New 0e and Pathfinder Adventure called Wooden Promises on Kickstarter

Product Discussion module-for-pathfinder

Wooden Promises is an adventure module filled with intrigue, strange requests, undead creatures, and battles of epic proportions! The primary locations in this module are Aspen Keep and The Tunnels, which is a "small" dungeon crawl.

This project came from a late night discussion between my best friend and I about his voice acting career. We made a sample track and thought why not add voice acting to an adventure module for extra depth and immersion!

Dreamscarred Press

Linkified That For You

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Promises

Dreamscarred Press

normanak wrote:

Wooden Promises

*High five*

Thanks to both of you, if you guys end up supporting message me on KS and I will give you something special :)

Dreamscarred Press

Out of curiosity, the pledge levels mention hard cover. Is that true hardcover like the Pathfinder Core Rulebook?

If so, how large do you anticipate the adventure is going to be? And what level range is it?


It is true hardcover like the core book. I anticipate it being ~120 pages after all the editing is done and is designed for a 4-5 person party at 10th level.

Liberty's Edge

Do you have any other previously published products?

ShadowcatX wrote:
Do you have any other previously published products?

No, I do not. This is my first module that I will be publishing. I will put up a sample of the first chapter as a backer's only update when I hit either 50 backers or $500, whichever comes first. If the book seems too expensive, I'm sorry. That only gives me $2.50 profit per book with the current printer. Hopefully you will be interested in the pdf, even though I have not published anything before.

Since it is going to be a 10th level adventure would you like to see pregen characters included?

I feel as though I should know this, but what is 0E?

0e is OD&D, but I can't say that on my KS for legal reasons :)

I've never seen it abbreviated that way.

My apologies then, good sir. I was not aware that was not a common abbreviation. What have you seen it abbreviated as without D&D in it?

Still trying to figure out what "OD&D" is.

Is it the actual original stuff? Or some new fangled rip off on the timeless classic (ab)using the name to try and make it look good?


It is a 0e variant, CoZ is linked on the Kickstarter. They used the personal journals and home rules of the creators of OD&D and they don't use that name at all. The information is all on their Kickstarter. But in short, it is a combo of the original stuff with their other publications. odules is a link to the most well known of the old school variants and details much of what you wish to know.

OD&D refers to Original Dungeons and Dragons. We're talking about the white box set with 3 brownish booklets released in 1974. There are several clones of this system out there.

My understanding is that Champions of Zed is a re editing of the original books with extra material added based on notes, message board posts and other material from Gygax and Arneson. Also including material from other wargames of the time, as the original edition assumed you had access to several other games, and referred to them in the text.

That is exactly what I meant Grotnar! If you choose to support send me a message via Kickstarter and I will do something special for you.

Dotted and bookmarked.

Mars13 wrote:
ShadowcatX wrote:
Do you have any other previously published products?
No, I do not. This is my first module that I will be publishing. I will put up a sample of the first chapter as a backer's only update when I hit either 50 backers or $500, whichever comes first. If the book seems too expensive, I'm sorry. That only gives me $2.50 profit per book with the current printer. Hopefully you will be interested in the pdf, even though I have not published anything before.

I'm backing three Pathfinder projects at the moment, and always have room for a good quality hardcover. I'm not really concerned about the price since I know how high print costs are, but you're asking for quite a lot on faith. Why provide a sample of the first chapter only to backers? Wouldn't it make more sense to demonstrate the quality of your work to the whole community in order to generate interest? What's the point of just impressing people who have already pledged? I'm not being critical, just interested in the thought process, because it looks like you don't have enough faith in your own work to let it speak for itself. Free samples are generally used in marketing to gain new customers, not just appeal to existing ones (cf. Free RPG Day).

I'm going to finish up some polish on the first session tomorrow and post it publicly on the KS. I agree with you about that, sorry I am lacking sleep atm thank you for setting me straight Neofish. Thank you for that suggestion and I hope the quality is something you would like to see on your table :)

I have it posted in the first update :) couldn't sleep so I worked

Mars13 wrote:
I'm going to finish up some polish on the first session tomorrow and post it publicly on the KS. I agree with you about that, sorry I am lacking sleep atm thank you for setting me straight Neofish. Thank you for that suggestion and I hope the quality is something you would like to see on your table :)

No problem, thanks for the response! I shall read with interest.

So what are your thoughts?

+1 backed

Thanks for that! I have some nifty stretch goals planned if we get there

Since it seems like we will meet our original goal rather quickly (if we keep going this well), I would like to see the community's opinion on custom d6 and dice bags as stretch goals. Also I would love recommendations (both for stretch goals and how to improve the adventure if you had any such comments from the sample)

We have added a custom dice set to the module as an add on for $15

Just wanted to congratulate on you guys making above the halfway point. I'm really impressed so far!

