Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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*is what his name is*

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*isn't allowed to post here anymore*

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*nope, I got nothin'*

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*pouts because Punniculus has more followers*

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*tappy tappy tap*

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*mappy mappy map*

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*waits for someone to break him*

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*owns a horse*

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There. I think that's all of them.

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I stared into the heart of the universe and in that moment I saw something that defied description, the meagre power of words could never hope to contain its terrible beauty.

*shudders* aliases ... aliases stretching out so far, until the land and sky met, a great vast writhing babbling sea of aliases.

It was majestic.

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Just be glad that captain yesterday didn't do this. We'd never see the end of it.

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He has almost 10 times as many aliases as I do.

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Alias fight! Alias fight!

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SchemeKitty wrote:
*favorites all the things*

I'm trying, but there're so many pookookoostssssss*!

* Yeah, I saw the "k"s for reasons unknown. Yeah, I left 'em. Too weird not to. What are you thinking, Autocorrect? Like... why would you correct to this?

EDIT: I can spell any time I want!

HAL 9000 wrote:
*refuses to do that, Dave*


*scours tha sea fer BOOTY!"

I thought I already gave you directions where to find yours?!

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Tacticslion wrote:
(No pies because I don't have them, and if I'd made them from scratch, you definitely wouldn't want them!)

Well, okay, if you hurry, at some point soon, you can probably nab a slice of Razzleberry.

(Currently it's frozen, and I don't know when it will be cooked, so "hurry" is rather relative. Also, NH - and/or lisamarlene! - if you want to come here and bring your family for slices, that'd be fine, but please inform Shiro's player that we need more Razzleberry pies, 'cause it'd be a whole community... thing... at that point!)

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I like pie

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I should hope so, a love of pie is practically woven into your DNA.

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Well, I figured it would be obvious that all the rest of you are welcome, too.

(Dang it, CA folk, tell Shiro's player it may be an emergenc- wait, no, my house isn't physically large enough to hold that many pies; uh, tell him to get a nice amount for ~15 people?)

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I can fit fifteen people in our house, you know, as long as they don't want to move around.

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I thought American houses were like super massive?
Room for like, a loooot of pies.

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Only the rich folks have MASSIVE houses.
rural houses tend to be larger than city houses, but they still aren't huge. Rural homes usually have enough room for 6-8 people to live comfortable, and maybe 10 guests for an evening (not a night) is average.

I made all this up on the spot, but I suspect its probably pretty close to true...

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Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:

I thought American houses were like super massive?

Room for like, a loooot of pies.

Our house is around 850 square feet, but it has a nice big yard and is university adjacent.

Edit: oops, silly phone doesn't know a 6 from an 8.

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In 2010 the median square feet of an american home was: 2169
The average however was: 2392
That average jump is due to mansions and other large structures, so the Median is closer to what the average man's home is.

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Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:

I thought American houses were like super massive?

Room for like, a loooot of pies.

So.... my house is on a "large" lot for the Bay Area, which means 3750 square feet, or a whopping 350 square meters for you furriners. The house itself is about 980 square feet (91 square meters), so it's pretty crowded even for a family of 4.

It has a bad roof, a cracked foundation, rotting wood in the garage walls...
...and that makes it worth $980,000.

Bay Area people are stupid.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
(No pies because I don't have them, and if I'd made them from scratch, you definitely wouldn't want them!)

Well, okay, if you hurry, at some point soon, you can probably nab a slice of Razzleberry.

(Currently it's frozen, and I don't know when it will be cooked, so "hurry" is rather relative. Also, NH - and/or lisamarlene! - if you want to come here and bring your family for slices, that'd be fine, but please inform Shiro's player that we need more Razzleberry pies, 'cause it'd be a whole community... thing... at that point!)

So, the "delight" of Shiro's player is that you cannot actually give him a list or a specific order. It has to be "snacks" or "drinks". Something very generic.

And seriously -- you know you're going to have 4 people gaming all day. Maybe you spend $10-$15 on a bag of chips and some sodas. Maybe it's 6 people, so you go up to $20 or even $25 and 2 bags of chips and a six pack.
What entertains me so much (and the reason I send Shiro and NobodysWife off to shop all the time) is that they encourage each other, and any time they see something on the shelf where, "Oh, that may be good!" or "Oh, that's weird and different!", into the cart it goes. We're talking $150 worth of snacks. For 4 people. It's pretty stupid.

