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Except Orthos's.

His stands sadly in field of dandelions with birds chirping on it's shoulders, awaiting his return.

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Initiating wistful sigh]

[Changes position slightly so he can't see Captain Yesterday]

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Life Size Prop of thegreenteagamer wrote:
[Initiating Terminator protocol]

Is that the one where I rant about Genisys? Because I think I've done that here already.

True fact: Saw T3 in theaters when I was a teen. When the robot makes her breasts bigger I say to my buddy Dave "I'm building that robot. Apocalypse be damned I'm building that robot."

When she moved her legs into a spread a then backwards physically impossible for any real woman position, I reaffirmed my commitment to end humanity.

You're not the only person to think along these lines, apparently...

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Tacticslion, I am not clicking on that link.

I suspect it involves Real Dolls. If so, I must say that I'm surprised at you :p

Limeylongears wrote:

Tacticslion, I am not clicking on that link.

I suspect it involves Real Dolls. If so, I must say that I'm surprised at you :p

Hahah! It's a video from Cracked on YouTube in the Obsessive Popculture Disorder series - nothing risque other than the topic (and, I suppose, a couple of shots from the actual Terminator movies).

Sorry for casting confusion and doubt!

Grand Lodge

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Fifty posts about flexi-props and math. Never change, FaWtL, never change.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Fifty posts about flexi-props and math. Never change, FaWtL, never change.

I think this is why I love it here.

Grand Lodge

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I must admit, I think I would love math if I used it more. The frustrations I have with it are not recalling the proper steps. I hate solving problems when I can't remember the rules for them. And some of the number theory I've seen in my college courses hint at how interesting it can be.

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If you understand it, then math can be fun. The frustrating part is either not understanding it or being taught the wrong way to do it.

Dark Archive

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Sharoth wrote:
If you understand it, then math can be fun. The frustrating part is either not understanding it or being taught the wrong way to do it.

That's what she said!

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Grar. Turns out California IDs are not valid proof of identity for the purposes of obtaining a passport, because they're too easy to obtain. And of course the State Department doesn't notify you when you apply that the IDs of 17 states are not acceptable identification, and you will be required to submit backup identification documents, preferably over 5 years old. Well, I just got the list of potential documents, and they are getting papered. Medical records? Have recent checkup records and some pediatrician stuff. School records and IDs? Have a university ID, a community college ID, some high school IEPs, and maybe a report card. Hell, have a copy of my associate's degree diploma and university acceptance letter. Job Corps paperwork I signed upon entry, too. Employment records? Have some new hire paperwork I signed, some paystubs, and my union forms. Copy of my social security card? Why not? Military records? Take a look at my DD-214. Pretty sure that's got my signature.

Anything else I could send them? Because if they want documents, they can have documents.

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I have a bunch of bills they can have.

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I was good at math... In six grade of elementary school (13 yo here). And the parents forced the school to replace our great math teacher for a mediocre one. I wasn't bad for the rest of elementary school or high school, but I wasn't outstanding either.

I still don't know a lot of things I should have.

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So, I get to go back to the f$&&ing s&%%hole I grew up for my mom's memorial service, and I've arranged to drive a Grand Marquis, should I Grosse Pointe Blank it and when people inevitably ask where I've been for the last twenty five years just casually say "I'm a hitman"

My dad's probably moving back down here so it's not like I'm ever going back. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:

So, I get to go back to the f@&+ing s@+#hole I grew up for my mom's memorial service, and I've arranged to drive a Grand Marquis, should I Grosse Pointe Blank it and when people inevitably ask where I've been for the last twenty five years just casually say "I'm a hitman"

My dad's probably moving back down here so it's not like I'm ever going back. :-)

I think you have to.

Shiro's player actually grew up in the town John Cusack is from in that movie, and always feels he should just memorize all the lines before going back there...
...except his whole family moved away from there, so he's never been back.

Apparently the area around Detroit isn't a wonderful place to live. Who knew?

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Holy hell, these military records are an absolute gold mine of personally identifying information. Not only do I have a dated and signed DD-214 here, I've got my enlistment contract, which was biometrically signed with my thumbprint and accompanying photograph to prove that was me signing it, and the thumbprint and photograph of the woman who signed me into the Navy. Don't forget the part that confirms I recieved an FBI background check.

How's that for verification of my identity?

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Hey, cap: I'm shopping at your favorite place to wrk hard!