We are almost at funding and have posted a list of stretch goals, as well as an add-on. I think that everything is looking good so far, since we have a month left. If we achieve all the stretch goals, I have a very special secret surprise planned. Thank you all for helping me achieve my goals and dreams, I feel like I crit successed all my rolls for this project!

Any chance of getting at least an estimate of the page count? I did not see it on the kickstarter page, but maybe I just missed it somewhere. It is one of those things I like to know about projects. Thanks

I've said it in a couple of places, but ~120 pages.

We are Funded!!! Stretch goals ahoy!

I'll be honest, I wasn't going to fund this one because I'm stretched thin financially already.

Then I noticed on your kickstarter page that you are in the Army. I have to support a fellow servicemember-gamer. So I pledged what I could afford (digital only).

Thanks for serving, and here's hoping that we make those stretch goals!!


Aaron aka Itchy wrote:


I'll be honest, I wasn't going to fund this one because I'm stretched thin financially already.

Then I noticed on your kickstarter page that you are in the Army. I have to support a fellow servicemember-gamer. So I pledged what I could afford (digital only).

Thanks for serving, and here's hoping that we make those stretch goals!!


Thank you for your support, and every little bit helps. Plus you get all the stretches at $5 the same as at any other level (except the dice bag of course) I hope that I can provide you with the best project possible, even for only $5

Hey everyone. I'm Ed Ortiz (aka Odraude) and while I'm not in the video, I'm one of the people that will be helping with the Wooden Promises project. While I'm helping with the formatting, I will also be responsible for writing the side adventure that will be added when we reach the $2500 mark. I am really excited to do this as this will be my first foray into the world of writing adventures. Also, at the time I am writing this, we are only $110 from hitting the mark.

To show you all what's in store for the side adventure (as well as the preliminary formatting to expect), Michael updated the Kickstarter with some examples of the side quest, the Darkness Beneath Aspen Keep. The dungeon itself with take place in the Tunnels under Aspen Keep behind a large set of closed doors called the Dusklit Gates. The dungeon is called the Wheel of Artume and is a bit of a hidden fortress for the players to find and get into. It is meant for 11 to 12 level players, though the later floors will be quite deadly but will also have a great deal of riches and treasure as well as the scary artifact known as the Penumbral Lens. But what is the Penumbral Lens? Well... that is a question for another day :)

One thing that this side adventure does is something I love in RPG video games like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Vagrant Story, and the Tales of series; hidden dungeons with scary superbosses. Nemesis, Valukar, Abyssion, and the Emerald/Ruby/Ultimate Weapons were are wicked cool boss fights that I remember from my childhood. One of my favorite of these was the Iron Maiden in Vagrant Story (if you haven't played this PSone game, it's on the PSN and you MUST play it!). This was a terrifying side dungeon with some scary superbosses that tested your skill at the game to the max! The final superboss of that dungeon was Asura and boy... that was one tough fight. Took me weeks of figuring it out and looking online to beat her but I finally did and it was well worth it!

Now, I don't want the boss of this side dungeon to overshadow the final boss of course... that'd be a bit lame from a story perspective. But, I do plan on having this tangent to have A) a similar theme of the Tunnels with a completely different twist and B) a very memorable dungeon and side villain. So I hope to see this dungeon funded and share it with you all!

The sample is four pages long and contains almost all of the rooms of the first level, with the exception of the Hub, which has a nice little surprise that I didn't want to ruin. In addition, I cut the introduction out so we don't spoil the whole story of the dungeon. In addition, the final formatting will have artwork, a map, and handouts in it so you can expect that in the finished product. I am going to have a special, new monster in the adventure for GMs to torment their players with, and for players to regard with a mix of respect and sheer terror.

I hope you all will consider funding up to the $2500 mark. I am very excited and I can't wait to make this dungeon for everyone!

A note: Some people have stated that they cannot read the pictures on the update, so I have taken the liberty of putting the PDF on my Google Docs account. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Hey guys. It's been a while since an update. Unfortunately, Mike was out for a couple weeks on military orders so it's been a little quiet. He's back now, with an art update!

Now, we have 5 more days and $311 till the next stretch goal, where Mike Nystul will be doing the cartography of the adventure. Seeing how much we got in previous days, I know we can get past this goal! I'm hoping you guys will donate and spread the word to your friends and family!

I'll be a bit out today due to birthday stuff but I plan on having another special update from the side adventure "The Darkness Beneath Aspen Keep". Stay tuned and have a good one!

- Ed

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