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Dark Archive

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Mr. Home, would you be interested in a job with Team Evil TM?

Dark Archive

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No, he must join THE DARK SIDE!!!

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Well, if your alignment is slipping that much, you could always see if Halliburton is hiring.

Or run for Senate here in Texas.

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Evil Overlord wrote:
Mr. Home, would you be interested in a job with Team Evil TM?

Uh, I know that outfits that minimize anonymity to avoid heores sneaking in disguised as guards is a valid idea presented in the Evil Overlord list, but this might be taking it a bit too far...

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Anyway, I'd like you all remind that NobodysHome is actually a former villain Dr. Evil—who had enough sense to retire while still ahead of the game—so it's not a big surprise as the old habits die hard.

Dark Archive

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We are trying a natural outlook to Evil.

Scarab Sages

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I did hear you can leave people tied up on the train tracks in Read Dead

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Woran wrote:
I did hear you can leave people tied up on the train tracks in Read Dead

Now that we're incorrigibly evil we'll have to give it a try.

Stupid lawmen!

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, the Impii and I were horsing around on Saturday, and I'm beginning to think Impus Minor might have cracked one of my ribs (an impressive feat). It's been 5 days and it's still remarkably painful. Online web doctors say, "Yeah, blows to the chest hurt for a LOOOONG time", but I did full-contact tae kwon do for years, so I'm used to having bruises covering my chest, and this one is both more painful and longer-lasting.

It's either age or a minor fracture. Either way, treatment is the same (rest it and don't get hit in the chest), so we'll see how it progresses.

Tape 'em, maybe? Especially if you can't sleep. Damage to rib cartilage can hurt like the dickens, too, and takes longer to heal than bone. Just a beam of sunshine to brighten your day. :/ Good luck.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I didn’t play RDO long enough to know whether the trains work like the do in story mode. Eventually I just started taking them everywhere.
I learned that you can indeed be run over by trains. At least that's something...

I found this to be true in Stardew Valley, too. Go into the tunnel ahead of the train and see what happens.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Yeah, changing the subject, anyone seen the video for Midwest Siri?

I'm dyin'.

Thank you for this! I sent it to my sister in Duluth.

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Treppa wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Yeah, changing the subject, anyone seen the video for Midwest Siri?

I'm dyin'.
Thank you for this! I sent it to my sister in Duluth.

Happy to share. FWIW, my mother says that the best of his *other* videos are the ones on ice fishing and brandy old-fashioneds.

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Drejk wrote:

Limey getting his ribs cracked. Twice.*

*not Limey, but the choreography is great.

Accurate - I recall one of them being due to a kick to the chest...

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Hello, everyone.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Hello, John.

Did your glasses stay fixed after you glued them?

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If I could only use one word to describe the snow this morning it would be: dusty.

It was THAT cold this morning.

And in typical tundra style it actually got colder after the sun came up.

At any rate, I should probably sleep as it looks like we're getting a repeat (except colder) tonight.

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My daughter noted it was -11 by us this morning on her way out to work early this morning. "Guess I should actually bring my jacket today." So apparently -10 is the cut off.

In a related story, she wonders why I worry about her ALL the time.

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Friday last week I hit a pothole on the highway at 80mph. It was honestly the most calm and uneventful tire explosion and cracked rim I've ever experienced.


That -10F temperature while waiting for the tow truck driver to hook up the car required far more than what I was wearing at the time.

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Earlier this winter my daughter slid while coming off a ramp. She was going too fast for the icy conditions and went into the ditch. She was fine, the car is fine (thank G) and the weather outside at the time was in the 20's.

This is the same kid who took off for a 10 minute drive to work this morning five minutes late and prattled off that she should grab her jacket... at -11. Her driving in GOOD weather gives me anxiety.

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There are advantages to driving in every snow storm for the last fifteen years.

Scarab Sages

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We've had snow on the ground for almost a week now, and during the day its above freezing so under the snow its all a solid layer of ice.

Cap could probably earn a small fortune here.

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And you could pay him in mayonnaise and have done.

Here, on the negative side, several people at work have come down with the Plague, which is bad on many levels; on the positive side, one of my pals has started selling Stormbringer replicas. I'd rather have Stormbringer replicas and no 'rona, but you take what you can get in 2021.

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captain yesterday wrote:
If I could only use one word to describe the snow this morning it would be: dusty.

Dusty Snows sounds like Freehold's wrestling name.

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I think the scariest thing is that I wanted to put a snarky comment of, "We haven't had snow since 20xx," but then I realized that it hasn't snowed here in my kids' lifetimes. (We did get 3" of hail back in 2010 or so, which was kind of like snow.)

