Deep 6 FaWtL

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The cold sapped our car battery, and our battery charger apparently decided to crap out. Which means the General and I get to walk to Hilldale and get a new one.

The General doesn't have to go but she's never one to pass up an adventure so she volunteered to go with.

Oh yeah, it's currently 4 degrees, which is, unfortunately, pants weather.

Still, should be fun!

The kids elected to stay home.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Sometimes, life just cannot help but delight you.

Our 11-year-old Calico wanted to go out into the light sprinkles. I figured I'd let her, she'd get mad that it was "raining", and she'd come right back in.

Instead, she went out and promptly started playing in the puddles.

OMG, I wish I'd had my phone on me so I could have taken video...

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captain yesterday wrote:

Athletes in the US swear on deer urine for a workout supplement.

How they get it from the deer is beyond me, those f&&@ers are jumpy, no matter how much camo I wear.

You just drive on a Midwestern highway until they decide to stand the f#@* in front of you, no matter how much you honk and flash your lights.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Good morning, FaWtL.

I'm going to spoiler what follows and then run on a bit, and then I'm going to go dark for a while. Or not. Probably. I'm having a hard time.

** spoiler omitted **...

LM, I don't have words. I can't even relate. My only major losses have been my father and my grandmother (3/4 grandparents were dead before I was born), and while my father was a tragedy, he wasn't in my life much due to the alcoholism that fueled the heart disease, diabetes, and poor health that eventually took him.

I wish I could comfort. I deal with depression frequently, and it sucks, so very very much, and the "reasons" (the internalized ones, not the actual chemical imbalance that I personally suffer) I tend to think of pale in comparison, so I can only imagine what you're dealing with.

The good captain summed up what I think everyone on FaWtL said succinctly, and I'm going to modify it a bit to reflect what I'm sure is the attitude around here, based on how supportive they've all been of me in my down times:

captain yesterday wrote:
That certainly is a heavy load for anyone to bear, We're all sorry for all your losses, but we're grateful you're still here.

If you need someone to talk to, there's lots of supportive folks here. I volunteer to be one of them.

Life sucks sometimes. I wish I could say it didn't. But you have to focus, if you can, on the beauty and the positivity when it comes, and hold on to that. I don't know much about your life to point out what those things are, but you have mentioned repeatedly being a mother. You have your children, which for all the comments I make about kids, I can say this without hesitation: 100%...not 99, not 99.999, 100% of the people I've spoken to who have their own kids, all say it's been a blessing and a point of joy in their life.

Death does happen. But when you focus too much on death, which happens sometimes, you miss out on all of the life around you happening every day, all the time. I don't judge you. I just hope you get better.

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Athletes in the US swear on deer urine for a workout supplement.

How they get it from the deer is beyond me, those f&&@ers are jumpy, no matter how much camo I wear.

You just drive on a Midwestern highway until they decide to stand the f+%% in front of you, no matter how much you honk and flash your lights.

In Berkeley, just go on a walk in the early dawn. You'll scare the p*** out of one for sure. They're everywhere.

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In other news, yesterday I spent $55 on 500 square feet of 6 mil plastic because our roofers never showed up, and we're having a real rainy season this year.

Took me around 2.5 hours total to buy the stuff, go up on the roof, lay it out, cut holes for all the vents, and then put tile and 2"x4"s to weigh it all down, but...'s been raining for a few hours now and so far no signs of the leaks we had on Thursday. (The ones in our bedroom closet right over all of GothBard's clothes being the worst.)

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And I'm not trying to ignore you, LM. You have my sympathies!

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Hi, everyone. It snowed here. I shoveled the sidewalk and a plow truck buried the sidewalk again. *shakes fist* F%+&ing Barbarians.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Sometimes, life just cannot help but delight you.

Our 11-year-old Calico wanted to go out into the light sprinkles. I figured I'd let her, she'd get mad that it was "raining", and she'd come right back in.

Instead, she went out and promptly started playing in the puddles.

OMG, I wish I'd had my phone on me so I could have taken video...

See! Smartphones at hand ARE useful!



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Trashpile Animate. Sometimes the garbage gets bored and starts roaming around the dumpster.

lisamarlene wrote:

Good morning, FaWtL.

I'm going to spoiler what follows and then run on a bit, and then I'm going to go dark for a while. Or not. Probably. I'm having a hard time.

** spoiler omitted **...

That's really tough, LM - take care, and best wishes from all of us.

Scarab Sages

Drejk wrote:
Trashpile Animate. Sometimes the garbage gets bored and starts roaming around the dumpster.

That is a fantastic monster!

lisamarlene wrote:

Good morning, FaWtL.

I'm going to spoiler what follows and then run on a bit, and then I'm going to go dark for a while. Or not. Probably. I'm having a hard time.

** spoiler omitted **...


Signing off for the night. Have to be up at about 2:30 AM for my morning shift. Good night everyone.

So sorry you're feeling down, LM, I had no idea the extent of your dealings with death. :(

Me on Steam, reviewing the hardware requirements for a game that Homunculus #1 wants to play with me:

My OS exceeds requirement...check!

My processor exceeds requirement...check!

My memory = memory requirement...check.

My storage exceeds requirement...check!

*Graphics requirement has not only different numbers but different words than what I have*...What the frack does any of this shyte mean!?

*Head explodes*

The Exchange

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone. It snowed here. I shoveled the sidewalk and a plow truck buried the sidewalk again. *shakes fist* F&&+ing Barbarians.

*growls at the plow truck*

LM - sometimes I think as you grow older, life just seems to be one long stretch of funerals. Just try to keep busy - hopefully it takes your mind of thinking.

