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captain yesterday wrote:
Ordered furnishings for the apartment, the style I'm going to go with is modern stone age.

Will the floors support that much granite and the ptederadon remote?

Drejk wrote:
Yaba daba doo?

more like Encino Man mixed with Better Call Saul.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Ordered furnishings for the apartment, the style I'm going to go with is modern stone age.

Well, I suppose you have no end of paving oddments lying about that could do with being upcycled into something

Well, "success". It barely managed to crawl its way up to 80°F even before the marine layer moved in and said, "Uh uh."

OK. We've formally had one 80°F day. Summer is over. I'm ready for the fog to come back.

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107 degrees on the town sign in Colfax. Had to pack it in early today because the equipment kept overheating.

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Talk about bravery and stupidity being nigh-indistinguishable: The back doors are wide open and the cats are out napping in the yard.

A rat somehow managed to sneak past the cats, get into the house, and start eating the cat food.

It's only alive because the cranky calico was sleeping in the studio when it came in.

MOST rats have a sense of self-preservation and avoid houses that reek of cat. Apparently this one has a death wish.

Ah, well, Impus Major chased it off, and if it's stupid enough to keep coming back it will meet the calico within a day or two and that will be that.

EDIT: Weird. Our neighbor told us this is prime rat breeding season in the area, so all the houses around us are having rat problems. So it's the usual cat owner cluelessness to rodent problems. Ah, well. The calico gets a toy. Not my issue.

EDIT 2: For its first encounter roll of the day it lucked out and rolled "Fluffernutter". She's clueless about hunting, so she wanted to investigate and it escaped. We're starting a betting pool on how long it'll be before it rolls a natural 1, and the betting right now is on 49 hours.

Is cranky calico a ratter? Some cats take to it. Some don't like going after prey nearly as large as they are. When we had a rat in the basement, the cats just decided they never liked that room anyway and splitting infinite food 3 ways still worked out just fine.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

Is cranky calico a ratter? Some cats take to it. Some don't like going after prey nearly as large as they are. When we had a rat in the basement, the cats just decided they never liked that room anyway and splitting infinite food 3 ways still worked out just fine.

She lived on the streets of Oakland for a year before we adopted her. If it's smaller than her, it's food. And she's really, really good at killing her prey. There's no play involved. She brought us a rat just last month. While on a harness. In broad daylight. (She was in the harness. Not the rat.)

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NobodysHome wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Is cranky calico a ratter? Some cats take to it. Some don't like going after prey nearly as large as they are. When we had a rat in the basement, the cats just decided they never liked that room anyway and splitting infinite food 3 ways still worked out just fine.

She lived on the streets of Oakland for a year before we adopted her. If it's smaller than her, it's food. And she's really, really good at killing her prey. There's no play involved. She brought us a rat just last month. While on a harness. In broad daylight. (She was in the harness. Not the rat.)

I wish it had been the rat. I want to imagine her catching the rat, then fashioning a harness for it, taking it for a walk, then killing it and presenting it to you as a gift. Possibly with a nice bow.

NobodysHome wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Is cranky calico a ratter? Some cats take to it. Some don't like going after prey nearly as large as they are. When we had a rat in the basement, the cats just decided they never liked that room anyway and splitting infinite food 3 ways still worked out just fine.

She lived on the streets of Oakland for a year before we adopted her. If it's smaller than her, it's food. And she's really, really good at killing her prey. There's no play involved. She brought us a rat just last month. While on a harness. In broad daylight. (She was in the harness. Not the rat.)

I was about to ask.

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So, yup, I might have too many RPG books and accessories.

So far I have a little less than half of it boxed up and so far I have 7 17x11x13 boxes full.

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We may have overestimated.

The calico woke up full of piss and vinegar this morning so I put her out on the deck as soon as it was light enough and she immediately dropped into a hunting stance and started looking around. So if the rat was smart it's underground somewhere. If not, all our bets were too long...

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Curveball has been thrown. Attempting to catch. Love my job. But I'm trying to catch this on the first bounce.

captain yesterday wrote:

So, yup, I might have too many RPG books and accessories.

So far I have a little less than half of it boxed up and so far I have 7 17x11x13 boxes full.

This sounds like blasphemy, but having moved in the last year I can sympathize. At least the boxes are uniform in size.

Brigadoon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

So, yup, I might have too many RPG books and accessories.

So far I have a little less than half of it boxed up and so far I have 7 17x11x13 boxes full.

