Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can't disagree.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?

It sounds like a futuristic league of robot sheriffs to me. Knowing the man himself, they would all be wearing rather impractical minidresses and have bosoms that could only be remotely comfortable in zero gravity. 'PM' stands for Police Mecha, of course.



3 people marked this as a favorite.

{dootdoot doot doot doot papapapa pa paaaa, Freehold: PM theeeeme}

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Woran wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Woran wrote:

Ive been massively disapointed in american chocolate.

I mean, even your peanut butter is gross.



Ok, I might not be fond of peanuts in the first place, except when salted and dry-roasted, and even then not that much.

Yes. Even. Because what you classify as bread, we would classify as cake.

So. Much. Sugar. Groooooooosssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Hey now, I've seen The Great British Baking Show, Europeans eat some f#$~ed up s~#* don't act all high and mighty. :-)

Hey, the British claim a lot of weird things as food.

Such as?

Chip Buttys. Jellied eels. Marmite. Liquor sauce. Mushy peas. Potted shrimp.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Me: "Reboot the computer if you haven't."

User: "She has already, didn't help."

Me: "Okay, let me see why this thing is going so slow then..."

Remotes in.

Goes to Task Manager.

Company antivirus/malware is stuck updating. 100% disk usage. 95% memory usage. 40% CPU. Yeah. Ok. Move over to the performance tab and notice the uptime of the computer. 7 days 19 hours 13 minutes and counting. Ok, so when I say "reboot the computer if you haven't", I do I put this...not a week ago.

Probably someone doesn't understand difference between shutting it down and putting it to sleep?

Or maybe simply logged out of account and logged in?

I would like to give them that benefit of the doubt, but the user and her supervisor have both worked with me for almost 6 years now. Both of them have been in the company longer than I have. If they don't understand the difference at this point, makes me question how they can perform more difficult tasks in their life.

My money is on them turning the screen off and on.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. Fair's fair.

Woran had us try some licorice in Amsterdam. I was... unimpressed.

This afternoon I had reason to move into the studio (where GothBard stashes all things tasty) and got a strip of the licorice Woran sent us.

O... M... G...

Calling it, "The best licorice I've ever had," would be a gross understatement.

That stuff is SOOOOOOO good!

'Scuse me. I think I hear a mouse in the studio...

Which one did you try? :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Me: "Reboot the computer if you haven't."

User: "She has already, didn't help."

Me: "Okay, let me see why this thing is going so slow then..."

Remotes in.

Goes to Task Manager.

Company antivirus/malware is stuck updating. 100% disk usage. 95% memory usage. 40% CPU. Yeah. Ok. Move over to the performance tab and notice the uptime of the computer. 7 days 19 hours 13 minutes and counting. Ok, so when I say "reboot the computer if you haven't", I do I put this...not a week ago.

Probably someone doesn't understand difference between shutting it down and putting it to sleep?

Or maybe simply logged out of account and logged in?

I would like to give them that benefit of the doubt, but the user and her supervisor have both worked with me for almost 6 years now. Both of them have been in the company longer than I have. If they don't understand the difference at this point, makes me question how they can perform more difficult tasks in their life.
My money is on them turning the screen off and on.

Well, it was the power button on the computer. It should have rebooted it, right?

Drejk wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Speaking of, having absolutely zero knowledge of what they're like: Shiro games are also going on sale!
We might be spending too much time on FAWTL gossiping with NH, because I thought of Shiro too when I saw that banner.

I suspect that’s the right amount of FaWtL and NH time!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As we speak of snacks...

Here you have Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton trying various American and Austrian snacks.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Woran wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Woran wrote:

Ive been massively disapointed in american chocolate.

I mean, even your peanut butter is gross.



Ok, I might not be fond of peanuts in the first place, except when salted and dry-roasted, and even then not that much.

Yes. Even. Because what you classify as bread, we would classify as cake.

So. Much. Sugar. Groooooooosssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Hey now, I've seen The Great British Baking Show, Europeans eat some f#$~ed up s~#* don't act all high and mighty. :-)

Hey, the British claim a lot of weird things as food.

