Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I sleep naked.

It is the most comfortable way to sleep.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome's Dream Car.

FreeholdDM's Dream Car
Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.
you dontnwear this, you pilot it. It is roughly 60 feet tall.
That's going to be hell to get into a parking garage.

That's what missiles and lens flare is for.

Have you learned nothing from The Transformers movies?

Nope. Refused to watch them beyond the trailers.

well, I know what I am bringing with me when I visit you.

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As a kid I never saw Transformers as much of anything beyond a neat puzzle to solve.

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I was all about Transformers.

I'd say Ultimus Prime for Life, but he ALWAYS died.

Transformers were all about pyrrhic victories.

They were always coming out with new toys so the cartoon had an astoundingly high body count for a children's cartoon in the eighties.

Scarab Sages

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I'm a pyjama person all the way.

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OK. I'll admit, THAT was a reasonable question.

"See all this rot around your porch? It's because they're using flanging instead of a proper gutter. Is it OK if we put in a gutter? It won't be as pretty, but it'll actually work."

I told them to go ahead.

And OK, Google doesn't like the term "flanging", but "flashing" isn't right instead. What do you call it when, instead of letting the water flow off the roof and into a rain gutter, you instead raise the bottom edge of the roof a bit so the water runs along the rooftop until it falls through a hole in the roof? Because that's what we've got.

2 people marked this as a favorite. would have been easier on them if they'd just installed the gutter to begin with rather than mess with the shape of the roof...

I don't know what to call that, because Google doesn't know what to call that. I put your sentence into Google and it came back with "use a gutter, dummy".

Grand Lodge

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Huh, everything else I find says "don't use a gutter, it takes as much effort to do right as non-gutter solutions". That's the internet for you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Huh, everything else I find says "don't use a gutter, it takes as much effort to do right as non-gutter solutions". That's the internet for you.

That's funny. I Googled, "Alternatives to rain gutters" and the web sites I found said, "Here are a lot of things you can do instead, but honestly, just don't be lazy and rain gutters are WAY better."

I suspect the non-gutter advocates are for homeowners who aren't obsessive-compulsive.

"It's September 1, I have to climb up and clean my gutters TODAY" is just a no-brainer for me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I was all about Transformers.

I'd say Ultimus Prime for Life, but he ALWAYS died.

Transformers were all about pyrrhic victories.

They were always coming out with new toys so the cartoon had an astoundingly high body count for a children's cartoon in the eighties.

who the hell is ultimus prime?

And the deaths didnt happen save for two episodes. Characters died in horrific ways in the movie.

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G!#~%!n phone!

Optimus Prime, of course.

The movie was amazing, any movie that makes my brother cry is alright in my book.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
It's Gatsby time again. Only a few people have commented on the eyes I hung up.

Whose eyes were these originally, pray?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I suspect today's going to run me around $5000 in cost overruns on the roofing job, but I've never been so happy about such a thing.

The two guys who showed up to start on the roof are basically "rotten wood ferrets". There's no better description. They've been all over my roof on all fours, testing every single piece of wood up there, and ripping out anything questionable. They've been complaining about the previous roofers the whole time ("They used pine for this. And as you can see, now it's all rotten because pine was a stupid choice."), and they keep saying, "Well, we'd like to do it this way because that's the right way to do it, but if you want to stick with what your old roofers did..."

So yeah, I think I'm paying 6 guys $85/hour each to replace most of the wood on my roof.

And I think it's a good investment.

Go figure.

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Why. Why don't I have CL 21st mythic maximized and mythic empowered timestop (or intensify spell, if you prefer that) at will (or CL 21st mythic tier 10, 3 power enhanced time stop at will) to get stuff done. I'm so daggum tired and nowhere near finished.

(Heck, I'd settle for a maximized create greater demiplane {time trait: erratic}+permanency, and at will gate limited exclusively there; I mean, I'm willing to bargain, here.)

The Exchange

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Yeah I wish I could have more hours in a day to sleep, again too many hours in a day and I might die of boredom.

Just a Mort wrote:
Yeah I wish I could have more hours in a day to sleep, again too many hours in a day and I might die of boredom.

No, see, I want the hours to do the work. Hence preferring the time stop to the demiplane. I'd sleep and internet and nonsense like that on the off time.

But I'll settle for infinite sleep time in the demiplane.

As long as the hyperbolic gravity doesn't kill me.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I got my Tekko volunteer packet today. It has a badge, a blue Staff Shirt, and an Aluminum Water Bottle with a plastic cap.

Clocking out, soon. Good night, everyone.

P.S. Added up my hours for the pay period. I have worked 62 hours this past week. I'm tired just thinking about it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I did not watch Voyager, I found the premise insulting.

We have the first female captain of the Enterprise and she spends the whole series lost in space...

