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Well if someone has to get nekkid for the thread it might as well be me.

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4 weeks. Down 6 lbs (well 6.3 but rounding is rounding). 1.5 lb/week is sustainable they say. 48 to go to be where I would love to be. 38ish to be in the ballpark of happy BMI (yes, I know BMI is long hand for BS, but as a general benchmark it is not tooooo stupid) and back in the neighborhood of where i was when I did my best ironman.

So. Progress. Work to be done.

And FDM - good for you to be back to the gym. Is this because the gyms just reopened in NY or because you finally decided to go?

Hello, everyone.

Hey John.

I don't work out, I work.

Though that's intentional.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:

4 weeks. Down 6 lbs (well 6.3 but rounding is rounding). 1.5 lb/week is sustainable they say. 48 to go to be where I would love to be. 38ish to be in the ballpark of happy BMI (yes, I know BMI is long hand for BS, but as a general benchmark it is not tooooo stupid) and back in the neighborhood of where i was when I did my best ironman.

So. Progress. Work to be done.

And FDM - good for you to be back to the gym. Is this because the gyms just reopened in NY or because you finally decided to go?


Scarab Sages

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Weight loss is rewarding. i gained a few kilos again with corona, and now lost enough that I can again sit crossed legged in my chair, something I love to do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I actually got back into exercising after being a sloth after sophomore year of college in my 30s when I felt like large portions of my life were out of my control. Exercising was one way I could reclaim control over something.

It eventually led me to rage quitting my job in early 06 with no back up plan, moving to stamford ct where I knew no one, learning a lot about myself and the casino industry.

Four years later I rejoined the law firm I rage quit and now find myself a Harry Stamper of patent drafting.

Along the way, two full ironman, four half irons, a double dozen or more shorter triathlons, marathons, qualifying for marathon maniac. Took time off from last ironman and now having to reclaim some of that fitness to keep up with my little monsters.

So...enjoy it for what it gives you. Whatever that may be.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Hey John.

Hi, Vid.

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It's doesn't count as vacation until the first day that you ought to be at work but aren't. So Saturday and Sunday didn't count but today counts. So I gave myself a mani pedi and I'm in the hammock in the backyard rereading the last Vlad Taltos novel before the two new ones that WW gave me for my birthday. Which, as is often the case with Brust, is more entertaining than I remembered.

lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Thank you, everyone, for the PMs meant to cheer me up. I don't mean to be a sad sack. But this is my only place to socialize online really so it is going to be the first place to get hit with the newest and heaviest information. Let me know if it gets to be too much and I will spoiler or move to PMs entirely.

Never. :-)

Whoops. CLOTHED.

Well, I'm much less of a sad sack now! Is excited sack a thing?

captain yesterday wrote:
You can always move to Wisconsin and become a plumbing god but then you'd have to leave CH and NYC behind.

Its tempting, but no. Who would bake for me in Wisconsin?

I haven't worked out in months. I used to run/walk every day at work, and 2 days/week did free weights in the office gym downstairs from my dept. Since quarantine all of this has dropped off.

Saturday I noticed a big branch broke off of the maple in the back and had wedged itself near the base of the tree. I reached up, at an odd angle, to try and free the stuck branch. Not only did I not get it but I strained something in my core on the right side that's been aching ever since.

That is... ridiculous. I need to start doing stuff at home; walking outside, crunches, squats, and serious yoga. Heck, just lifting a bag full of gaming books would be something.

I don't need to run marathons. My girls are teenagers so no need to "keep up" with them anymore. No, I'd just like to not be at risk for diabetes anymore and maybe look better in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt is all.

lisamarlene wrote:
Woran wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Thank you, everyone, for the PMs meant to cheer me up. I don't mean to be a sad sack. But this is my only place to socialize online really so it is going to be the first place to get hit with the newest and heaviest information. Let me know if it gets to be too much and I will spoiler or move to PMs entirely.
Talk to us Freehold. You always do your best to cheer us up. Now its our turn.
Well, you and I could always join forces, steal Freehold away to our secret Abscondi-lair somewhere north of the Arctic Circle, dress up as his favorite characters, and serve him takoyaki and lots of alcohol while he watches the northern lights in the snow.

Lisamarlene, this is beautiful. I apologize for any drunken lecherousness I may attempt under these circumstances. I humbly request that Woran dress up as Mei and you dress up as an Orionian Starfleet medical Ensign, as I may need medical attention.

And, in thanks for this, aurora boralis!

captain yesterday wrote:

According to my email today is a panty party.

If that doesn't cheer Freehold up I'm all out of ideas.

okay, I don't know why Wisconsin wants me so bad, but clearly its putting the energy out there.