Yeah, it's been a while.

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There's something both satisfying and terrifying about spending a day demonstrating that the people who are supposed to be recording and posting your content haven't updated any of it since 2018.

CD Team: According to this spreadsheet, 93% of all the recordings on the training portal are over 2 1/2 years old! What the heck is the recording team doing? Why are we busting our butts to produce new content every quarter if they can't be bothered to update it for 10 quarters?!?!?
Production Team: Customer satisfaction is high and no one's complaining about how old the content is.
Management: Then why are we paying the CD Team?!?!?! Out you go!

EDIT: Aaaand, 5 minutes after I post I find a recording of my stuff from 2016. Yeah, I'm feeling job validation right now...

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NobodysHome wrote:

I think the scariest thing is that I wanted to put a snarky comment of, "We haven't had snow since 20xx," but then I realized that it hasn't snowed here in my kids' lifetimes. (We did get 3" of hail back in 2010 or so, which was kind of like snow.)

Yeah, it's been a while.

I remember seeing snow on the hills surrounding the bay one year. It was when we were living in the mustard bottle apartment, so sometime between 2007 and 2011.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
All Yesterday's Parties wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
If I could only use one word to describe the snow this morning it would be: dusty.
Dusty Snows sounds like Freehold's wrestling name.

Black Blizzard is my porn star name.

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I think the scariest thing is that I wanted to put a snarky comment of, "We haven't had snow since 20xx," but then I realized that it hasn't snowed here in my kids' lifetimes. (We did get 3" of hail back in 2010 or so, which was kind of like snow.)

Yeah, it's been a while.

I remember seeing snow on the hills surrounding the bay one year. It was when we were living in the mustard bottle apartment, so sometime between 2007 and 2011.

Oh, we get snow on the hills fairly frequently -- it's that final 1000' down to sea level that prevents snow at the house. We nearly drove up to see snow in Tilden one year with the kids, but decided against it because of the 50,000 other people with the same idea.

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Freehold DM wrote:
All Yesterday's Parties wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
If I could only use one word to describe the snow this morning it would be: dusty.
Dusty Snows sounds like Freehold's wrestling name.
Black Blizzard is my porn star name.

actually according to this thread my porn stat name is Freehold The Brooklyn Stallion.

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Great, now I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend rolling up my porn stats.

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Time well spent.

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I could use Far Cry 6 right now...

I have just finished Far Cry 4. Again.

It's a fine game. While FC5 does some things better, gameplay wise, I find FC4 to be the best part so far. Some folks swear by FC3, but FC4 has more interesting characters, events, and choices.

Of course, there there could have been more choices, and more initiative on Ajay's part. And it would really benefit from better weapon progression and better skill choices—I ran almost 2/3rd of the game with mostly the same weapon set-up, and around half the game without really caring where do I spend my skill points after maxing tiger skills (left half of the skill tree).

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A small thing that I noticed today. I started to wonder if Longinus will show up in FC6...

And then, at the end of his last quest he states that he goes to South America or maybe Cuba... Well, it doesn't make his reappearance a certaininty, but still, it will fit.

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Epiphany time:

People don't hate things they like becoming popular because they want to remain "unique". People hate things they like becoming popular because popularity breeds crappiness.

We used to love the convenience of having food delivered to our door. Especially on game days so we could keep right on gaming as a hot lunch arrived on our doorstep.

With the advent of COVID, delivery has become so popular that it's become crap. Food is inevitably missing (at least one meal per order). It almost always arrives cold (one restaurant reported that our meal sat in the 38°F weather for 40 minutes before the driver arrived, begging the question, "Why did you out it outside?!?!?!"

We'd really love to order some delivery tonight -- I exacerbated my rib by moving heavy furniture, and GothBard's having a heck of a time at work. But the quality has plummeted so dramatically that a frozen Amy's dinner is better than whatever would arrive on our Welcome mat.

Pretty sad.

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Last night there was some work activity involving migrating a server. The powers-that-be wanted me and my best tech on the call to assist the guy who was supposed to be heading it up. I couldn't make it last night, but I noticed in the timesheets that my tech was on for about an hour and a half at the designated time, and I had another meeting invite in my email for the same activity again tonight.

Asked my tech about it.

" didn't work, he had no idea why, and I mostly just watched the hockey game while he muttered to himself and said 'try again' periodically."

Tonight I showed up. My tech showed up. The guy heading up the migration...the one who scheduled the activity again for tonight...did not. No communication from him at all.

I invoked the old "professor is 15 minutes late" rule, told my tech I was marking him down for an hour of OT and have a good weekend.

