Fallout 4

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Rynjin wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I figured there was a


cave under the red rocket station based on the terminal entries, but I can't figure out where the entrance is. How do you get in there

Sovereign Court

Claxon wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
I figured there was a ** spoiler omitted **

It's a little way away from the station, find the spit for roasting and just walk away from the station. Should be there relatively near.
RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Paizo Booth Babe, please do not quote me out of context. It's rude.

I said "Titties or Assface." Please give asses their proper due.

(Seriously though, the joke is cute, I see what you were going for, but it's very poor etiquette to change the wording of someone's actual quote. If you had actually just copy pasted it, the joke still would have been clear, or you could have just replied without quotation at all.)


I think the power armor access and early SPOILER fight is rather clever design. The devs are well aware there are people who are going to figure out where the high end equipment is and just try to sprint for it and hope they get lucky and get it. This way it's right in front of you--but not in great condition. You have a source of assistance if you want to take on some harder areas (so you don't feel monster walled -- one of the big complaints about New Vegas, even if you had half a brain you could get around it pretty easily), but it's limited. (And if course if you want to try to take on the dangerous stuff without power armor you can try.)

Likewise you get to see how tough some high tier enemies are early on, so you can judge if you've walked into an area you can't handle yet (or if it's a place you want to spend a rare fusion core on).

My one big complaint is one I've seen in reviews as well -- it's annoying you can seem to be able to add piecemeal armor pieces to some under-suits, but not all, and it is not evident which is which. Nor, I think, should there be a distinction. If I want to wear a spiky raider leg over a tuxedo I should be able to do so. Not sure I see why they did it like that.

Otherwise I'm having a great time. I might say this is the best work Bethesda's done, that I've personally seen anyway. Looks great even on my low-end PC, I like the settlement building, and I like the neighborhoods and characters.

DeathQuaker wrote:

My one big complaint is one I've seen in reviews as well -- it's annoying you can seem to be able to add piecemeal armor pieces to some under-suits, but not all, and it is not evident which is which. Nor, I think, should there be a distinction. If I want to wear a spiky raider leg over a tuxedo I should be able to do so. Not sure I see why they did it like that.

Otherwise I'm having a great time. I might say this is the best work Bethesda's done, that I've personally seen anyway. Looks great even on my low-end PC, I like the settlement building, and I like the neighborhoods and characters.

I also noticed the piecemeal armor thing, and it was mostly by chance. I kept seeing specific "left arm" or "right arm pieces" showing up and was very confused. And then decided to see what would happen if I equipped it, and then it equipped right over top of my insulated vault 111 suit. I hadn't seen where it wouldn't equip over other pieces of armor yet, but I haven't really found anything better than the vault suit either :(

Beyond that I just can't get over how beautiful Fallout 4 is. They finally didn't apply a hue or desaturation the screen (green tint in FO3 and desaturated/beige tint to FNV). And I feel like the day and night cycles are more noticeable and real for some reason. And whether. God the weather! It rained. And it was the most beautiful rain I had ever seen.

Sovereign Court

My computer is barely above minimum specs, game set itself to medium. And it runs without a hiccup. I'm gonna be increasing the settings till it starts stuttering.

Ah, so it'll be like you're playing the game on Xbox One.

Shots fired

Sovereign Court

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Claxon wrote:

Ah, so it'll be like you're playing the game on Xbox One.

Shots fired

Except I'm using a keyboard and a mouse, playing a game the way it's supposed to be played.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DeathQuaker wrote:

You mean the music on the radio? Sadly so far the swing/crooner playlist seems to be a lot of repeats from Fallout 3 -- good songs, like "Crazy He Calls Me" by Billie Holliday, but repeats. But I'm not sure if it's all repeats or what the extent of the playlist is, however. I only played a little before I went to work.

There's also a classical music station.

Honestly, after having listened to "Big Iron" a bazillion times, the music selection sounds good right now. I'm sure that will change the longer I play.

I do wish the classical station had some origin to it, similar to what happened in the Fallout 3. Maybe there is, but I guess I have missed it so far.

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I like the radio personality a bit so far. I'm interested to see if we learn more about him.

My one (minor) complaint so far is that it feels more like a shooter with RPG accoutrements as opposed to an RPG with shooter accoutrements. But I'm more interested in the world anyway. I just am not good at shooter games so I always counted on the increased damage from the character skill.

I had to redo the fight right after you get the power armor 4 times.

Wait, it runs like crap on the Bone?


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The Doomkitten wrote:

Wait, it runs like crap on the Bone?


Yep, frequently stutters and frame rate drops to 0.

