Wake the Watcher - Where are the stats for Slug Spawn?

Carrion Crown


I see it's hybrid form, but not the stats for when it becomes a slug spawn.

Nightfall wrote:
I see it's hybrid form, but not the stats for when it becomes a slug spawn.

I think it's more of a "trap" or "disease" that moves rather than a creature. Like a rot grub.

Sovereign Court

Correct—slugspawn are considered hazards, like rot grubs, green slime, and the like.


Rob McCreary wrote:
Correct—slugspawn are considered hazards, like rot grubs, green slime, and the like.

Thanks for the clarification Rob.

Nightfall wrote:
Rob McCreary wrote:
Correct—slugspawn are considered hazards, like rot grubs, green slime, and the like.
Thanks for the clarification Rob.



*hands Ice Titan a huge cupcake with white frosting*

I apologize for not recognizing your statement earlier.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nightfall wrote:

*hands Ice Titan a huge cupcake with white frosting*

I apologize for not recognizing your statement earlier.

*throws it on the ground*

My dad isn't a cupcake!

thank you

Sovereign Court

so killing them is a pure excercise of will, not even requesting a roll to hit (once spotted) ?
do they have an AC ? HP ?
otherwise its just a matter of a statement
"your PC rolls 16 perception, see the slugsworm and proceed to squeeze it under his heel" ?
correct ?

Tommaso Gollini wrote:

so killing them is a pure exercise of will, not even requesting a roll to hit (once spotted) ?

do they have an AC ? HP ?
otherwise its just a matter of a statement
"your PC rolls 16 perception, see the slugsoawn and proceed to squeeze it under his heel" ?
correct ?

This is how I ran it; if the player that is being targeted by the slugspawn spots it (either DC 16 or 31, depending on where it is) they get a reflex save to dodge it and smash it. Failing the reflex save means they have to go through the 3 rounds of other players trying to cut it out in time. Other players could roll to spot it, but if it was already attacking they only get to witness it burrow into the target.

Sovereign Court

many many thanks Ben

I have been stressing over this event all week! Finally think I have an idea on how I am going to run it. So thanks to everyone on the thread including OP! But a quick question.
Did you have the slugspawn deal damage when they started to burrow into the PC? also what about on the rounds other PCs are digging it out?

All I know is this really could have used a stat block. Why treat a creature like a hazard, when you could treat it like a creature? Look at the unnecessary confusion.

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