Celestial Healer wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Woran wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Thank you, everyone, for the PMs meant to cheer me up. I don't mean to be a sad sack. But this is my only place to socialize online really so it is going to be the first place to get hit with the newest and heaviest information. Let me know if it gets to be too much and I will spoiler or move to PMs entirely.
Talk to us Freehold. You always do your best to cheer us up. Now its our turn.
Well, you and I could always join forces, steal Freehold away to our secret Abscondi-lair somewhere north of the Arctic Circle, dress up as his favorite characters, and serve him takoyaki and lots of alcohol while he watches the northern lights in the snow.
And now Freehold needs to change his pants.

Yes, I do need my winter pantaloons.

Nylarthotep wrote:

That is because you are a gentleman and a scholar.

Hang in there.

Thank you.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, so. Its Monday. I'm off today. But whats more important is what happened on Friday, when my boss boss joined us for a meeting. The internet was down for the first part of the day so the meeting ended up happening much later in the day than I would have liked, but it still happened. I took the advice of CrystalSeas and Woran and other upthread and had a meeting with my staff to go over their concerns and sent an email out following that asking if they had any further thoughts to add, but it seems they didn't. So I took those concerns to the meeting along with my own concerns, and while I couldn't get into EVERYTHING like I would have liked- my boss was right there after all- I did underscore that we were all overwhelmed, burnt out, and that there were aspects of the job that I couldn't do by myself as the only person coming into the office- I need some help or some staff coming in too to do their part. My boss boss admitted that this was a difficult time, and that people in my program were under a lot of stress- to the point that one person is going on unpaid leave ostensibly to take care of her ill father(but I think we all know why), and another is leaving due to Healthcare issues(which I will not go into here other than to state that I disagree with how this was handled)- and stated that some of my concerns were things that were felt across the entire company. Some things I would not be castigated for because she and others understand these are not ideal situations, other things she is willing to work with me on, but some things I am going to have to work with my staff on. She left later on that day and I thanked her for coming by, and she said she might come back next week(i.e this week), which is good because my boss is out on vacation and we may be able to speak freely. Hell, I may call her and ask for a more direct meeting without him about.

I do feel better now that the meeting has been held, but with at least two people leaving the job...the wind is out of my sails. I do not know how much longer my third staff person is going to stay- she is the most stressed out of all due to awful events in her personal life- and with her gone it is just me and a part time employee. A good friend pointed out that a mass walkout would send a very loud message to the people in charge, but I fear it may be lost in the COVID times we are in. I still feel like I let my team down or didn't fight for them hard enough but my best friend pointed out that life isn't like TV/anime/comic books- I was never one heroic speech or heroic action away from defeating my boss, or stopping him. He is still going to do what he does for good or ill as he has a plan/knows what he is doing, and he has been there so long there are likely people there who see it as just the way things are. So with all of this in mind, I am officially looking for work elsewhere. I applied to another planned parenthood sex education position, and I will be looking into the second job for full time work there. Hell, maybe I'll switch fields entirely. The situation with COVID has exposed problems with how my current job is run, and with my boss being who he is, I dont think those problems are going to be resolved any time soon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Okay, so. Its Monday. I'm off today. But whats more important is what happened on Friday, when my boss boss joined us for a meeting. The internet was down for the first part of the day so the meeting ended up happening much later in the day than I would have liked, but it still happened. I took the advice of CrystalSeas and Woran and other upthread and had a meeting with my staff to go over their concerns and sent an email out following that asking if they had any further thoughts to add, but it seems they didn't. So I took those concerns to the meeting along with my own concerns, and while I couldn't get into EVERYTHING like I would have liked- my boss was right there after all- I did underscore that we were all overwhelmed, burnt out, and that there were aspects of the job that I couldn't do by myself as the only person coming into the office- I need some help or some staff coming in too to do their part. My boss boss admitted that this was a difficult time, and that people in my program were under a lot of stress- to the point that one person is going on unpaid leave ostensibly to take care of her ill father(but I think we all know why), and another is leaving due to Healthcare issues(which I will not go into here other than to state that I disagree with how this was handled)- and stated that some of my concerns were things that were felt across the entire company. Some things I would not be castigated for because she and others understand these are not ideal situations, other things she is willing to work with me on, but some things I am going to have to work with my staff on. She left later on that day and I thanked her for coming by, and she said she might come back next week(i.e this week), which is good because my boss is out on vacation and we may be able to speak freely. Hell, I may call her and ask for a more direct meeting without him about.

