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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of modern technology, how's this for bad:

  • We upgraded from 5 Mbps internet to 50 Mbps internet
  • This involved being provided with an AT&T router
  • Every morning, every Windows 8 machine in the house requires at least 10 minutes to get internet access, and occasionally (for example, this morning) can't connect at all. Because the AT&T router and Windows 8 don't play well together
  • I just asked our provider ( whether we could please downgrade back to 5 Mbps because the AT&T router is so unreliable (25 minute reboot time, 5-10 minutes to access its built-in configuration page, the previously-mentioned 10 minute to get network access issue, etc.)

  • How bad is your hardware when someone's willing to get 1/10th the speed just so they don't have to use it?

    EDIT: Not only is it slow, but it apparently causes random nudity!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Can't they replace the router with different one or is that tied to the service in ways that can't be avoided?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I had issues getting my wireless router to play nice with Win 10. And after a long period where computers would just drop offline with no ability to reconnect I finally got the right settings and updates to make it work... UNLESS... unless someone comes anywhere near my router with certain models of cell phone after which my router goes absolutely crazy and I have to wait till that person leaves and then reset all my settings before it will talk to Windows again.

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I am NOT conflicted at all!

    Grand Lodge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Submitted an application for veteran's life insurance today. Feels weird.

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    baron arem heshvaun wrote:
    I am NOT conflicted at all!

    Whereas here I don't know who to root for.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Aranna wrote:

    I had issues getting my wireless router to play nice with Win 10. And after a long period where computers would just drop offline with no ability to reconnect I finally got the right settings and updates to make it work... UNLESS... unless someone comes anywhere near my router with certain models of cell phone after which my router goes absolutely crazy and I have to wait till that person leaves and then reset all my settings before it will talk to Windows again.

    Oh, even with the old router it was, "NobodysHome, I can't connect to your wireless!"

    "Works for everyone else. I'm betting you're running..."
    "Windows 8"

    Whatever Microsoft did to its network stack between 7 and 8 (and presumably 10) utterly bolloxed its ability to connect. And I guarantee it was some dim-witted belief that letting the computer connect to the network was the problem, rather than, say, preventing the network from sending uninvited packets to the computer...
    (Sorry, but if you're already investing in fixing the network stack, fix it CORRECTLY, MS!)

    I sit at my desk with my Windows 7 laptop and my Mac Mini and thank Goodness I haven't had to upgrade yet...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    baron arem heshvaun wrote:
    Whereas here I don't know who to root for.

    Here's a tip: they're on the same team. It's like the NFL, just with superlasers.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.



    Football, my friend.

    Or, as us American heathens call it, Soccer.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    What happened to no sports?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Oh: you mean that obscure and unknown sport involving grown men with ridiculous hair and bad shoes running around in knickers and helmets and pads and an oblong spheroid they kick through the air with a purpose unfathomable by mortals, run by a "Swiss demon" who got in a short but hilarious troll video war with a British-American comedian (named Joe Olive or something, maybe?) who shout extremely elongated version of a name of an ancient Chinese board game when they score?

    Never heard of it.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    What happened to no sports?

    It's not a real sport, certainly not like synchronized swimming, or curling.

    Aranna wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Aranna wrote:

    In case any one ever wondered what happens in a pillow fort...

    Pillow Fort Adventures

    D-... dang it.



    That was so coooooool~! :D

    Your welcome.

    I thought it was cute too.

    I wanted to ask: in episode two, something... hm, significant happens. In episode three, it's referenced in an important way, and in episode four, they say a phrase about it.

    (It also influences an important event in episode five.)

    SO~! Here's the question: does anyone, on the entire internet know what they said in episode four?

    I've listened to it... a lot... but I can't really understand it at all (due to one of the players kind of talking over the others).

    It's been bugging me non-stop, soooo... I figured I'd ask.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    alive in Tucson......
    To hot to do much other than exist and even that's a challenge.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The American consumer is an amazing, depressing animal.

