Sunderstone |

Wonder Woman was good, and I finally caught up to all my DCs including both Legion books.
Legion Lost is better than I expected but I still hope they return to the future and drop the book. The roster is weak (never been a fan of Tellus, Gates, and Tyroc). Timber Wolf, Wildfire and Dawnstar are good but we dont need another Durlan.
LSH was great, but I hated Simonson's guest art in #5.
Im happy with my current monthly books for now (the sweet spot I guess)...
Dark Knight
Batman and Robin
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Teen Titans
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Suicide Squad
17 titles a month :/

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Figures. They're cancelling Static. Which when I went to subscribe it wasnt on the list, so you know they planned it to fail at the start. They're canceling Hawk and Dove. BUT! They're giving Rob Suckfeld Hawkman and some other title. So cancel those titles as well. Great business model guys... Anyone else notice that Simone is off Firestorm?
More Static comments here
I still think there should be a DCAU 'kids' series.

deinol |

Figures. They're cancelling Static. Which when I went to subscribe it wasnt on the list, so you know they planned it to fail at the start.
I'm not certain what you mean by this. It wasn't on your local comic stores list when you went to subscribe? Or it wasn't on the official 52 checklist promo that was getting handed out at launch? I thought all of the titles were on the promo list I saw, but I wasn't really paying attention to Static.
As it is, the bottom selling 6 books are getting axed. That's not a big surprise actually. I'm actually surprised that more titles aren't getting cut. It looks like they plan to keep 52 series in print at all times though, that's interesting. I wonder if it will start being like British Soccer leagues, where twice a year the lowest ranked comics will be replaced with new titles.

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New Shazam
Not sold on the design. I prefer the 'big red cheese' look. Also makes me wonder what it means for Black Adam and other characters.

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

New Shazam
Not sold on the design. I prefer the 'big red cheese' look. Also makes me wonder what it means for Black Adam and other characters.
One side-effect of making the heroes like Superman and Shazam 'darker and edgier' is that their already dark and edgy counterparts, like Bizarro and Black Adam, have to become baby-eating freakshows, to keep up with the constant lowering of the bar.
It's like a never ending race to see who can out-Clive-Barker each other, and the winner gets cancelled anyway.
Or maybe I'm just still suffering the backlash from the Earth-2 announcements, which are all about Lois being killed and all the Amazons being killed, because the writers want to explore how far they can push Superman or Wonder Woman before they become gritty kill-em-all vigilantes or whatever.
And I'm a total hypocrite. While I don't want to see Superman, etc. all 'dirtied up,' I'd pay good money for a comic set on Earth 3, where the heroic 'Rogues' are fighting an desperate losing underground resistance against the 'evil JLA' Crime Syndicate.

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I think the difference between "dark and gritty" Earth 2 and "Just plain evil" Earth 3 is that we aren't supposed to root for Owlman, etc etc.
I'll admit with the art I was hoping "Earth 2" would be something like this.
- Batman = Dick Greyson, now in his 40's and training Damien Wayne as Red Robin.
- Batgirl = Helena Wayne
- Batwoman = Bette Kane
- Wonder Woman = Donna Troy
- Martian Manhunter = M'gann M'orse pretending to be J'onn
- Flash = Wally West.
- Aquaman = Garth, with his Tempest powers.
- Superboy = Connor Kent, teenaged
- Superwoman = Grown up Kara/Karen.
- Black Arrow = Liam Harper, wearing black to mourn her parents death.
- Hawkman/Hawkgirl (see below)
I'd also likely upset a lot of fans by making a villian who was the child of Scandal Savage and either Catman or Bane (the only two men I've seen she'd respect enough to father a child, even if it was in vitro.)
Most of the 'previous generation' of heroes would be dead (Kal-L, Diana) or retired (Bruce, Ollie, etc.) Same for a lot of the villians. I'd make my 'Scandal's son' actually have killed Vandal Savage and maybe be interesting Liam, kind of mirroring the Roy/Cheshire relationship.
Including the JSA, I'd do the 'Captain America' approach, both by bringing them 'out of time' and moving them up to the 50's 60's. I'd actually make the JSA book be dual stories one in the 50's one in the modern times. Such a tactic would allow things like Barry being trained by Jay Garret, and then dealing with Barry's 'replacement' in WAlly. Rather than 'stuck in time' The JSA hawks would have died, and reincarnated into the 'modern' Hawks. That also could be fun. Imagine Hawkman being mentored by Diana in the 50's and now his reincarnation was hitting on Donna?

VM mercenario |

New Shazam
Not sold on the design. I prefer the 'big red cheese' look. Also makes me wonder what it means for Black Adam and other characters.
The little hood is hilarious! It's not long enough to be cool or hide his face, so my best explanation is that he wants to cover is hair from the rain.

