaries Sir Vara encountered in his many years and most of the book is common knowledge that Sir Vara noted many of his fellow Paladins often forgot. When asked why he wrote the book Sir Vara replied "Too many young Paladins go off into the world full of self righteous arrogance and end up dead or worse, fallen. I'm just trying to pass on my wisdom to the next generation."

The foreword written by Sir Vara is widely regarded as the standard to which a paladin of any creed is to live up to. "Forever we serve in peace and in war. It is our duty to shield the meek, and our privilege to be their guide. Remember fellow bearer of the light, our position is more than just as our deities hand of wrath, we are the Shepherds of all that is good in this world. With one hand we strike with righteous furry at those who would threaten our flock and with the other we embrace with compassion the broken and lost."

246. A Golems Guide to Stone Golems. Is actually a brick.
247. 101 Adventuring Uses for Puppets. Elan the Bards treatise on the subject actually only requires 3 pages (including index) but it does look damn fine on your bookshelf.
248. Air Guitar for the Silenced Bard. Rosco Hair-Whipper explains the finer points of using air-musicianship in your bardic performance.
249. A Halfing's guide to Pockets. Subtitled a Zen Approach to Larceny. Looca Two-Looks' Guide discusses the concept of pockets and how much trust each race puts into theirs. She also goes on to explain that enlightenment can be achieved when one realises that small shiny things are actually more valuable to a filcher than more valuable, but larger objects vis a vis YOUR adventuring profit relative to your companions.
250. Suspicion And How To Avoid It. Looca's Companion book on stashing said small and shiny objects. It also explains both of Looca's signature 'looks': 'It wasn't me' and 'He did it'.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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251. The Age of Arcana. This tome appears as a well organized treatise of ethical practices of arcane magic and how a ruler can advance civilization through encouraging the public magical education and regulation thereof so that a city-state can sufficiently support itself without a patron deity. However, the word "Librarian" printed in a different handwriting style seems to replace every mention of the author's name.

252. Life Within Pages by Lord San Guine. The book details the usage of blood in everyday rituals and arcane spells. The practices seem surprising benign, if a bit morbid at times. However, whenever the book is opened to page 74, the book oozes a steady stream of crimson fluid that does not damage the volume.

253. Rylai's Golem Kit is actually a wooden box taking the shape of a large green tome. When opened, the box immediately dispenses several runic carved stones that levitate to assemble into a vaguely humanoid form with a missing arm. The small golem stares intently at the one opening the box for one minute before falling apart lifelessly. A small pamphlet included in the box appears stained with an ale, rendering it unreadable.

254. Idle Musings of the Free Spirit by Sees-With-Emptiness. This lovely ornate book consists entirely of blank pages with exception to pages 23 and 47 carrying bawdy graffiti. When one clears their mind of all thoughts, text appears on pages for one hour, each page having a sweet poem of nature and the daily life of a sorcerer living in the wilderness.

Dark Archive

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255. A Matter of Some Urgency This obscurely titled treatise is a scholarly body of work that cites numerous archaeological discoveries, linguistic anomalies, historical precedents and even some anatomical dissections of cadavers to lay out a surprisingly cogent case that an unpopular human ethnicity are descended from fiends, or have aberrant blood from infiltration by dopplegangers, or something similar. The text repeats occasionally that members of this ethnicity are not doomed to be evil, or necessarily inclined to betray more pure-blooded humans, but that they are more susceptible to the machinations of their sinister ancestors, and that some are indeed fully in league with them, seeking to undermine human society, to turn it to the service of their secret 'fathers.'

While quite persuasive, the author was possessed by a fiend, and penned the text merely to justify and inflame racial prejudice in his target audience, and there's nothing more than coincidence made to sound more sinister (such as comparisons of various words in the ethnic dialect with similar sounding words in Aklo, 'proving' that the ethnic tongue is a derivative of some aberrant language).

Follow up volumes exist, but are rant-filled screed, likely to turn off anyone not already a total racist, and lacking any of the reasonable sounding prose of the original work (written by the same author, *after* his time of possession ended, he was in fact converted to screaming racism after reading 'his own' original book, and convinced that, since he doesn't remember writing a word of it, that it must have been divinely inspired, with himself the chosen vessel of the gods to warn humanity of this hidden threat, and the need to purge anyone with their blood for the good of mankind).

