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Freehold DM wrote:
About to be discharged from the hospital as soon as her bloodwork comes back. She is literally coughing up what she inhaled. Ready to go home now.

I think the big question is: Are they going to let you stay there tonight, or do you have to find other lodgings?

EDIT: Yeah, I got nothin' here.

Tossin' NH a blanky, and asking the same question.

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Clearly they have taken your chefware as shelter.

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Home safe. About to get Wendy's. Everything smells like smoke.

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About to go home. Have a good weekend, everyone.

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Freehold DM wrote:

It's the end of the world as we know it.

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Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
It's the end of the world as we know it.

And I feel fine.

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This series is VERY well done...

Scarab Sages

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Freehold DM wrote:
About to be discharged from the hospital as soon as her bloodwork comes back. She is literally coughing up what she inhaled. Ready to go home now.

Oi, that can be nasty. But better out then in!

Scarab Sages

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NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
Watch japanese men taste dutch snacks and horrible mispronounce the names

Better than us, or worse than us?

EDIT: OK, these guys are delightful!

Yes, they are great to watch!

Scarab Sages

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Freehold DM wrote:

Because at the moment we're watching Altered Carbon season 2

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Yesterday, ALL (DE) and I went to Manchester to watch Moses Boyd. He's a boss drummer, but the rest of the band was a bit here and there for the first few songs until they'd warmed up; the last couple of tracks were smashers, though.

The barman had a bit of cheek telling me there was 'plenty of choice' as to what was on draught, when what he meant was that they had five different IPAs and bugger all else.

This morning, we nearly got caught in flagrante by the chambermaid at the hotel, then had a good old breakfast at the top of an 'alternative market' where you can still buy studded fake leather belts and bracers, should you wish to look like Motorhead circa 1983.

Then we went our separate ways; I've been commissioned to compose & arrange a shanty for our fencing group, so I did that, before running through some rapier & dagger drills.

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Still trying to be informative while apolitical (but hoo boy is it hard right now), I find it interesting that:

(1) Impus Major is supposed to go to a Mago de Oz concert on the 19th, and his tendency right now is to avoid it due to the ever-increasing coronavirus outbreak here in the Bay Area. He was worried about losing the money, but I pointed out that personal safety is far more important than money, so, if money weren't an issue, what would he do? "I'd skip it."

(2) The school is supposed to take 130 kids to L.A. April 2, where the risk is an order of magnitude greater. And the choir director and her closest confidantes are calling the people thinking of canceling the trips "worry warts" and "knee-jerk fearmongers".

OK, some politics:
What outrages me about this response is that so many Americans right now feel the same way. So the fact that we actually have a major outbreak of a disease that at first glance is at the level of the Spanish flu of 1918 isn't enough for them to even take basic precautions nor practice common sense. (There was a great article on the cruise ship harbored outside the bay, where the passengers are supposed to be self-quarantining in their rooms, but they even admitted to the newspapers that they can't be bothered to do that, because they "have rights".)
Apparently helping spread a pandemic is now a "right".

This outbreak doesn't have to be particularly bad. People CAN take precautions, and we've had plenty of warning. But if the majority of our population continues to treat it as "too inconvenient to do anything about", it's going to get bad here.

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NobodysHome wrote:
the passengers are supposed to be self-quarantining in their rooms, but they even admitted to the newspapers that they can't be bothered to do that, because they "have rights"

Sweet unmerciful Tharizdun I am sick of hearing that phrase. I can't remember a single time in the past ten years if not longer that the phrase "I have rights!" wasn't being used to justify someone being a jackass.

Apparently what these people think they have the "right" to do is to do anything the hells they want, and consequences - primarily to others - be damned. And we wonder why so many Americans have such a hard time supporting anything that doesn't benefit them immediately and directly or primarily aids someone else. We have "rights" but we've sacrificed empathy in exchange.

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Watching Ragnarok makes me want to fight against the Wyrm all the more.

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Limeylongears wrote:

The barman had a bit of cheek telling me there was 'plenty of choice' as to what was on draught, when what he meant was that they had five different IPAs and bugger all else.

A crime against nature.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Watching Ragnarok makes me want to fight against the Wyrm all the more.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Scarab Sages

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Who knew picking tiles for your kitchen could be this stressfull.

