captain yesterday |
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Celestial Healer wrote:Afternoon, all. What did I miss?I've thought of at least two ideas that will single handedly save public television.
Adds Nobodyshome Heckles Comedians in cars getting coffee to the list.
At least three ideas that will single handedly save public television.
Or better yet, Nobodyshome throws his coffee at Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.
"What's the deal with this guy!" - Jerry Seinfeld.

Kjeldorn |
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Well, when I enter a shop I'm not really keen on greeting the salespeople because they'll recommend me something I don't want. No, I don't want lacy stuff!
*Sniffles and removes lacy lingerie for Mort's Christmas gift box*
…I think there is elegance in simplicity.
*Looks in the gift box*
The custom leather cuffs and collar is still in?
I could see mort being easily approachable. maybe scowl more.
Maybe try hissing and spitting more...
And make clawing motions at people that get too close!
I'm not even allowed to wear black. My mom says I can't because it's an unlucky color.
*Rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs at kitty's mother*
If I remember correctly you look good in black (shared pic of you in a black dress if I remember correctly), so that would be a shame…Hi, everyone.
*Waves again to john, and wonders how he can a bottle of scotch sent to him*

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Speaking of beyond aggravating, we have our third straight day of dangerously-polluted air today.
I had to go to Costco anyway, and there, in the parking lot, as I was loading the car, was a guy who started his car, then idled for precisely 5 minutes, before driving off. In 65-degree weather on a sunny day.
Can we kill off stupid useless old habits, already?
The *last* thing I needed was to be breathing his exhaust because his brain is stuck in the 1970s.
And I thought those forest fires were due to wetter springs and drier winters from global warming. More vegetation=more fuel, you know.

lisamarlene |
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So *that* was interesting.
Whingey Wizzard's mother came over for lunch, tea, and a family business meeting after church today. And, I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised.
We had a two hour discussion about financial matters, decision making, and various resentments, and she and I agreed with each other on many points, so WW was forced to concede. Yes, she's batcrap crazy about a lot of things, but she has a much better head for business than he does, and he listens to her. He listens to her on points that I've been making for years and he's dismissed out of hand because they were coming from me.
So, the 20-year-old car he wanted to buy is officially no longer on the table.
AND, more importantly, we've agreed to meet twice a month on Sunday afternoons to talk about family financial business to work together toward getting her house in shape, getting us back on our feet, and getting WW's head out of the clouds.
I have an ally. Who knew?
I'm feeling pretty happy.

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Yay LM.
I will confess that there are some points that my mom makes that are valid but I won't listen to them because they come from her. But take it from my point of view - she stops me from doing a lot of things just out of superstitions.
And sometimes she gets penny wise, pounds foolish. Yesterday the bamboo pole retractor for hanging clothes broke down. It was going to rain, so she wanted to get the far end clothes in(she wanted to leave the near end clothes on the pile so they could get more sunshine-right, when it's about to rain) and was complaining about it. We're both short, so we don't have much reach. So we had a clothes fork, but I told her we needed to pull the near end clothes off so we could slide the far end clothes on the pole towards us to get them pulled off. She was saying, "could we just get the far end clothes and not get the near end clothes, so they could dry?"
I was like flatly saying, "no. Because if we don't slide on the pole, we can't get them out, you're just making life difficult for yourself with being all that finicky."
Sure with longer reach perhaps an attempt could be made, but chances are we'd knock all the near end clothes off trying that.

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Another one:
She wants to leave the pail of water out standing for 7 days(she thinks longer time is better), to let chlorine evaporate so she can pour it into my brothers fish tank without having to put in the chlorine neutralizing solution.
Me:Leaving a pail of stagnant water out for a week? Do you want the national environment agency after us for breeding mosquitoes?

John Napier 698 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Another one:
She wants to leave the pail of water out standing for 7 days(she thinks longer time is better), to let chlorine evaporate so she can pour it into my brothers fish tank without having to put in the chlorine neutralizing solution.
Me:Leaving a pail of stagnant water out for a week? Do you want the national environment agency after us for breeding mosquitoes?
Why not set the pail out to collect rainwater? It would be naturally Chlorine free.

gran rey de los mono |
It was actually kind of a Vietnam war protest song in a way. It was about mourning yes, But you read way more into it then I meant... Maybe I should of said johnny cash.. or AC/DC or Metallica
So your opinion of black clothing is that you oppose the Vietnam War?
And I don't listen to AC/DC or Metallica. And only a little Johnny Cash, but very rarely.

gran rey de los mono |
Sign. I'm slightly sad tonight I died with an inventory full of stuff in minecraft so now I can't bare to play it because of how far it set me back. does anyone else get slightly emotional about video games?
Not about Minecraft. Of course the way I play is to cordon off an area and then grid-mine all the way to bedrock to extract everything useful. Then I cordon off another area and do it again. I never really do anything with the stuff I mine other than build more pickaxes.
It's just a time-sink for me anyways.

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:Sign. I'm slightly sad tonight I died with an inventory full of stuff in minecraft so now I can't bare to play it because of how far it set me back. does anyone else get slightly emotional about video games?Not about Minecraft. Of course the way I play is to cordon off an area and then grid-mine all the way to bedrock to extract everything useful. Then I cordon off another area and do it again. I never really do anything with the stuff I mine other than build more pickaxes.
It's just a time-sink for me anyways.
Well I am currently working on building a castle and I like to put the red stone contraptions in it so I can get cool effects like a hidden stair case and traps etc. Minecraft is like playing with legos. Its all about what you make with it.
But yes it does eat an inordinate amount of time.

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:It was actually kind of a Vietnam war protest song in a way. It was about mourning yes, But you read way more into it then I meant... Maybe I should of said johnny cash.. or AC/DC or MetallicaSo your opinion of black clothing is that you oppose the Vietnam War?
And I don't listen to AC/DC or Metallica. And only a little Johnny Cash, but very rarely.
Stop reading so much into it!

gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los mono wrote:Stop reading so much into it!Vidmaster7 wrote:It was actually kind of a Vietnam war protest song in a way. It was about mourning yes, But you read way more into it then I meant... Maybe I should of said johnny cash.. or AC/DC or MetallicaSo your opinion of black clothing is that you oppose the Vietnam War?
And I don't listen to AC/DC or Metallica. And only a little Johnny Cash, but very rarely.
You keep telling me to stop reading so much, and then you tell me to read a whole series of books! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los mono wrote:I've made up my mind.That is odd.
Heywood is funny. Here's another of my favorites.

Jimmy Buffett |

♫ Twerkin' like a frog for the Rossman ♫
♫ Jerkin' for the one I see ♫
♫ Lime frettin' on the twice rime flossin' ♫
♫ I'm wanna half a fancy free ♫
♫ Jut hair am sigh gonna book ♫
♫ They sell tree at half past nine ♫
♫ Why feel me feed a world trike a loosened rook ♫
♫ To seed aligned the times ♫
♫ Glove in a relocator ♫
♫ Givin' it nut then pie is smilin' frown ♫
♫ Dove in an alligator ♫
♫ Dispose of it now 'fore I get to clown ♫

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I had an oracle who went to the party ratfolk arcanist and started telling him about magic was being the wish and the word. Being a studious casty sort, he wasn't too amused and set the oracle several weeks of difficult arcane texts. Fun times.
She got him back when she caught him using limited wish to duplicate raise dead and once she called him out on it, she got even more books on arcane theory ^^