Deep 6 FaWtL

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climbs into seat for Flaming bicycle launcher control with a big gulp and a huge bag of tostitos chips(with lime!) and bottle of salsa

Please folks. No politics. Not here. I love you all and this place is keeping me sane. I don't want to go insane. Not like this.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:

climbs into seat for Flaming bicycle launcher control with a big gulp and a huge bag of tostitos chips(with lime!) and bottle of salsa

Please folks. No politics. Not here. I love you all and this place is keeping me sane. I don't want to go insane. Not like this.

Awww, why did you link that? That was sad as all f**# :(

Also, sorry.

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To show the depths of my sincerity, I am keeping my clothes on.

That's right folks. I'm CLOTHED.

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clothed rysky hug. That's Right. I'M HUGGING YOU AND I AM NOT NAKED

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captain yesterday wrote:

double checks script.

No, I'm pretty sure Mr. Garrison is going to f*$$ him to death.

Which I now know from American Horror Story Hotel is entirely too possible.

it's how I want to go.

The f#+$ing to death, not the Mr. Garrison.

Silver Crusade

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Aww, thankies.

(for the hug, your clothes or lack thereof doesn't bother me)

*hugs back*

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Rysky wrote:
I may not be eloquent but will gladly tank some flaming bicycles for you.

Thanks, but I shouldn't anger Freehold with sour grapes. Not when there are perfectly good political threads to talk about this crud.

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"perfectly good political threads"

Heh. I see what you did there. Ha!

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I might have caught a flu. It's really cold here in Finland right now.

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Oh, man, Icyshadow -- get well fast, dude.

channel positive thoughts -- 4d6+1

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I should try finishing up the Carrion Crown recaps once I feel better.

Thanks for the good vibes!

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Get well soon, Icy. Sending warm thoughts your way. :)

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Icyshadow wrote:
I might have caught a flu. It's really cold here in Finland right now.

please heal up icy.

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I feel sad today. I just want to stay in bed and hide under the covers all day. But things need to be done, and I suppose I am going to have to get up and get dressed for that. Sigh. Adulting. :/

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Get well quickly Icy.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

...Shaka, when the walls fell...

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I've had two panic attacks in the past day and they're not election related. I thought this job would last :-(

Silver Crusade

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lynora wrote:
I feel sad today. I just want to stay in bed and hide under the covers all day. But things need to be done, and I suppose I am going to have to get up and get dressed for that. Sigh. Adulting. :/


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Yeah, being the primary care parent can SUCK for sick hours.

What with various kids' issues (broken bones, doctor visits, and so forth) plus a couple of my own illnesses, I'm at 87 sick hours for the year. We're supposed to cap out at 80, so this week I'm working with a 100-degree fever.

Working from home it's not SO bad, but focus is not my strong suit. I'm being far less-productive than I should.

(And Shiro's player doesn't help with his company's "infinite vacation/sick time" policy. Especially since it's been shown to produce more productive workers and reduce company costs, but my megacorporation is so early-20th-century it's, "14 vacation days a year. Period. And if you go over 10 sick days, we start getting ornery.")


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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I've had two panic attacks in the past day and they're not election related. I thought this job would last :-(

*hugs* I am so sorry you're having to deal with that. I hope things get better for you soon.

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I hope you also feel better soon, NH

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Begins exploring the possibility of secession, assigns Coconut the Puppy and Little Enderman to legal study, bans moldy oranges.

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lynora, NH, Aranna, and GreenTea: I love you guys. I'm sorry you're all stuck where you are. Peace to you. All I can do from here is pray for you guys - so know you are in my prayers. No matter how bad things are now, they will get better.

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The FaWtLers are, if nothing else, a really supportive group. :-D

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Eh, as I told NobodysWife, I have the Common Cold (TM).

It's annoying, but it's nothing dire. Just killing my productivity at work.

I do appreciate all the "get well" sentiments, though.

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So American Horror Story Hotel is about



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captain yesterday wrote:

So American Horror Story Hotel is about xxxxxxx.


Spoiler warning? I havent seen it yet

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Oh, sorry!

They have it on Hulu. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:

Oh, sorry!

They have it on Hulu. :-)

I dont Hulu though, still waiting for Netflix.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
I am going to be watching the election tonight with my better half, but I do not think it will be healthy for me. :/

Nope, not healthy at all.

My first experience following an election from the very start of the primaries ended with me getting four hours of sleep on election night, and much loss of hope for the future and for the human condition.

Stay safe, FAWLTies.

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At least we have parent teacher conferences tonight, it will be nice having someone shower Tiny T-Rex with praise.

Also winterizing can start anytime, I guess.

