Drejk |
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Well, I was searching for the solar contract and ended up finding the roofing contract, and sure enough it lists:
1) Remove the existing roofing down to the decking
2) Inspect the existing decking and remove all rotten woodSo I have no idea how they "know" that the solar guys aren't installing on said rotten wood, but solar guys are installing now, and then presumably the roof guys will come in and repair all the wood...
...hopefully not under the stuff the solar guys just put in...
I was going to say "ask them about that" but apparently they asked you :D
Some glitch in their respective work scheduling? Like the roof guys thinking they had more time to finish before solar guys come?

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Mine is a little different from yours.
Nice car. But now that I'm about to be solar my next car MUST be 100% electric.

NobodysHome |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sometimes, you see a corporate policy that is SO unbelievably stupid you wonder what monkey got drunk and flung poo at the wall to dream it up.
As I mentioned, on the trip we were at the hotel pool and a group of cheerleaders started doing an impromptu routine on the other side of a fence. So of course all the students ran over to the fence to watch the cheerleaders, and one girl was too short so a couple of guys tried to lift her, lost their grip, and dropped her. She lost her balance, stepped backwards, and went over the edge of the wall to the tune of 4 stitches in her shin.
So, 4.5 hours in the ER later, she got her stitches, we were all wrapped up, and everyone was ready to forget about it.
EXCEPT the hotel.
They demanded her name. Her parents' phone number. Pictures of the whole thing. Then they started calling her parents harassing them not to sue.
So, er, NO ONE in our entire party, even the corporate lawyer who was helping chaperone, had thought of suing.
Now that they're harassing her family and the choir director, they've stirred the anger of the corporate attorney.
Say, "Ooops," Mr. Hotel.
Maybe, just maybe, you should have waited for the suit to be filed before panicking?
EDIT: And yeah, his "plan" at the moment is to send them a "stop harassing my clients" letter that should put the fear of Shut Up into them. But seriously? "Something happened. If we just sit here and do nothing it's more than likely going to go away. So let's harass everyone involved and talk about lawsuits!"
Who thought THAT could POSSIBLY be a good idea?

Vanykrye |
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Vanykrye wrote:Nice car. But now that I'm about to be solar my next car MUST be 100% electric.NobodysHome wrote:Mine is a little different from yours.
I do understand the sentiment. I'm just not quite there yet.

The Vagrant Erudite |
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Hey guys! Tala and I are training for a bike ride to Philly to visit her brother by surprise in Fall! Mostly yoga, walking, and of course biking and playing with the dogs.
My kitten is amazing and loves me and super smart. She lives up to her Scout name.
I only refer to that other thing as The B$+#! now.

captain yesterday |
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Average time it took me to do my snow run myself (as in solo) for 6+ inches of snow: 17.5 hours.
Average time it took me with another guy for 6+ inches of snow: 18.25 hours.
Number of people who quit: 2.
Number of people who requested a different route: 3.
Number of two or three car garages on my list: 75.

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Sometimes, you see a corporate policy that is SO unbelievably stupid you wonder what monkey got drunk and flung poo at the wall to dream it up.
As I mentioned, on the trip we were at the hotel pool and a group of cheerleaders started doing an impromptu routine on the other side of a fence. So of course all the students ran over to the fence to watch the cheerleaders, and one girl was too short so a couple of guys tried to lift her, lost their grip, and dropped her. She lost her balance, stepped backwards, and went over the edge of the wall to the tune of 4 stitches in her shin.
So, 4.5 hours in the ER later, she got her stitches, we were all wrapped up, and everyone was ready to forget about it.
EXCEPT the hotel.
They demanded her name. Her parents' phone number. Pictures of the whole thing. Then they started calling her parents harassing them not to sue.
So, er, NO ONE in our entire party, even the corporate lawyer who was helping chaperone, had thought of suing.
Now that they're harassing her family and the choir director, they've stirred the anger of the corporate attorney.
Say, "Ooops," Mr. Hotel.
Maybe, just maybe, you should have waited for the suit to be filed before panicking?
EDIT: And yeah, his "plan" at the moment is to send them a "stop harassing my clients" letter that should put the fear of Shut Up into them. But seriously? "Something happened. If we just sit here and do nothing it's more than likely going to go away. So let's harass everyone involved and talk about lawsuits!"
Who thought THAT could POSSIBLY be a good idea?
I can understand if they wanted photos of the whole thing and her name for their HSE incident report(and to cover their @ss in event of lawsuit) but why call their parents not to sue and all that?