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, for the fantasy set. Make it all about the Rhennee boat-people in Greyhawk, and portray them as Dagon-worshippers who sacrifice people to squamous things that live in the still depths and only surface to accept tribute on moonless nights, or, on Golarion, to paint native Sarkorians as having somehow invited the Worldwound to Golarion with their blasphemous practices and to be susceptible to possession or even (totally made up) 'soft possession,' in which demons can peer through their eyes and plunder their thoughts as they sleep, making them *all* unwitting spies in service to the Worldwound. Pick a race or ethnicity or even character class (such as oracles, summoners or witches, whose powers come from unknowable sources), and a book like this could exist to justify herding them all into wicker cages and then burning them all 'for the greater good.'

266. A collection of holiday snaps. The holiday photos of a powerful adventurer. Unsurprisingly these are exceedingly dull and uninteresting given their perilous 'day job'.

267. 1001 Original Blessings. Camfel the Cleric spent his latter years travelling from temple to temple to gather the ultimate compendium of blessings and platitudes from a number of faiths.

268. War as a natural state of Orckind. Gruk the Gutter's philosophical defence of the 'faith' of Gorum and the evils of 'Civilisation'.

269. The Westar Portal. Whoever opens this 1,000 page book is actually teleported to another copy of this book (but without the book they opened). The key to understanding where the would be reader has gone is to understand that there are a 1,000 copies of this book, each individually numbered to correspond to a particular page on each book. Upon teleporting an individual the book originally opened will not function as a portal for 24 hours.

Shadow Lodge

270. The Ladysmith Guide to Etiquette is guide to manners, etiquette, and proper behavior and attitudes for the up and coming young lady. When read by or to a young miss, the subjects finds its advice on fashion and makeup to be so entirely engrossing they hardly notice that they are being shaped into a promising young lady that any parent would be proud to introduce into proper society. It has proven to be a universal curative for inappropriate attitudes and interests, rebellious behavior, and unfortunate romantic attachments.

271. An unnamed red, leather-bound tome. Inside the tome are pages upon pages of drawings of mouths. When the pages are rapidly flipped, the drawings of the mouths appear to move as if speaking (through the magic of flip-book animation) and the character that is flipping the pages can hear a voice whispering a secret to them. Each time they flip the pages, they will hear a different secret.

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272. The Medieval Prometheus
This book tells the story of an alchemist and the flesh golem he created.

273. Monster Hunting by Hansel and Gretal Van Helsing
Tricks of the trade for the professional monster hunter.

274. The Tear-Away Scroll Book
A spellbook whose pages can be torn out to be used as scrolls. They lose their power 1 turn after being torn from the book and cannot be put back in.

275. The Eldritch Picture Book
A book that does not have writing but very simple child-like pictures and diagrams that still somehow seem to convey detailed information. Only the first few pages have drawings, which explain how to use the book. Users can draw in the other pages but not write; any words that are written in the book simply flow off the page. This book allows illiterate characters to use the book as a spellbook or formulae book.

Shadow Lodge

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276.Maia's Very Special Coloring Book This book is a coloring book filled out with crayons and glitter by a ten year old girl named Maia (the name is written in the corner in crayon and on the inside of the first page). Each page has a drawing that depicts an episode in the actions leading to the end of the world. Of course the pages are put together in random order and with no written commentary explaining the specifics.

277. Zuddiger's Picnic

The little grey book of Phrenology. Contains dozens of pages on analyzing the bumps on/shape of a persons head in order to determine their personality/propensities. Claims to be able to infalibly determine an individuals alignment through examination.

279: The adventures of Hoyle: Turns out it's a deck of many things in book form.

280. The Style of Adventure
This average-sized catalog is bound in finely tanned elk's hide that has been dyed a tasteful green. Inside the content is art and commentary on the fashion of clothing paired with any adventurer's gear, armaments and lifestyle. There are chapters devoted to each individual class and then broken down by Male and Female, outerwear and underwear, and by season.

The only drawback to this tome is that it only includes humans. It was penned and inked by one Madame Elvira Teska, a famous clothier and notorious racist who uses the text to prove the superiority of human physique and body type to all other common races. If the tome is studied and emulated however by a human or a PC disguised as a human they receive a +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with other humans. This requires the procurement of clothing of at least 20 GP worth and 1 hour of study with this book.

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281. The Book That Reads You!
This book is empty (apart from a short introduction), but fills up with the surface thoughts of whoever starts to read it.

VRMH wrote:

281. The Book That Reads You!

This book is empty (apart from a short introduction), but fills up with the surface thoughts of whoever starts to read it.

In Soviet Golarion, book reads you?

Vod Canockers wrote:
VRMH wrote:

281. The Book That Reads You!

This book is empty (apart from a short introduction), but fills up with the surface thoughts of whoever starts to read it.
In Soviet Golarion, book reads you?

In Discworld Golarion, book reads you!

