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Now the will and the word is a nice simplistic way of having magic function, however I will say it doesn't give me much help when it comes to describing more intricate spellcasting for pathfinder. And you really should have nice intricate flashy spellcasting rituals involving a sacrifice of a chicken or goat.

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When you get to occult spellcasting, it's really all the will. No words and finger waving involved.
Verbal components replaced by thought components, somantic components replaced by emotion components. I'm still trying to figure if occult spellcasting has material components, but if a psychic was going to Cast wish, I'd make him cough out the 25k gp diamond.

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Sign. I'm slightly sad tonight I died with an inventory full of stuff in minecraft so now I can't bare to play it because of how far it set me back. does anyone else get slightly emotional about video games?
My BFs friend is still bemoaning about dark souls when he died and lost 50k souls.

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:Sign. I'm slightly sad tonight I died with an inventory full of stuff in minecraft so now I can't bare to play it because of how far it set me back. does anyone else get slightly emotional about video games?My BFs friend is still bemoaning about dark souls when he died and lost 50k souls.
So much work to gather all those materials and my diamond pick and armor and sword. Its hurts so much.

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Oh btw I’ll be away from 15-16 November for my company retreat. Expect no posts on both days as I run around having fun. Probably on the 15th night I’ll have drunk too much to post(it takes me about 4h to sober up), and I have a yoga session at 5.30 am to 6.15 am in the morning on the 16th morning…followed by a nature walk at 9 am in the morning.
I was considering joining the jogging on the beach from 7.00 am to 8.30 am, but again it’s on the beach (more tiring) and I sure as heck can’t jog for 1h 30 min straight.30 min might still be doable, but 1h 30…eh sorry nope I’m not that good. Not to mention, when am I going to be able to eat breakfast?!
Eating too much before a jog is just a recipe for stitches.

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All right, I just had a swig of Bénédictine neat, about 1/5th a cup while my mom wasn't looking. Better then asking her permission to, I'm really tired of feeling cold.
Again since it's a herbal liqueur so you're not supposed to drink to excess.
So if anyone was looking for intoxicated posting, here's an example of posting under the influence of alcohol.

lisamarlene |
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Yesterday since I knew WW's mother was coming at lunch, I spent an hour of the morning moving every single remaining box of unpacked, unsorted stuff to my bedroom. I put an old sheet on top of the bed, stacked the boxes on and around, and closed the door. Then I cleaned.
So when she arrived, my house *looked* beautiful. Mostly.
Then after they both left at 4ish, I spent three hours sorting through boxes, because in the final mad rush to leave California, things just got thrown in willy-nilly. Kids' toys with sewing/crafting supplies with books with socks. So... sorting.
So far I have sorted three boxes to go into the garage and two for goodwill.
My aim is to get it finished tonight, so the house is DONE, and next week when I'm on vacation, I can take a day or two to work on the garage. Maybe finally find our knives.
BUT, the house is clean enough for us to have people over now.

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Got tired of the cold(it's 80F now here). Now I'm toasty warm. At least till the effects of the alcohol wear out. Anyway, I went to test out how under influence of alcohol I was, so I decided to start playing piano.
Bring me to life I missed the bridging sections, while on pacabells I fumbled a bit. Again I haven't done bring me to life for a while so I might have gotten a bit of memory lapse, though pacabells usually doesn't have any issues.
Basically parts of songs I don't remember so well get a bit fumbly, otherwise I'm still pretty much myself.

lisamarlene |

What LM, you don't have knives?! Then how have you been doing the cooking for these few weeks? And grats in getting your house in livable condition =)
I have two cheap knives I got from Family Dollar, a chef's and a serrated. The chef's actually holds a decent edge, I was kinda surprised. But somewhere in the garage we have good-ish knives.

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Knives are important! You never know when you have to shank someone!
Isn't 24 h too long to cook a turkey?

Limeylongears |
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All right, I just had a swig of Bénédictine neat, about 1/5th a cup while my mom wasn't looking. Better then asking her permission to, I'm really tired of feeling cold.
Again since it's a herbal liqueur so you're not supposed to drink to excess.
So if anyone was looking for intoxicated posting, here's an example of posting under the influence of alcohol.
Benedictine and hot water is a traditional winter drink in the delightful Northern English town of Burnley. When the town where I live still had a footsocc team, we had a bit of a local rivalry, so the town centre was filled with geared-up coppers every match-day. Nobody ever got clonked with a bottle of Bene, though, to the best of my knowledge.

Vanykrye |
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Also settled with WW's mom yesterday was the question of Thanksgiving.
I am cooking, but she is hosting. So, yes, I have to cook everything at my house and then schlep it half an hour to her house, BUT, she doesn't ruin a turkey by cooking it for 24 hours at 185.
In my family, my aunt and her daughter-in-law have been doing the hosting and handling of turkey/ham/stuffing at the daughter-in-law's house. However, every other household is assigned one of the side dishes. Aiymi and I usually end up only having to cook one thing, but we live about an hour and a half or so away from them. The good news is that they take that into consideration when they assign us something.

Vanykrye |
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Freehold DM wrote:Oh thanks all, I was afraid I was going to get a bunch of weird suggestions.Evil Kjeldorn wrote:Yes.Tequila Sunrise wrote:Quick poll: What's a good way to get acquainted with some neighbors I've had 1 - 2 conversations with?Suggest wife-swapping?
No, we're all pretty practical around here.

Vanykrye |

Although, judging by how frozen the ground is, I'll be applying for work at the other toy store for the winter soon enough.
Try for one of the game stores instead. The clientele may still be annoying, but at least it will be a different kind of annoying. Variety is important.

Cap'n Yesterday FaWtL Insurance |
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Freehold DM wrote:Oh thanks all, I was afraid I was going to get a bunch of weird suggestions.Evil Kjeldorn wrote:Yes.Tequila Sunrise wrote:Quick poll: What's a good way to get acquainted with some neighbors I've had 1 - 2 conversations with?Suggest wife-swapping?
Don't forget to hide webcams all over their bathroom, that way you know if they're getting low on toiletries and can also post compromising videos online before someone else does.

NobodysHome |
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Name of PC: Forthrecht. Yet again.
Race/Class: Male Dwarven Paladin of Torag 11
Catalyst: Fawlty Tactics again
They ambushed us rather nicely, teleporting in among us to provide themselves with all the flanks they needed to do significant damage. My rogue stepped to the edge and told the rest of the party to gather around her to protect themselves from flanks (while I'm still of the opinion that rogues are virtually useless, the whole, "Immune to opponents' flanks" can be extremely handy in situations like this one). In an utter bafflement, Forth took a 5' step away from my rogue and into a full set of flanks (6 enemies, now ALL flanking him) to "try to protect the sorcerer". He didn't go defensive, or Smite Evil, or do anything to protect himself; just, "5' step, full attack, done". In a similar vein, the sorcerer (also run by Lara Croft guy) chose to cast an Aqueous Orb (requiring Reflex saves from a bunch of rogues) rather than Haste (which would have let the melee fighters wipe the walls with the succubi).
The "hilarity" was unending:
But hoo, boy! What should have been a walkover fight with a Haste and an Aura of Justice turned into a squeaker.