Due to decisions being made above me, morale on my team is at an all-time low right now and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

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CrystalSeas wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Hello, John.

Did your glasses stay fixed after you glued them?

I haven't done it yet.

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About to go home. Have a good weekend, everyone.

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A couple of years ago, I was travelling through Maine. I saw an old man with a roadside stand that read "Lobster Tails $2". So I stopped, paid him $2, and he said "Once upon a time, there was a lobster named Erika..."

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John Napier 698 wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Hello, John.

Did your glasses stay fixed after you glued them?

I haven't done it yet.

If you need a cheap website to order another pair hit me up.

Scarab Sages

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Look Freehold, sexy dutch bikes

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Listening to some Evanescence. Amy Lee has some amazing pipes!!!

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I used to listen to her. I guess that was technically during my goth phase.

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Woran wrote:
Look Freehold, sexy dutch bikes

Huh? Looks like regular bikes to me.

Though I rode a bicycle within the last 20-something years once or twice.

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Great, now I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend rolling up my porn stats.

This could be the start of something new! And since we established that NobodysHome works for PornHub, he might be able to help you launch your career!

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NobodysHome wrote:

Epiphany time:

People don't hate things they like becoming popular because they want to remain "unique". People hate things they like becoming popular because popularity breeds crappiness.

We used to love the convenience of having food delivered to our door. Especially on game days so we could keep right on gaming as a hot lunch arrived on our doorstep.

With the advent of COVID, delivery has become so popular that it's become crap. Food is inevitably missing (at least one meal per order). It almost always arrives cold (one restaurant reported that our meal sat in the 38°F weather for 40 minutes before the driver arrived, begging the question, "Why did you out it outside?!?!?!"

We'd really love to order some delivery tonight -- I exacerbated my rib by moving heavy furniture, and GothBard's having a heck of a time at work. But the quality has plummeted so dramatically that a frozen Amy's dinner is better than whatever would arrive on our Welcome mat.

Pretty sad.

Wow. Aren't there any good places near you that offer curbside pickup?

I know California and Texas are pretty damned different, but, dude, even I call in to Bubba's Cooks Country every couple of months for a family pack and some sides.

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Why do I want to write an encounter where the PCs meet a hill giant bard portrayed by a 9 ft tall Shakira?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Why do I want to write an encounter where the PCs meet a hill giant bard portrayed by a 9 ft tall Shakira?

Because you really need to Try Everything!

Just give the hill giant some gazelle horns.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Epiphany time:

People don't hate things they like becoming popular because they want to remain "unique". People hate things they like becoming popular because popularity breeds crappiness.

We used to love the convenience of having food delivered to our door. Especially on game days so we could keep right on gaming as a hot lunch arrived on our doorstep.

With the advent of COVID, delivery has become so popular that it's become crap. Food is inevitably missing (at least one meal per order). It almost always arrives cold (one restaurant reported that our meal sat in the 38°F weather for 40 minutes before the driver arrived, begging the question, "Why did you out it outside?!?!?!"

We'd really love to order some delivery tonight -- I exacerbated my rib by moving heavy furniture, and GothBard's having a heck of a time at work. But the quality has plummeted so dramatically that a frozen Amy's dinner is better than whatever would arrive on our Welcome mat.

Pretty sad.

Wow. Aren't there any good places near you that offer curbside pickup?

I know California and Texas are pretty damned different, but, dude, even I call in to Bubba's Chicken House every couple of months for a family pack and some sides.

Almost every restaurant on Solano has curbside pickup. But on Friday nights the kids are in one game and we're in another, so taking 15 minutes to drive off and get food is a significant disruption in one game or the other. So it would be nice if we could have a deliveryperson bring it to our door so that none of the games get disrupted, but the sheer incompetence of ALL of them of late has led us to the conclusion, "If we're not willing to pick it up ourselves, we're not going to get it."

So ironically enough, COVID killed the food delivery industry for us.

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lisamarlene wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Why do I want to write an encounter where the PCs meet a hill giant bard portrayed by a 9 ft tall Shakira?

Because you really need to Try Everything!

Just give the hill giant some gazelle horns.

I don't get the reference. Then again, I pretty much only know her from "Hips Don't Lie". I know she's done a lot since, but I don't listen to music often.

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Speaking of delightful irony, I've had reading glasses for years, but I only do my recreational reading in the evenings after I've taken my contacts out, or when I'm sick and haven't put my contacts in at all. With my glasses on, I can adjust them and read comfortably without the need for reading glasses.

Last night, for the first time ever, I had nothing to do so I started reading with my contacts in and my reading glasses on. And my immediate reaction was, "Wow! These are great! They really make reading easier!"

Go figure...

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