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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey John.

Extra special "Hey" I guess.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy belated Birthday, Drejk!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nekkid Vidmaster7 wrote:

Hey John.

Extra special "Hey" I guess.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello, John!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey there John. I hope that you have a good day.

Scarab Sages

10 people marked this as a favorite.

MrT is getting a call from the cardiologist today to see if he's going to need surgery or not.

Im pretty nervous.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Hey there John. I hope that you have a good day.

I'm having a reasonably good day, so far.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Hello, John!

Hi, Tac!

Woran wrote:

MrT is getting a call from the cardiologist today to see if he's going to need surgery or not.

Im pretty nervous.

You are both prayed for. e-hugs.

Sharoth wrote:
anything at all

Ack! Space dragon!

How are you?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dan Carlin's hardcore history released supernova in the east part V.

Sharoth wrote:
Dan Carlin's hardcore history released supernova in the east part V.

... sooooooooo, "pretty good"-?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's funny. I'm not disparaging Red Dead Online for its incredibly-long travel times. ("Oh, I need to go to town. That'll be... 8 minutes of real time to ride there.") I'm not disparaging it because of its lack of variety in its missions. ("Kill an animal. Escort a wagon. Steal a wagon. Deliver mail." That's it.)

I'm disparaging it because it glorifies and encourages PvP and messing with other players, and there's nothing you can to do turn it off. Sure, turn on "Defensive Mode" which means you're not interested in PvP. Enemy players now do half as much damage. So that high-level player who's decided to ping you in the head for yuks? It takes them... one shot, just like it did before.

Every session. "You've been targeted for assassination by another posse." Someone throwing dynamite at us. Someone exploiting a bug in the game, teleporting all mounted players into their camp, then shooting and looting them.

Rule #1 of MMORPGs: There is a small percentage of players who HATE PvP and just want to turn it off and explore your world. While they represent only 5-10% of your clientele, they monetize heavily in games that cater to them. You might want to re-consider what that "Defensive" flag does...

(I've refused to monetize in RDO until I can go a week without being attacked by another player, even while in Defensive mode. I'm pretty sure my money is safe.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been playing through the main story of Fallout 4, I always lose interest in it when I'm tasked with tracking down the courser.

Which is my next mission.

I love how the game looks and plays but I f%~&ing hate how grindy it is.

Mostly though I have not been playing video games very much this winter.

Scarab Sages

13 people marked this as a favorite.

In MrT's own words:

Today I was phoned by my cardiologist with a report on my MRI scans. These scans showed that that part of my heart that suddenly didn't receive oxygenated blood anymore has turned into scar tissue, so recanalization and the placing of a stent would be useless. That part isn't revivable anymore. Those same scans showed that my heart now has a 45% pumping power, where a normal heart has something between 55% and 60%. (I had to ask. 100% means that you squeeze your heart totally empty, something it should never do).
So no surgery is required.
That means the follow-up can be started. Rehabilitation/Revalidation is needed to get my body back to a normal energy level and making it fit and healthy enough. Depending of course how fast that is going, I'll be looking for a fitness machine in the near future.
Also, a blood clod has formed inside my heart, that needs to be dissolved by the regimen of blood thinner medication that I'm taking. One of those is quite severe, so tests have to be done to keep an eye on my kidneys, and several echoes have to be made to see any progress on that front.
The cardiologist was quite optimistic. It could have been worse, but that 45% pumping power is very fortunate, and he wouldn't see a decline in life expectancy if we all work on preventing more of these heart attacks.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

In MrT's own words:

Today I was phoned by my cardiologist with a report on my MRI scans. These scans showed that that part of my heart that suddenly didn't receive oxygenated blood anymore has turned into scar tissue, so recanalization and the placing of a stent would be useless. That part isn't revivable anymore. Those same scans showed that my heart now has a 45% pumping power, where a normal heart has something between 55% and 60%. (I had to ask. 100% means that you squeeze your heart totally empty, something it should never do).
So no surgery is required.
That means the follow-up can be started. Rehabilitation/Revalidation is needed to get my body back to a normal energy level and making it fit and healthy enough. Depending of course how fast that is going, I'll be looking for a fitness machine in the near future.
Also, a blood clod has formed inside my heart, that needs to be dissolved by the regimen of blood thinner medication that I'm taking. One of those is quite severe, so tests have to be done to keep an eye on my kidneys, and several echoes have to be made to see any progress on that front.
The cardiologist was quite optimistic. It could have been worse, but that 45% pumping power is very fortunate, and he wouldn't see a decline in life expectancy if we all work on preventing more of these heart attacks.

