captain yesterday |
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So, when the General and kids are around, starting last night, the dog walks around acting like his front paw is hurt, limping, holding out his paw, busting out the enlarged cute eyes, the whole nine yards.
If I look at his paw he starts to growl at me, and as soon as everyone else is gone he's jumping up in the window, and walking around no problem.
I need to get him to Hollywood asap, he'll win an Oscar, see!
Edit: that's not the only person that'll be a star!

Limeylongears |
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Some of it may depend on how pretty you want to stay -- those lightsabers *can* leave marks. There's probably a pic floating around on the web of me stalking away from a kegger saber duel with a double-bladed over my shoulder -- the lighting was "bad", since it was probably around 3 am, but no pads and inebriated coordination left bruises and such you couldn't see till daylight. :) Fun times.
EDIT: And Musashi was right -- stab the face, stomp the sword.
I wonder how heavy those things are? Also, if you use them frequently, how long does it take before all the fluorescent electronic (?) stuff in the middle breaks, or are they just huge great glow-sticks?
Also, no hand protection. I bet you get a bunch of whacks on the knuckles during sparring.
Thirdly, bruises are an integral part of sword-fighting. Embrace the bruise, or at least rub it with Ibuprofen gel.

NobodysHome |
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Well, after e-mailing and being ignored, then calling and getting hung up on, Orbitz FINALLY contacted me (28 hours is "close enough" to 24, isn't it?) and says they've resolved the issue and the credit is posted...
...except it isn't... yet...
I'll give 'em another 24 hours. Then I'll start having fun.
(My company provides one of those "Pay $20 a month for a lawyer on retainer" services. I've been paying for it for YEARS because one of these days I need to set up a trust, a will, and all those things you're supposed to do when you're 30 but you never do 'til you're 50. But I'm irritated at Orbitz, I've got documentation, and I've got a lawyer on-call... could be entertaining...)

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

In other news, I'm sure this link could be construed as mildly political, and hence verboten.
But it is a really darned funny article, in my mind. And it's satire, so I can get away with it, right? Or is that copyright law?

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

In other news, I'm sure this link could be construed as mildly political, and hence verboten.
But it is a really darned funny article, in my mind. And it's satire, so I can get away with it, right? Or is that copyright law?
pulls out cycle derringer, shoots NH with absurdly tiny, slightly warm toy bicycle

Barry Zuckercorn |

Centauri |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:pulls out cycle derringer, shoots NH with absurdly tiny, slightly warm toy bicycleIn other news, I'm sure this link could be construed as mildly political, and hence verboten.
But it is a really darned funny article, in my mind. And it's satire, so I can get away with it, right? Or is that copyright law?
{pulls out light PPK, shoots Freehold with absurdly chibi swarm of plush Quorras}

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:{pulls out light PPK, shoots Freehold with absurdly chibi swarm of plush Quorras}NobodysHome wrote:pulls out cycle derringer, shoots NH with absurdly tiny, slightly warm toy bicycleIn other news, I'm sure this link could be construed as mildly political, and hence verboten.
But it is a really darned funny article, in my mind. And it's satire, so I can get away with it, right? Or is that copyright law?
is Overcome

Sharoth |
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I am confused. Excited, but very, very confused.
~whistles~ Yea. I am interested too!!!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

baron arem heshvaun wrote:Freehold we should start a chapter of The (Full Contact) National Lightsaber League and TournamentI'm pretty sure NY Jedi has us beat to the punch.
Freehold, Freehold, Freehold.
Who Sith anything about training Jedi?
We will bring Balance to The Force.
Only Two There Are.

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I am confused. Excited, but very, very confused.
Dawww, fluffy BigNorseWolf causing wrecks and shit.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm, after reading up more about it I'm probably gonna get FF XV now (DAT AMANO STEELCASE).
Let's see, ghostly serrated greatsword, among other weapons, representing the previous kings that used them hosting your body at the cost of rapidly eating through life span (and actually doing so, not just saying that and then not actually following through like most uses of it)?
Combat parkour?
Cool car? *side eyes BNW*
Plays like Kingdom Hearts? (and reminds me of Otogi)
Bring it.

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm, after reading up more about it I'm probably gonna get FF XV now (DAT AMANO STEELCASE).
Let's see, ghostly serrated greatsword, among other weapons, representing the previous kings that used them hosting your body at the cost of rapidly eating through life span (and actually doing so, not just saying that and then not actually following through like most uses of it)?
Combat parkour?
Cool car? *side eyes BNW*
Plays like Kingdom Hearts? (and reminds me of Otogi)
Bring it.
Oooooooo, spells affected by the environment!

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:baron arem heshvaun wrote:Freehold we should start a chapter of The (Full Contact) National Lightsaber League and TournamentI'm pretty sure NY Jedi has us beat to the punch.Freehold, Freehold, Freehold.
Who Sith anything about training Jedi?
We will bring Balance to The Force.
Only Two There Are.