    Back in the late 1980's, our local Dunkin Donuts closed down, mainly because their food was crap, and there were donut shops down the street in either direction that were miles better. I have consistently found Dunkin Donuts to be at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the wondrous, wonderful pastries.

    But corporate has mandated a return to the California market, and a Dunkin Donuts has opened in Walnut Creek, just over the hills from us. (They claim to be part of the Bay Area because they're in a county that touches the Bay, but my feeling is that if no part of your city nor even a neighboring city touches the water, you aren't part of the Bay Area, but that's another tirade.)

    So... people are lining up around the block. To get crappy, sub-par donuts. Because it's NEW.

    I am saddened more than I care to admit by this.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Crappy, sub-par donuts, but way better coffee than Starbucks.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    Crappy, sub-par donuts, but way better coffee than Starbucks.

    They were only around here in my pre-coffee days, but I have indeed heard their coffee is quite good, relatively speaking.

    (I'm a weird duck. Didn't start drinking coffee regularly 'til I was 33, and didn't start drinking alcohol regularly 'til I was around 37. Guess I'm just a late bloomer...)

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    The Little Tomato Plant of Horrors is now bending it's cage and is growing outward, almost like arms.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    The Little Tomato Plant of Horrors is now bending it's cage and is growing outward, almost like arms.

    I got clippers and need something to do any way sounds like a good project.

    I love gardening, and cleaning, and automotive work, and anything physical right now.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    <clip, clip, clip.>
    look its an elephant.
    At least I think it looks like an elephant, nope just a big blob of tomato plant.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Aranna wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Aranna wrote:

    In case any one ever wondered what happens in a pillow fort...

    Pillow Fort Adventures

    D-... dang it.



    That was so coooooool~! :D

    Your welcome.

    I thought it was cute too.

    I wanted to ask: in episode two, something... hm, significant happens. In episode three, it's referenced in an important way, and in episode four, they say a phrase about it.

    (It also influences an important event in episode five.)

    SO~! Here's the question: does anyone, on the entire internet know what they said in episode four?

    I've listened to it... a lot... but I can't really understand it at all (due to one of the players kind of talking over the others).

    It's been bugging me non-stop, soooo... I figured I'd ask.

    "What is dead..." the rest is impossible to make out because they talk over each other and shift the camera so you can't even try to read lips.

    I didn't see a transcript online either. So it remains a mystery.

    But count me in the "I love Giblets" crowd.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It's totally gonna eat you dude. I'm just saying.

    Can I have your IPad... And maybe a drink of water.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Assigns Biker Miss Piggy to make sure giblets don't make it onto the pillow fort menu.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    Crappy, sub-par donuts, but way better coffee than Starbucks.

    They were only around here in my pre-coffee days, but I have indeed heard their coffee is quite good, relatively speaking.

    (I'm a weird duck. Didn't start drinking coffee regularly 'til I was 33, and didn't start drinking alcohol regularly 'til I was around 37. Guess I'm just a late bloomer...)

    How is your not drinking going, by the way?

    7 people marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    Crappy, sub-par donuts, but way better coffee than Starbucks.

    They were only around here in my pre-coffee days, but I have indeed heard their coffee is quite good, relatively speaking.

    (I'm a weird duck. Didn't start drinking coffee regularly 'til I was 33, and didn't start drinking alcohol regularly 'til I was around 37. Guess I'm just a late bloomer...)

    How is your not drinking going, by the way?

    It suffered an epic fail back in March. I was going to write about it once my weight is down to "base" (155), but since you ask, it's a slippery, slippery slope like you wouldn't believe.

    At my stepfather-in-law's wake I was pretty much forced to drink a glass of champagne. Seriously. Tears were involved. So the next day was, "Well, my streak is already broken, so one drink won't hurt."
    And on and on.

    Fortunately, a major event (my birthday) came along, and provided me with the impetus I needed to start stopping again.

    So my "sobriety count" is at... 2 days.

    Woo hoo?

    EDIT: And for those of you trying to convince ex-alcoholics that "one little drink can't hurt"... "get bent" is a wee bit too polite, but I like this group...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Limey's Martial Arts Innovations pt. I

    This day I did defend ye honour of ye Longears with ye Sword and Deadly Parka.