I do feel better now that the meeting has been held, but with at least two people leaving the job...the wind is out of my sails. I do not know how much...

Sooooo proud of you for standing up for yourself and your team. Big hugs.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Skirting around the remotest perimeters of politics here, but...
...I never felt the need to actually check my vote before, but this year I'm grateful that California set up an alert system so you get an email when your ballot is received, and then verification that your vote was confirmed and counted.

Giving the nonsense going on (which I will be good and not even link), I'm happy that I can at least find out whether or not my vote counted.

And as always, the waiting is the hardest part.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Woran wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Thank you, everyone, for the PMs meant to cheer me up. I don't mean to be a sad sack. But this is my only place to socialize online really so it is going to be the first place to get hit with the newest and heaviest information. Let me know if it gets to be too much and I will spoiler or move to PMs entirely.
Talk to us Freehold. You always do your best to cheer us up. Now its our turn.
Well, you and I could always join forces, steal Freehold away to our secret Abscondi-lair somewhere north of the Arctic Circle, dress up as his favorite characters, and serve him takoyaki and lots of alcohol while he watches the northern lights in the snow.

Lisamarlene, this is beautiful. I apologize for any drunken lecherousness I may attempt under these circumstances. I humbly request that Woran dress up as Mei and you dress up as an Orionian Starfleet medical Ensign, as I may need medical attention.

And, in thanks for this, aurora boralis!

It wouldn't be the first time I'd gone green as an Orion.

Although I think only NH knows that story.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got rained out after 3 hours, which was enough time to cut some U-Block for the corner of what will eventually be two steps.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:

I actually got back into exercising after being a sloth after sophomore year of college in my 30s when I felt like large portions of my life were out of my control. Exercising was one way I could reclaim control over something.

It eventually led me to rage quitting my job in early 06 with no back up plan, moving to stamford ct where I knew no one, learning a lot about myself and the casino industry.

Four years later I rejoined the law firm I rage quit and now find myself a Harry Stamper of patent drafting.

Along the way, two full ironman, four half irons, a double dozen or more shorter triathlons, marathons, qualifying for marathon maniac. Took time off from last ironman

I particularly like the post-event questionnaire they have you do to make sure you're alright.

Q1. Can you walk, at all?

Q2. Or if you move, will you fall?

Q3: Are you a) alive, or b), dead? (If other, please specify)

Q4: Are there brains within your head (Y/N. Please select one answer only)

Q5: Have you been turned to steel, in a great magnetic field? (Be honest)

How You Know You Have A Few Weeks:
Text messages between GothBard and our contractor:

GothBard: Do you have any idea as to when you're going to start yet?
Contractor: Well, I had a friend who's a really good contractor who was going to join up with us 3 weeks ago, but he totally flaked on us (I am all astonishment!) so we're running pretty far behind. I'm pretty sure we can start on your place next week!

I figure that pretty much clears out October for us. As I think I mentioned, for tax reasons I really want them to get started before the refi comes through, but whatever. At the moment I'm not paying interest on a loan I haven't taken and I can live with the old bathroom indefinitely, so...

As a slug turned triathlete, there have been races where I have had to avail myself of the medic tent. i could, in fact, not walk at all.

3 people marked this as a favorite.


We got the ballot for Yellow, Mrs Sunrise's now-estranged friend who moved out last year, in the mail today. Which isn't surprising, as we've been getting Yellow's mail since, and normally I'm happy to just toss it but voting is too important. So I'm gonna deliver their ballot, along with a FFS CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS ALREADY note.

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OK, if you haven't heard the Shakespearean version of Three Little Pigs, it's pretty fun.

8 people marked this as a favorite.


Reached out to my staff members who are planning on leaving and verified that they would at least be here this week. Also verified applications sent to jobs for Planned Parenthood and sent in one more application for an unaffiliated organization that I am only sorta kinda interested in to test the waters.

Not bad for a day off.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I hatched plans for building the steps.

Co-worker hatched his own plans for me to build the steps, I couldn't tell you what they were because my plan is so much better but I didn't tell him that.

Basically, his idea sounds smarter and faster but my way is more structurally sound (it's the same method used to build Machu Picchu) and the extra time spent building will be mitigated by the fact that I'm building it and it looks way better.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Night John.

I hit a cat on my way in to work tonight. Not enough to kill it, but I did cut it's tail off. It was in pain, so I wrapped it in a blanket I had in the car, and am keeping it safe. In the morning, I'll take it to Wal-Mart. After all, they're the biggest re-tailer in North America.

My wife left me today because of my obsession with simplifying fractions. I should have known it was coming, but I guess hindsight is 1.