Freehold DM |

Hmm, after reading up more about it I'm probably gonna get FF XV now (DAT AMANO STEELCASE).
Let's see, ghostly serrated greatsword, among other weapons, representing the previous kings that used them hosting your body at the cost of rapidly eating through life span (and actually doing so, not just saying that and then not actually following through like most uses of it)?
Combat parkour?
Cool car? *side eyes BNW*
Plays like Kingdom Hearts? (and reminds me of Otogi)
Bring it.
you are making this game sound sexy, but I liked none of what I saw and I truly hate Kingdom hearts.

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rysky wrote:you are making this game sound sexy, but I liked none of what I saw and I truly hate Kingdom hearts.Hmm, after reading up more about it I'm probably gonna get FF XV now (DAT AMANO STEELCASE).
Let's see, ghostly serrated greatsword, among other weapons, representing the previous kings that used them hosting your body at the cost of rapidly eating through life span (and actually doing so, not just saying that and then not actually following through like most uses of it)?
Combat parkour?
Cool car? *side eyes BNW*
Plays like Kingdom Hearts? (and reminds me of Otogi)
Bring it.
The combat system or the whole thing?

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Rysky wrote:you are making this game sound sexy, but I liked none of what I saw and I truly hate Kingdom hearts.Hmm, after reading up more about it I'm probably gonna get FF XV now (DAT AMANO STEELCASE).
Let's see, ghostly serrated greatsword, among other weapons, representing the previous kings that used them hosting your body at the cost of rapidly eating through life span (and actually doing so, not just saying that and then not actually following through like most uses of it)?
Combat parkour?
Cool car? *side eyes BNW*
Plays like Kingdom Hearts? (and reminds me of Otogi)
Bring it.
The combat system or the whole thing?
My irrational distrust of Disney may have colored that last.

Freehold DM |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

You know you live in the Bay Area when:
0.5" of rain in the evening causes major accidents on every highway, turning your 40-minute drive home from a Halloween party into a 2-hour ordeal
NobodysHome is sleepy this morning...
hides traffic dominator, responsibly disposes old timey syringe, prepares NobodysHome costume
It's okay, friend. Why not take a nap in this enormous cylinder filled with sparkly liquid?
Your wife's lulu costume is in good shape after the vacation, yes? I ask for no particular reason.
subtly pockets tickets to that thing his wife likes, sets black manliness to "old spice guy"

thegreenteagamer |
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People at work are losing their minds rooting for a certain rivalry game tommorow held between two colleges. I will leave the details out for the sake of sports omission; this is a rant against idiots.
People who couldn't name a player or explain something as basic as a shotgun formation or a Hail Mary play and never went to either college...but they will judge others for wearing the rival team outfit.
If you like something, actually like it. Know it. Otherwise you're in no position to judge someone for liking your teams rival.
I hate idiots volume 34,792...

Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism |
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There's actually a place to talk sports, or anything even microscopically associated with sports. :-)
Especially Curling, which is THE sport.

Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You know you live in the Bay Area when:
0.5" of rain in the evening causes major accidents on every highway, turning your 40-minute drive home from a Halloween party into a 2-hour ordeal
NobodysHome is sleepy this morning...
True story, in Seattle the sun coming out causes numerous accidents. I suspect there's some sort of magnetic field or alien brainwave device hidden in the Cascades that make certain people (95% of the population) batshit stupid behind the wheel when conditions change even the slightest bit.
I've driven over 15,000 miles across this country and hands down the west coast has the worst drivers in weather, of any kind.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:You know you live in the Bay Area when:
0.5" of rain in the evening causes major accidents on every highway, turning your 40-minute drive home from a Halloween party into a 2-hour ordeal
NobodysHome is sleepy this morning...
True story, in Seattle the sun coming out causes numerous accidents. I suspect there's some sort of magnetic field or alien brainwave device hidden in the Cascades that make certain people (95% of the population) b&!@#@~ stupid behind the wheel when conditions change even the slightest bit.
I've driven over 15,000 miles across this country and hands down the west coast has the worst drivers in weather, of any kind.
I remember driving in a blizzard in Chicago and thinking, "Oh my goodness! Look at all the drivers! They're driving to match the conditions, maintaining safe following distances, signaling, and otherwise driving safely! In what wondrous wonderland am I in?"
Yes... the West Coast makes even Chicago drivers look GREAT.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah, the rough, rough life of NobodysHome!
NobodysWife found out yesterday that the winner of today's costume contest at work gets a cool $500.
My immediate thought: "Oh, awesome! That would partially cover the cost of the costume!"
What's REALLY scary is that a handmade Lulu outfit assembled by cosplayers all over the world (the Ukraine, Malaysia, the U.K., and China to name a few) only puts her in the running.
Apparently, video game companies are largely populated by cosplaying women who take their craft VERY seriously. One of NobodysWife's co-workers just yesterday was going off on how cosplayers who BUY their costumes instead of making them just aren't trying, and shouldn't be allowed to "participate" in cosplay, whatever that means.
NobodysWife immediately got VERY worried, but said co-worker said, "Oh, no! Halloween is different! You're fine!"
But I have to admit, I *am* looking forward to seeing the pics from the costume competition. It's apparently a very cutthroat endeavor at her company.
Where I work? I think buying a rubber clown nose and actually wearing it for the entire day would win.