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My biggest complaint is that I haven't had time to even launch it yet. :(

Sovereign Court

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Claxon wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

Wait, it runs like crap on the Bone?


Yep, frequently stutters and frame rate drops to 0.

PC had a very important fix today. Game kept crashing for no reason. Now it workes fine.

I bet that the frame stutter thing for the bone will be fixed. After all it is about as powerful as a mid-range gaming PC. It should be running fine.

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I have it on Xbox and seeing not a stutter so far. Weird.

Hama wrote:
Claxon wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

Wait, it runs like crap on the Bone?


Yep, frequently stutters and frame rate drops to 0.

PC had a very important fix today. Game kept crashing for no reason. Now it workes fine.

I bet that the frame stutter thing for the bone will be fixed. After all it is about as powerful as a mid-range gaming PC. It should be running fine.

I had been seeing reports of PC crashes, but hadn't experienced one yet.

I had the problem with it crashing at the "Please Stand By" screen, but as mentioned that was resolved by updating graphics drivers and had already been addressed by Bethesda/NVidia/AMD.

Sovereign Court

Claxon wrote:
Hama wrote:
Claxon wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

Wait, it runs like crap on the Bone?


Yep, frequently stutters and frame rate drops to 0.

PC had a very important fix today. Game kept crashing for no reason. Now it workes fine.

I bet that the frame stutter thing for the bone will be fixed. After all it is about as powerful as a mid-range gaming PC. It should be running fine.

I had been seeing reports of PC crashes, but hadn't experienced one yet.

I had the problem with it crashing at the "Please Stand By" screen, but as mentioned that was resolved by updating graphics drivers and had already been addressed by Bethesda/NVidia/AMD.

Some people did. It was a small 59MB patch that fixed the problem

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I did, but updating to a Beta patch fixed it. New patch should be cool.

I don't seem to have an update. I also don't seem to be able to exit Beta mode any more.

Sovereign Court

Rynjin wrote:
I don't seem to have an update. I also don't seem to be able to exit Beta mode any more.

Works fine for me. Steam auto updated it.

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~snarls~ I am NOT a pack rat! I am conousoure of non-useless items.

Liberty's Edge

Playing on PS4. I just made it to where Fenway Park is. Inside there it's very foggy. Sucks because I wanted to see the whole park.

I just found my first mini-nuke. And there is another set of power armor near the satellite dish.

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I keep getting my ass kicked by everything that's not a Raider. Ghouls travel in packs of 20, Super Mutants are more badass than ever...even the gimpy versions of Yao Guai are a rough fight.

Guess I need to start spending Perks on weapon stuff.

I think that crafting will be VERY powerful in Fallout 4. Not as powerful as the Holy Trinity in Skyrim, but it will be worth the investment.

I've picked up Armorer and Blacksmith and it hasn't helped me much so far.

Getting used to not having skills is hard. I didn't pay much attention pre-release. What's the level cap supposed to be? If it's still 20, 30, or even 50, getting enough Perks to do everything could be a pain.

The weapon enhancing ones, along with Locksmith and Hacker are already NECESSARY, so that's a minimum of 16 levels eaten already.

I had my first encounter with a Synth. I already do not like the Institute.

Rynjin wrote:

I've picked up Armorer and Blacksmith and it hasn't helped me much so far.

Getting used to not having skills is hard. I didn't pay much attention pre-release. What's the level cap supposed to be? If it's still 20, 30, or even 50, getting enough Perks to do everything could be a pain.

The weapon enhancing ones, along with Locksmith and Hacker are already NECESSARY, so that's a minimum of 16 levels eaten already.

They said that it is unlimited. Having said that, there are some enemies that go into the 90s+

The crafting related skills are Armorer (4), Blacksmith (3), Demolitions Expert (1st rank), Local Leader(2), Gun Nut (4), Medic (2nd rank), Scrapper(2), Science (4). Thant's it. I think. ~whistles~ Lots of investment in perks. Ouch.

Edit - I forgot Cap Collector (2). Note that some of those are for making your own settlements.

Steam's basic Fallout 4 mod page. It might be useful to someone.

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Hama wrote:

Maybe he is from Cape Cod? Is it nice there?

Sniff, they never make a game in Belgrade.

Sorry, Belgrade is too far away from me in EUIV to conquer... Oh, wait, update invalidated all my saves, I would have to start from scratch anyway...

Dark Archive

Easy find for Perception Bobblehead, and the harder to find Strength Bobblehead.