(Toys R Us - I'm at Toys R Us. Just to cut off the speculation and emphasize the genial but sarcastic nature of the post.)

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Tacticslion wrote:

Hey, cap: I'm shopping at your favorite place to wrk hard!

(Toys R Us - I'm at Toys R Us. Just to cut off the speculation and emphasize the genial but sarcastic nature of the post.)

All done! So... too late to mooch off of that sweet, sweet employee discount?

(Yes; yes it is.)


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Gah. Second day in a row father called to have what he calls a discussion... I.e. political rant in favor of populist nationalism...

And of course everyone and their dog knows more about history, politics, economy, anthropology, philosophy (not that I studied philosophy and went to economy school) than me, and whatever B$ argument they have is true and whatever I tell is wrong, stupid, and product of a slavish mentality grown during communist rule.


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Lol! I only get 10% off. :-)

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Drejk wrote:

Gah. Second day in a row father called to have what he calls a discussion... I.e. political rant in favor of populist nationalism...

And of course everyone and their dog knows more about history, politics, economy, anthropology, philosophy (not that I studied philosophy and went to economy school) than me, and whatever B$ argument they have is true and whatever I tell is wrong, stupid, and product of a slavish mentality grown during communist rule.


You Europeans and your kooky football recaps!

A known fact: Anyone talking about politics automatically assumes they know more about it then everyone else. Especially if they don't actually know more then everyone else.

Edit: I say that as the recipient of countless political rants. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
Lol! I only get 10% off. :-)

Sweet! I'm glad I don't! I avoid TRU just so Indint spend money already... can't imagine what it'd be like if I got a discount...

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I've just seen a tiny concertina.

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It takes discipline.

There are so many toys I would love to get my kids (and certainly not for myself...)

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There are also so many toys I would never buy for my kids.

I could actually go off for days on the shamefully wasteful ways toy companies produce, market, and package their products.

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Toy production: I like to compare companies releasing toys to a bunch of scientists standing in a room and throwing different s!%& against a wall and documenting what sticks. This is also why I'll never understand why people complain about RPG "bloat" they obviously haven't been down the Lego, or Skylanders aisle.

Marketing: toy companies live to market toys before they come out. People don't understand what they're seeing on t.v. isn't actually out yet. Toy stores like to market toys that have been in the shelves for weeks or even months at a time. People don't understand that what's on sale has a limited quantity and isn't going to be back. Sadly, no one realizes we had a s%@!load of them two months ago.

Packaging: annoyingly shaped boxes are a pain.

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Rant with him!

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I do love working there though and it's fun to see what new and weird toys they come up with!

Like the fishing rod rocket.

And I love the Collectable Adult Toy aisle. :-)

When I work I'm usually in charge of board games, preschool toys, seasonal toys, and Lego.

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captain yesterday wrote:
And I love the Collectable Adult Toy aisle. :-)

This is most certainly not what it sounds like... >.>

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It's the cool action figures. :-)

The Walking Dead, Aliens, stuff like that.

My favorite is a carton of Aliens eggs, that have baby aliens inside. :-)

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Tiny T-Rex (playing in the bath (hopefully with his Minecraft figures): My lunch is rotten flesh!

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Drejk wrote:

I was good at math... In six grade of elementary school (13 yo here). And then parents forced the school to replace our great math teacher for a mediocre one. I wasn't bad for the rest of elementary school or high school, but I wasn't outstanding either.

I still don't know a lot of things I should have.

Not my parents, to be clear. They might not have liking to her but they were not distressed by me handling lessons well. That teacher was strict and not very liked, and the fear and dislike felt by others might had been detrimental to their ability to learn.

Funny enough, before she started teaching me, my parents were worried, because she taught my brother before and, ah, let's say euphemistically say, he was far-far from being her favorite...

Grand Lodge

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I'm great at math, just not great at the math that involves numbers.

(And this is my last avatar switch. I returned to my peaceful undine because nothing else fit.)

Diving deep,

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I did have a bad math teacher once... It was for second year calculus. The man would just stand in front of class and emotionlessly drone out the same lecture he gave for the last 50 years. It was impossible to stay awake in that class. I even tried getting 8 hours of sleep right before class and downing a thermos of coffee. Nope, it didn't help. I seriously had to learn everything directly from the book. It was my first D in college and I was devastated.