So I keep a huge cardboard box in the kitchen. Every time Shiro gets snacks, 90% of them go in the box. Then when I go to his house to game, I secretly sneak a few bags of random things back down to his house. So as far as he's concerned, he has a "cabinet of infinite snacks" that he uses for his Wednesday and Sunday gamers, not realizing that HE'S FILLING IT HIMSELF by buying too many snacks for the Saturday games.

Actually, he's quite an intelligent fellow. I'm sure he's fully aware of what's going on. But the whole "snack rotation/transportation/organization" thing is just a whole lotta amusement.
And a stupid amount of storage space taken up by snacks awaiting shipment back to Shiro's house...

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
In slightly more serious news, the game went well tonight. I just can't seem to hit the PCs, though. They fought an advanced giant spider, 5 dire rats, and 2 giant centipedes, and I managed to hit twice with the spider's web, once with a dire rat bite, and once with a giant centipede bite. I did a grand total of 3 points of damage, but I did give the Cavalier's MLP mount a case of Filth Fever, so I guess that's something.

Are we really spoilering for a 13-year-old? You really think she's that naive? Anyway, Crookshanks, don't look at this. Your father would disapprove. (ALWAYS works with teenagers):

Sorry, but "MLP mount" and "filth fever" is just begging for some kind of inappropriate comment about bronies and their sexuality...

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I have to say I can't really visualise 650 square feet, but given Nobodys house is 3750 I'm guessing either that is very big or 650 is on the small side.
To Google!

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Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:

I have to say I can't really visualise 650 square feet, but given Nobodys house is 3750 I'm guessing either that is very big or 650 is on the small side.

To Google!

The entire lot is about 30m x 12m. The house itself is about 18m x 5 m.

It's NOT a big place...

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Been to Google
Looks like it's the former cause 650ft doesn't look that small to me

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It was a mix up, I meant to type 850, but I accidentally typed a 6 instead.

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I wonder how many mine is o.0
Houses sizes always interest me because cause when Tv shows come on about people moving from England to other countries they always look at much bigger houses than the ones they have in England.

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Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:

I wonder how many mine is o.0

Houses sizes always interest me because cause when Tv shows come on about people moving from England to other countries they always look at much bigger houses than the ones they have in England.

In both places it depends on where you are. The rural farmhouses in northern England and Scotland would be considered massive mansions here. The typical townhouse in London is indeed significantly smaller than a "typical" urban house in the U.S.

As always, where you are matters much more than TV would lead you to believe.

And yes, houses on TV are HUGE, because it's easier to film in big houses. Most of the sitcoms are innately amusing because the people supposedly living in the apartments shown could not actually afford such massive apartments.

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Oh yeah in TV drama's it's hilarious the characters are having money trouble and are months behind on bills because their single parent is struggling yet they love in massive houses where you could easily throw a party for like 50+ people xD

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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
I can fit fifteen people in our house, you know, as long as they don't want to move around.

Well, yeah.

But by the time I've de facto invited everyone from FaWtL, I'm presupposing that no one is actually going to, you know, enter my house.

(Which, truth be told, is probably safer for everyone.)

((Well, okay, maybe except for going to the bathroom.))

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Captain Yesterday's official daily quote from Yesterday.

"If you think you're going to chop off that branch, you can get the f#~$ off my property right now" - Myself, holding a broken shovel, with a growling beagle at my side.

The branch stayed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
I can fit fifteen people in our house, you know, as long as they don't want to move around.

Well, yeah.

But by the time I've de facto invited everyone from FaWtL, I'm presupposing that no one is actually going to, you know, enter my house.

(Which, truth be told, is probably safer for everyone.)

((Well, okay, maybe except for going to the bathroom.))

You're too close to Citrus County.

Granted, my only memory of Ocala is going to the Olive Garden on prom night (where my date didn't believe the floral arrangement on the table was real, so he ate part of it to check),

But you're still too close to Citrus County.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

And if you're going to ugly-rant about the disparity between teacher and administrator paychecks, do it naked.

Just to let the horror sink in properly.
Like Despair in The Sandman comics.

