Last push for the Kickstarter! Go, Go, Go!

Pathfinder Online

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

Now is the time to encourage your friends, family, guild mates, corp/alliance mates, or other colleagues to back the Kickstarter.

Please consider working your contacts and doing what you can for the kickstarter.

Please consider increasing your pledge level or acquiring addons to your pledge.

Over 5000 of us have already pledged. We can do this. Let’s get this Kickstarter fully funded!


Best regards,

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

I posted this on the OOTS boards, the big things that people may have missed if they haven't specifically been keeping up with the project:

One week left on the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter.

Here are some things that may be of interest:

1) PFO will now be on MAC as well as PC. Very likely with a same time release.

2) PFO is using Unity for development so a Linux client is also a good chance

3) Backing at the $100 level nets you a PDF super-pack which is over a $200 value. The current estimated value of the $100 level is over $400.

4) You can addon 1 year of subscription for only $100, that is about $8/month where they have suggested the normal cost will be around $15/month.

5) They have added several new tiers and an addon where you can have input into items, spells, locations, bandits that are in the actual game.

6) All the authors of the superdungeon up to this point have been announced which includes the following:
Rich Baker (author of the Birthright campaign setting for D&D)
Wolfgang Baur (CEO of Open Design, and legendary TSR designer)
F. Wesley Schneider (Paizo Editor-In-Chief and creator of Ustalav)
James Sutter (Paizo Fiction Editor and creator of Kaer Maga)
Lisa Stevens (CEO of Paizo, and co-founder of White Wolf and Wizards of the Coast)
Keith Baker (Creator of the Eberron campaign setting for D&D)
Ed Greenwood (Creator of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for D&D)
Erik Mona (Publisher and co-creator of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting)
Mark Rein-Hagen (Co-founder of White Wolf Publishing, author of Ars Magica,Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Wraith: The Oblivion, andChangeling: The Dreaming)
Jason Bulmahn (Lead designer of the Pathfinder RPG and co-creator of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting)
Frank Mentzer (Founder of the RPGA, co-author of The Temple of Elemental Evil, author of D&D boxed sets)
James Jacobs (Creative Director and creator of the Pathfinder Adventure Path and Varisia)
Jordan Weisman
Mike Stackpole

7) There are over 120 *guilds*, and almost 6000 game accounts already claimed

Goblin Squad Member

Trust me if I can get a couple more people together I will go from buddy to the guild pledge in a heart beat.

Goblin Squad Member

We are pressing daily over at , as well as making sure we visit / like goblinworks on facebook.

Thanks for putting out the call Jim, lets get this done!

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

For reference

OOTS Forum Thread

CAD Forum Thread

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just got us a tweet and add on the homepage of and the contact backed at the adventurer level :)

Goblin Squad Member

Banecrow wrote:
Trust me if I can get a couple more people together I will go from buddy to the guild pledge in a heart beat.

Indeed, it took some convincing, but I managed to gather 5 other friends willing to do the Guild pledge, and even found a few other friends that are working on doing the $35 pledge to join us at release. Best of luck to you, and be ready to answer all the questions they might have. ;)

I agree with some of the comments around here that the best way of spreading the word is social media, and just flat out talking to your friends that are into MMO's or tabletop Pathfinder gaming.

Dak is also exactly right about liking GoblinWorks on Facebook. As they are advertising on Facebook, they have the ability to target their ads to the friends of those who like them on Facebook. Basically, this helps you spread the word on Facebook without actively doing anything beyond a simple *like*.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

After a few great days today seems to have been terrible... which is kind of a surprise as the new add-ons are all very interesting (there goes another +65$ to my pledge).

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

CBDunkerson wrote:
After a few great days today seems to have been terrible... which is kind of a surprise as the new add-ons are all very interesting (there goes another +65$ to my pledge).

The addons came pretty late in the day and a KS update hasn't gone out yet so those not monitoring the KS and the forums may not know about them yet.