Such as?
Chip Buttys. Jellied eels. Marmite. Liquor sauce. Mushy peas. Potted shrimp.

Nobody eats jellied eels unless they're cosplaying an extra from 'Mary Poppins'

And chip butties are perfectly normal, part of the great British tradition of putting more or less anything (pies, instant noodles, Ireland, etc.) between two pieces of bread and then eating it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?

It sounds like a futuristic league of robot sheriffs to me. Knowing the man himself, they would all be wearing rather impractical minidresses and have bosoms that could only be remotely comfortable in zero gravity. 'PM' stands for Police Mecha, of course.



Their slogan is,

Slogan, NSFW:


Very strong language warning; yes, this is a looooooooooooong way to go for a sex pun, but, eh.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Impus Major: Last night I had a dream where we hired Dee Snyder to build a beehive in our front yard.

...whatever you are enjoying pre-bedtime, throw it away.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Yeah, that licorice Woran sent me didn't last real long. It was fantastic.

I am thinking someone ran off with my licorice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Freehold, PM!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?

a medication that solves the problems of constipation and sleeplessness simultaneously sounds like something I would make.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
I can't disagree.

You can't wear clothes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?

It sounds like a futuristic league of robot sheriffs to me. Knowing the man himself, they would all be wearing rather impractical minidresses and have bosoms that could only be remotely comfortable in zero gravity. 'PM' stands for Police Mecha, of course.



I would link Pretty Soldier Wars 2048, but I am sure that post would be deleted pretty quickly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. Fair's fair.

Woran had us try some licorice in Amsterdam. I was... unimpressed.

This afternoon I had reason to move into the studio (where GothBard stashes all things tasty) and got a strip of the licorice Woran sent us.

O... M... G...

Calling it, "The best licorice I've ever had," would be a gross understatement.

That stuff is SOOOOOOO good!

'Scuse me. I think I hear a mouse in the studio...

Which one did you try? :)

The Venco Honingdrop is more what you described to us: Similar to U.S. licorice, but saltier, less sweet, and a less-strong anise flavor.

The Klene Pinpassen? That is the stuff of legends.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I can't disagree.
You can't wear clothes.

I can't disagree.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, today should be unpleasant. A "real" Indian summer has come along. This morning there's a gusting wind and even before sunrise it's 70°F. I think the idea that the high is going to be "only" 87°F is rather optimistic.

Time to close up the house and the curtains!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our high will be a rather warm 51 today.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Best rat research EVER!!!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

NH's traffic nirvana

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tis a silly day.

More worthy of a Monday.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
NH's traffic nirvana

For having never met me, you know me WAAAAAAY too well! :-D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Our high will be a rather warm 51 today.

We're at 47 for today.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Our high will be a rather warm 51 today.
We're at 47 for today.

See? 51 is rather warm.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Starting out at 55, ending up around mid-70's

Meh, at least Lousy-Anna is pretending it's Fall now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Me: "Reboot the computer if you haven't."

User: "She has already, didn't help."

Me: "Okay, let me see why this thing is going so slow then..."

Remotes in.

Goes to Task Manager.

Company antivirus/malware is stuck updating. 100% disk usage. 95% memory usage. 40% CPU. Yeah. Ok. Move over to the performance tab and notice the uptime of the computer. 7 days 19 hours 13 minutes and counting. Ok, so when I say "reboot the computer if you haven't", I do I put this...not a week ago.

Probably someone doesn't understand difference between shutting it down and putting it to sleep?

Or maybe simply logged out of account and logged in?

I would like to give them that benefit of the doubt, but the user and her supervisor have both worked with me for almost 6 years now. Both of them have been in the company longer than I have. If they don't understand the difference at this point, makes me question how they can perform more difficult tasks in their life.
My money is on them turning the screen off and on.

I would never bet against that.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?
a medication that solves the problems of constipation and sleeplessness simultaneously sounds like something I would make.