.... and vampire pumpkin sucks you!

282. The long awaited sequel. Zuddiger's Summer Vacation Zuddiger's summer vacation doesn't quite go as planned, as he ends up on the Elemental Plane of Fire.

Scarab Sages

283. On the Nature of Dwarves... by Jeb Surleygut. Details the controversial theory that dwarves, aka "tall gnomes," are really the descendants of a particularly careful mating between a stone giant and a gnome. Covers physiology of the tall gnome, as well as their attraction to human women and their obsession with being droll. Currently a #1 All-Time Best Seller from Bombardier Beetle Press. Get it today!

The Exchange

284. A fantasy, discrediting Jeb Surlygut's On the nature of his research credentials A collaborative study and chapter by chapter debunking by the Dwarven High Council and Gnome Annual Parliament (members listed in separately published addendum).

A rather interesting read, far more than Jeb's effort to shoehorn his belief with logical fallacies. The dwarves' straight forward debunking mixed in with an occasional rant regarding Jeb's personal family tree, interspersed with the gnomes' overly technical explanation of impossibilities but if it were true then the... followed by a digressing regret of not being invited to these parties reference.

Folded just inside the jacket cover is a flyer: Request for information regarding the break-in and vandalism of Bombardier Beetle Press.

The footnotes alone read like a
285. Whose Who of Important Blowhards. Movers, shakers and money-makers of Golarion. An annual publication.

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286. An Easy Guide to Dwarven Familial Relationships

This 1000 page book explains the relationships between family members in Dwarven clans. Everything from father to first adult male child; to father's third daughter's husband's mother's brother's father's sister's daughter's...

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287. Gnomes and how to court them, a guide for lonely giants, with a well thumbed section on the challenges of consummation. Anon.
288. Long Term Vision or Just Plain Lazy? Why Elves Can't Be Bothered. by Duskas the Grey Dwarf.
289. Divination for Masters, But Then You Already Knew That Didn't You? Pages apparently blank...

290. Introduction to the Principles of Metamagic Theory: A Mathemagical Approach
This appears to be a particularly thick textbook of the type used by wizards the world over as they learn their art. However unlike most textbooks on this subject this one teaches a method of describing spells and metamagic feats as mathematical functions and operators which can be combined and cast. While containing much tedious calculation this method is ultimately a better way to commit spells to parchment. Using this book as a reference while making across allows a spellcaster to add a metamagic feat to a scroll, increasing the spell level by one less than usual.

291. Tremuses and WHERE he Buried his Treasure. A 897 page 'Teaser' into where the famous rogue placed the ill-gotten gains he did not squander. May or may not be true, may or may not be worth the search, may or may not be still there, or maybe the journey is the gain?
292. Youth Sub-Cultures and How to Respond to Them: A Guide for Parents.
293. Investing Your Treasure: A Bankers Guide to Secure Securities for Adventurers.

The Exchange

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294. Of Mice and Men Transmuter's guide to polymorphed psychology. A collaboration of two transmuter wizards who were sick and tired of the debauchery, graft and corruptness of the seaside city and immediate vicinity they lived. The writing tells how the offenders were selected, what they became and if their animus subsided with their new animal type.
While the city remains unnamed, there are enough clues to point to a local area undergoing a renaissance of sorts.

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295. The House Haunter's Guide It isn't known what the exterior of this book is like because the cover can only be seen out of the corner of the eye (although the consensus is that the cover is probably blue) as the book exists mostly in it's own special pocket dimension. Nor is it known how many pages are in the book, as new pages appear and old pages disappear while the book is being read. The flyleaf indicates that 'Laughing God Productions" produced the work, but disclaims any responsibility for the contents, effects of following the contents, effects of reading the contents and/or the usability of the contents. Inside there is a piece of loose paper which falls out when the book is opened which says "what sort of stupid joke book is this." This book is apparently a guidebook for how to haunt although it is not stated what is doing the haunting and many of the directions contradict other directions.

Scarab Sages

296. Fresh off the Bombadier Beetle Presses comes the thrilling follow-up to On the Nature of Dwarves..., Why I'm Better than You. Jeb Surleygut's rousing autobiography follows him from his early adventuring days, through his famed ransacking of a temple of Norgorber, and into his career as a celebrity mage and scholar. Critics rave on its subtle critiques of the Human industrial complex and the Tall-Gnome new world order conspiracy. Get your copy today! ISBN #123456-789-1011. MSRP 1 silver 6 copper.

297. Riding the Mael-Strom. Written by a hireling of the two adventuring bard brothers Mael. It chronicles their creative 'process' and greatest hits in both the adventuring and popular music sense.

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