Freehold DM wrote:


Reached out to my staff members who are planning on leaving and verified that they would at least be here this week. Also verified applications sent to jobs for Planned Parenthood and sent in one more application for an unaffiliated organization that I am only sorta kinda interested in to test the waters.

Not bad for a day off.

Glad you seem to be getting some clarity on your situation, even if it does suck.

Raising a pinneapple vodka to ya.

Scarab Sages

So many hugs for you Freehold

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.

If someone is considering a carreer in IT. Dont.
We had to explain to a 20+ aged person what the shift key does.
She had been using caps lock to get the big letters untill now.

No wonder she could not log in to anything.

Wow. Just wow.

Woran wrote:

If someone is considering a carreer in IT. Dont.

We had to explain to a 20+ aged person what the shift key does.
She had been using caps lock to get the big letters untill now.

No wonder she could not log in to anything.

No shift? You give more of a shift than I would.

Woran wrote:

If someone is considering a carreer in IT. Dont.

We had to explain to a 20+ aged person what the shift key does.
She had been using caps lock to get the big letters untill now.

No wonder she could not log in to anything.

Child of mobile touch screen era?

Woran wrote:

If someone is considering a carreer in IT. Dont.

We had to explain to a 20+ aged person what the shift key does.
She had been using caps lock to get the big letters untill now.

No wonder she could not log in to anything.

I am old enough to know some people who use caps lock regularly for capital letters, tapping it again to go back to regular letters. I forget what shift did back in the day, I think it actually shifted fields in some programs.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Reached out to my staff members who are planning on leaving and verified that they would at least be here this week. Also verified applications sent to jobs for Planned Parenthood and sent in one more application for an unaffiliated organization that I am only sorta kinda interested in to test the waters.

Not bad for a day off.

Glad you seem to be getting some clarity on your situation, even if it does suck.

Raising a pinneapple vodka to ya.

Thank you, my friend.

Not to be That Guy, but what does shift do exactly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All I know is that he's a cimplicitid min, ind ni-ine inderstinds him bit his wimin.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Not to be That Guy, but what does shift do exactly.

It changes lower case letters to capital letters. You used it when you wrote "That Guy".

Well, I am less impressed with California's ballot notification system.

What we've been reading is that hundreds of thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots were thrown out in the 2018 election, primarily due to signature mismatches. So there's the obvious question: "Wow... I've been voting by mail for years. Have any of my votes actually counted, or is my signature all messed up?"

My hope was that I'd get two emails:
(1) Your ballot has been received
(2) Your signature has been verified and your vote is confirmed

Instead I got a single email: "Your ballot has been received and your vote will be counted."

Er... not 'til someone verifies the signature, it won't. And it's far too fast for someone to have done that already.

Ah, well, once Impus Major wakes up I'll see whether he got the same email or a different one. He can't even remember what name he uses on his signatures, much less how to make them look similar.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
All I know is that he's a cimplicitid min, ind ni-ine inderstinds him bit his wimin.

[spoiler]it took me a minute to get this one.[/spoiler)


You damn right.

NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Not to be That Guy, but what does shift do exactly.
It changes lower case letters to capital letters. You used it when you wrote "That Guy".

No, I used my screen on the phone, and then I touched the little symbol with the up arrow.

captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Not to be That Guy, but what does shift do exactly.
It changes lower case letters to capital letters. You used it when you wrote "That Guy".
No, I used my screen on the phone, and then I touched the little symbol with the up arrow.

Technically, that's called a "Shift Key", even though it looks like an arrow...

because internet.

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It's also interesting how much your perspective on high school and college changes once you've been on hiring committees for a couple dozen years.

To absolutely no one's surprise, Impus Minor is having massive issues in Spanish, because:
(1) In spite of everyone swearing by it, immersive learning has never worked for anyone in my family, and
(2) Remote immersive learning means that once you've started falling behind, you're hopelessly lost and the semester's an automatic D or F for you because there's no way for you to catch up (short of hiring a $40/hour tutor for 3-5 hours/week).

So, as a high school student this would have been the End Of The World for me. You need 3 years of high school language to get into a U.C. school, and that D or F is going to destroy your GPA, and, and, and...

As an adult I simply contacted the administration and requested that Impus Minor be pulled from Spanish. He's doing fine in his other classes and he doesn't need the stress. And he plans on going to a community college after high school so that language requirement is meaningless.

Why stress when you're only 16 and you can make up anything you miss in community college?

And since he has 5 other classes that he really doesn't mind all that much, he's still a "full-time" student and they get their money, so they should theoretically shut up and let him out. We'll see how it goes.

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