I have found a flaw in this design. For details, consult this study written jointly by Drs. I.P. Freely and I.P. Knightly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?

It sounds like a futuristic league of robot sheriffs to me. Knowing the man himself, they would all be wearing rather impractical minidresses and have bosoms that could only be remotely comfortable in zero gravity. 'PM' stands for Police Mecha, of course.



I hate dubbing. But you TOTALLY have to read this entire thing in bold like this guy. Also the opening is pretty freaking cool.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
<Open Question>
** spoiler omitted **

Ah ok, so your [near-]universal objection to candidates is ideological. I tend to assume it is, but ya never know until ya ask. :)

So putting aside party, because parties are just vehicles for ideologies, I admit I'm confused by your comments. You're a fan of personal freedom, and the examples you mention both have to do with freedom from moralistic hysteria, and of protections from industry excess. These are both left-side left-side ideals, yet you say you're definitely not a leftist. Are you working from a particular definition of leftist? (Leftist is a very broad term for me.) Or are there other issues at play for you?

Don't mean to interrogate you, and I'll understand if you don't want to get into it. Just trying to wrap my head around our apparent glut and diversity of candidates at all government levels and all along the political spectrum, by U.S. standards at least, and your original comment that they're all execrable.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?

It sounds like a futuristic league of robot sheriffs to me. Knowing the man himself, they would all be wearing rather impractical minidresses and have bosoms that could only be remotely comfortable in zero gravity. 'PM' stands for Police Mecha, of course.



I hate dubbing. But you TOTALLY have to read this entire thing in bold like this guy. Also the opening is pretty freaking cool.

I liked the music.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

And that's about it:
So yeah, Paizo isn't the place for a deep discussion. I've done and deleted two writeups already. In extreme brief, the left has two major issues:

(1) Compassion without reason or acknowledgement of human nature
"Let's provide food, shelter, and medical care for all the homeless in the area! Here's the budget for it!"
"Wait a minute! After we announced this program the homeless population increased by 300%! We can't afford that! What happened?!?!?!"

(2) "Solutions" that aren't workable
"Let's mandate that every city in California grow by xx% a year, and allow developers to sue cities that don't issue enough building permits."
"Wait a minute! What do you mean every freeway in the Bay Area is a parking lot, most of the kids are in temporary buildings instead of proper schools, teachers are leaving in droves, there's not enough water, and crime has skyrocketed?"

I see the modern left as reaction without thought or foresight.

Maybe that's a good way of putting it:
- I object to the right's ideals
- I object to the left's methods

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
All I'll say about my political affiliation is I've voted in every election since 1996.

1986, youngster!

Well, you know, I had two years where I was trying out being an anarchist.

Anarchy Forever!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello, everyone!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello, John!

And seriously, Pandora? Now BabyMetal = O Fortuna? (The most famous piece from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, which is actually overall quite a good work, so it's too bad O Fortuna gets all the love.)

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Question not The Algorithm.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
the Internet wrote:
Question not The Algorithm.

Hey there buddy, what's thus button do? *push*

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Woran wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Me: "Reboot the computer if you haven't."

User: "She has already, didn't help."

Me: "Okay, let me see why this thing is going so slow then..."

Remotes in.

Goes to Task Manager.

Company antivirus/malware is stuck updating. 100% disk usage. 95% memory usage. 40% CPU. Yeah. Ok. Move over to the performance tab and notice the uptime of the computer. 7 days 19 hours 13 minutes and counting. Ok, so when I say "reboot the computer if you haven't", I do I put this...not a week ago.

Probably someone doesn't understand difference between shutting it down and putting it to sleep?

Or maybe simply logged out of account and logged in?

I would like to give them that benefit of the doubt, but the user and her supervisor have both worked with me for almost 6 years now. Both of them have been in the company longer than I have. If they don't understand the difference at this point, makes me question how they can perform more difficult tasks in their life.
My money is on them turning the screen off and on.
Well, it was the power button on the computer. It should have rebooted it, right?