    Ye End.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    They now sell organic boxers and briefs.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    They now sell organic boxers and briefs.

    So now I really CAN eat my shorts! Woo hoo!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    I am proud of you, NobodysHome. It takes guts to do what you did. It would have been easy to not try to kick the habit again. Good luck and we are rooting for you!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    ~grumbles~ I think one of the reasons why the cats love me so much is because they know that I am allergic to them! ~a cat rubs her tail right across my face~

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Sharoth wrote:
    I am proud of you, NobodysHome. It takes guts to do what you did. It would have been easy to not try to kick the habit again. Good luck and we are rooting for you!

    Well, SOMEONE (was it you or Sissyl?) said, "Never risk drinking again." Now I fully understand the depth of that statement. So it's just suffering through the whole, "I'm hungry and I want a drink" all over again.

    Looks like it's going to be a LOOONG summer.

    Ah, well, Disneyland in just over a week, and we're still on budget!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It is really individual thing. There are people who after pulling out of outright alcoholism can get back to drinking safe and reasonable amounts of alcohol but for many others (and probably the most) it's really a slipper slope of risk.

    The cold turkey style has its own problems though: when it works, it works, but when one fails and succumbs to temptation (or pressure) failure wrecks havoc with one's self-esteem and "streak is broken, one more won't hurt" excuse haunts forever on.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Yes. Most people tend to not realize that it is a learning experience. It is the long run that matters. Don't guilt yourself over being human. You are picking yourself up and that is all that matters.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Sharoth wrote:
    ~grumbles~ I think one of the reasons why the cats love me so much is because they know that I am allergic to them! ~a cat rubs her tail right across my face~

    Both cats and dogs have an innate sense of people who fear/dislike them, and are inexorably attracted to them.

    We were on a backpacking trip with a 97-pound black labrador. As we sat in a circle having lunch, one woman explained that she appreciated that the dog had vanished because she was utterly terrified of dogs. At which point he came skidding down the boulder she was leaning against, belly up, legs in the air, landing in her lap with a HUGE doggy grin.

    He tried. But scared the spit out of her.

    Our medium-hair (if she's a "medium", I'd hate to see "long") cat tends to be shy when people come over. Unless they're allergic to cats. At which point she's all over them and their stuff.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Sharoth wrote:
    Yes. Most people tend to not realize that it is a learning experience. It is the long run that matters. Don't guilt yourself over being human. You are picking yourself up and that is all that matters.

    Yeah, over the course of the whole thing I gained back 10 pounds, and my attitude is, "I'm still 20 pounds down from where I was, so my starting point this time is a lot closer to where I want to be."

    And back to the self-improvement grindstone I go...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Sharoth wrote:
    ~grumbles~ I think one of the reasons why the cats love me so much is because they know that I am allergic to them! ~a cat rubs her tail right across my face~

    Both cats and dogs have an innate sense of people who fear/dislike them, and are inexorably attracted to them.

    We were on a backpacking trip with a 97-pound black labrador. As we sat in a circle having lunch, one woman explained that she appreciated that the dog had vanished because she was utterly terrified of dogs. At which point he came skidding down the boulder she was leaning against, belly up, legs in the air, landing in her lap with a HUGE doggy grin.

    He tried. But scared the spit out of her.

    Our medium-hair (if she's a "medium", I'd hate to see "long") cat tends to be shy when people come over. Unless they're allergic to cats. At which point she's all over them and their stuff.

    ~sneezes~ Oh, I love ~sneezes again~ my cats and ~A-CHOO!!!~ dogs! But my allergies do not!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    The American consumer is an amazing, depressing animal.

    Back in the late 1980's, our local Dunkin Donuts closed down, mainly because their food was crap, and there were donut shops down the street in either direction that were miles better. I have consistently found Dunkin Donuts to be at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the wondrous, wonderful pastries.