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Aranna wrote:

I did have a bad math teacher once... It was for second year calculus. The man would just stand in front of class and emotionlessly drone out the same lecture he gave for the last 50 years. It was impossible to stay awake in that class. I even tried getting 8 hours of sleep right before class and downing a thermos of coffee. Nope, it didn't help. I seriously had to learn everything directly from the book. It was my first D in college and I was devastated.

Shift that scenario to high school, and you've got my mathematics experience in a bloated 4-year package. I very quickly recovered from any personal devastation -- too bored by it to care. 9th-grade algebra.

Put me in a chemistry class, and I could ace tests with no notes taken and a paperback novel being read during the lectures. They kept me away from the chemical locker.

Math was the only subject in which I ever failed to attain excellence.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Rant with him!

I already did. And my railings against the supplier-side of our economic structure would lead to geometrically-advancing flaming-bike technology. We would all be immolated, for sure -- provided that my blazing froth of rhetoric failed to induce FaWtL-wide drooling semi-comatose states with flowers and dancing Easter Bunnies. Lose-lose.


EDIT: I have visions of our dear Freehold cackling madly as he depresses his "Doomsday Bike" activator, having barely retained enough sanity and motor function after I let loose with *that* tirade (think Ricardo Montalban in STII:TWoK); might oughtta throw some [redacted] and [redacted] in there to make sure it would be all my fault.

I'll write it up. Copy and paste is so *easy* these days . . . .

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:

I'm great at math, just not great at the math that involves numbers.

(And this is my last avatar switch. I returned to my peaceful undine because nothing else fit.)

Diving deep,

I'm still a fan of the Pirate Hmm. :)

Bring her back every now and again -- can't let cap do *all* the metamorphosing, now, can we?

EDIT: To be clear -- I'm a fan, regardless. The swagger inherent in that avatar is a nice additional grace note. :)

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Sudden brainstorm, tying it all together: Imperial Baron Heshvaun is financier for Freehold's Cyberdyne Systems research -- the bikes are simply prototype T-800 endoskeletons . . . . . 'Cause the math has held him back from complete success. Which is why he needs NH in a sparkly-fluid cylinder -- to tap his superior math-ing powers to refine the designs. He's already got the pseudo-flesh technology -- hence his readiness to impersonate NH post-abduction . . . .

Tac, you might be his next target . . . .

EDIT: And he may be buying greentea off with the promise of a Kristanna Loken design . . . .

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Maths is sadly a very divisive subject. So many hate it. And by extension, they all consider you a freak if you like it, and worse, if you're actually good at it. I always was. Damn, the social price I had to pay for that talent.

Anyway, people say mainly that "there is no use for maths", this is as far as their criticism goes. Well, guess what, you can live your life and never deal with maths - unless you want to make a computer program, design something that works, evaluate whether what is said in news is reasonable or not, have a decent economy, and the like.

Keep hating maths and everyone who is good at it. I will be over here enjoying maths and what it gets me.

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Sissyl wrote:

Maths is sadly a very divisive subject. So many hate it. And by extension, they all consider you a freak if you like it, and worse, if you're actually good at it. I always was. Damn, the social price I had to pay for that talent.

Anyway, people say mainly that "there is no use for maths", this is as far as their criticism goes. Well, guess what, you can live your life and never deal with maths - unless you want to make a computer program, design something that works, evaluate whether what is said in news is reasonable or not, have a decent economy, and the like.

Keep hating maths and everyone who is good at it. I will be over here enjoying maths and what it gets me.

I will never stop hating math.

I don't have anything against people who are good at it and enjoy it, so long as they don't try to strap me down and indoctrinate a love of math in me. It's not going to happen.

Math has its uses. Unfortunately, most of the uses are very, very far down the line for most people with respect to the educational process.

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Advanced maths would be very useful to me.

I am not very good at it (at all), but I do admire people who are, and I do like the subject.

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I have returned home after driving across the country. It was a family emergency trip but we made the best of it and go some relax time in. 2 days driving one way was a beast but I love to drive.

I'm good at math, but I still hate it. It's association. It's the massive amount of homework they gave for it, when every other subject simply allowed you to learn it and move on.

I got it the first time it was presented, and pages and pages of homework was stupid, pointless busywork to me. I understand other people need that to instill enough repetition to memorize the formulas and stuff, but to me it was just annoying.