Goblin Squad Member

CBDunkerson wrote:
After a few great days today seems to have been terrible... which is kind of a surprise as the new add-ons are all very interesting (there goes another +65$ to my pledge).

Yeah today we lost about 3k in big pledges. But do not loose hope, they have more tricks up their sleeves I am sure. Also the 48 hour mark will see a lot more pledges coming in as people get e-mail reminders. All those people who hit the remind me later button will know this is their last chance.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, seems we reached my stretch goal of $650,000, so I can finally go to sleep. Good night ya'll! :p

Goblin Squad Member

Great. I already made my PFO budget and today they added MORE cool options. Guess its time to re-do my budget again. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Dakcenturi wrote:
Just got us a tweet and add on the homepage of and the contact backed at the adventurer level :)

Thanks for all your hard work Other Dak!

Goblin Squad Member

Has there been an estimated retail value for the Emerald Spire given? I'm trying to get a last push to my friends ready and it would be nice to show them just how much they are getting for their pledge.

I also estimated the flipmats at about $63 in pdf because there will be 7 sheets (one level on each side?) and they go for about $9 a piece. Is this about right?

Goblin Squad Member

Well, before I even bother to recruit others. I got to have a Linux client, for all my friends only use Linux. For me to up my pledge, I require a Linux client to be able to make use of the add-ons. And I must say some very nice add-ons exists and love to get. With no Linux client, what's the point, other than just going for the PDF super pack with Emerald Spire PDF.

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

Thanks for the responses in this thread.

I'm adding this note to bump the thread and continue to encourage everyone to do what they can to help win funding for the Kickstarter.

For everyone already actively campaigning for Pathfinder Online, nicely done and thank you!

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

Bonuses added recently to the Kickstarter pledge levels now seem to include additional free subscription months or free subscription for the duration of the early enrollment period. These are very substantial additions to the Kickstarter rewards.

Ohh just found out about this game few days ago its sounding great all ready upped my kickstarter pledge :) Good luck guys

Goblin Squad Member

Akahai wrote:
Ohh just found out about this game few days ago its sounding great all ready upped my kickstarter pledge :) Good luck guys

Welcome aboard!

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DarkOne the Drow wrote:
Well, before I even bother to recruit others. I got to have a Linux client, for all my friends only use Linux. For me to up my pledge, I require a Linux client to be able to make use of the add-ons. And I must say some very nice add-ons exists and love to get. With no Linux client, what's the point, other than just going for the PDF super pack with Emerald Spire PDF.

Where do you find all these people who use Linux? I've been in IT for 15 years and haven't met anyone who only uses Linux as their OS (they may use it, but always have a dual boot). Honestly just curious. Also how many games are supported on Linux? Specifically MMORPGs.

Goblin Squad Member

DarkOne the Drow wrote:
Well, before I even bother to recruit others. I got to have a Linux client, for all my friends only use Linux. For me to up my pledge, I require a Linux client to be able to make use of the add-ons. And I must say some very nice add-ons exists and love to get. With no Linux client, what's the point, other than just going for the PDF super pack with Emerald Spire PDF.

From reading Ryan's blog about the Unity engine, I'd say it's highly likely that there will be a linux client eventually.

Assuming, of course, that they find that making the port worth the effort. And we need linux users onboard in order to convince them. :)

Goblin Squad Member

@Tyveil, I completely surprised you have not bumped into Linux users in 15 years. They everywhere, at all the big conferences, shows, etc. My group of friends are huge Linux users, and many of them are like gurus to me. I have a problem, they help me out. At work there a number of us that uses Linux, instead of the official corporate OS.

I even managed to convince one big OEM, they were purely Windows based, to help me get Linux onto their products, and now they working with me on getting Linux options for their products.

As for games, we had a Linux client for UO, though it was a hack by UO team later. We had Linux client for NWN1 right from release.

Lately we been getting some nice high quality games via HumbleBundle. and now Steam create a Steam client for Linux, and started adding Linux titles to the vault. So in terms of Linux games, there is definitely a big growth in quality paid for games, with some planned for the future.

