Avengers (Assemble)


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1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I went to see it Yesterday and I loved it..the interaction between the heroes was classic Marvel and Wheedon did a great job.

I'll give it an A (It would have gotten an A+ if Natalie Portman had been in it)

Well as long as she is back in Thor 2 and Hopefully in Avengers 2 I will be okay.

Shadow Lodge

I just hope it is still in theaters when I redeploy. It's one thing I've been looking foreward to this whole time.

DM Wellard wrote:

So I went to see it Yesterday and I loved it..the interaction between the heroes was classic Marvel and Wheedon did a great job.

I'll give it an A (It would have gotten an A+ if Natalie Portman had been in it)

any flaws in the film?

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
any flaws in the film?

You mean besides Whedon doing it?

Callous Jack wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
any flaws in the film?
You mean besides Whedon doing it?

that's more of a sin than a flaw...

The only flaw in my opinion was that the middle act dragged a little and could have had 10 or 12 minutes trimmed (not the 30 some critics suggested).

and why the Whedon hate..he captured the essence of the team perfectly in my opinion.No-one got to hog the spotlight, there were two moments that made the whole audience laugh (both classic Hulk moments I have to say) and the team meshed eventually after some fairly heavy teething troubles.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM Wellard wrote:

The only flaw in my opinion was that the middle act dragged a little and could have had 10 or 12 minutes trimmed (not the 30 some critics suggested).

and why the Whedon hate..he captured the essence of the team perfectly in my opinion.No-one got to hog the spotlight, there were two moments that made the whole audience laugh (both classic Hulk moments I have to say) and the team meshed eventually after some fairly heavy teething troubles.

It's rare that I hear the audience laugh out loud twice and cheer and applaud during a film, but that's what happened during the showing that I went to. Whedon did a good job with it, considering that they weren't his own characters to develop.

We shall see what happens this Friday... I'm practicing my boos.

Freehold DM wrote:
We shall see what happens this Friday... I'm practicing my boos.

Cynical much? It looks totally awesome and I can't wait!

brock wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:

The only flaw in my opinion was that the middle act dragged a little and could have had 10 or 12 minutes trimmed (not the 30 some critics suggested).

and why the Whedon hate..he captured the essence of the team perfectly in my opinion.No-one got to hog the spotlight, there were two moments that made the whole audience laugh (both classic Hulk moments I have to say) and the team meshed eventually after some fairly heavy teething troubles.

It's rare that I hear the audience laugh out loud twice and cheer and applaud during a film, but that's what happened during the showing that I went to. Whedon did a good job with it, considering that they weren't his own characters to develop.

"I am a God..." even thinking about it still cracks me up

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I saw this movie last Friday and I have to say it's the best superhero movie in a long time. I'm so glad we've gone beyond simply deconstructing superheroes into letting them just be awesome.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Sunday morning will be my Avengers time. I still hate crowds.

Liberty's Edge

Couple reviews:

Review 1

Review 2

So far, so good!

All praise the genius of Joss!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
brewdus wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
We shall see what happens this Friday... I'm practicing my boos.
Cynical much? It looks totally awesome and I can't wait!

Let's just say FHDM has some issues with Joss.

Liberty's Edge

Question for those that have seen it. Do they explain how Thor gets back to earth? At end of Thor movie, they said He could not get back because bridge was damaged. Don't tell me how he gets back. Just yes or no will do. Thanks.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
Question for those that have seen it. Do they explain how Thor gets back to earth? At end of Thor movie, they said He could not get back because bridge was damaged. Don't tell me how he gets back. Just yes or no will do. Thanks.

Well, Loki himself said that there are more ways to get in / out of Asgard than the rainbow bridge. I am sure that Odin or someone knows of at least one more way in / out.

Scarab Sages

Even Heimdall suggested (as in said) that there are other way then Bifrost - and he should know (sadly I won't see the Avengers movie before next week).

Silver Crusade

Tick, tock; tick, tock. That is the clock counting down until 3:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time on Friday afternoon when I will be able to see this movie.

Shadow Lodge

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
Question for those that have seen it. Do they explain how Thor gets back to earth? At end of Thor movie, they said He could not get back because bridge was damaged. Don't tell me how he gets back. Just yes or no will do. Thanks.

They don't flat out confirm it, but Loki does make an assumption, and Thor doesn't correct him.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Did the Hulk smash my post?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I guess he did.

Anyways, I just got back from the midnight 3D IMAX showing and it rocked!

We got there well over an hour early, and 200+ people beat us there. Wow.