Hooray for no surgery and working on better cardiac health and prevention!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Back at school today after a week and a half. It's sunny and warm and very surreal.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

It's funny. I'm not disparaging Red Dead Online for its incredibly-long travel times. ("Oh, I need to go to town. That'll be... 8 minutes of real time to ride there.") I'm not disparaging it because of its lack of variety in its missions. ("Kill an animal. Escort a wagon. Steal a wagon. Deliver mail." That's it.)

I'm disparaging it because it glorifies and encourages PvP and messing with other players, and there's nothing you can to do turn it off. Sure, turn on "Defensive Mode" which means you're not interested in PvP. Enemy players now do half as much damage. So that high-level player who's decided to ping you in the head for yuks? It takes them... one shot, just like it did before.

Every session. "You've been targeted for assassination by another posse." Someone throwing dynamite at us. Someone exploiting a bug in the game, teleporting all mounted players into their camp, then shooting and looting them.

Rule #1 of MMORPGs: There is a small percentage of players who HATE PvP and just want to turn it off and explore your world. While they represent only 5-10% of your clientele, they monetize heavily in games that cater to them. You might want to re-consider what that "Defensive" flag does...

(I've refused to monetize in RDO until I can go a week without being attacked by another player, even while in Defensive mode. I'm pretty sure my money is safe.)

I absolutely hate MMOs and this is why.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What is an MMO.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Woran wrote:

In MrT's own words:

Today I was phoned by my cardiologist with a report on my MRI scans. These scans showed that that part of my heart that suddenly didn't receive oxygenated blood anymore has turned into scar tissue, so recanalization and the placing of a stent would be useless. That part isn't revivable anymore. Those same scans showed that my heart now has a 45% pumping power, where a normal heart has something between 55% and 60%. (I had to ask. 100% means that you squeeze your heart totally empty, something it should never do).
So no surgery is required.
That means the follow-up can be started. Rehabilitation/Revalidation is needed to get my body back to a normal energy level and making it fit and healthy enough. Depending of course how fast that is going, I'll be looking for a fitness machine in the near future.
Also, a blood clod has formed inside my heart, that needs to be dissolved by the regimen of blood thinner medication that I'm taking. One of those is quite severe, so tests have to be done to keep an eye on my kidneys, and several echoes have to be made to see any progress on that front.
The cardiologist was quite optimistic. It could have been worse, but that 45% pumping power is very fortunate, and he wouldn't see a decline in life expectancy if we all work on preventing more of these heart attacks.

Yay! Great News!

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain ? wrote:
What is an MMO.

A dyslexic cow noise.

Woran wrote:

In MrT's own words:

Today I was phoned by my cardiologist with a report on my MRI scans. These scans showed that that part of my heart that suddenly didn't receive oxygenated blood anymore has turned into scar tissue, so recanalization and the placing of a stent would be useless. That part isn't revivable anymore. Those same scans showed that my heart now has a 45% pumping power, where a normal heart has something between 55% and 60%. (I had to ask. 100% means that you squeeze your heart totally empty, something it should never do).
So no surgery is required.
That means the follow-up can be started. Rehabilitation/Revalidation is needed to get my body back to a normal energy level and making it fit and healthy enough. Depending of course how fast that is going, I'll be looking for a fitness machine in the near future.
Also, a blood clod has formed inside my heart, that needs to be dissolved by the regimen of blood thinner medication that I'm taking. One of those is quite severe, so tests have to be done to keep an eye on my kidneys, and several echoes have to be made to see any progress on that front.
The cardiologist was quite optimistic. It could have been worse, but that 45% pumping power is very fortunate, and he wouldn't see a decline in life expectancy if we all work on preventing more of these heart attacks.

