Oathbond Paladin Spells

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

41 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

Based on the first paragraph, I would guess that this class feature simply adds spells to the paladin's spelllist:

An oathbound paladin adds one spell to the paladin spell list at each paladin spell level she can cast (including spell levels for which she would only gain spells per day if her Charisma were high enough to grant bonus spells of that level). Her oath determines what spell is added to the spell list. If the paladin has multiple oaths, the spells from each oath are added to her spell list.

However, in the second paragraph there is talk about "slots" and reference to a cleric's domain class ability, whiich makes me think the oathbound paladin has an extra slot at each level in which he could prepare his Oathbound Paladin spells:

If an oathbound paladin has more than one oath, she may prepare any one of her oath’s spells in that slot (similar to a cleric choosing one of her two domain spells to prepare in a domain spell slot).

Please advise. Thanks.

edit: de-snarked

Sorry, no actual answer here.

On the other hand my opinion would be that gaining a "free" spell slot, for a archetype that balances its power by replacing class abilities with variant other abilities, would be overpowering.

I wouldn't mind it though. :)

Hence a polite bump.

Grand Lodge

Strus wrote:

Sorry, no actual answer here.

On the other hand my opinion would be that gaining a "free" spell slot, for a archetype that balances its power by replacing class abilities with variant other abilities, would be overpowering.

I wouldn't mind it though. :)

Hence a polite bump.

Thanks for the bump, Strus. I was going to bump it this morning after I realized I had pretty much posted it in the middle of the night.

Grand Lodge

Akeela Valerian, the Wolf wrote:
Strus wrote:

Sorry, no actual answer here.

On the other hand my opinion would be that gaining a "free" spell slot, for a archetype that balances its power by replacing class abilities with variant other abilities, would be overpowering.

I wouldn't mind it though. :)

Hence a polite bump.

Thanks for the bump, Strus. I was going to bump it this morning after I realized I had pretty much posted it in the middle of the night.


Looks like at one point it was supposed to grant an "Oath" slot, like a domain slot, and that got partially cut. Or partially added. Definitely needs developer feedback to clarify which direction it should be. FAQed.

Bobson wrote:
Looks like at one point it was supposed to grant an "Oath" slot, like a domain slot, and that got partially cut. Or partially added. Definitely needs developer feedback to clarify which direction it should be. FAQed.

I'm going to drive my PFS GMs nuts with this info. ^_^

Nobody is playing a Oathbound Paladin except for me, I'm expecting a long and fruitfull discussion about how "I can't use that, it doesn't say that, and oh so it does, but..."

Anyway, another polite bump.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I will also bump, and FAQ-mark this question.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

After talking about it with some of my fellow local PFS GMs, we think that while it may have been meant as a quasi-domain spell slot for paladins, that RAW it only applies if you have more than one Oath, until/unless there's a developer update / FAQ on it.

So for my Oath of Vengeance Paladin, I guess it's back to slaying demons with less spells *grins* no problem!

Bobson wrote:
Looks like at one point it was supposed to grant an "Oath" slot, like a domain slot, and that got partially cut. Or partially added. Definitely needs developer feedback to clarify which direction it should be. FAQed.

This seems the most likely explanation. FAQ'd, although it really needs an errata - since the 2nd paragraph is mentioning a slot that doesn't exist as well as limiting the Paladin to memorizing the Oath spells only once (per spell level), instead of being able to memorize multiples.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

just giving this a gentle bump since it's been 5 months heh.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

FAQed, since I'm running Dragon's Demand in a home game and considering allowing the party Paladin to undertake an Oath at a plot relevant point. (You get three guesses as to which Oath I'm thinking of, and the first two don't count.)

Another bump

Sovereign Court

I never noticed this before. It's really screwed up wording.

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