Also, tons of previews, which was great.

I too enjoyed the movie. I will be seeing it at least twice more in the big screen.

Any split-second cameos we should be looking for (that we might miss if we don't know what to look for)?

Auhh. My work schedule got changed. Not sure if I will he seeing the movie this weekend.

Right before the credits and after the credits. Other than that, I do not think there are any others.

Sovereign Court

So I've heard Hawkeye gets lost in the shuffle through most of the movie. True or not?

Not true. IMHO.

Wow, only 2 times the audience all laughed? I stopped counting after 7 or so.

You know, it's funny, I noticed tons of people decrying JW doing Avengers, yet I absolutely love his work, and this movie was nothing short of outstanding. I've never read any of the comics, so I don't know how it's "supposed" to be, but I followed the story effortlessly. I think he did an amazing job integrating half a century worth of comics into a movie. My friend tried comparing him to Peter Jackson, and I said, "Peter Jackson has it easy, he only had to draw from 3 books, Joss Whedon had a universe spanning 50 years of development through comics. I doubt any other writer/director could have pulled it off and made a movie that was as awesome as Joss Whedon."

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

We had lots of spontaneous applause and laughter.

Is there a scene after the credits?

If yes, is it worth sitting thru the credits to see?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In Europe there is only a mid-credit scene in which

Thanos is revealed as the architect behind the mayhem
, i have heard the American audience will have a dialogue free after credits scene
of the heroes eating shawarma
And the movie was great, easily the best of the avengers franchise yet.
puny god...

John Kretzer wrote:

Is there a scene after the credits?

If yes, is it worth sitting thru the credits to see?

Yes and Yes!

That's one thing that totally blows my mind...

You go to the film premiere night, get your tickets in advance, wait in line often more than an hour, you'd expect that these are real fans in the room with you (since they went through the same ordeal as you to see the movie on the first night)... Yet, as soon as those credits start rolling, you see half the people leave the room.


C'mon... At this point, who doesn't know that there will be a teaser after the credits? Haven't these people watched the other movies that came before it? It like they just happened to wonder in that theatre by accident that night... lol

(With respect, I'm not speaking of your comment m.Kretzer, but of the folks who leave before seeing that teaser-scene at the end.)

Just blows me away.


@Feytharn: Thank you for answering the question on what he said! Everyone was laughing so hard at that scene I didn't hear what he said!

Saw it at the Midnight showing last night. I'm paying for little sleep today, but it was SOOOO worth it. I'm certain I can take my kids, so I'll be seeing it again, likely this or next weekend.

I think this will be the best comic book movie of the summer, at least for me. This hit everything right.

For a 2.5 hour movie, it didn't feel like it, and I didn't think any scene was overly wrong or overly long.

Liberty's Edge

feytharn wrote:

In Europe there is only a mid-credit scene in which ** spoiler omitted **, i have heard the American audience will have a dialogue free after credits scene ** spoiler omitted **.

And the movie was great, easily the best of the avengers franchise yet.
** spoiler omitted **



and oh my God! That was hilarious!

Ultradan wrote:

(With respect, I'm not speaking of your comment m.Kretzer, but of the folks who leave before seeing that teaser-scene at the end.)

I understand what you are saying.

So...are they setting up as sequal?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes, they're setting up a sequel. The short clip before the credits roll gives you the tip-off.

Anyway, the movie was phenomenal! Saw it at 1:05 pm ET on 3-D Ultrascreen. My only other experience with Whedon was Serenity (I've never seen Buffy nor Firefly) and he did a damn good job with this. None of the actors got shafted in screen time; every one of the names listed on the movie marquee had their time to shine.

Ruffalo did an excellent job as Banner. Excellent enough that someone thought to sign him to a contract to do more.

And as much as FHDM may loathe to hear it: Whedon should totally direct the next Hulk. Once you've seen the film, you'll understand why.

Personally, I would like to see more of the super hero mash-ups instead of going back to their own film franchises.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Urizen wrote:

Yes, they're setting up a sequel. The short clip before the credits roll gives you the tip-off.

Anyway, the movie was phenomenal! Saw it at 1:05 pm ET on 3-D Ultrascreen. My only other experience with Whedon was Serenity (I've never seen Buffy nor Firefly) and he did a damn good job with this. None of the actors got shafted in screen time; every one of the names listed on the movie marquee had their time to shine.

Ruffalo did an excellent job as Banner. Excellent enough that someone thought to sign him to a contract to do more.