This sounds like blasphemy, but having moved in the last year I can sympathize. At least the boxes are uniform in size.

They are actually roughly the same weight and bulk as a DOT grade wall block (120 pounds) so it's actually pretty easy moving them. When I move in I'll just put on some headphones and pretend it's Tuesday or something.

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Also, I'm alive. So that's pretty cool!

Grand Lodge

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Being alive is pretty important for doing stuff!

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Being alive is pretty important for doing stuff!

And things!

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I swear, we're going to have to nickname Impus Major "Third Wheel Major".

His most famous incident was when his friend was on leave after two years of military service, met his fiancee in person for the first time in said two years, and Impus Major went over to their house, plopped down in the bed between them, and watched movies with them 'til the wee hours. He's done it multiple times, and today a "friend" of Impus Minor's came over and they're hanging out in his room, as usual. Impus Major finished his homework, got up, and with barely a knock walked in on them and plopped down to hang out.

I am amazed he has as few bruises as he does. It must be his innate charm.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Being alive is pretty important for doing stuff!

"You can't destroy the Earth! It's where I keep all my stuff!"

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I love seeing people close out bugs from 2006 without comment.

"Gee, it took you SEVENTEEN YEARS to get to the bug! Do you think it's still relevant?"

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
She lived on the streets of Oakland for a year before we adopted her. If it's smaller than her, it's food. And she's really, really good at killing her prey. There's no play involved. She brought us a rat just last month. While on a harness. In broad daylight. (She was in the harness. Not the rat.)

Our cat killed a woodchuck. Or so he likes to say. What happened is the woodchuck came into the yard. Our newfie jumped on it and.. well. Pancaked woodchuck. Then the cat stood over it proudly yowling.

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My in-laws had an "apocalypse cat". Her kill list included mice, rats, squirrels, gophers, chickens, snakes, a pair of ducks, and who knows what else. They ended up having to keep her indoors for a few months until they could move to a more rural setting because she killed everything she encountered.

Amusingly enough, I think the entire reason for this was that when she was a kitten she got adopted at the same time as a baby ferret, and when you have an indestructible play buddy growing up, you kind of decide that everything else is indestructible. And it isn't.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I love seeing people close out bugs from 2006 without comment.

"Gee, it took you SEVENTEEN YEARS to get to the bug! Do you think it's still relevant?"

Better late than never?

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NobodysHome wrote:

My in-laws had an "apocalypse cat". Her kill list included mice, rats, squirrels, gophers, chickens, snakes, a pair of ducks, and who knows what else. They ended up having to keep her indoors for a few months until they could move to a more rural setting because she killed everything she encountered.

Amusingly enough, I think the entire reason for this was that when she was a kitten she got adopted at the same time as a baby ferret, and when you have an indestructible play buddy growing up, you kind of decide that everything else is indestructible. And it isn't.

The Purrbarian Brothers cut quite a swathe through the local wildlife earlier in the year, but we haven't had any 'tribute' delivered recently. Possibly they've got fed up, possibly the prey has learned to stay well away from them, or possibly they're stashing it somewhere else. So long as that somewhere isn't my boots, I'm not bothered.

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Every time a TV show or movie based on a written work comes out, there's seething, vitriolic debate over which is better: The video version or the original. (And in my mind, it tends to run about 90% in favor of the original work.)

Then there's The Boys. I liked the TV series so much I decided to read the original comic. What a hateful, misogynistic, nonsensical train wreck! I can't believe someone looked at the comic and thought, "Hey, we could turn this into a pretty good TV show!"

So I am duly impressed by whoever did the conversion.

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So, my stone top table is being shipped from Shenzen, and my love seat is being shipped from the Navajo Nation.

So I guess I'm going with culturally diverse modern stone age. As you do in Madison.

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Needed to replace some worn-out shirts and pants, so today turned into the truly mind-numbing hell called "finding workwear that actually fits me like clothing and not like a circus tent."

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I love how in Wisconsin you can tell people how to get to a job site by how many Kwik trips they pass and which ones to turn at.

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What did swordfighters use with rapiers?

I think the only one of these I have never used is a gauntlet, since I do not own one.

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Limeylongears wrote:

What did swordfighters use with rapiers?

I think the only one of these I have never used is a gauntlet, since I do not own one.

Somehow, I could hear the link before I clicked on it...


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Oy. Reminded the group last night to have lists of items they wanted to buy ready so we could roll for them and get through all that pretty quickly. Still took 2 hours.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Oy. Reminded the group last night to have lists of items they wanted to buy ready so we could roll for them and get through all that pretty quickly. Still took 2 hours.