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Oh I just went for a physical fitness assessment.
My scores:
Grip:0/5(might explain on my pull up issues)
Flexibility: 1/5(yeah saw that one coming for a mile)
Eh the balance test is to stand on one leg with your eyes closed. First time I managed 1 sec but the second time I did 90 seconds. Yoga you do your tree pose with your eyes open so closed is a lot harder.
Push up/sit up:2/5
I think my form for push ups (was knee push ups) needs work. Kept not activating the machine meter.
Step test:5/5
You're asking a cat that climbs up 19 floors using the stairs for sh*ts and giggles to go up and down stairs?
I guess I'm a hindpaw cat.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:More seriously, I guess Game of Thrones is coming back on soon. I've been hearing people talk about it on the radio, trying to guess what's going to happen. Personally, I think the best way for it to end is with three little words:
** spoiler omitted **Actually, I wish it had ended before he ever wrote any of the books. That would have been ideal.
GothBard and I *loved* the books when they came out, and avidly ripped through them.
Neither of us got through even Season 1 of the TV series.
See, I read the first four books (they were given to me as a Christmas gift) and thought they were poorly written crap. Then I watched the first season because I thought "Hey, maybe they found some way to make them okay" and saw nothing worthwhile in it. So I donated the books to the library my Mom was working at (she said they had 5 or 6 sets and had a waiting list of over 50 names, in a town of under 2500 people) and just did my best to pretend it doesn't exist.

gran rey de los everything |
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NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream Car
Are you sure it isn't this?
Warning: NSFW.

Limeylongears |
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NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream Car
Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.

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Yay! Was it the lack of sleep that led to the intestinal cramps? I uh... *looks embarassed* went on a binge of chendol during my colleagues lunch buffet party because otherwise the office cleaner would throw it away because coconut doesn't keep well. Ooops!

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:wuv new movies. Hope to see more.John Napier 698 wrote:I HAVE BEEN RELIEVED!Regardless of how you may feel about the new films, that was a good exchange.
I actually feel similarly; note, this is after having seen all of the films, Enterprise, OS, and most of the animated series, TNG, DS9, and “more than enough” of Voyager (though it’s not gonna stop me from watching it all again after this).
I was effectively stopped part way through the animated series in my chronological review of all things Star Trek by insistence from them that I watch it with my sons. I will be resuming it hefore too long, I suspect.
It’s a shame I’m very unlikely to see the new one. Alas!

Tacticslion |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream Car
Mine is a little different from yours.
Captain Yesterday's dream car.
TL’s dream car (at will)

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Yay! Was it the lack of sleep that led to the intestinal cramps? I uh... *looks embarassed* went on a binge of chendol during my colleagues lunch buffet party because otherwise the office cleaner would throw it away because coconut doesn't keep well. Ooops!
Other way around. The intestinal cramps made me sleep restlesly so I would wake up way more then usual during the night.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I did impress the heck out of the intern on my body composition fitness score analysis - 79/100. I have a slight D on the in body meter. Yes NH, I'm sure you have me beat on that.
I wasn't too happy to see I gained a kg of fat recently though, but I understand machines have variance and all that.
Er, you work out a LOT more than I do!
I put in around 60-75 minutes of exercise a day. Enough to keep myself from deteriorating, but I'm definitely in the "overweight" category.
I still have a lot of strength and endurance, but I fought at 155 and I currently weigh 185, so there's plenty to lose...