Not nececairly. It could have been programmed for something else.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Yeah, that licorice Woran sent me didn't last real long. It was fantastic.
I am thinking someone ran off with my licorice.


Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. Fair's fair.

Woran had us try some licorice in Amsterdam. I was... unimpressed.

This afternoon I had reason to move into the studio (where GothBard stashes all things tasty) and got a strip of the licorice Woran sent us.

O... M... G...

Calling it, "The best licorice I've ever had," would be a gross understatement.

That stuff is SOOOOOOO good!

'Scuse me. I think I hear a mouse in the studio...

Which one did you try? :)

The Venco Honingdrop is more what you described to us: Similar to U.S. licorice, but saltier, less sweet, and a less-strong anise flavor.

The Klene Pinpassen? That is the stuff of legends.

Wow, if you think the honey licorice is salty, I must never let you try actual salty licorice.

I really like the pinpassen as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. Fair's fair.

Woran had us try some licorice in Amsterdam. I was... unimpressed.

This afternoon I had reason to move into the studio (where GothBard stashes all things tasty) and got a strip of the licorice Woran sent us.

O... M... G...

Calling it, "The best licorice I've ever had," would be a gross understatement.

That stuff is SOOOOOOO good!

'Scuse me. I think I hear a mouse in the studio...

Which one did you try? :)

The Venco Honingdrop is more what you described to us: Similar to U.S. licorice, but saltier, less sweet, and a less-strong anise flavor.

The Klene Pinpassen? That is the stuff of legends.

Wow, if you think the honey licorice is salty, I must never let you try actual salty licorice.

I really like the pinpassen as well.

Don't think he was saying it was actually salty...just saltier than we're used to in the US.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Vanykrye probably puts it best. I tasted the salt, which is unusual for candy in the U.S.

And here we go again. Have the "big" air purifier running thanks to the nearby wildfires (that are running in spite of PG&E's shutoffs. Go figure). It's kind of scary that it rates pollution from 0 (clean) to 12 (are you still breathing?), and it sits consistently around 3 or 4, up until the point that I open an external door and it jumps up to 6 and kicks it into high gear to get it back down.

And tomorrow's supposed to be worse.

Glad I bought a bunch of the things after last year's fire.

(Yeah; I'm a reactionary buyer. Something happens. It's not so bad. But it could have been worse. And if it had been worse, we would have needed xxx. So I'd better go buy one.

I'm betting I never even open that generator I bought.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
So does that sound like a nighttime incontinence medicine to anyone else?
a medication that solves the problems of constipation and sleeplessness simultaneously sounds like something I would make.
I have found a flaw in this design. For details, consult this study written jointly by Drs. I.P. Freely and I.P. Knightly.

I believe that Professor Uri Nathan also contributed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Today's "Hated Microsoft" thing:
(1) I like working in fullscreen, so I put Microsoft Word on my right monitor in fullscreen
(2) Word, noticing that I had plenty of width, showed me two pages at once
(3) I went to View and clicked "One Page"
(4) Word readjusted so that each of the TWO PAGES it was showing were better-sized

Er, what part of, "I only want to look at ONE PAGE AT ONCE" do you not understand, Microsoft?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Yakko Warner wrote:
the Internet wrote:
Question not The Algorithm.
Hey there buddy, what's thus button do? *push*

Activating Instant Kill Mode.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Today's "Hated Microsoft" thing:

(1) I like working in fullscreen, so I put Microsoft Word on my right monitor in fullscreen
(2) Word, noticing that I had plenty of width, showed me two pages at once
(3) I went to View and clicked "One Page"
(4) Word readjusted so that each of the TWO PAGES it was showing were better-sized

Er, what part of, "I only want to look at ONE PAGE AT ONCE" do you not understand, Microsoft?

I think it's the, "Anything you (the user) want that I don't particularly care for." part.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye probably puts it best. I tasted the salt, which is unusual for candy in the U.S.

It sounds like you're feeling... salty about U.S. licorice...


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
NH's traffic nirvana

My traffic Nirvana would be Mad Max Fury Road.

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