Yep. Our standard "arriving in town" session is:

(1) "OK, we're going to stop early tonight so you guys can shop. Here's your gold totals."
(2) (Mid-week email) "Don't forget to complete your shopping before we start the next session."
(3) (Next session) "Wait! We can't continue! We need to shop!"

As a result, we lose about 1.5 sessions every time the group arrives in a town.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Oy. Reminded the group last night to have lists of items they wanted to buy ready so we could roll for them and get through all that pretty quickly. Still took 2 hours.

Yep. Our standard "arriving in town" session is:

(1) "OK, we're going to stop early tonight so you guys can shop. Here's your gold totals."
(2) (Mid-week email) "Don't forget to complete your shopping before we start the next session."
(3) (Next session) "Wait! We can't continue! We need to shop!"

As a result, we lose about 1.5 sessions every time the group arrives in a town.

They've been in town. We just finished book 5 of Carrion Crown, which basically takes place in Caliphas. All they had to do was sell the stuff from the last part of the book (which could have been priced out over the last two weeks, but wasn't), and come up with a list of things that they might want. One of them sent me a list of ~20 scrolls, while another asked for diamond dust. No one else did anything. Then they spent 2/3rds of the night going "Oh! Is this available? It is? Naw, changed my mind." And the real kicker was when I was almost out the door and one of them said: "I wanted to buy these 2 things, but there wasn't time, so I feel ripped off." This is the same guy who kept derailing all conversations with random crap, and said-multiple times!-that he "Has so much money because there's nothing I want to buy."

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Oy. Reminded the group last night to have lists of items they wanted to buy ready so we could roll for them and get through all that pretty quickly. Still took 2 hours.

Yep. Our standard "arriving in town" session is:

(1) "OK, we're going to stop early tonight so you guys can shop. Here's your gold totals."
(2) (Mid-week email) "Don't forget to complete your shopping before we start the next session."
(3) (Next session) "Wait! We can't continue! We need to shop!"

As a result, we lose about 1.5 sessions every time the group arrives in a town.

They've been in town. We just finished book 5 of Carrion Crown, which basically takes place in Caliphas. All they had to do was sell the stuff from the last part of the book (which could have been priced out over the last two weeks, but wasn't), and come up with a list of things that they might want. One of them sent me a list of ~20 scrolls, while another asked for diamond dust. No one else did anything. Then they spent 2/3rds of the night going "Oh! Is this available? It is? Naw, changed my mind." And the real kicker was when I was almost out the door and one of them said: "I wanted to buy these 2 things, but there wasn't time, so I feel ripped off." This is the same guy who kept derailing all conversations with random crap, and said-multiple times!-that he "Has so much money because there's nothing I want to buy."

thieves' guild target

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Finally went out for a 24th anniversary date, only two and a half months late. It's been an odd summer. Bur we went to a Spanish restaurant for sangria, seafood paella, and chocolate mousse.

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Fantasy Monster: Invader Tree.

The trees are coming!

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Invasive species are getting out of hand. This is why xenodruids carry chainsaws

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Getting back into bicycling shape when you're over 50 and overweight is... unpleasant.

With the Celica out of commission for the foreseeable future (if not forever), I need to be able to get around without a car. Given the state of public transportation around here, I need to be able to bike.

So I'm being wise and starting off small and working my way up, but while that 60' rise in elevation from the flats to my house is great for flooding and global warming, it's not so great when you're just getting back on a bike again after a 17-year hiatus.

But I figure I bike a little bit farther every day until I get up to doing 10 miles a day routinely and I'll be able to get where I need when I need to. It's just getting up to that 10 miles that'll be a pain...

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NobodysHome wrote:

Getting back into bicycling shape when you're over 50 and overweight is... unpleasant.

With the Celica out of commission for the foreseeable future (if not forever), I need to be able to get around without a car. Given the state of public transportation around here, I need to be able to bike.

So I'm being wise and starting off small and working my way up, but while that 60' rise in elevation from the flats to my house is great for flooding and global warming, it's not so great when you're just getting back on a bike again after a 17-year hiatus.

But I figure I bike a little bit farther every day until I get up to doing 10 miles a day routinely and I'll be able to get where I need when I need to. It's just getting up to that 10 miles that'll be a pain...

I hear that. I was in the best shape of my life when I commuted by bicycle every day, when I lived out in the Valley.