lisamarlene |
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Lisamarlene's dream car:
I still want a classic 1970's Porche 911... BUT
... converted to Doc Brown's "Mister Fusion" engine that runs on garbage in the upgraded Delorean at the end of BttF.
You know, as long as we're dreaming.
And a Gilera Saturno, any model year from the mid-50's to mid 60's.
And the Millennium Falcon.

lisamarlene |

Freehold DM wrote:Tacticslion wrote:wuv new movies. Hope to see more.John Napier 698 wrote:I HAVE BEEN RELIEVED!Regardless of how you may feel about the new films, that was a good exchange.
I actually feel similarly; note, this is after having seen all of the films, Enterprise, OS, and most of the animated series, TNG, DS9, and “more than enough” of Voyager (though it’s not gonna stop me from watching it all again after this).
I was effectively stopped part way through the animated series in my chronological review of all things Star Trek by insistence from them that I watch it with my sons. I will be resuming it hefore too long, I suspect.
It’s a shame I’m very unlikely to see the new one. Alas!
I loved everything from TOS through DS9, including the animated series, but they lost me at Voyager.
But I liked the new movies. They cast them well. And I'm totally chuffed that they've tapped John Cho (the new Sulu) to play Spike in the live-action Cowboy Bebop.

Vanykrye |
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I like the new movies, but they all have a moment or two where I cringe. This is what happens when you take a Fast and Furious director and hand him Star Trek. I don't mind my Trek being a bit more on the action-oriented side, but there's certain lines that shouldn't be crossed - things like you are never going to outrun the Enterprise's saucer tipping over on you, particularly on rocky terrain.
Rewatching now, I like DS9 far better than TNG. Didn't like Voyager much at all. It's not Kate Mulgrew (love her as Red in Orange is the New Black) so much as the entire cast feels "forced" to me.

Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Lisamarlene's dream car:
I still want a classic 1970's Porche 911... BUT
... converted to Doc Brown's "Mister Fusion" engine that runs on garbage in the upgraded Delorean at the end of BttF.You know, as long as we're dreaming.
And a Gilera Saturno, any model year from the mid-50's to mid 60's.
And the Millennium Falcon.
Yes...but 1970's 911s actively tried to kill the occupants. I'm still trying to decide if that's a pro for dangerous fun or a con for your car should not be actively trying to kill you.
But converted into the Mr Fusion DeLorean...maybe that will change the weight distribution enough that it won't actively try to kill you, but just passively do so.
A Gilera Saturno...looks nice...I wonder if Italian motorcycles from that era are made with the same exacting standards as Italian cars from that era...probably...which means it will have lots of personality.
But probably less so than the Millennium Falcon. Yes, the 50's-60's Italian motorcycle will probably be more reliable.

Vanykrye |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

"I can't connect to my server!"
Ok, which server is it?
"What do you mean?"
Do you know the name or the IP of the server?
"No, it's just the one I always connect to."
Ok, so what program do you use to connect to it? The entry should be there and you should be able to tell me.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
Can I remote in and you show me?
"No, I'm too busy right now."
Ok, well you let me know when you have some time and I'll look into this further at that point.
About 15 minutes later I got a call from the CIO asking why I'm not being helpful.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream Car
you dontnwear this, you pilot it. It is roughly 60 feet tall.