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my best explanation is that he wants to cover his hair from the rain.
I suppose getting rained on a lot would be a logical side-effect of having to get hit by lightning to turn your powers on and off...
That would be a funky tweak, if everytime he called down the lightning, he created a brief localized thunderstorm. He'd probably be more 'at home' in a city that already has a ton of annual rainfall, like Seattle, and completely out of place in, say, Albuqurque.
It could even become a plot point, if he couldn't transform as easily (as the 'storm takes longer to gather') in an arid area, and might be unwilling to risk transforming in the middle of a torrential downpour with flooding, for fear of making things worse.

BluePigeon |

Figures. They're cancelling Static. Which when I went to subscribe it wasnt on the list, so you know they planned it to fail at the start. They're canceling Hawk and Dove. BUT! They're giving Rob Suckfeld Hawkman and some other title. So cancel those titles as well. Great business model guys... Anyone else notice that Simone is off Firestorm?
Rob Suckfeld is getting Hawkman and Deathstroke. Both are worthy DC titles that should be resurrected next year. I especially like Hawkman.

Doomlounge |

I think the difference between "dark and gritty" Earth 2 and "Just plain evil" Earth 3 is that we aren't supposed to root for Owlman, etc etc.
I'll admit with the art I was hoping "Earth 2" would be something like this.
** spoiler omitted **
Yes! I'm with you. Titans Tomorrow, plus! (And I'd include Stephanie Brown as portrayed in dream sequence in the last issue of her series; all grown up)

Sunderstone |

Small Rant-
I'm not a fan of the Image Comics of old in general and I wont buy the new Grifter, Voodoo, Stormwatch, books etc. and I was happy they werent crossing into the books I like. Now there's some crossover coming with those books and Suicide Squad (which I am a fan of), and Superman has Hellspont in it. I really hope the trend doesnt continue or happen often.
With the exception of Daredevil, DC is al I buy atm. I'm not liking the Image fungus in the DCU. It's been small for now but if it grows too far, I'm out.
Bad thing is there's no running back to Marvel. It seems like Marvel is barely recognizable in this day and age. Just about every book crosses into another in one huge mess. Spiderman seems so deeply rooted into Avengers, Avengers have a million books, now they are blending into the million X-Books via the A vs. X crossover, etc. Daredevil and the Hulk are the only ones that seem seperated from the mess that is the Marvel Universe, and I've stopped reading Hulk due to the mediocre unresolved initial story.
Daredevil still is good despite 2 guest stars in less than 10 issues (spidey and cap) and the upcoming mini-Xover with Spidey and Punisher.
Comics have indeed fallen far, IMHO. YMMV of course.

Sunderstone |

Positive Note (for now) -
Teen Titans is looking better. They are rescuing Superboy (maybe he'll join). Now all they need is to get Arsenal and Starfire away from that idiot Red Hood and back into the Titans (then they can cancel the Outlaws), and hopefully delete Rampart too.
Alot of wishful thinking on my part with the latter but "oh well."

jemstone |

Starting to not like Legion Lost.
Legion Lost isn't my problem - it's the fact that DC only just rebooted their universe, and now they've already got at least three cross-title events going on:
Animal Man/Swamp Thing - I like this one, mind you, but it's definitely a cross-title metaplot.
The Rise Of The Vampires - I, Vampire and JLD plus Batman. Not sure how I see this one ending.
The Culling - So far this has hit Superboy, Teen Titans, Legion Lost, and looks like it might spill out into a couple of the Bat-titles as well. It's also apparently a growing fan-service fest of regenerating the various Gen-13 characters in new and not-so-exciting ways.
I dunno, I think it just feels a little too soon after the reboot to be doing this sort of thing - it feels like Johns/Didio/Lee and their writing stable had a lot of things they wanted to do in the reboot, and instead of building up to them, decided to do them all at once. I'm not sure how that's going to play out, long-term.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I like the idea of taking a group of Legionnaires off into another area for a bit to flesh them out and explore them in ways that they wouldn't be able to be explored in the core book (since they'd be lost in the crowd of 25 other Legionnaires), but I feel like Legion Lost has missed that opportunity.
We've got the potential to see how Tyroc and Marzal are tied together, in this new-ish interpretation of the character, potentially even having him visit 21st century Marzal, for instance.
We've got the potential to see Timber Wolf's actual super-power of 'super-acrobatics' explored, instead of the 'Wolverine clone' he was portrayed as under Levitz most recently, but, instead, with regenerating claws and whatever, he's becoming *even more* of a Wolverine clone, to my frustration.
We've got Yera, a professional actress, so good at impersonating folk and espionage type activities that she could fool people who were in love with the person she was impersonating (and retroactively name-dropped to have done some studies at the Time Institute, presumably researching roles, since she's not exactly a temporal mechanic...), who could, in theory, be the go-to girl for infiltration and assimilation to 21st century culture, written off-stage for awhile, instead.
We've got Dawnstar and Wildfire, who've spent the last few decades dancing around their doomed romance, and pretty much devoid of any lines or characterization or sub-plots that don't revolve around that oh-so-tired cliche.
The *premise* of Legion Lost could really have given these characters a chance to shine and grow and develop as characters, divorced of the huge cast of other Legionnaires clamoring for attention.
Opportunity missed, IMO.