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American Dad! did an episode about how getting your kitchen remodeled is one of the hardest trials a marriage can go through.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Still trying to be informative while apolitical (but hoo boy is it hard right now), I find it interesting that:

(1) Impus Major is supposed to go to a Mago de Oz concert on the 19th, and his tendency right now is to avoid it due to the ever-increasing coronavirus outbreak here in the Bay Area. He was worried about losing the money, but I pointed out that personal safety is far more important than money, so, if money weren't an issue, what would he do? "I'd skip it."

(2) The school is supposed to take 130 kids to L.A. April 2, where the risk is an order of magnitude greater. And the choir director and her closest confidantes are calling the people thinking of canceling the trips "worry warts" and "knee-jerk fearmongers".

** spoiler omitted **

I think you need to explain the situation to the choir director in American.

"The parents are more likely to sue if you lose their money/endanger their kids. Won't somebody think of the lawyers?"

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Still trying to be informative while apolitical (but hoo boy is it hard right now), I find it interesting that:

(1) Impus Major is supposed to go to a Mago de Oz concert on the 19th, and his tendency right now is to avoid it due to the ever-increasing coronavirus outbreak here in the Bay Area. He was worried about losing the money, but I pointed out that personal safety is far more important than money, so, if money weren't an issue, what would he do? "I'd skip it."

(2) The school is supposed to take 130 kids to L.A. April 2, where the risk is an order of magnitude greater. And the choir director and her closest confidantes are calling the people thinking of canceling the trips "worry warts" and "knee-jerk fearmongers".

** spoiler omitted **

I think you need to explain the situation to the choir director in American.

"The parents are more likely to sue if you lose their money/endanger their kids. Won't somebody think of the lawyers?"

a good response. Actually, I think this is the best possible response.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Watching Ragnarok makes me want to fight against the Wyrm all the more.

You get away from me!!! Right now!!!

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Car key hacking. Educational purposes only.

Woran wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Because at the moment we're watching Altered Carbon season 2

I approve of this.

In other news, the first episode of Lost in Space season 2 continues to be great, to my tastes!

I am super happy it came back and I hope it continues to be fairly solid!

I did need the recap, though, as it has been too long since season 1.

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I lost interest in the second season halfway through, the constant level of crises got annoying.

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I've played D&D campaigns like that. No one wants every single fight to be a life or death matter sometimes you just want to have an easy straight forward slug out. It just gets too exhausting.

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I get that dramatic shows are supposed to be dramatic, but it doesn't have to be constantly jumping from one crisis into another.

Great shows (like Fargo) find a balance.

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Also I think I got distracted with work and the Dracula miniseries that dropped on Netflix right after Lost in Space.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

So. Strange dreams last night.

First dream was me visiting Captain Yesterday for some reason. We were driving around in his car, and he was a MASTER DRIVER. He made perfect turns at high speeds, spun the car around into reverse to go backwards up steep hills, and even drove the car sideways. We talked about Pathfinder all the while. No milkmaids or dairy queens in the dream, though.

Second dream was about the end of the world. Everyone was leaving the earth to go back to heaven, for some reason. There was a massive line for admission, and everyone had to give up their earthly body to return to their heavenly ones. It turns out there were multiple heavenly races, including a race of bird-people, heavenly humans(like regular humans, but...otherworldly somehow), and a race of adorable bear people, like the cyber bears in Thundercats all those years ago. I got up in line and it seems that I was some kind of cute bear person, and was escorted to an area to wait for my body to return to its original form. I remember being peeved about that- I didnt want to be a bear person, adorable though it might be, I wanted to be able to fly! I grumbled that I wouldn't be able to fly and was instead adorable, and hing out with my other bear-folk. Some of them were happy, others wanted to go back to earth, and everyone was talking. I actually ran into someone who remembered me from before, and they were a full adorabear, and enthusiastically talking to me about how delicious heaven fruit or whatever we were supposed to eat was, and how it wasn't SO bad being a bear person, but then I woke up.

I really need to stop eating so late at night.

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"I declare a prison brawl and escape from jail!" - Tiny T-Rex, tweaking Monopoly.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I lost interest in the second season halfway through, the constant level of crises got annoying.

That is a danger, and I've seen hints of it possibly becoming a problem, so I can see what you mean. That's one of the reasons I eventually dropped The Walking Dead - just too much one thing after another. (Because it never felt like they ever made any progress, and whenever they did it was just undone the next season anyway.)