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Limeylongears wrote:you dontnwear this, you pilot it. It is roughly 60 feet tall.Freehold DM wrote:Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream Car
That's going to be hell to get into a parking garage.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Tacticslion wrote:wuv new movies. Hope to see more.John Napier 698 wrote:I HAVE BEEN RELIEVED!Regardless of how you may feel about the new films, that was a good exchange.
I actually feel similarly; note, this is after having seen all of the films, Enterprise, OS, and most of the animated series, TNG, DS9, and “more than enough” of Voyager (though it’s not gonna stop me from watching it all again after this).
I was effectively stopped part way through the animated series in my chronological review of all things Star Trek by insistence from them that I watch it with my sons. I will be resuming it hefore too long, I suspect.
It’s a shame I’m very unlikely to see the new one. Alas!
I loved everything from TOS through DS9, including the animated series, but they lost me at Voyager. ** spoiler omitted **
But I liked the new movies. They cast them well. And I'm totally chuffed that they've tapped John Cho (the new Sulu) to play Spike in the live-action Cowboy Bebop.
I am sorry you dislike her. She is the first captain I ever met. She was very nice.
Freehold is unsure of live action cowboy bebop. I am putting myself down as "hating it" from now, but Battle Angel Alita made me eat crow....

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Just a Mort wrote:I did impress the heck out of the intern on my body composition fitness score analysis - 79/100. I have a slight D on the in body meter. Yes NH, I'm sure you have me beat on that.
I wasn't too happy to see I gained a kg of fat recently though, but I understand machines have variance and all that.
Er, you work out a LOT more than I do!
I put in around 60-75 minutes of exercise a day. Enough to keep myself from deteriorating, but I'm definitely in the "overweight" category.
I still have a lot of strength and endurance, but I fought at 155 and I currently weigh 185, so there's plenty to lose...
I generally do around 120 to 180/day but I'm actively trying to shape myself. I wouldn't call myself skinny(though my colleagues have) - you do know I'm packing quite a fair bit of muscle right? Probably more then those skinny gals in the subway. And I'd probably run faster then they do(unless they're trained).
Though I'm more of an endurance based type then power. The last time I tried doing 400m at top speed it took me 1min and 53 secs. I was like flat after. I'm much more comfortable ambling around at a jogging pace.

Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic |
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Freehold DM wrote:That's going to be hell to get into a parking garage.Limeylongears wrote:you dontnwear this, you pilot it. It is roughly 60 feet tall.Freehold DM wrote:Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream Car
That's what missiles and lens flare is for.
Have you learned nothing from The Transformers movies?

Vanykrye |
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Vanykrye wrote:Freehold DM wrote:That's going to be hell to get into a parking garage.Limeylongears wrote:you dontnwear this, you pilot it. It is roughly 60 feet tall.Freehold DM wrote:Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream CarThat's what missiles and lens flare is for.
Have you learned nothing from The Transformers movies?
Nope. Refused to watch them beyond the trailers.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, while I appreciate what contractors are trying to do for me when they knock on my door and say, "Well, there's this <technical problem> here, and we think we should <technical solution> it, but we wanted to check with you first. Is that OK with you?"
I always want to answer, "How the <expletive> should I know? Just do your jobs!"
But I understand: They want to use redwood for the edges, which is a much better wood, but is an environmental red flag. And it involves more cost. So they have to check with me.
But considering that my "artificial wood" Trex decking has basically disintegrated in under 10 years and everything I've heard is that it hasn't significantly improved in quality or longevity, just give me the darned wood, thanks.

captain yesterday |
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Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:Nope. Refused to watch them beyond the trailers.Vanykrye wrote:Freehold DM wrote:That's going to be hell to get into a parking garage.Limeylongears wrote:you dontnwear this, you pilot it. It is roughly 60 feet tall.Freehold DM wrote:Vehicles You Can Wear is a sadly underpopulated category.NobodysHome wrote:FreeholdDM's Dream CarThat's what missiles and lens flare is for.
Have you learned nothing from The Transformers movies?
So, you HAVE seen them then!

John Napier 698 |
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Could use some myself - 3 days straight on less then 6h sleep per night(averaging 5h 30 min) and counting...
Also what has sleep got to do with being nekkid? I know you can sleep nekkid. I don't.
*Gets dressed*
I did. Sixteen straight hours of sleep. From 4 PM to 8 AM. No dinner, no Midnight snack. Just sleep. I feel better, now.
Edit: Hi, everyone!