I aced the tests, skipped the homework, and got D's as a result. That's some b%~+&*@~ right there.

Once in 11th grade, I got a teacher who actually didn't grade the homework, but gave us a quiz with 10 random questions from the homework the next day - so if you did it, the quiz wouldn't be anything new, and you'd have checked your answers with the back of the book the day before - but for those of us who got it, we could skip homework, ace the next day quiz and move on. Had a 100% in that class. We moved schools and the next teacher decided "well block scheduling means double the time, so let's double the homework". Back to a D.

"Well why didn't you just do the homework?"

If you can't teach the subject in the amount of time you are allotted, that's YOUR fault. My time is just that - my time.

F!~% math. I know it's the teachers' fault. Well...

F@%~ a subject that attracts those kind of asshats. I don't know anyone who hates Science because of the teachers and not the subject matter.

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I like my math the same way I like my stuffed animals.


Deep breath! Off to the s!~~hole.

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Since we're still on the topic, random math musings for no raisin:

I used to tell my students:

  • Mathematicians create new theorems. (In fact, my father always said that mathematicians were machines for turning coffee into equations. In which case I was a perpetual motion machine because I didn't drink coffee. My father hated mathematicians and considered them useless. And he was a physicist!)
  • Physicists sift through all the c**p mathematicians create to try to find anything useful that applies to the real world.
  • Engineers take what physicists find and actually build things with it.
  • So I'd ask (rhetorically), "Whose job is most important?"
    It always depressed me when my students would eagerly answer, "The mathematician's!" to try to gain brownie points.

    All I was trying to do was show them that mathematics has its place, but in and of itself is typically useless. Ah, well.

    My dissertation was a beautiful example of such math at work.

  • A Russian guy was looking at a boat traveling down a canal, noticed that the waves went straight across the canal instead of curving like he expected, and said, "There's got to be an equation for that!"
  • Once there was an equation, another mathematician said, "There's got to be a solution to that equation!"
  • Still a third mathematician said, "Hey, if that works for 1, I bet it works for any n, so we've got solution 1, solution 2, solution 3, and so on!"
  • A fourth mathematician, one of the psychotic, "Everybody hates you," kind, asked, "What happens when n goes to infinity? Does it still work?"
  • Finally a fifth (actually many more) mathematician said, "Hey, I can relate all these solutions to geometric surfaces, so you can actually visualize them! Even the infinite ones!"
  • My entire dissertation was basically a recap of everyone else's work, then the question, "Hey, are there any OTHER infinite solutions?"
    The answer was, "No."

    108 pages of high-level maths to say, "No."

    That's a mathematician's life! :-P

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NH wrote:

    The answer was, "No."

    108 pages of high-level maths to say, "No."

    That's a mathematician's life! :-P

    Thank you for making my point! lol

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    In other news, Blue Apron continues to be a hit-and-miss endeavor for me: The meals still aren't particularly "wow-y". I can cook better meals than the ones they're delivering, with less effort. But they are providing a lot of variety, the kids are still helping cook them, and Impus Minor is still happily eating them, which was pretty much the point of signing up in the first place. It also means we're "forced" to cook fresh meals at least twice a week, which is nice. I just wish they wouldn't treat vegetables as the ugly kid brother afterthought of the meal. Their recipes for vegetables are pretty much, "Cook until dead. Add vinegar. Serve."
    Not my favorite thing.

    And I *love* their interface. "Send your friend a free meal!" I clicked one button, Shiro's player got a free meal, and now he's a Blue Apron addict. (Which is amazing, because he was one of those, "Eats out 7 days a week" guys whose fridge never had ANY food in it. You wondered why he owned a fridge.) (If you're interested, I've accumulated like 5 more of the "free meal" coupons, so...)

    Just yesterday I got an e-mail, "Donate your Thanksgiving meal to charity!" I hadn't even been thinking about Thanksgiving week and what we'd do with Blue Apron that week, but one button click and BAM! My week's worth of meals is going to people in need. Nice feeling.

    Anyway, rambling in the morning since NobodysWife and Shiro's player are doing the Extra Life thing (more charity) so I've got an entire weekend to work on the house and prep games... minus the time I'm going to have to spend getting Impus Major doing his homework.

    Grand Lodge

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    You made me look up* Blue Apron. Interesting business concept!


    * Mind you, this isn't hard. Librarians just do this all the time. What's that? I'd better research it!

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