When I tried to see if I could do it again a few years ago, it was miserable.

I am in fantastic shape and I hate biking so I wouldn't worry about it.

I can however walk from my house a half mile west of Hilldale to downtown Madison in about an hour though so I'm good with that.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Invasive species are getting out of hand. This is why xenodruids carry chainsaws

Dammit! Now I am imagining a werekudzu...

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Drejk wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Invasive species are getting out of hand. This is why xenodruids carry chainsaws
Dammit! Now I am imagining a werekudzu...

*grows excitedly*

didn't they make a werekudzu movie a handful of years back?

The Ruin? The Ruins? something like that?

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Doctor: "Here's your new baby. Congratulations!"
Me: "Thanks. cute."
Doctor: "Unfortunately, your wife didn't make it."
Me: "What? She didn't? Then take it back and give me the one she did make."

One of the things I really hate about the service industry is how customers have become SO abusive that you can no longer get an honest answer out of anyone.

The Celica's now been in the shop for 27 days. I haven't heard from them in 2 weeks, ever since they realized they were going to have to find all the parts either third party or from junkyards.

So, if repairing the Celica is unrealistic, I'd love to get a call: "Sorry. We've been looking for those parts for 2 weeks now and we've found nothing. I don't think this repair is going to happen."

Instead, for fear of angering me, they sit on the car, day after day, week after week, making me continually wonder if it can ever be repaired.

I'll call again tomorrow afternoon, but what I WANT is an honest answer as to whether they think they'll ever find the parts. What I'll almost certainly get is, "Just be patient."

I'm patient, but I'd like a realistic guess as to whether those parts will EVER be found.

NobodysHome wrote:

One of the things I really hate about the service industry is how customers have become SO abusive that you can no longer get an honest answer out of anyone.

The Celica's now been in the shop for 27 days. I haven't heard from them in 2 weeks, ever since they realized they were going to have to find all the parts either third party or from junkyards.

So, if repairing the Celica is unrealistic, I'd love to get a call: "Sorry. We've been looking for those parts for 2 weeks now and we've found nothing. I don't think this repair is going to happen."

Instead, for fear of angering me, they sit on the car, day after day, week after week, making me continually wonder if it can ever be repaired.

I'll call again tomorrow afternoon, but what I WANT is an honest answer as to whether they think they'll ever find the parts. What I'll almost certainly get is, "Just be patient."

I'm patient, but I'd like a realistic guess as to whether those parts will EVER be found.

I have heard this is the down side of having an older car. Sometimes parts take ages to be found. And that's just found. Getting them sent to you is another story.

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

One of the things I really hate about the service industry is how customers have become SO abusive that you can no longer get an honest answer out of anyone.

The Celica's now been in the shop for 27 days. I haven't heard from them in 2 weeks, ever since they realized they were going to have to find all the parts either third party or from junkyards.

So, if repairing the Celica is unrealistic, I'd love to get a call: "Sorry. We've been looking for those parts for 2 weeks now and we've found nothing. I don't think this repair is going to happen."

Instead, for fear of angering me, they sit on the car, day after day, week after week, making me continually wonder if it can ever be repaired.

I'll call again tomorrow afternoon, but what I WANT is an honest answer as to whether they think they'll ever find the parts. What I'll almost certainly get is, "Just be patient."

I'm patient, but I'd like a realistic guess as to whether those parts will EVER be found.

I have heard this is the down side of having an older car. Sometimes parts take ages to be found. And that's just found. Getting them sent to you is another story.

Oh, yeah. I understand that it's an issue. But since I've never done it I'd like the professional to give me his best guess as to a time frame. October? December? June of next year?

Around here no one is willing to give you any kind of estimate or opinion for fear of being wrong and having you explode: An x-ray technician won't tell you whether or not they see anything. A car repair guy won't give you a ballpark estimate as to costs or time. A shop owner won't tell you when they typically have stuff back in stock. All because people ask about such things and then get upset when the estimates are wrong. I'd much rather have an educated guess than no information at all, and I understand that educated guesses include the word "guess" in them, but apparently that puts me in a tiny minority. So even asking your dental hygienist, "So, how do my teeth look?" ends up with a pat reply of, "Oh, I'm not a dentist. I couldn't possibly tell you."

Please sign my petition to rename Wisconsin as Strintvirtue.

Limeylongears wrote:
Please sign my petition to rename Wisconsin as Strintvirtue.

Land of milkmaids and HuniePop?

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