Sunderstone |

I figure it's only a matter of time before the Martian Manhunter rejoins the league. :) I'm also an old fan of Captain Marvel (which was nice to see as a backup story in the JLA), but the weird take on Billy Batson has me worried.
Suicide Squad needs a better lineup. Keep Deadshot, Harley, and maybe Boomerang, ditch the rest for better people.

jemstone |

"The weird take on Billy Batson" has a lot of people worried, Sunderstone. It's not just you. It's enough to have turned me off of the potential Captain Marvel/Shazam relaunch, honestly. I'm willing to see how they turn this kid into a hero, but I'm not digging the Flashpoint-esque "Family Dramedy Variety Hour" type scenario they've got him in.
I'm still not quite grasping what it is about Batwoman that's got you turned off. I'm loving every page of it.

Sunderstone |

I just don't see Batwoman as part of the Bat mythos. With the exception of a few scenes with Montoya, there's nothing connecting her with Gotham or the Bat family for me.
The book is well written ( I stopped at #6) and her lifestyle is a bold move on DCs part (kudos here), I just can't seem to get into the character or her backstory.
Batgirl is more appealing to me as a character, even Catwoman (despite the not so good #1) is much more interesting. Actually Catwoman is pretty high on my list lately as the book has gotten better by leaps and bounds.
Beyond that I'm still looking forward to a Shazam relaunch. I'll give "weird billy" a chance until we see more of what they have planned for him. Aren't most/all of the new 52 supposed to take place some years before what we knew of them? Maybe we'll see some life changing event that goes on to shape the rest of Billy's life (at least that's what hoping for).
DC is still better than Marvel by far. I'm hanging on to Daredevil, but two big guest stars in the first 10 issues doesn't bode well for me. Man, Civil War really wrecked the Marvel universe IMHO.

Freehold DM |

Out of the 17 or so titles I get very month, I think ive settled in for now. Suicide Squad, Teen Titans, Red Hood and LSH/Legion Lost are potential drops still.
JLA, Superman, Action, Supergirl, WW, Flash, GL, Aquaman, and all Batbooks except Batwoman and Batwing are definite buys.
You are missing out. I'm loving batwing.

Freehold DM |

I have to say I'm finding JLI to be a surprisingly good book so far..having been the joke book first time around it seems to have found it's feet under the new regime.
I really am liking the title as well. I hope Batwing finds his place on that team, considering what happened with The Kingdom.

jemstone |

jemstone wrote:I've always been interested in the concept of Dial H for Hero, but I can't seem to get into the book.Oh my goodness.
Someone tell me that's not Mr. Quimper at the end of "Dial H."
Because I really think it is. And if it is... hoooo boy.
Well, it's a first issue. Give it a couple, see if the writer can get your brain in on the game, y'know?

thejeff |
Oh my goodness.
Someone tell me that's not Mr. Quimper at the end of "Dial H."
Because I really think it is. And if it is... hoooo boy.
I really, really hope not. (Haven't read Dial H.)
Unless it's just there as nod to Grant or something. Does not belong in the DCU. That story has been told and is done.

jemstone |

jemstone wrote:Oh my goodness.
Someone tell me that's not Mr. Quimper at the end of "Dial H."
Because I really think it is. And if it is... hoooo boy.
I really, really hope not. (Haven't read Dial H.)
Unless it's just there as nod to Grant or something. Does not belong in the DCU. That story has been told and is done.
Considering the overlap between Vertigo and the "regular" DCU in the reboot universe (Animal Man/Swamp Thing/I, Vampire/JL: Dark, et al), anything's possible. That being said, on review, it is probably not Quimper. But I wouldn't put it past them to bring in some of the Invisibles' old continuity. After all, they're dredging up some pretty obscure Wildstorm/Image stuff for this reboot, so who can say?
Speaking of The Invisibles.
INVISIBLES OMNIBUS should be dropping this year! 1500 pages, or so I'm told!

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thejeff wrote:jemstone wrote:Oh my goodness.
Someone tell me that's not Mr. Quimper at the end of "Dial H."
Because I really think it is. And if it is... hoooo boy.
I really, really hope not. (Haven't read Dial H.)
Unless it's just there as nod to Grant or something. Does not belong in the DCU. That story has been told and is done.
Considering the overlap between Vertigo and the "regular" DCU in the reboot universe (Animal Man/Swamp Thing/I, Vampire/JL: Dark, et al), anything's possible. That being said, on review, it is probably not Quimper. But I wouldn't put it past them to bring in some of the Invisibles' old continuity. After all, they're dredging up some pretty obscure Wildstorm/Image stuff for this reboot, so who can say?
Speaking of The Invisibles.
INVISIBLES OMNIBUS should be dropping this year! 1500 pages, or so I'm told!
I have read EVERY Dial H story written, including the Legion books with Dial existing there. Any time they want to take a run at this embodiment of the Deus Ex Machina, I am all for it. The last run with Morrison rocked, and it wouldn't hurt to keep following that one up.