Though I also dropped that one because the people became less and less likable as time went on.

Also, also: I think the constant, "This Week in Peril" that LiS has going for it, is an attempt at a more dramatic version of the nonsense the original LiS had; I do hope they have at least one or two "downtime" episodes, though, because it'll be rough and exhausting, otherwise.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I've played D&D campaigns like that. No one wants every single fight to be a life or death matter sometimes you just want to have an easy straight forward slug out. It just gets too exhausting.


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<Political> <Political> <Expletive> <Political> <Political> <Expletive>

Other than that, it's "entertaining" trying to convince my 89-year-old mother that flying from King County, Seattle to Oakland, California is not a wise plan.

She's an M.D./Ph.D. who was the senior lecturer in immunology at U.C. Berkeley for 30 years.

And she's only considering postponing the trip...


Scarab Sages

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Finally saw birds of prey today. Was a great movie!

Hm. I may have to bump NH's thread, soon.
Or not. I have to check with someone, first.

Woran wrote:
Finally saw birds of prey today. Was a great movie!

Cool! I'm hype for seeing it... eventually!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Finally saw birds of prey today. Was a great movie!

Which reminds me - had Crookshanks found any of the characters to be a particular favorite?

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This coming Thursday, my school was *supposed* to be hosting about fifty visiting Montessori teachers and administrators for a three-hour school tour, observation, and luncheon as part of the big American Montessori Society annual conference we are helping to sponsor here in Dallas next weekend.

On the last day of school before Spring Break.

This has now been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.

The conference will still proceed as planned, but all of the school tours have been canceled.

Can I say, just for the record, how incredibly [expletive redacted] ecstatic I am to not have fifty people trooping through my classroom on the last morning before break?


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First Starfinder game ever - we all got pregens, and I took the four armed masked grey thing who can manipulate subatomic particles.

Fun game, but we're rolling appallingly.

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NPC: The Good Doctor. Any coincidence to real world personages or events is purely coincidental.

*cough* I am feeling sick-ish, so a sickness-related creation was in order.

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Drejk wrote:
Woran wrote:
Finally saw birds of prey today. Was a great movie!
Which reminds me - had Crookshanks found any of the characters to be a particular favorite?

Harley Quinn and Huntress.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

CDC Recommends People Over 65 Not Fly On Commercial Airlines
The White House overruled health officials who wanted to recommend that elderly and physically fragile Americans be advised not to fly on commercial airlines because of the new coronavirus, a federal official told The Associated Press.


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John Bennett wrote:
"Look pretty and do as little as possible."

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Drejk wrote:

NPC: The Good Doctor. Any coincidence to real world personages or events is purely coincidental.

** spoiler omitted **

I really like this guy.

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NobodysHome wrote:

<Political> <Political> <Expletive> <Political> <Political> <Expletive>

Other than that, it's "entertaining" trying to convince my 89-year-old mother that flying from King County, Seattle to Oakland, California is not a wise plan.

She's an M.D./Ph.D. who was the senior lecturer in immunology at U.C. Berkeley for 30 years.

And she's only considering postponing the trip...


She may have vital information to share. Try to get her to share it via facetime.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CrystalSeas wrote:

CDC Recommends People Over 65 Not Fly On Commercial Airlines

The White House overruled health officials who wanted to recommend that elderly and physically fragile Americans be advised not to fly on commercial airlines because of the new coronavirus, a federal official told The Associated Press.

Thanks -- I did send that exact article to my mother to encourage her to postpone.

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This article busts me up.

Might as well just add at the end, "Or just be NobodysHome."

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This weekend co-worker sent a text saying with it being so nice out he had the urge to work.

I told him I could be at the shop within twenty minutes.

I wasn't joking.

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I can't read any actual news about the CDC situation right now. It makes me too angry to function. I tried. I really did. But I got a third of the way through the article - if that - and I was already fuming.

I need to not get pissed off this late at night if I want to have any hope of successfully sleeping.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mecharagezilla wrote:


I can't read any actual news about the CDC situation right now. It makes me too angry to function. I tried. I really did. But I got a third of the way through the article - if that - and I was already fuming.

I need to not get pissed off this late at night if I want to have any hope of successfully sleeping.

Come! Join the Dark Side! We have cookies!

Edit - Yeah, the whole situation is fubared!

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