And as much as FHDM may loathe to hear it: Whedon should totally direct the next Hulk. Once you've seen the film, you'll understand why.

Personally, I would like to see more of the super hero mash-ups instead of going back to their own film franchises.

I 100% support this post.


John Kretzer wrote:

Is there a scene after the credits?

If yes, is it worth sitting thru the credits to see?

The first one? Yes.

The second one? Not so much (but good for a laugh anyway if you really need closure on that anecdote)

Scarab Sages

Callous Jack wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
any flaws in the film?
You mean besides Whedon doing it?

1) The one-on-one fights suffer from Bourne Syndrome (camera positioned too close - there is a huge difference between the Loki/Thor fights in 'Thor' (logical action) and 'Avengers' (chaotic action).

2) Captain America is definitely under-utilized - seriously, Black Widow does more in one battle than he does in the entire movie.

3) The score was entirely forgettable.

4) No opening credits sequence. I'm a huge Bond fan, so I love movies with a stylish opening.

5) Thor's character is not entirely consistent with his arc from 'Thor'. The first time you see him he loses it for no reason, spends most of his conversations moping about Loki, and gets to sell very few lines. However, he does get some of the "biggest" action moments, so there is some balance. (Can you tell I love Thor?)

6) Maria Hill. 'Nuff said.

However, I should say there is plenty to enjoy in the film (more things than I can list here).

I really liked it, there was one thing that did disappointment me...

Evidently Whedon missed Natalie as well, because he channeled another film franchise she was part of. This clip should help remind people what I mean.

The Exchange

my only dislike was the #1 that Jal Dorak said, I hate up close fights that you can't see what the hell is going on in.

Scarab Sages

I gotta wait until Monday. Tried to get in today but every showing was already sold out. Won't have a chance during the weekend unless I can talk my Sunday game of making a day of it.

Liberty's Edge

Jal Dorak wrote:

6) Maria Hill. 'Nuff said.

Favorite character in the whole movie. I'm so glad they included her.

Silver Crusade

My biggest complaints are I hate the faux documentary style that seems to be the fad these day with camera going blurry and then back into focus as they pan across because they were filming something else when the action started and that there was no mention of Wendall Vaughn (Quasar) during the whole time at Project PEGASUS.

Thank you, jal dorak, for your unflinching critique.

Shadow Lodge

Jal Dorak wrote:

1) The one-on-one fights suffer from Bourne Syndrome (camera positioned too close - there is a huge difference between the Loki/Thor fights in 'Thor' (logical action) and 'Avengers' (chaotic action).

2) Captain America is definitely under-utilized - seriously, Black Widow does more in one battle than he does in the entire movie.

3) The score was entirely forgettable.

4) No opening credits sequence. I'm a huge Bond fan, so I love movies with a stylish opening.

5) Thor's character is not entirely consistent with his arc from 'Thor'. The first time you see him he loses it for no reason, spends most of his conversations moping about Loki, and gets to sell very few lines. However, he does get some of the "biggest" action moments, so there is some balance. (Can you tell I love Thor?)

6) Maria Hill. 'Nuff said.

However, I should say there is plenty to enjoy in the film (more things than I can list here).

1. I didn't really notice this too much, and it's usually one of my biggest pet peeves in action movies. Perhaps it was because it was pretty damned obvious who was a Chitauri (and the majority of everyone else was wearing pretty distinctive costumes), but I had no trouble following the action in this one.

2. I agree that Cap was under-utilized. I did like that, as the action heated up, the others did realize that he was definitively the best leader among them, however.

3. Meh, 99.5% of movies have a score that's utterly forgettable.

4. I'm really struggling to think of a way to have a big opening sequence for the film. I suppose you could have shown the Chitauri overrunning some random world, and then their boss telling them that Earth would be next. Didn't overly concern me.

5. Thor is also my favorite (although Cap puts up a strong showing against him). I didn't really see anything that was too out of line in his characterization. He doesn't really "lose it"...it's rather obvious that he's holding back, given the fact that Cap and Iron Man continue to exist beyond that point in the film. And a certain amount of Loki angst is understandable.

6. She didn't really do a lot, but I wouldn't really have expected her to. She was about as involved as she ever got in the actual comics while Fury was around, while managing to be less of a b@$$+ than her comic counterpart. Plus, yummy eye candy. :)



The Exchange

feytharn wrote:

And the movie was great, easily the best of the avengers franchise yet.

** spoiler omitted **

Is THAT what he said? :D

The audience was laughing so hard I only caught the last word.

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