That was quick, if you want to find all the Bobbleheads, there is a guide, but I assume you guys don't want spoilers, I have not looked at this walkthrough myself.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Easy find for Perception Bobblehead, and the harder to find Strength Bobblehead.

That was quick, if you want to find all the Bobbleheads, there is a guide, but I assume you guys don't want spoilers, I have not looked at this walkthrough myself.

I already found the perception one.

So what bugs have people found so far?
The most amusing one I have found was in the flooded quarry just east of start. I jumped into the water on one of the bubble jets, and it caused me to fly into the air. Then the surface of the water became a trampoline that shot me up to max height.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rynjin wrote:
I keep getting my ass kicked by everything that's not a Raider.

I've been under the impression that initially you should stick to eastward destinations for easier enemies. The further south you move, the more brutal the encounters - if that's of any help.

If anyone is interested (and like me regrets some initial choices in perk selection) I have found a list of all the perks and their associated console codes for them. I found it initially on reddit and have reformatted it a little.

I can't get to the file while I'm at work, but if there is interest I can post it this afternoon when I get home from work.

Edit: For what it's worth early on I really invested in a lot of the crafting perks and they just aren't that valuable at early levels and I really regret it. It would have been much more valuable for me to take one of the perks that increased damage by 20% for a specific weapon type.

Also, for those who care the Rifleman perk appears to affect all non-automatic non-heavy long guns. Which in this case apparently includes shotguns.

Sovereign Court

Ghouls die after you shoot them with a double barrelled shotgun.

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I beg to differ. Cambridge Ghouls don't mess around.

"Oh you blew off both my arms? Well I still have 3/4 of my HP and some teeth so EN GARDE MOTHERF&@&ER!"

So where does Fallout 4 take place?

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Boston Massachusetts area.

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Rynjin wrote:

I beg to differ. Cambridge Ghouls don't mess around.

"Oh you blew off both my arms? Well I still have 3/4 of my HP and some teeth so EN GARDE M$!~~*!*~!@*!"

The apparent answer I've seen to that is sweep shoot the legs. Apparently their legs are rather easy to cripple/blow off and then they're pretty easy to avoid having to get up close to damage you.

Sovereign Court

I go nuts with a modified machette

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MeanDM wrote:
Boston Massachusetts area.

My buddies will argue against that. He complains that they don't use the Boston subway system and the roads aren't screwed up enough.

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Be sure to see the swan in Boston commons. So majestic.

Bring Psycho

Claxon wrote:
Rynjin wrote:

I beg to differ. Cambridge Ghouls don't mess around.

"Oh you blew off both my arms? Well I still have 3/4 of my HP and some teeth so EN GARDE M$!~~*!*~!@*!"

The apparent answer I've seen to that is sweep shoot the legs. Apparently their legs are rather easy to cripple/blow off and then they're pretty easy to avoid having to get up close to damage you.

As much as I miss the glory (and gory) of headshots, I've been sticking to center of body mass and having great results.

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My buddies will argue against that. He complains that they don't use the Boston subway system and the roads aren't screwed up enough.

More accurately: parallel universe, far-future, post-apocalyptic Boston, where they didn't get as much of a chance to screw up the roads.

Sovereign Court

Aw come on! I just found a fat man. And I found a mini nuke before. Kinda feels too easy. Dunno.

For those intereseted...

I found it in the abandoned scrapyard with a sentry bot, it's in one corner of the yard on a ruined car.

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Liberty's Edge

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Werthead wrote:
My buddies will argue against that. He complains that they don't use the Boston subway system and the roads aren't screwed up enough.
More accurately: parallel universe, far-future, post-apocalyptic Boston, where they didn't get as much of a chance to screw up the roads.

I think its a parallel universe because no one talks with a Boston accent and there isn't a ruined Dunkin Doughnuts on every corner. ;)

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A few people speak with a Boston accent (Grandma Stonedofferass for one).

Also, maybe I'm showing my young age here, but it's kind of eye-opening to hear how racy some of these songs are for their time.

Rocket 69, 60 Minute Man, and (of course) Butcher Pete (particularly part 2, which makes it pretty explicit that Pete's been boning his way all over town...and all the women love it) especially.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rynjin wrote:

A few people speak with a Boston accent (Grandma Stonedofferass for one).

Also, maybe I'm showing my young age here, but it's kind of eye-opening to hear how racy some of these songs are for their time.

Rocket 69, 60 Minute Man, and (of course) Butcher Pete (particularly part 2, which makes it pretty explicit that Pete's been boning his way all over town...and all the women love it) especially.

They were as perverted and loved sex as we do. They just had better lyrics than you a stupid hoe.

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