::gets dressed::

reads post, nods

presses button on desk at work

wall in front of desk decends quietly

retrieves ninja outfit and tools from hidden wall compartment

flips out of second story window, lands outside on sidewalk unscathed

hitchhikes to lisamarlenes house

cleans her gutters under cover of darkness

makes her breakfast in pre dawn light

leaves yarn spindle as calling card

encounters whingey wizard while attempting to leave

chocolate cakes him, slides his unconscious body into easy chair, leaves evidence suggesting a long night of drinking after he cleaned gutters, made breakfast

backdrops through front window, breaking it

sighs, leaves money for broken window

encounters children, awoken by broken window

convinces children I am narutos black cousin, once removed

leaves more money for children to buy their silence, as story is shaky, younger child in particular seems unconvinced

dammit NobodysHome kids are easier to bribe

is amazed lisamarlene isn't awake yet

attempts to uber home, but no money due to bribery, window repair costs

walks home, remembers NobodysHome is in the area

takes off ninja gear, goes to NobodysHome residence

knocks on door, invites self over, explains situation

drives Nobodyswife to work, then drives back to work

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lisamarlene wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
I can fit fifteen people in our house, you know, as long as they don't want to move around.

Well, yeah.

But by the time I've de facto invited everyone from FaWtL, I'm presupposing that no one is actually going to, you know, enter my house.

(Which, truth be told, is probably safer for everyone.)

((Well, okay, maybe except for going to the bathroom.))

You're too close to Citrus County.

Granted, my only memory of Ocala is going to the Olive Garden on prom night (where my date didn't believe the floral arrangement on the table was real, so he ate part of it to check),

But you're still too close to Citrus County.

strange. I think I would have remembered our prom date.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
I can fit fifteen people in our house, you know, as long as they don't want to move around.

Well, yeah.

But by the time I've de facto invited everyone from FaWtL, I'm presupposing that no one is actually going to, you know, enter my house.

(Which, truth be told, is probably safer for everyone.)

((Well, okay, maybe except for going to the bathroom.))

Hmm...well Aiymi (she pronounces it EYE-me) and I will be in Florida for the last half of October...granted, it will be in the Merritt Island area...but if two completely unknown strangers start going door-to-door in the's probably best to not answer the door.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
dammit NobodysHome kids are easier to bribe

I knew that teaching them, "If it's funny, go ahead and do it!" was a bad idea!

Vanykrye wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
I can fit fifteen people in our house, you know, as long as they don't want to move around.

Well, yeah.

But by the time I've de facto invited everyone from FaWtL, I'm presupposing that no one is actually going to, you know, enter my house.

(Which, truth be told, is probably safer for everyone.)

((Well, okay, maybe except for going to the bathroom.))

Hmm...well Aiymi (she pronounces it EYE-me) and I will be in Florida for the last half of October...granted, it will be in the Merritt Island area...but if two completely unknown strangers start going door-to-door in the's probably best to not answer the door.

Oh! My old stomping grounds! What are you up to, there?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
dammit NobodysHome kids are easier to bribe

I knew that teaching them, "If it's funny, go ahead and do it!" was a bad idea!

But you were taking your own advice, because teaching them that was, in and of itself, funny. That's just consistent parenting right there. I applaud.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
I can fit fifteen people in our house, you know, as long as they don't want to move around.

Well, yeah.

But by the time I've de facto invited everyone from FaWtL, I'm presupposing that no one is actually going to, you know, enter my house.

(Which, truth be told, is probably safer for everyone.)

((Well, okay, maybe except for going to the bathroom.))

Hmm...well Aiymi (she pronounces it EYE-me) and I will be in Florida for the last half of October...granted, it will be in the Merritt Island area...but if two completely unknown strangers start going door-to-door in the's probably best to not answer the door.
Oh! My old stomping grounds! What are you up to, there?

Aiymi's baby brother is getting married. We'll be there for the wedding and then spend a week's vacation for ourselves.

How awesome! Congratulations!

Now for more personal grilling!

They didn't live there since, say, the late 90s, did they?

And/or happen to attend MICS c. '98-00 or BCC in 00-01?

The likelihood is remote, but if so, I might know one of them!

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Weird question to ask the guy at the hardware store.

"Do you have any rope that is flexible enough to be used as a harness for pulling a sled, but also strong enough to suspend a horse between two birch trees"

Dedicated to the guy that comes in every 4-6 months asking if we carry Cthulhu plushies (we do not, despite my recommendations).

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If you know any of them it would likely be her dad, a now retired photographer, but you may have seen/heard her brother as he's been known to sing/perform in the Orlando area. Her dad has been living in Merritt Island for about 25 years now.

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Apparently, this is one of those days where I misplace everything.

So I think I'm just going to hide in the pillow fort and watch Fargo.

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But what if you also misplaced the pillow fort?

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