Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Scarab Sages

This just in: I'm Hiding In Your Closet!

Yes! Everytime I try to find you there... I can't.

I did find a new pair of motorcycle boots. Formas. Krampus must really like me this year.

That so? Krampus just got me a bottle of Rump Ointment. Like he always does.

Krampus chasing down the street.

Do da, do da...

Thrashing every kid he meets.

Oh, da do, da day...

Nigh on three years have I sat beneath a gum tree with no Wi-Fi, thinking I would return and find I would be last to post in this thread, surely forgotten by now, and thus win. Instead, my dreams of glory lay shattered upon the ground, much like a metaphorical equivalent of shattered dreams would.

Oh, look at you, with your fancy internet connectivity, and big words. Go back to your gum-gum tree. This win is mine.

Scarab Sages

*plugs Waterhammer's empty eye-sockets with a pair of kumquats, runs off with Win*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What a waste of kumquats.

Activate the Jester Beam, Sergeant-Major. Time grows short, and I want some Win with my evening pop-tart.




and Quiet.

Quite Quiet in fact.

Quit it!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Its quite the quandary should we quell this quirky quota of queasy Quips or continue to Queue this quagmire of quaking quarrelsome quiddities.
This quipsters is quivering for the quick answer to his quandaries.


Who quashed my quagga?!

Scarab Sages

*quaffs a quantum quaalude, quintesces out of Pulg's Jester-Beam*


(Blows the trumpet next to VRMH's ear)

"THE" Poog of Zarongel wrote:
(Blows the trumpet next to VRMH's ear)

I approve this message.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
"THE" Poog of Zarongel wrote:
(Blows the trumpet next to VRMH's ear)
I approve this message.

I'll take your trumpet and raise you a flugelhorn.


The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Followed by [U] ALWAYS!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Followed by [U] ALWAYS!

Which are followed by [EST].

Questing for fame and treasure!

*sneaks in and looks around carefully*

Looks like I win!

Really? Do you really think you've won? I humbly disagree.

Sovereign Court

*Leaps over Fred and tears khazan to shreds.*

Anyone who dares to be a doppelganger to Grandpa Wonderbra will pay with their very lives! Unless, khazan, you are a friend of GW in which case I am so sorry.


Although I do admire your steely good looks, sir, my Gary Puckett needn't be WAXED, I assure you.

And thus I have won.

Scarab Sages

*makes waxen voodoo sculpture of Gary Puckett, showers it in cornmeal*

Ha-ha-ha, take that, Gary!

*makes waxen voodoo sculpture of khazan, snips off the hands and sticks them in the effigy's ears, fingers pointing outward*

And thus I have won.

<is immune to voodoo. I made a deal with a frog once.

The frog lied.

*tosses the Vidmaster7 doll into a fire ant anthill*

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*feeds Sissyl doll to a scallop*

Fire ants eh. Hope I got strong Ant-ibodies.

Shadow Lodge


Eh everyone's a critic.

Not me - I just test things and point out what's broken. That's not a critic, is it?

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
*feeds Sissyl doll to a scallop*

Awwwwww that is adorable!

Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
Fire ants eh. Hope I got strong Ant-ibodies.

I just flew outta Hell and boy are my arms tired!

Yes, Hell that was a bad TV show.

Now the actual hell, no way to fly out of.

Then why am I wearing a "I was banished to the Pit of the Damned and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" shirt?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Because "Pit of the Damned" is the name of the new heavy metal bar in Limbo

The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Yes, Hell that was a bad TV show.

Now the actual hell, no way to fly out of.

Unless you are a bat, or a meatloaf.

Sovereign Court

Can the jokes everybody!

*Stares at the see of faces.*

No, I'm not being a killjoy, I really mean put all the jokes into tin cans. That way, if anyone is short of a joke, they can just open one of the cans. Plus, they sell for a lot of money on eBay.

* grabs Jokey, stuffs him in a can, and seals the can *

Here's a good start.

Can't we just... Not open it?

* drops the can containing Jokey into some quick-drying concrete, which lives up to its name and dries, sealing the can in the middle of a rather large block *

Hmmm, what else can we do to keep the can sealed?

Maybe use a seal? But not walruses: that's no good.


This conversation went (mmm..) South.

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