Look out, a rare black furred lion has escaped!
*The lion in question bounds through the crowded bazaar and attacks one of the nameless adventurers, mauling the poor sod to death.*
And then there was seven...
*While merchants try and recapture the lion.*
Oh, hello TFF. It's been a while, how are you?
*Ponders for a moment.*
You're not stuck in Jumanji as well are you?
I don't know of anything that can hold him against his will.
If he is here, it is because he wants to be.
Which means he is up to something nefarious.
Count Reiner Heydrich wrote: Oh, hello TFF. It's been a while, how are you?
*Ponders for a moment.*
You're not stuck in Jumanji as well are you?
Doing okay.
And no, it's been a while since i saw that movie.
[qute=Vamp Schism]
I don't know of anything that can hold him against his will.
If he is here, it is because he wants to be.
Which means he is up to something nefarious.
Me? I would never.
Merely lounging about.
*An anthropomorphic ape in a priest's cassock steps forward.*
That's just as well, otherwise I'd have you on trial for disturbing the peace!
**Quick side note, I hope they fix the avatar page soon.**
* Waves hand * Time for a change of scene. * Snow capped peaks, foggy valleys, and a chilly, dark forest of fir trees replaces the city. *
Let it go! Let it go! Let it go!
The Judge of Jumanji wrote: *An anthropomorphic ape in a priest's cassock steps forward.*
That's just as well, otherwise I'd have you on trial for disturbing the peace!
Pulg wrote: The Judge of Jumanji wrote: *An anthropomorphic ape in a priest's cassock steps forward.*
That's just as well, otherwise I'd have you on trial for disturbing the peace! Bro! Brooooo!
*Is insulted.*
How dare the two of you speak to me in such a manner!
And to refer to me as a family member, so offensive!
*Before anymore discrepancies occur.*
Welcome to the Golden City,
With walls gleaming pretty.
And the towers reach up tall,
As if to the sky they call.
*An image of a hooded old man appears.*
Here in my world, you play the game,
Failure to comply will result in shame.
In regards to my name, I won't tell,
I'm the Master of Jumanji - where I dwell.
*Sneers at the pathetic Waterhammer.*
Pay no heed, to that powerless fool,
Who thinks he's now some place cool.
His intellect dwindles by the hour,
While Jumanji keeps growing its power!
*The image promptly vanishes.*
Such nice lyrics.
Mind if I put them into song?
I think that he would.
Unless you like being viciously maimed.
Almost weekend....just 2 hours and 25 mins.
Not for you I'm afraid. Justice, arrest him!
*A large gorilla in a security hat steps forward and puts TFF in handcuffs (without reading him his rights).*
It's Detention Island for you. Maybe next time you will be silent about how the cerberus that live there are just giant three headed dogs and don't have any powers!
But Serbians do have special powers!
The Fiend Fantastic wrote: Almost weekend....just 2 hours and 25 mins. Okay!
What spell are you using?
I opened this thread and it said your post was "2 hours, 25 minutes ago".
Pulg, he said cerberus (the three headed dog).
Obviously, Serbians have special powers.
Schism Hag, I don't think he is using a spell.
Their accent is a power in and of itself.
And failing that, a bullet to the Prince works too.
*Finishes packing away exploration gear.*
Well, I must say, I didn't expect to get a good night sleep.
*Everyone (the designated group plus the add ons) are in the breakfast area of the "Banana Brains" Inn (which is the Jumanji equivalent of "Three guys from nowhere" from duplicity) enjoying a nice meal.*
Quite surprised that Jumanji would be nice for a change. Still, probably best not to get too comfortable. We've still got a long way to go.
Again, I shall clarify:
The designated group is Schism (and her personalities), Goattoucher, Comte de Malodor and myself plus the now seven nameless adventurers who will all die.
With everyone else being the add ons.
Except those who I listed as dangers.
Just realised that I mispoke again.
It's Multiplicity I meant to say.
That was a strange movie.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
So was 'GoatToucher: the Hands of Trauma'
OK, so I think you should go clear your head.
*Sends Vidmaster7 to the Banco Central De Jumanji.*
That should help him forget about the movie.
*Finishes eating a honey and ham sandwich.*
Personally, I thought that it was alright.
Well, well, didn't think you lot were still here!
*Pats Comte de Malodor on the back (quite firmly).*
So tell me, before I head to sea, where you all off to?
Nowhere particular really. Jumanji just put us here, so we'll go exploring whilst trying to survive. I think we'll head to the Palace of Clues first though, once Vidmaster7 comes back.
I know Jumanji well, Vidmaster7 is our guide.
Count Reiner Heydrich wrote: *Finishes packing away exploration gear.*
Well, I must say, I didn't expect to get a good night sleep.
*Everyone (the designated group plus the add ons) are in the breakfast area of the "Banana Brains" Inn (which is the Jumanji equivalent of "Three guys from nowhere" from duplicity) enjoying a nice meal.*
Quite surprised that Jumanji would be nice for a change. Still, probably best not to get too comfortable. We've still got a long way to go.
Duply City.
Is that somewhere near here?
Do they duplicate things?
I always wanted a sister who was just like me.
Count Reiner Heydrich wrote: Just realised that I mispoke again.
It's Multiplicity I meant to say.
Multiply City.
Will I find many mes?
Schism, you are able to be your own sister.
There's plenty of you in that body of yours.
I've been to paradise,
But I've never been,
To Schism.
Excellent, are you feeling better now?
Also, how much money were you able to get?
Money? In the jungle? was that what I was doing? I thought I was scouting ahead.
Why do you think I sent you to the Banco Central De Jumanji for? Besides helping to clear your head of whatever it is Pulg was talking about.
And yes, you will be scouting the way, but not yet.
But tell me, what did you find?
A trombone filled with beans!
A bean playing the trombone!
The musical fruit, tis said.
And it's Detention Island for the five of you!
*Points to the five previous posters.*
Justice, you know what to do.
Ouch, this guy's not taking any prisoners!
Well, actually, he is. But you know what I mean.
Sorry, couldn't resist.