The Exchange

TS - quote the game requirements and graphics requirements for us, we try to help you figure it out?

Yes please!

Requirement (Mac): OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU with 1GB Video RAM

What I have: Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB

Looks like we need a new car battery, hopefully.

The Exchange

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Not recommended, TS

Might be the same game you're trying to play, or maybe not, but the graphics requirements are the same.

Someone tried it on the very lowest settings here though on an Intel 4000 card.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Freehold, does this make you twitch?
I really really want to go!

My BF too!

The Exchange

Anyway, my aunts Fibre TV and broadband installation came without a hitch except for the party at the other telco who's fibre broadband we were terminating shop where they sent an sms to tell me it was my queue number when I was in the restroom. It didn't show on the main board my aunt was watching and Internet queue processing time said 33 min so I decided to hit the washroom.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Good morning, FaWtL.

I'm going to spoiler what follows and then run on a bit, and then I'm going to go dark for a while. Or not. Probably. I'm having a hard time.

** spoiler omitted **...

*Peek out from his hidy-hole and waddles as quickly as his stubby turtle legs can carry him to LM's house in Texas, so he can give her hugs and nuzzles*

I'm sorry I can't somehow help LM...
Death, isn't something I'm neither good at understanding nor handling. In fact I have a bit of a complicated relationship with parts of the subject, which has put me in bad standing with grievers before for... various reasons*.
I don't really want to try to give the usual platitudes of "they are in a better place etc" as it's not what everyone wants to hear (hence the "platitude" part). Neither do feel I know you well enough to give you what you might want to hear from a stranger like me, though I dearly wish I did know…
The best I can do LM is letting you know, that everything about you screams to me that you're a sweet and amazing woman.
It's about the best I can offer you from over here across the pond.
I wish I could be there with you, to at least attempt to grapple the pain with you.
I'm not good at much, I've got some screwed up brain-wiring, I'm a depressed sort and I'm still a little too fond of a drink...but maybe I could do something.
I could maybe make you a hidy-hole, where you could hide away until the sorrow and mental noise got more manageable…
or maybe help out with the house and the kids, so you and WW (and maybe your mother/sister) could work on your sorrow and pain.
Or maybe...just something!

*Mopes, while he waddles back to his own hidy-hole*

Cause you're too nice, too sweet to be weighed down your sorrow.

*I don't really feel like sharing much about this. It's in that uncomfortable area where you have to worry about a hundred different things at once…
From over-sharing or making people uncomfortable to causing offence and sorrow.

Thanks Mort, no Ark for me then. :(

*looks around*

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
*looks around*

(Hides the silverware)

NobodysHome wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
*looks around*
(Hides the silverware)

What are you implying?

Forum Cartel wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
*looks around*
(Hides the silverware)
What are you implying?

I think he's implying that you'll steal the silverware. Too late, though. I took that years ago.


I would NEVER impugn him so!

I just didn't want him to hurt himself...

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Forum Cartel wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
*looks around*
(Hides the silverware)
What are you implying?
I think he's implying that you'll steal the silverware. Too late, though. I took that years ago.

I feel at this point we would need to start stripping the copper wiring from the FAWTL walls.

NobodysHome wrote:


I would NEVER impugn him so!

I just didn't want him to hurt himself...

Not sure which is worse being called a thief or dumb! although actually I am super clumsy so that is probably for the best that he keeps them away from me.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:


I would NEVER impugn him so!

I just didn't want him to hurt himself...

Not sure which is worse being called a thief or dumb! although actually I am super clumsy so that is probably for the best that he keeps them away from me.

It's possible that he thinks you'll hurt yourself while trying to steal the silverware. Then you would be a dumb thief.

The Exchange

I would make a horrible thief. I'm clumsy as fk and can't even find things in my own house. How would I find people's valuables?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Silverware? WHERE?! WHERE? My hoard could use some more!

*pulls out a few old silver spoons from one of the boxes with family things*

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You have to be careful with silverware during a full moon it turns into silver.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
You have to be careful with silverware during a full moon it turns into silver.

Do you kill it with a wolf bullet?

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
You have to be careful with silverware during a full moon it turns into silver.
Do you kill it with a wolf bullet?

That is an option if you have one.

Scarab Sages

Its been barely below 0 (degrees celcius) the last few days and its hilarious that every time the country erupts into ice skating fever.

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Ahh, some people. I was making the coffee a few minutes ago and a guy comes down cussing and going on and on about how "We gotta leave now, had an 'emergency call', and you don't have anything out to eat. This f#@+ing b!~$$%%@! Get us something to eat, now!!" If he had asked nicely, I would have offered bagels, cereal, or yogurt, those being what we have ready to eat, but as it is I said "Sorry, sir. But breakfast is at 6, and it is now 2:20. It won't be ready for two hours and forty minutes." He stormed off cussing some more. All he had to do was be nice and he might have gotten something, but no. He had to be an a%@~$@+. So he got nothing.

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Yeah that is how I feel about it to. If you ask nicely I might be able to help you out but you want to cuss me out for not having breakfast for you at 2 in the morning you can go @#$% yourself.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Yes please!

Requirement (Mac): OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU with 1GB Video RAM

What I have: Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB

You have sufficient RAM, but you may need new drivers. This page has a link to the drivers page for Intel.

Good morning, everyone!

Morning John.

Morning, Vid.

Does this create some sort of paradox?

I need to know.

No. It's because I now work the morning shift on Mondays because a co-worker quit.

Ah I see. Sounds very lacking of paradoxes indeed.

Unless it's the paradox creating it's own anti-paradox, which cancels each other out. Like pairs of virtual particles.

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