Sorry you're having to go through all of this, but grateful for the good news, treatment options, and wisdom and skill of the doctors!

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Surgery would have been better news. It would have ment that part of that damage could have been reversable/treatable.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:

In MrT's own words:

Today I was phoned by my cardiologist with a report on my MRI scans. These scans showed that that part of my heart that suddenly didn't receive oxygenated blood anymore has turned into scar tissue, so recanalization and the placing of a stent would be useless. That part isn't revivable anymore. Those same scans showed that my heart now has a 45% pumping power, where a normal heart has something between 55% and 60%. (I had to ask. 100% means that you squeeze your heart totally empty, something it should never do).
So no surgery is required.
That means the follow-up can be started. Rehabilitation/Revalidation is needed to get my body back to a normal energy level and making it fit and healthy enough. Depending of course how fast that is going, I'll be looking for a fitness machine in the near future.
Also, a blood clod has formed inside my heart, that needs to be dissolved by the regimen of blood thinner medication that I'm taking. One of those is quite severe, so tests have to be done to keep an eye on my kidneys, and several echoes have to be made to see any progress on that front.
The cardiologist was quite optimistic. It could have been worse, but that 45% pumping power is very fortunate, and he wouldn't see a decline in life expectancy if we all work on preventing more of these heart attacks.

Hooray! +1 {eats greasy double-cheeseburger and fries in celebration}

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Captain ? wrote:
What is an MMO.
A dyslexic cow noise.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Dan Carlin's hardcore history released supernova in the east part V.
... sooooooooo, "pretty good"-?

Yes. The whole series has been good.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

It's funny. I'm not disparaging Red Dead Online for its incredibly-long travel times. ("Oh, I need to go to town. That'll be... 8 minutes of real time to ride there.") I'm not disparaging it because of its lack of variety in its missions. ("Kill an animal. Escort a wagon. Steal a wagon. Deliver mail." That's it.)

I'm disparaging it because it glorifies and encourages PvP and messing with other players, and there's nothing you can to do turn it off. Sure, turn on "Defensive Mode" which means you're not interested in PvP. Enemy players now do half as much damage. So that high-level player who's decided to ping you in the head for yuks? It takes them... one shot, just like it did before.

Every session. "You've been targeted for assassination by another posse." Someone throwing dynamite at us. Someone exploiting a bug in the game, teleporting all mounted players into their camp, then shooting and looting them.

Rule #1 of MMORPGs: There is a small percentage of players who HATE PvP and just want to turn it off and explore your world. While they represent only 5-10% of your clientele, they monetize heavily in games that cater to them. You might want to re-consider what that "Defensive" flag does...

(I've refused to monetize in RDO until I can go a week without being attacked by another player, even while in Defensive mode. I'm pretty sure my money is safe.)

Some games are intended to be PvP centric - which moves them to my "don't touch" list. That's why I am not bothering with installing EVE Online again (though I played for a month or two, combinging free trial and a PLEX I got from a friend and I liked at least some parts of game. Though that game was soured for me when someone flew right into an instance where I fought NPC pirates and started looting what I killed. WHen I tried to fight back. Well, whelp - *boom*. I am completely not interested in being someone's else content at their whim.

dogcow wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Captain ? wrote:
What is an MMO.
A dyslexic cow noise.

knaH, is that you?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very well, if you people aren't going to help I'll just have to turn to the rest of the internet.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Very well, if you people aren't going to help I'll just have to turn to the rest of the internet.

That way lies porn.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Back at school today after a week and a half. It's sunny and warm and very surreal.

absolutely nutty.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain ? wrote:
What is an MMO.

massive mutliplayer online game.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Surgery would have been better news. It would have ment that part of that damage could have been reversable/treatable.

aaaahhhh...that makes sense.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday wrote:

Very well, if you people aren't going to help I'll just have to turn to the rest of the internet.

