Are there any good magic items for Bards and Oracles?


Are there any good magic items for Bards and Oracles?

I can’t help noticing that some classes get a lot of toys and some don’t.

Bard and Oracle seems to be lacking some good magic items.
I now charisma boosting items, magic weapons, cloak of resistance and other basic items are good.

We are level 7 and we have a level 5 Bard cohort, but I’m not only asking for items fit for a level 7 party since we hopefully will be gaining new levels :)

Items must be Paizo only, preferably from the core book line, but feel free to post anything as long as it is from Paizo.

I’m primarily looking for stuff directly related to the two classes and their class abilities, but stuff that grants more spells known, more spells per day and DC is obviously welcome.

Also, stuff that boost weak fortitude saves are a most welcome since I haven’t been able to find anything else but con boosting items.

Our Battle Oracle is a Gnome (sort of) that uses a long spear.

Our Bard is Dirge Bard that don’t really use weapons, but is more of a jack-of-all trades kind of a bard specialized in buffing and de-buffing (spell focus enchantment and spell focus Necromancy).

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So far I’ve found:


  • Page of Spell Knowledge - Awesome
  • Runestone of Power - Awesome
  • Ring of revelation - Awesome

  • Soothsayer’s Raiment – Not very good unless it can be improved. Our Oracle uses mithral medium armor since he likes to have a good move.
  • Conductive weapon – I’m not sure how any oracle will find this useful.


  • Page of Spell Knowledge - Awesome
  • Runestone of Power - Good
  • Ring of spell knowledge - Awesome
  • Rod of splendor- Very cool if you are a bard. Headband +6 is obviously better, but a cool item none the less.

  • Doomharp – Bad: Too expensive at level 1- 7 and useless at level 8
  • Singing sword - to expensive
  • Harmonizing - to expensive
  • Rallying – not good
  • Rod of beguiling – not good
  • Staff of accompaniment – not good
  • Resplendent robe of the thespian – not good
  • Book of the loremaster – not good
  • Harp of contagion – not good

  • Scarab Sages

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    The only thing I can think of in my sleep deprived state is a Lyre of Building. It is expensive, but depending on how your DM rules the item and how much downtime you have you could use it to get 1,440 gp per day (you perform 14,400 man hours of work per 24 hours and the wages of those men/women would be 1440 gp) hence, given enough work around town, you could pay off the lyre in a little over a week of downtime.

    Do note that your DM might be a little mad at you if you do this, but it is totally an awesome item to have for everything from building bridges to paving roads to demolishing dungons you're raiding.

    Banner of the Ancient Kings is something for you to look out for in a couple levels for your bard.

    If you're running into things which can deal ability damage look at picking up a Blood Reservoir of Physical Prowess

    A Wayfinder with a Cracked Pale Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone will give you +1 fortitude, (average cost of 1300 gp), but ioun stones in general can get pretty silly pretty fast so dont get carried away with all the amazing things that cracked ioun stones can get you.

    I personally love Boots of the Cat, as they practically negate fall damage, but that's a personal choice.

    Gloves of Reconnaissance are also a personal favorite.

    Get the bard a masterwork Shortbow and some Thistle Arrows and he can be a real pain in the butt for any caster he hits (DC 10+spell lvl for any spell they want to cast in the next 1d6 rounds for basically 0 cost on the PC side)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Banner of the ancient kings Is nice for bards. More so combined with the flagbearer feat.

    Mnemonic vestments can be useful for both of them.

    @Timebomb and My2Copper

    Thanks for the advice.

    BTW, any way to boost will saves or to boost land speed?

    Scarab Sages

    You could get Boots of Striding and Springing for a 10' bonus, or you could have the bard pick up the masterpiece "Triple Time" for the cost of a first lvl spell known which would allow him to use, what is effectively, Mass Longstrider (+10' base speed for creatures per level) for the cost of a performance round per cast. If you want +30' you'd have to get Boots of Speed (12k), though they don't grant a permanent bonus.

    Scarlet and Blue Sphere Ioun Stone/Wayfinder combo (same cost as +1 fort combo) will get you +1 will, but you can only have one combo active per character so it would be either +1 will or +1 fort

    Timebomb wrote:

    You could get Boots of Striding and Springing for a 10' bonus, or you could have the bard pick up the masterpiece "Triple Time" for the cost of a first lvl spell known which would allow him to use, what is effectively, Mass Longstrider (+10' base speed for creatures per level) for the cost of a performance round per cast. If you want +30' you'd have to get Boots of Speed (12k), though they don't grant a permanent bonus.

    Scarlet and Blue Sphere Ioun Stone/Wayfinder combo (same cost as +1 fort combo) will get you +1 will, but you can only have one combo active per character so it would be either +1 will or +1 fort

    Thanks. Triple Time is awesome. I haven't noticed it until your post.


    BTW, The green Tribal War Paint is really good if your DM adapt it to the Pathfinder bard and instead let it add +1 to the effect of inspire courage.

    Grand Lodge

    Zark wrote:

    Are there any good magic items for Bards and Oracles?

    You can't go wrong with Metamagic rods. Reach is a nice one to have for healing at distance in a pinch when it's dangerous to get too close, and especially for something like Breath of Life in later levels. Persistent if you have save or suck spells.

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