Huh I never thought of it that way.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I wasn't a big fan of voyager mostly cause I didn't care for most of the cast. The exception being 7 of 9 because I was a teenager and reasons. TNG was my favorite. DS9 being my second.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I did not watch Voyager, I found the premise insulting.

We have the first female captain of the Enterprise and she spends the whole series lost in space...

I always thought they were just deep explorers, like a Space Lief Erikson's was Erik the Red's son Liefdaughter?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My mother in law apparently knew Kate Mulgrew way back.

That is all, I am as ambivalent about her and about Voyager as I am about Trek in general.

That's not quite true, I tend to like the movies.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I did not watch Voyager, I found the premise insulting.

We have the first female captain of the Enterprise and she spends the whole series lost in space...

I always thought they were just deep explorers, like a Space Lief Erikson's was Erik the Red's son Liefdaughter?

On like episode 1 or 2 they get teleported by an incredibly powerful force so far away that it was suppose to take them like 10 years to make it back to their galaxy. I think their was a nickelodeon kids show with the same premise. A bunch of kids in a sentient space ship. Can't remember the name of it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Huh, everything else I find says "don't use a gutter, it takes as much effort to do right as non-gutter solutions". That's the internet for you.

Ok this is me spitballing based on about 8 years of homeowning, a few high school drafting classes, and being a crafter by hobby:

Have you considered drafting out a small angular system that funnels water downward in a repeating z path?

If the top gutter alternatives themselves are deep and wide enough, and of a natural material that absorbs/prevents sludge and such well without scent built up, like say pine or anything cheap and indiginous to your area, and you won't have to clean but maybe once per Florida rain season worth, if that, and the wide access would allow you plenty of arm room for hard to reach areas.

Essentially I would make it like regular gutters but a foot wide or so, and a severe taper to roughly two inches at the bottom. Give full gutters wherever you need them, but in areas with no foot traffic, avoid them to prevent extra necessary maintenance.

If you buy the materials yourself, many places will pre cut wood to measurements saving you a ton of time and money on labor. If you aren't handy Craigslist is your second best choice after a friend who needs money hard working teen who wants cash and parents approve. If you measure right and have it all pre-cut we are talking minimum investments.

It won't eliminate maintenance but it will make it severely easier. Polished treated wood, a downward slope to every gutter, and a proper angle to allow consistent gravitational feed to prevent stagnation will lessen sludge, slime, and smell, and open wide gutters will allow ease of cleaning.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

much typo but ya get it i think

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome's Dream Car.

FreeholdDM's Dream Car
Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.
you dontnwear this, you pilot it. It is roughly 60 feet tall.

It is a suit, though....

'Hey, you're dressed up nice! Going out somewhere?'

'No! I have joined the MegaDamage Galactical Revenge Legion and am now a full-time TUXEDO PILOT!!'

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Cut me off in traffic will they?!?!?! *Readies 60 mm Vulcan canon*

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm getting rather frustrated at the moment. Is it a valid reason to get upset because I don't have the time to spam the boards?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
I'm getting rather frustrated at the moment. Is it a valid reason to get upset because I don't have the time to spam the boards?

If so I should be pretty upset over the last few weeks but nope been enjoying that PTO.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What's a PTO?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Payed time off.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I would love to be able to freeze time a few hours a day just for sleeping.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Only thing about that is you would get older faster then everyone else.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Isn't there some sort of Inevitable who comes to GET YOU if you regularly muck around with time?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Twilight Zone already covered that, it didn't end well.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think a lot of people would be a lot happier and healthier if we scaled back the work weeks a little. Don't cut the pay...just cut the expected hours involved.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Only thing about that is you would get older faster then everyone else.

Yes, but the reduced stress would probably make me live longer.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Of course, just about nothing will stop the service industry from making employees work stupid hours at stupid times.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Isn't there some sort of Inevitable who comes to GET YOU if you regularly muck around with time?

Yes. Yes there is. And that particular inevitable is not an easy one to deal with.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

On Monday after she had her procedure the General said she was going to be more laid back about day to day stuff.

That lasted until Friday, much longer than I anticipated.

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In Mage the awakening it was an old man who would erase you from history.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was kind of assuming you'd have to strap her to the bed to keep her from exceeding the lifting limits.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Isn't there some sort of Inevitable who comes to GET YOU if you regularly muck around with time?

You'd better be good and not commit the crime,

To do the horrible thing of messing with time,
The Bythos Aeon is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping, He knows when you're awake
He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
I think a lot of people would be a lot happier and healthier if we scaled back the work weeks a little. Don't cut the pay...just cut the expected hours involved.

I do believe the 8 hour work way is going to die a quiet death, but pay will be affected, as will benefits. I dont see public or private sector being able to afford it long term as minimum wage and inflation rise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The General made the mistake of telling her mom about a slow leak in one of our car tires.

Now, twice a day "Did you get it fixed? Let us buy you all new tires" "Because we can afford them ourselves".