    But corporate has mandated a return to the California market, and a Dunkin Donuts has opened in Walnut Creek, just over the hills from us. (They claim to be part of the Bay Area because they're in a county that touches the Bay, but my feeling is that if no part of your city nor even a neighboring city touches the water, you aren't part of the Bay Area, but that's another tirade.)

    So... people are lining up around the block. To get crappy, sub-par donuts. Because it's NEW.

    I am saddened more than I care to admit by this.

    it's not 198x anymore. And new more intrigues than anything else. Cleaving to the opinions of those who came before is not something anyone will confess to doing outside of a handful of areas.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    Crappy, sub-par donuts, but way better coffee than Starbucks.

    also, this.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Sharoth wrote:
    I am proud of you, NobodysHome. It takes guts to do what you did. It would have been easy to not try to kick the habit again. Good luck and we are rooting for you!

    Well, SOMEONE (was it you or Sissyl?) said, "Never risk drinking again." Now I fully understand the depth of that statement. So it's just suffering through the whole, "I'm hungry and I want a drink" all over again.

    Looks like it's going to be a LOOONG summer.

    Ah, well, Disneyland in just over a week, and we're still on budget!

    it's scary, but...yeah. you can never drink again outside of odouls and a handful of non alcoholic wines and champagnes. It is a significant lifestyle change that you occasionally have to defend a bit vigorously i.e. get nasty with some folks.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I found a white d20 in the subway today. I'm keeping it.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Captain Yesterday, FaWtL 6 News wrote:

    Football, my friend.

    Or, as us American heathens call it, Soccer.

    fires warning, non flaming bike

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Sure we shouldn't be firing on the Viking ship boss.

    You know, nevermind, that's a silly question.

    Eat bike hippie!

    Silver Crusade

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NH wrote:
    EDIT: And for those of you trying to convince ex-alcoholics that "one little drink can't hurt"... "get bent" is a wee bit too polite, but I like this group...

    Sorry to hear that bud, it is hard to ignore that little voice in your head. Mine is telling me all the time that now I have recognized the issue I can surely handle it...yeah right.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    I never understood the asshat need of drunks to be drunk around other drunks.

    I get the need to be drunk when around a drunk, because drunks are annoying as hell when you're sober, but I just don't get why people who already drunks have some innate need to make other people drink.

    Aside from lowering their own pathetic self-perspective, because if other people are engaging in idiocy, it can't be that f$!*ing stupid, can it?

    It can. It is.

    Goddamnit I f*%~ing hate alcohol and the way people act on it.




    ...I may have some deep-seeded issues with an alcoholic dead father.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    I love having non drinkers around when I'm drinking. Saves on Uber fare.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    I never understood the asshat need of drunks to be drunk around other drunks.

    I get the need to be drunk when around a drunk, because drunks are annoying as hell when you're sober, but I just don't get why people who already drunks have some innate need to make other people drink.

    Aside from lowering their own pathetic self-perspective, because if other people are engaging in idiocy, it can't be that f!&@ing stupid, can it?

    It can. It is.

    G%!@!#nit I f~&@ing hate alcohol and the way people act on it.




    ...I may have some deep-seeded issues with an alcoholic dead father.

    Yeah, less than fun. I consider myself lucky that I have a couple of things that prevents these kind of issues. First is the fact that I have assigned myself the "perma-designated driver" job when it comes to my family and friends, a fact they all appreciate because it means they can drink as much as they want. Second is the fact that I seem to attract a fairly sober crowd, with the only real vices being anal retention to details and food.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    You hang with an ass crowd, nice.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Amusingly enough, I only drink alone. I don't like drinking when other people are around, so I'm *always* the designated driver. I never order drinks outside of the house. If I didn't work from home, I'd be a very sober fellow.

    Anyway, just finished setting homemade beef jerky to marinating, with the kids' "help" (i.e. watching). The best moment of the evening came when Impus Minor was watching me laying down the third layer of beef into the marinade and said, "Dad, I love it that you're such a good cook. I mean, I'm a really picky eater, but your filet mignon... mmmmm!"

    Warms the heart...

    EDIT: Also coincidentally, I also have a dead alcoholic father... we should get them together!

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