Freehold DM |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah, the rough, rough life of NobodysHome!
NobodysWife found out yesterday that the winner of today's costume contest at work gets a cool $500.
My immediate thought: "Oh, awesome! That would partially cover the cost of the costume!"
What's REALLY scary is that a handmade Lulu outfit assembled by cosplayers all over the world (the Ukraine, Malaysia, the U.K., and China to name a few) only puts her in the running.
Apparently, video game companies are largely populated by cosplaying women who take their craft VERY seriously. One of NobodysWife's co-workers just yesterday was going off on how cosplayers who BUY their costumes instead of making them just aren't trying, and shouldn't be allowed to "participate" in cosplay, whatever that means.
NobodysWife immediately got VERY worried, but said co-worker said, "Oh, no! Halloween is different! You're fine!"
But I have to admit, I *am* looking forward to seeing the pics from the costume competition. It's apparently a very cutthroat endeavor at her company.
Where I work? I think buying a rubber clown nose and actually wearing it for the entire day would win.
procures blow gun, combination of sleep/diuretic darts, climbs into ventilation system of NobodysHome's wife's job
Tell her not to worry. Her competition will not be able to compete....

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

OK. This one is just... odd...
Either stupid employee of the week, or stupid crook of the week.
As I mentioned, last night NobodysWife and I were out, so I did an online pizza order for the kids. Prepaid, including a 20% tip.
So the guy showed up, saw that there was no one but kids in the house, demanded a bank card from them, then took a pencil rubbing of it, gave them the pizzas, and left.
Considering we've been getting deliveries from the same chain at two different houses for a couple of years now and have NEVER been asked for a card before, I smell a giant stinking rat.
So either:
(a) The guy suspected a con and wanted "insurance" against being ripped off, or
(b) The guy saw an opportunity and took it.
Either way, taking a rubbing of someone's credit card is pretty d**ned appalling, in my mind.
So, the card's canceled, and the company's been notified in a classic "NobodysHome" letter about the impropriety of said employee.
I'm off the hook and the employee's in hot water, but I'm still miffed.

captain yesterday |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Good news everyone!
Pea Bear won her school's costume contest. She went as a ghost, based on the cover of Haunting of Harrowstone, except with a long bloody gash across the front (achieved by cutting a hole in the dress, and sewing red velvet in the rip then adding dark red nail polish) and blood trickling out of her eyes.
Sniff, that's our girl!

Freehold DM |
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OK. This one is just... odd...
Either stupid employee of the week, or stupid crook of the week.As I mentioned, last night NobodysWife and I were out, so I did an online pizza order for the kids. Prepaid, including a 20% tip.
So the guy showed up, saw that there was no one but kids in the house, demanded a bank card from them, then took a pencil rubbing of it, gave them the pizzas, and left.
Considering we've been getting deliveries from the same chain at two different houses for a couple of years now and have NEVER been asked for a card before, I smell a giant stinking rat.
So either:
(a) The guy suspected a con and wanted "insurance" against being ripped off, or
(b) The guy saw an opportunity and took it.Either way, taking a rubbing of someone's credit card is pretty d**ned appalling, in my mind.
So, the card's canceled, and the company's been notified in a classic "NobodysHome" letter about the impropriety of said employee.
I'm off the hook and the employee's in hot water, but I'm still miffed.
I think you may have overreacted. They do that around my way all the time when you order pizza by card and it's delivery. AND there was noone but minors in the house? Yeah, they do that to cover themselves in case kids ordered pizza with mom and dad's card and mom and dad cancel the payment.... Kinda like what you just did.

NobodysHome |
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I think you may have overreacted. They do that around my way all the time when you order pizza by card and it's delivery. AND there was noone but minors in the house? Yeah, they do that to cover themselves in case kids ordered pizza with mom and dad's card and mom and dad cancel the payment.... Kinda like what you just did.
Oh, I can see them wanting to cover themselves, but taking a rubbing of a different card?
And, considering the pizza was already paid for, the rubbing does them no good whatsoever. I can still cancel the payment, rubbing or not. The only way the rubbing would come into play is if I denied ever having pizza delivered and they came after me in court.These days much better to take a picture of yourself handing the pizza to the kids. "There's proof I delivered! Now pay up!"
EDIT: And basically, I just canceled a card I never use and notified the company that their drivers are taking rubbings of customers' credit cards. Took me all of 5 minutes. If the company feels that's their standard practice, no harm done. But as I told them, I won't be using them to deliver to the kids any more, because I don't trust people randomly copying my credit card number. We used to do it at the video store, but we had a safe where we kept 'em, and paid a professional shredding service every month to destroy them. I somehow doubt the pizza joint takes that much care...