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I'm watching a bunch of Spongebob while I'm doing dishes.

Laughter heals the soul.

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I was originally going to watch Batman vs Superman, figuring it would be cathartic watching Batman making Superman eat a dirt sandwich after tricking him into huffing kryptonite paint under the bleachers.

Or was that Saved By The Bell...

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Well, I made it out of bed. And I put on pants. Granted they're yoga pants, but I didn't sleep in them, so it still counts! And then I went to the yarn store and bought some gorgeous wool. Only a little for small projects. Good wool is too expensive for big projects. I always use acrylic for things like sweaters. And socks. Cause nobody wants difficult to care for socks. You just want to throw them in the dryer, not have to hunt through the wet laundry for them so they can be hung up to dry. And now I am enjoying my two dollar latte at espresso royale (yay, Wednesday!) and attempting to write my 2k words for the day. So, you know, adulting, for certain extremely low values of adulting. And I'm making lasagna for dinner tonight, so that's also a good thing.

More rambly stuff:
I have chronic depression and anxiety, which I manage with medication, for the most part. But we're currently working on getting the right dosage, and it's that time of the month which tends to make my symptoms worse. Add in staying up way too late last night watching the news, because stress and lack of sleep really help so much. </sarcasm> So I'm a mess, and it's basically time for a mental health day in which I try to do things that remind me that life isn't completely and totally awful and also help keep me centered and calm. Like knitting. That's how I meditate. Well, that or walking. I don't sit still well...ADHD in action.

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Hmm wrote:

Somehow I passed my 10,000th post today without noticing. How did that happen?

In other news, I am closing up my 60th table of PFS today. Third star, here I come!

Oh... and my black belt test will be in December. I'm fifty and overweight, testing with a bunch of fit twenty-somethings. It's a humbling experience.


Congrats! (1)

Congrats! (2)

Good luck! (3)

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Spongebob (selling candy bars door to door with Patrick): These chocolate bars are delicious!

Patrick: Not the way I use them.

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I feel slightly better now. Still clearly got a fever.

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lynora wrote:

Well, I made it out of bed. And I put on pants. Granted they're yoga pants, but I didn't sleep in them, so it still counts! And then I went to the yarn store and bought some gorgeous wool. Only a little for small projects. Good wool is too expensive for big projects. I always use acrylic for things like sweaters. And socks. Cause nobody wants difficult to care for socks. You just want to throw them in the dryer, not have to hunt through the wet laundry for them so they can be hung up to dry. And now I am enjoying my two dollar latte at espresso royale (yay, Wednesday!) and attempting to write my 2k words for the day. So, you know, adulting, for certain extremely low values of adulting. And I'm making lasagna for dinner tonight, so that's also a good thing.

** spoiler omitted **


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So, being considerate of FaWtL sensibilities, I've put some extremely mild-but-interesting political stuff behind a

And the only reason I feel the need to share is that I found this a really interesting read, and it made me think a lot more about the middle of the country. Shiro's player says that this article is his family. Is ALL his relatives.

I found it well worth a read.

But it IS political, and this IS FaWtL, so spoilers and warnings and whatnot. I'm not looking to debate the merits of the article. I just found it eye-opening, enlightening, and worth reading.

And so I share. 'Cause I'm a share-y guy.

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The middle of the country, who even lives there!

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Sometimes you feel like quoting yourself.

To NobodysWife on her plans to avoid traffic tonight: "You are wise in the ways of idiocy."

Well, at least there's no water falling from the sky!

But geez, Daylight Savings Time added 90 minutes to her commute on Monday!

"It's dark at the wrong time!!! AAaaaaaaa!"

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Okay, I think I'm better now.

Had a few moments of fed up grr but I have moved past it.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:

But geez, Daylight Savings Time added 90 minutes to her commute on Monday!

"It's dark at the wrong time!!! AAaaaaaaa!"

Are you in the Southern Hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere, NH?

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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
The middle of the country, who even lives there!

~raises my hand~

I live in the Midwest...

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

But geez, Daylight Savings Time added 90 minutes to her commute on Monday!

"It's dark at the wrong time!!! AAaaaaaaa!"

Are you in the Southern Hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere, NH?

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area of the Eternal Middling Weather.

We consider ourselves to be at the center of the universe.

Your people might call it the Northern Hemisphere.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So it's now Pacific Stupid Time versus Pacific Daylight Time?

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It's always been Pacific stupid time.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
It's always been Pacific stupid time.

So the clocks weren't faked back an hour last Sunday?

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Ah! See some of it must have rubbed off on me, I didn't catch that.

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Musical Interlude - Crap! I had something for this! edition

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