More NPCs for the Cornucopia Feast ? (SPOILERS)

Council of Thieves

Sovereign Court


I am currently reading this AP, and I love the Sixfold Trial.

However, it strikes me that the roleplaying scene in the Feast is way too easy, IMO, as there are not enough NPCs and Red Herrings.

Has anybody developed more NPCs that I could steal ?

Thanks to all

Sovereign Court

Bumpity bump bumping bumpin' ?

There are a number of nobles from the last book that they could interact with, and by interacting with them now, could get some clues about things being wrong with them in the future...

The Mhartis family springs to mind.

Really you could just look for nobles in any of the rest of the books and maybe plop them into the party.

Sovereign Court

Ah, I have not read the rest of the books yet.

Probably a good idea to look into.


Early into the first book, I actually went through all the books and jotted down the names (and relations) of every named NPC.

The Cornucopia is coming up in our game, and I went through the list of 12 noble houses and houses beholden to them (Westcrown section of book 1). There is one member of each family at the gala, and I was able to pull several from my NPC list, so this introduces a bunch of NPCs that will come up later. I was going to add other important groups but didn't need to do much of that because the Dottari are represented by Ilthus Mhartis and the Hellknights by Gonville Chard, andmost of the Limehouse Theater cast are part of noble families too.

I had the entire cast at the party, including the chorus.

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