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, the conversations I've had about people's obsession with "new" stuff, especially around cars, have always been appalling and depressing.

"Why do you still drive that '96 Celica? It looks like crap!"
"It still gets 28 mpg, drives like a dream, and I can teach my kids to drive a stick in it. Plus, insurance is barely $1000/year. Why would I want to spend all the money on a new car?"
"Because new cars are so much safer and have so many cool new features!"

Er, I've been driving a rental car every year for the last few years. I tend to HATE the new features, especially the computerized dashboards.

This last trip was a major example.
"Man, I'm hot! I need to adjust the climate controls."

So I looked around. No climate controls. You had to use the touch screen. Even my 2006 Prius has temp control on the steering wheel so you don't have to be staring at a touch screen while driving. Not THIS car (a Chrysler Pacifica, which had even more stupid features such as a radio knob to change gears located right next to the radio knob to adjust your radio volume, so yes, I shifted into Park while driving on more than one occasion while trying to turn the radio down).

Trouble was, the touch screen was off. And there was NO WAY to turn it on. You HAD to turn on the radio to adjust the touch screen.

Yeah, I want a car where I need to turn on the radio to adjust my air conditioning. THAT makes sense!

Or maybe I'll just stick with the Celica, where all the controls are separate and not jammed into one stupid touchscreen that never works properly, thanks...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
In Mage the awakening it was an old man who would erase you from history.

is that ascension or awakening? I remember in awakening he would make you do the same thing over and over and over again until you learned not to do that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

The General made the mistake of telling her mom about a slow leak in one of our car tires.

Now, twice a day "Did you get it fixed? Let us buy you all new tires" "Because we can afford them ourselves".

please tell your parents about my rent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Yeah, the conversations I've had about people's obsession with "new" stuff, especially around cars, have always been appalling and depressing.

"Why do you still drive that '96 Celica? It looks like crap!"
"It still gets 28 mpg, drives like a dream, and I can teach my kids to drive a stick in it. Plus, insurance is barely $1000/year. Why would I want to spend all the money on a new car?"
"Because new cars are so much safer and have so many cool new features!"

Er, I've been driving a rental car every year for the last few years. I tend to HATE the new features, especially the computerized dashboards.

This last trip was a major example.
"Man, I'm hot! I need to adjust the climate controls."

So I looked around. No climate controls. You had to use the touch screen. Even my 2006 Prius has temp control on the steering wheel so you don't have to be staring at a touch screen while driving. Not THIS car (a Chrysler Pacifica, which had even more stupid features such as a radio knob to change gears located right next to the radio knob to adjust your radio volume, so yes, I shifted into Park while driving on more than one occasion while trying to turn the radio down).

Trouble was, the touch screen was off. And there was NO WAY to turn it on. You HAD to turn on the radio to adjust the touch screen.

Yeah, I want a car where I need to turn on the radio to adjust my air conditioning. THAT makes sense!

Or maybe I'll just stick with the Celica, where all the controls are separate and not jammed into one stupid touchscreen that never works properly, thanks...

I want all those things, but a functioning touch screen...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Yeah, the conversations I've had about people's obsession with "new" stuff, especially around cars, have always been appalling and depressing.

"Why do you still drive that '96 Celica? It looks like crap!"
"It still gets 28 mpg, drives like a dream, and I can teach my kids to drive a stick in it. Plus, insurance is barely $1000/year. Why would I want to spend all the money on a new car?"
"Because new cars are so much safer and have so many cool new features!"

Er, I've been driving a rental car every year for the last few years. I tend to HATE the new features, especially the computerized dashboards.

This last trip was a major example.
"Man, I'm hot! I need to adjust the climate controls."

So I looked around. No climate controls. You had to use the touch screen. Even my 2006 Prius has temp control on the steering wheel so you don't have to be staring at a touch screen while driving. Not THIS car (a Chrysler Pacifica, which had even more stupid features such as a radio knob to change gears located right next to the radio knob to adjust your radio volume, so yes, I shifted into Park while driving on more than one occasion while trying to turn the radio down).

Trouble was, the touch screen was off. And there was NO WAY to turn it on. You HAD to turn on the radio to adjust the touch screen.

Yeah, I want a car where I need to turn on the radio to adjust my air conditioning. THAT makes sense!

Or maybe I'll just stick with the Celica, where all the controls are separate and not jammed into one stupid touchscreen that never works properly, thanks...

I want all those things, but a functioning touch screen...

See...the problem is that it's a Chrystler...

Yes, there are other companies guilty of bad design as well, but it was also just reported that Chrysler can't even do the shift paddles correctly.

You have an upshift paddle and a downshift paddle. But in the Charger, 300, and Challengers with automatic transmissions, sometimes, just sometimes, if you're touching the lower half of the upshift paddle, it will downshift instead.

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