As a gaming platform, Linux is growing usage.

Goblin Squad Member

Banecrow wrote:
Trust me if I can get a couple more people together I will go from buddy to the guild pledge in a heart beat.

Ditto for me.

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

For anyone who has some only tabletop friends that might be on the wall about the MMO. I made a post about the benefits of backing if for nothing else other then the PnP rewards here:

Pathfinder SuperDungeon - My Plea

Goblin Squad Member

We are so close I can hardly believe it. Let keep going we are nearly there!

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

Dakcenturi wrote:

For anyone who has some only tabletop friends that might be on the wall about the MMO. I made a post about the benefits of backing if for nothing else other then the PnP rewards here:

Pathfinder SuperDungeon - My Plea

Nicely done, Dakcenturi!

@All - The Kickstarter is going well. Let's keep it up. Please continue to market Pathfinder Online to your contacts. Crowdforging is all about us - the community.

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

I'm really surprised there isn't more push for this from the Paizo community of loyal Pathfinder Players.

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

Although adding new supporters is a great way for us to reach the Kickstarter goal, at this time it may be important for the existing community of backers to increase our average pledge levels across the board.

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

Added a thread over at AlienwareArena also.

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

Any Eve players that might be able to spread the word in the Eve community?

Also, old SWG players that can spread the word?

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dakcenturi wrote:

Any Eve players that might be able to spread the word in the Eve community?

Yes, I've done some of that with the colleagues in my old but still active EVE corp and their current alliance and coalition. The response has been limited but positive. Loosely paraphrased responses were along the lines of "Hey, that looks cool, but the game's release looks pretty far off. So, Jim,... can you make the fleet op tonight?"

The best place to broadcast the word in EVE at the moment is this non-official news site run by Goonswarm's leadership. This site is part of their well orchestrated meta-game propaganda machine Despite that fact that the Goons run this news site for their own purposes, it is a site followed daily by EVE's most active players. Seriously, an article there will be read by thirty to forty thousand hardcore MMO players within a day or two.

I have mixed feelings about using that site as an outlet. The grief-master Goons are the last players in EVE that I would like to see moving into Pathfinder Online, but on the other hand if it means success for the Kickstarter than it would be worth catching their attention.

Grand Lodge Goblinworks Founder

Jim Rudnick wrote:
Dakcenturi wrote:

Any Eve players that might be able to spread the word in the Eve community?

The best place to broadcast the word in EVE at the moment is this non-official news site

I've gone ahead and submitted a lead to this outlet, but I don't know if they'll pick up the story.

If Goblinworks is interested, I recommend they follow up with the site directly and perhaps send them a fully formed press release or better yet send them a fully written story.

That site tends to have its articles written by player-writers who are paid in ISK (in-game currency), but if one of their freelance authors doesn't come forward their staff writers may not take the time to write something up for themselves.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Looks like today's pledges are going to be in the same ~55k ballpark as yesterday's... very good if we had 20 days like that. Not nearly enough with just two remaining. However, in about five and a half hours kickstarter will send out a reminder notice to everyone who tagged the project. Hopefully, that will be the last push needed to put it over the top. Going to require nearly $100k for each of the last two days, but still very doable.

Goblin Squad Member

CBDunkerson wrote:
However, in about five and a half hours kickstarter will send out a reminder notice to everyone who tagged the project.

You mean 2 and a half. It's at the 48 hour mark, right? The kickstarter will close at 20:00 CST on Monday.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Drakhan, actually I saw something from the devs in the kickstarter comments about it being at 9pm pacific coast time. Which would be the 45 hour mark.

If you look at the stats on kicktraq there is also a disconnect between the time each 'day remaining' of the kickstarter rolls over (in 2.5 hours for the 2 day mark) and the time that the total pledges for each day end (in 5.5 hours for the current day).

Seems like the Kickstarter site tracks days by midnight west coast US time, but the PFO kickstarter is tagged to midnight east coast US time.

Goblin Squad Member

I got the reminder email at exactly 20:00 Central Time.

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