No no, you mustn't!

To be honest, I'm not sure myself, but one of the following is sure to be correct:

Municipal Mustard Officer
Meat & Moss Oreos
Maurice Mendelbaum's Ocarina
Make Me Oregonian
Mouse Milking Opportunities
Mormons Moulting Ostentatiously.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, I'll say that the bright side of this eternal bathroom project is that after 10+ weeks of having only one toilet, a temporary shower in the kitchen, and a guy blocking up our kitchen every weekday, going back to the "normality" of COVID lockdown will be a pleasant improvement.

Although we're approaching day 365 of a 42-day lockdown, so that's annoying...

EDIT: Without sketching a map of the house, the contractor comes through the side gate, back yard, and kitchen to get to the bathroom. The kitchen has French doors that are always open so it's technically "open space" and we can cook in there with masks on while he's in the bathroom, but it's such a PITA we typically just go hungry from 11-5 while he's working, or grab food while he's on his lunch break.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Surgery would have been better news. It would have ment that part of that damage could have been reversable/treatable.

That's understandable. Still, sometimes it's just good to know there is a plan. Wishing you and Mr T all the best.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So, you know what gets to me?

It's late February. We're just starting to see daffodils, tulips, and other bulbs. The grass is that resonant green that says, "Spring is here!"

It's 6:16 pm, and yet it's still light enough outside to go for a pleasant stroll, throw a baseball with the kid, or whatnot.

In February. On standard time.

And yet in California we have a horde of <expletives> who want to implement permanent Daylight Savings Time here so that little Timmy can play sportsball "safely".

No. Just no.

I point to the sky and shout at thee, "No!"

Grand Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

DST is a crime that should be torn down.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
DST is a crime that should be torn down.

Preferably with a nuclear carpet bombing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's groups of scientists working to be sure that, if the US ends DST, that time reverts to standard time, rather than the proposed permanent switch to daylight savings (which 13 state legislature's have passed).

Congress controls the decision, so start lobbying your congress critters to be co-sponsors of bills that revert the whole country to standard time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Eh I'm still trying to get my congressman out of office. so maybe the next guy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
DST is a crime that should be torn down.


springs ahead, falls back

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
DST is a crime that should be torn down.
Preferably with a nuclear carpet bombing.


Also, make a creature based on this somehow?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Personally, I don't care whether it is DST or Standard Time, I just want it to be the same all year.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Guy just came to the desk, no mask on of course, and wanted to know how much the sodas are. I told him "You need to wear a mask, and the sodas are $1.25". He proceeds to lean in closer, ignoring what I said about the mask, and say "Can I just give you a dollar for one?" I say "No, they are $1.25, and please step back." He continues to ignore me about the mask and says "I got a quarter in the room, can I give you a dollar now and bring you the quarter later?" I tell him "No. They are $1.25, payable all at once. And I need you to step back and put on a mask." He just rolls his eyes, huffs angrily, and storms off. Now I'm wondering if he'll be back with $1.25 and/or a mask.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Guy just came to the desk, no mask on of course, and wanted to know how much the sodas are. I told him "You need to wear a mask, and the sodas are $1.25". He proceeds to lean in closer, ignoring what I said about the mask, and say "Can I just give you a dollar for one?" I say "No, they are $1.25, and please step back." He continues to ignore me about the mask and says "I got a quarter in the room, can I give you a dollar now and bring you the quarter later?" I tell him "No. They are $1.25, payable all at once. And I need you to step back and put on a mask." He just rolls his eyes, huffs angrily, and storms off. Now I'm wondering if he'll be back with $1.25 and/or a mask.

You forgot to add the no mask charge to the coke. $21.25.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

15 minutes, and he hasn't come back. If he does, and isn't wearing a mask, I'm just going to tell him "I won't serve you if you aren't wearing a mask." But at this point, I assume he isn't coming back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I had a guy who aparently ate a full meal in our buisness center and left all his trash scattered about. happened before I came in. If I knew his room number or what he looked like I would probably kick him out. I might give him a chance to clean it up.

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