Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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All you dweebs can go to hell - you ain't never gonna stop me rockin'!

The when wrote:
I’m pretty sure that shame is one of the side effects of all GoatToucher brand products.

Some brands bake love into every product...

Sovereign Court

Me want brand that bake POWER into every product!

Then try Pulg's Penguin Protein Pemmican!

Sovereign Court

Pulg wrote:
Then try Pulg's Penguin Protein Pemmican!

Side effects include: itching of the skin, burning sensation of the throat, hallucinogenic dilation of the eyes, mood swings, a constant smelling of burnt toast and immediate loss of hair and buttocks. Contains GoatToucher brand radioactive materials, do not consume or be within 10 billion universes of product.

But what are they made of? Let us tell you, in song!

Take a flightless bird, or a chocolate-covered biscuit, whichever is closer to hand,

Add toenail clippings, from all betoèd members, of Pulg's very many fairy bands,

Some lightly masticated matzo crackers, a shtreimel, five pounds of forbidden fats,

A nut, and some bacteria, from Winston Churchill's favourite hat

Baked with love, and baked with POWER, spreadin' sunshine like a golden shower,

Stirred with a spade in Borvil's undergarments, atop my Melodic Ziggurat!

Sovereign Court

And that's how I created the onetime monstrosity: Dodo-Rei-Mi!

He didn't last long... only 2 million years.

Such a disappointment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Should have used some GoatToucher Blood Preservative(TM).

Sovereign Court

Or some really good sunlight!

*Opens up a large window, letting in vast amounts of sunlight.*


Sovereign Court

*Feels strength increase tenfold, thanks to the bright sunlight.*

Me feel really powerful now! What about all of you guys?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Good thing I have GoatToucher SPF1000 Sun Screen(TM)

Sovereign Court

Me too, daughter, me too. Just try telling others that though...

*Retreats to a nearby area of shade, while the servants try to deal with Orange Hulk.*

Oh, you poor thing. Step under this parasol - it used to be Orcus' jockstrap, but has been ingeniously upcycled.

Sovereign Court

*Steps under the parasol as more sunlight invades the castle.*

Personally, I wouldn't mind, but it's not even summer yet!

Sovereign Court

Shiny, shiny beans. They twinkle like the sun. Shiny, shiny beans. Ain’t that fun?

I've been up all night polishing 'em!

Sovereign Court

With the sunlight being as bright as it is, I'm not sure there is a night anymore!

I'm here, proudly wearing my blue lavender gnomish Pantaloons of Daring Superiority, returned from the Ages, and I say to you :
This thread is mine !

And I see that the wily Pulg is still about: well-played, good Sir ! However the field remains mine !

And GoatToucher - yours is a vocation that endures !
But still: I win this thread.

Sovereign Court



Ha, a new contender !
Pshht, pshhht [*makes a dismissive gesture with a well manicured hand*] !

Quiche Lisp wrote:
And I see that the wily Pulg is still about: well-played, good Sir ! However the field remains mine !

Thankyou. However, the field in question is the one on which I built my Ziggurat of Melody, I'm afraid. Sorry about your turnips.

Sovereign Court

Quiche Lisp wrote:

Ha, a new contender !

Pshht, pshhht [*makes a dismissive gesture with a well manicured hand*] !

You are not GoatToucher, do not try to emulate him!

Sovereign Court

Hey Quiche Lisp. Can we call you eggy-pie, instead?

Sovereign Court

I'm in agreement with you, The when, it would be easier to say.

Plus, we can still call him that even if he doesn't like it!

Sovereign Court

*Becomes trapped in his own invisible box (mostly because it's a real invisible box!)*


Fish-Malkovich wrote:
Quiche Lisp wrote:

Ha, a new contender !

Pshht, pshhht [*makes a dismissive gesture with a well manicured hand*] !
You are not GoatToucher, do not try to emulate him!

I don't have a monopoly on style! Indeed, I am glad to have a compatriot in that regard.

Sovereign Court

*Darkness finally returns to the castle, much to the disappointment of Orange Hulk.*

You should have a monopoly on style! Or rather, your specific style.

*Kicks the invisible box, sending Goblin Mime tumbling down a hill.*

No single entity could ever hope to reach your level of "you", so capitalise on it!

Ai ai ai!
Eggy eggy pie!
He's an eggy eggy pie guy!
When playing the euphonium
He's hotter than plutonium,
Eggy eggy pie pie pie! (Shooble wang)

Sovereign Court

*Joins in with the song, singing loudly and off key, annoying ChuChu and the Pulgettes.*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Joins ChuChu in harmony after putting a gag over Dukes of HUZZAH-RD.

Sovereign Court

*Removes gags, continues to be a public nuisance to everyone.*

*Picks up Dukes of HUZZARD-RD by the ankles and puts him in the bin*

Sovereign Court

*The lead Duke of HUZZAH-RD is pulled out by the other Dukes.*

*Moves on to do something else to be a nuisance to everyone.*

:1/10 of the way through a painful regeneration:


Sovereign Court


Orc with broken tusk.

:2 Manticore with one eye and a pooey bum.

Sovereign Court


Vishkanya with one fang, one thumb and one shoe. But no tongue.

Chimera with only 2 heads.

5. Beige dragon.

Sovereign Court

6. A clockwork mage that looks like Donald Duck!

Sovereign Court

.7 Hippopotamus on a pogo stick.

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